Tue 4 Oct, 2011 08:05 pm
There are some posters on this forum who simply will not, under any circumstances, give up their God-given right to get the last word in an on-line discussion or argument. You know who they are.
Oh, hell, I'll name names. BillRM, JTT, OmSig DAVID(most of the time), a few others.
Me, once I've stated my case, and find that a specific poster is going to keep on disagreeing, no matter what I say, I gladly get the hell out of the conversation. No sense in beating my head against a brick wall when it's obvious that all your opponent wants to do is argue. But, that's me.
What about you? Do you, too, insist on the last word? Does it matter what the subject under discussion is? Are there some topics you feel more strongly about than others?
Inquiring (and morbidly curious) minds want to know.
@Lustig Andrei,
I feel the same way. I also put many such posters on ignore.
@Lustig Andrei,
That's it!!!!!
I'm not going to stop posting here until you put me on your list.
Welcome, Parados. Post away. (But I ain't gonna argue with you.)
Hi, edgar. Glad to find a kindred soul.
@Lustig Andrei,
I tend to ignore it.. my favorite is when you create a thread and someone comes in and tries to take it over (I won't mention names to avoid drama lol)... which I also ignore
But I think that this thread may now be neverending as someone will need to have the last word :-D
Crazielady420 wrote:
I tend to ignore it.. my favorite is when you create a thread and someone comes in and tries to take it over (I won't mention names to avoid drama lol)... which I also ignore
But I think that this thread may now be neverending as someone will need to have the last word :-D
Thread takeover is the favorite pastime of the people I have in mind. And all too often their takeover topic has little or nothing to do with the topic at hand. OSDavid could turn a thread on marshmallow roasting into a diatribe on the right caliber pistol to use when fending off predators at a marshmallow roast. And so on. I try to ignore such digressions but it's not always easy when these folks insist on their right to keep on posting whatever is on their alleged minds.
Thank you for suggesting that this thread may be neverending. I've never initiated a thread like that. All of mine seem to be quite short-lived.
I'm more likely to lose track of a debate than worry about being the last voice heard, but other times I just think "this is pointless" and walk away.
I usually see it as an opportunity for injecting of humor. Of course the lack of humor is at the root of the LWF.
@Lustig Andrei,
I can easily abandon/ignore most of the last-word threads.
One occasional exception - the homosexuality is a lifestyle choice kinda thread. I'll keep posting the science to counter the opinion-only posters for a long time on that topic. I'm like a terrier with its teeth locked onto your ankle on that subject (if I don't already have the poster on ignore).
@Lustig Andrei,
Sometimes, I'll do as you do, state my case and then move on when it becomes an exercise in repetition. I'll often just type out a response and then erase it before posting it as I mutter "why bother?" to myself. I don't bother with even the first word because the responses are so predictable and I'd rather not waste my time.
Oh no you don't! I've got the last say around here.
@Lustig Andrei,
I'm getting better. I often vote down threads like that when I know I'll be tempted if I look. However, since I mostly have those people on ignore, I generally practice last wordism primary prevention.
It's hard though if a subject is really important to you.
Resist those temptations, Deb. Most of the time to post on those threads is just to confer legitimacy on posters who're looking for nothing more than someone to argue with.
It depends. If the individual concerned is playing the last word game, i'll play it with them almost endlessly. If they are consistently lying about something, i will consistently point it out. Other times, i simply tell someone they are lying, or a loon, and let it go at that.
I try not to be a last worder...
I figure it's better to be right than repetitive.

Plus who has the time to beat a dead horse?
@Lustig Andrei,
I used to be more persistent in the past, but I have grown up...

now I usually state my case and if the replies are interesting and challenging I'll stay on course, otherwise I won't repeat myself endlessly for arguments sake and just leave the discussion.
There is nothing worse than beating a horse to death...
My husband like to say "I always get the last word in an's Yes M'am"