The weird thing, Panzade, was it was HER mom/dad/Grannie who did all the encouraging for the she-devil to marry me.
(Okay. She
wasn't a she-devil, just a narcissistic damaged person.)
I would have been perfectly happy to have continued our six month
shagalicious bang-a-thon ...
(yes. It was the 70's. Huge bellbottoms and belt buckles the size of dinner plates. I liked it because I could wear shoes with three inch heels.)
but, nooooooooo, we (and my two little boys) had to get married, get out of my nice apartment near the University and I had to start ignoring all the sympathy gifts that began arriving unannounced. (How about first, a new refrigerator? and then ........ the new bed.??
Say....um... I would have liked....)
But I digress from the thread: try this experiment tonight if you are a TV watcher. Watch the commercials, jot down the products sold and which gender (if any) gets the better focus, comes off as the smarter one, however you want to put it.
I think it would be fun to have a tally here of your results.
If I'm so dumb then why did you marry me?
.-.-.-.-.Joe(Oh yeah, well thanks for the excellent shagging as well, dear.)Nation