Saying that I mischaracterize the evolution persons who no longer pay attention to me is just an assertion as valueless as saying that I'm drunk or talking out of my arse. It wins the argument without addressing the points I made. Another variation on Ignore.
I did a post on one of those threads on the 5th of Oct. and nobody added another post to the thread until I did earlier tonight. In that time the thread received 155 views. Why start another thread when there is that level of interest?
The evolution persons don't pay attention to my posts because the can't answer them. It is not a mark of superiority to not pay attention. It is a weakness.
And I haven't even got the big stick out yet. The NCSE has those arguments I have made on Ignore as well.
Another argument that they have Ignored is why is it that the seemingly objective obviousness of what they say about religion is not bought into by the vast majority of Americans despite it sounding so sensible, clear cut and backed up by facts? The only answer offered to that argument is that the vast majority of Americans are stupid. And I don't buy into that.