Of course that is the aim of the anti-spanking people on this group to turn the majority of parents into criminals because they do not care for spankings and wish to interfere with how the majority of people raised their own children by the force of the law
I agree with Setanta--you are spouting pure bull ****.
That people want to intelligently discuss the pros and cons of corporal punishment as a method of discipline, either from a moral perspective, or based on their own personal experience, or in terms of the research findings that look at the effects of spanking on the child, does not translate into any advocacy about changing the laws, because no one here is advocating such change.
But, it must be noted how absolutely closed minded you are when it comes to any objective discussion of the negative effects of spanking (which may go far beyond a few smacks on the buttocks with an open hand)--you've been absolutely hysterical on the need to preserve spanking as some sort of parental "right"--replete with your bizarre visions of non-spanked children being clubbed and tazered into submission by the police--without any consideration, at all, of the possibly negative effects on the child, which have been well documented in the research literature, or the very real problem of child abuse that occurs because some parents lack adequate impulse control, or cannot distinguish the line between appropriate discipline and abuse, or who misapply corporal discipline on infants and toddlers or use it for developmental problems rather than misbehavior, or who justify and rationalize excessive physical punishments/abuse of children as a parent's God-given legal right and obligation.
You completely overlook the fact that some parents are already behaving like criminals, and are already going beyond legal sanctioned "spanking", and they are inflicting substantial physical pain and emotional and psychological harm on their children, but we just don't hear about these cases unless the child himself or herself reports it to authorities, something that most of them would be too frightened to do, although some are brave enough to do just that. The main argument which is generally advanced in favor of out-lawing spanking is generally to try to stop the problem of child abuse---because it seriously harms, and even kills, children--and not to try to turn parents into criminals, as you so foolishly assert--the aim is to protect children from serious harm at the hands of their caretakers.
But, you don't want to have an intelligent discussion on this issue, where all sides of the question are explored, all you've been ranting about and saying is that parents must be allowed to spank, or their child will turn out to be some wild unsocialized anti-social savage. And you've never clarified why you believe that other methods of discipline cannot be as effective as physical methods, or why a parent would be defenseless if deprived of the legal right to spank. Where's the research to support your point of view?
You're the one who doesn't want to discuss this issue, you just want to keep reiterating your own narrow-minded views that completely exclude a balanced and objective view of the effects of corporal punishment on a child. The issue of legality, or the fictional "anti-spanking lobby", is really secondary to the matter of what's in the best interest of promoting a psychologically healthy, emotionally stable, well behaved child, and which methods of discipline best facilitate that goal. But, an equally valid line of discussion should include some awareness of the crime of child abuse, something that's generally hidden from public view unless a child dies and it hits the news, and a crime that stems from parental abuse of the laws that permit corporal punishment.
Your own blind spot on this topic is enormous, and it prevents you from really understanding what many here have been saying in their posts, or why they are saying it. So all you do is mis-characterize, misinterpret, distort, and ignore what doesn't fit in with your rigid preconceived ideas. If you took off your blinders, you might actually learn something, but I really don't expect that to happen.
Quote:Research that no rational person would give any credit is all that so far been offer on this thread.
That's more bull **** on your part.
You talk about a summit meeting, which is not a research study, and you ignore perfectly valid and well designed research studies, either because you can't understand them, or because they don't fit in with your preconceived ideas.
I posted this link before, which briefly summarizes some of the research, and which offers perfectly valid food for thought, as well as balanced views.
That you give no credit, or serious thought, at all, to such research findings suggests that you are the one who is not being a rational person.