Further evidence of the brilliance of the commercial.
You can watch it 10 different times and come away something new or different each time, and 10 different people could watch it and come away with 10 different interpretations.
The end is neatly ambiguous.
Has the crestfallen husband snapped back with an answer that brings his scornful wife up short? Or has he simply demonstrated what a lamebrain he really is?
I cannot believe that the folks who put this thing together believe they came up with a very funny commercial, that everyone would find amusing and relied solely on the "husbands are morons" bit.
I'm not sure what they think they came up with, but I'm sure it's deliberately nuanced.
Would it surprise anyone if this commercial was pitched to AT&T as an example of the new wave of advertising? Create something everyone will talk about and let your brand ride the buzz. What's interesting is that it's tough to make a connection between the negative feelings this commercial generates and the product. You can't blame AT&T that these two are living a miserable life.
I wouldn't be surprised if there is a facebook page for this commercial.
Whoever made this commercial took a big chance and I'm glad it’s paid off for them.
If you want to talk about obnoxious and even possibly offenseive commercials there's the Charmin "Does a Bear Sh*t In the Woods" series of saccarine tastelessness.