Sun 23 Oct, 2011 06:42 pm
Another crack o' dawn awakening. Pain and anxiety in equal measure. A sweet and intelligent dog lies beside me, sleeping. On my lap is a 19-year-old cat with whom I have much history. The house is quiet. Husband still sleeping. I envy that, his ability to sleep long and well, while I stumble anxiously out of bed and into another day of aching body and fretting mind. All will be well I know.... It's just the slogging through it that I dread. I have done this before, but I still hate the cart you lie on as they wheel you into the white room with bright lights, where everyone has a mask but you. And then they cover your face and say " go to sleep." They've all done it a hundred times or more, and it's just like going to the office for any job. It's only other-worldly for me. I know they will see me safely to sleep and back up again. My own experience tells me that. But still, there is the dark morning outside with light just beginning to come on, and everyone is asleep while I fret.
give us a ping when you're back, eh...
I've been there done that (recent surgery) got the t-shirt.
Here's wishing you all the best for smooth sailing and a speedy recovery.
BBB was very anxious pre-knee surgery (her third) too. It has been a joy to see her full recovery 90 days later. She's active again and enjoying life. Just the other day, she was literally dancing for joy in the doctor's office to show off her new knee and brag about how well she's recovered her mobility.
It is normal to be anxious, mags. Try to get some good sleep. It will help the healing process and you know you'll get very little of it while in the hospital.
Looking forward to hearing about your recovery progress. Anything you are looking forward to being able to do again that you've not been able to due to the knee problem?
Yes...I want to be able to go walking with my husband and my dog.
And so you will. I've seen BBB since surgery, and the difference was night and day, and she wasn't even fully recovered at that time.
Been there and recognize the feeling--surreal and dark.
Rooting for you and a speedy recovery.
Totally recognize the feeling, too. I figure it's totally normal.
Let us know how it goes.
mags314772 wrote:
Yes...I want to be able to go walking with my husband and my dog.
yes Mags, you will...
thinking of you and praying for a speedy recovery too - try not to fret, I know that's easy to say and not so easy to do - just hold hubby's hand, let R pamper you for a bit and let yourself heal after the surgery.
Will be with you in spirit, Mags...
Go Mags! Surgery IS weird.
Is it today? Soon?
We'll all be thinking of you
Surgery is scheduled for 12;30 on Tuesday the 25th.
Thank you for all the good wishes. Thank you, too, for validating the dread I'm having as being very normal.
A friend of mine had his knee surgicalized last Monday, he's doing fine now, beginning to move around a bit. He also had some worry prior to his operation.
I've tended to be more fortunate, my surgeries for various things over the years have mostly been along the lines of Emergency, which leaves little time for getting scared or nervous.
You should be fine, just stay calm and in a few weeks you'll be wondering what the fear was all about.
You put it well, I understand what you mean, Mags.
My mom is another one who recently experienced knee replacement surgery and is doing well.
Will be thinking of you tomorrow morning...
Standing by. Ready to send posivibes and healing karma your way.
I'm in the room with you. I'm an antidote as I actually like surgery even when dire and it's me in place, but you know I'm weird. I wanted to be a surgeon back in the time of the ice skater..
So put a little bit of me into going into the op room with you, to equalize your concerns into calm. I'll be feathers on your shoulders.
You guys are all great! As the hour approaches, I am less and less nervous. Go figure
You are loved.
Come back and report.
I'll make you some gelato or other desired delicacy.
Snorts, if I could just do that.
Anyway, calm and love, mags.
You just so wanna Hokey Cokey with me Mags...

I know it
Feel the strength surrounding you at home and here (we'll be the tapestry wrapped round you - not the clinical sheet - just threads of love - and you'll feel our embrace right the way through the procedure.
I love me an anaesthetist - best sleep of the year - let me know the colour of the eyes. (((((MagsGirl)))) x