CalamityJane wrote:
I used to be more persistent in the past, but I have grown up...
I'm in the process of growing up I suppose.
For the longest time, I hadn't paid attention to who the LWF's (thanks ragman) were.
Probably because I don't hang out on political threads much, or other threads where it requires enormous concentration to ferret out what exactly is being said. The concentration comes from having to keep track of who said what 15 posts (or pages) prior, and having World War III happen over a misplaced comma, when someone negleted to add "this is my opinion" or any other of the 10,000 reasons that get, as I've been refering to them as "the usual suspects" going.
That is the issue that I think most annoys everyone. The people who do everything they can to turn a topic into something totally unrelated to what is going on, and making it all about themselves. Sure threads morph and change over the pages, just as conversations in real life do. I'm certainly not above throughing in the occassional non-sequitor, in the spirit of humor, irony or just because I'm feeling weird at the moment.
Lately though I've realized more and more that these usual suspects are doing the equiv of what some little kids do. Like reaching out and touching your sister repeatedly on a long car drive, and when sis finally say "Stop that" or "Mom, Billy keeps touching me" he'll say "What? I wasn't doing anything." Then starting it all over again.
Heh. The difference is if you get your brother to stop by whacking him, or Mom sayings "I'm serious you do that again and I'll (fill in the blank)" and then they follow through, the kid stops.
Here, it's like "I'm a 'adult'

so you can't make me"
I think pretty much we all like to treat others as adults here, but when you treat a LWF like one, all it does it compell them to push the envelope further and further.
I love it that Shewolf said in another thread "Just Shut Up already"
The people who were really just get in the way, who were doing it on that thread, actually did stop posting.
I've found myself actually saying to someone "I'm not going to say anymore about this, go ahead and take your last word" and they'll immediately respond with something to the equiv of "nommer neener nenner nommer" Some ridiculous comment designed to make you come back one last time.
I think maybe they just had bad experiences while toilet training.