Getting the Last Word

Reply Mon 10 Oct, 2011 04:23 am
I'd sure hate to have to face any of you at an auction.
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Reply Mon 10 Oct, 2011 08:36 am
Of course. A playwright, born before the topic in discussion was properly conceived, trumps armies of diligent workers every time. Intuition over sweat.

Of course. Although it does depend on what you think is important for you to know about. Those who think it important for their happiness and well-being to know that a 200 million year old fossil, or even a faked one baked in an oven and presented to the public convincingly, might have been, or is just thought to have been a key evolutionary adaptation on the Tree of Life on the topmost branch of which they are tweeting fruitily, will obviously favour armies of diligent "workers" beavering away on pork barrel funding over the artistic fundamentals of what it is to be human and stuck in the **** their Moms and Pops have dropped them in. (See It's Alright Ma or Subterranean Homesick Blues).

Which might well be justified if the thought of what it is to be human gives them the heebiejeebies.

Or possibly they are up for the armies of diligent "workers" finding evidence that the Pope is talking out of his arse so they can practice pre-marital sex, divorce, homosexuality, abortion, perversion and all points on the line to Depraved Libertinage with a clear and untroubled conscience.

When both motives are acting severally I can well see that there will develop a fanatical eagerness to increase pork-barrel funding so that larger armies of diligent "workers" can prove the Pope is talking out of his arse, for the 57 thousandth time with just the names and places being changed to provide that element of novelty which Heinz provides with it's delicious and sustaining soups.

One can easily tell how diligent the armies of "workers" are by the number of applications for the posts and the efforts expended to be able to settle comfortably in one of them and look good in it. Compared to the number of applications to be garbage collectors and other similar essential services which I will forbear mentioning on account of how distasteful it is to be reminded of their existence.

One might sweat digging holes and filling them up again. Or even doing a few push-ups in the well appointed gym.

Intuition powers civilisation.

I pardon that man's life. What was thy cause? Adultery?
Thou shalt not die: die for adultery! No:
The wren goes to 't, and the small gilded fly
Does lecher in my sight.
Let copulation thrive; for Gloucester's bastard son
Was kinder to his father than my daughters
Got 'tween the lawful sheets.
To 't, luxury, pell-mell! for I lack soldiers.

"For I lack soldiers" eh? So that's why places of entertainment are licensed by the authorities.

While you are gazing in rapt wonderment at the image of being intelligent enough to appreciate a splayed out skeleton of a blue-bottomed monkey, which fell into a mud hole approximately (+ or - 10% if the reading on the dating machine print out is correct) 200 million years ago, turned to stone, and unearthed, polished up, displayed in polished oak glass cabinets in hushed, temperature and humidity controlled rooms patrolled by po-faced pillocks to stop people stealing it, or in those glossy magazines which allow readers to preen their scientific credentials, and discussed ad boring arsed finitum, all this while, as I say, there is a real army out there and you have no idea how it was brought into existence.

You probably think that the Internet has been caused by electronic science. All that science has done is make the posts go faster. What causes posts ed? The increasing necessity for the lonely ego to impose itself on the world in ever expanding waves I suppose. Which is the proper definition of sadism. Mr Jobs divined increasing sadism. I-pads are tin-openers.

And not just "a playwright" either. Check out the Shakespeare verse in Stuck Inside of Mobile with the Memphis Blues Again.

THE Playwright. The Bard. He even guessed orbital velocity pretty good. Probably a fluke.

There's no last word here. Criticising last-wording is a wheedling plea for dumbing down.

Reply Mon 10 Oct, 2011 09:02 am
Intuition is--

the royal road to knowledge

Professor Dowden wrote.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 10 Oct, 2011 12:12 pm
You see, spendi, the more evolved among us very often love the arts and are intuitive and as morally upright as any, yet embrace the enlightenment that comes from making a study of origins, as well. You have built yourself a wall, from the top of which to fling your monkey dung at a moving on world. You have lots of company. Phillip Wylie predicted that it may take five hundred years, before the anti science, anti reason, crowd diminishes to insignificance. But, in the meantime there are already those of us who can enjoy Shakespeare while applauding as science opens the gate to new vistas almost daily
Reply Mon 10 Oct, 2011 01:30 pm
"The man that hath no music in himself.
Nor is not moved with concord of sweet sounds.
Is fit for treasons, stratagems and spoils."

Merchant of Venice V.1.

Darwin admitted losing his taste for music and I've seen PhDs trying to do the twist.

Someone who is neither on one side or the other will often cosy up to the best in both to bolster the self-esteem.

Dawkins has no melody in his turgid prose.

I know I have lots of company. The majority of Americans for a start. And their case should get a hearing on the evolution threads without attempts being made to drive it off with puerile accusations of trolling and suchlike.

You see, spendi, the more evolved among us very often love the arts and are intuitive and as morally upright as any, yet embrace the enlightenment that comes from making a study of origins, as well.

But do you see ed that that spiel is just a list of self-flattering assertions which anybody could claim. Do you know the word "sorites" or the "paradox of the heap"? Intuition partakes of sorites as does moral uprighteousness. So does a study of origins.
Reply Mon 10 Oct, 2011 01:32 pm
BTW--Aldous Huxley wrote a novel about Mr Wylie's prediction coming true. More or less.
Reply Mon 10 Oct, 2011 01:34 pm
And there's always the danger that "applauding Shakespeare" is the in thing to do and bolsters the social position.

Another sorites.
Reply Mon 10 Oct, 2011 01:51 pm
Two persons you name may or may not have music. Therefore, loving progress makes one without music. Silliness.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 10 Oct, 2011 01:52 pm
spendius wrote:

BTW--Aldous Huxley wrote a novel about Mr Wylie's prediction coming true. More or less.

So you say.
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Reply Mon 10 Oct, 2011 01:56 pm
spendius wrote:

And there's always the danger that "applauding Shakespeare" is the in thing to do and bolsters the social position.

Another sorites.

Meaning you can get inside any person's head and read their motives. Bull. Omnipotent you are not.
Reply Mon 10 Oct, 2011 03:05 pm
I know. I never claimed to be. You still misunderstand. The materialists have a case to answer is all I'm saying and if they drive people challenging them out of the debate by accusations of trolling or of always wanting the last word or of wanting the thread to be about themselves or of being off their meds or of not knowing anything about the subject or of having their head up their arse or of imagining themselves omnipotent or of suggesting that they do things in their private life that they really didn't ought to suggest without evidence then the materialist case goes through on the nod and flat out materialism ensues.

That's what I'm on about here. You lot being unable to bear the challenge and pretending the challenge has no validity and that those making it, which Shakespeare and Spengler and Kant do, and many more, are all arseholes. An itsy-bitsy form of Stalinism. And if the American people don't accept materialism then they are all stupid.

Have you never heard of coffee-table book intellectuals ed? "Ooooeeew, I saw a woooeeenderfueel performance of Troilus and Cressida at the Met last night", as snobbery and one-upmanship and nothing else. Have you never heard of that.

I know when somebody is really applauding Shakespeare. And they not only don't say they do but would never dream of doing so.

Shakespeare opened his head for us. Sloman said that Dylan was naked on the stage. And Dylan said he doesn't trust scientists. He's even talked about overturning the tables and unplugging the cables. Which is pretty damned heavy.
Reply Mon 10 Oct, 2011 03:07 pm
is onmi-impotent a word?

it should be if it isn't...
Reply Mon 10 Oct, 2011 03:12 pm
Sure, and the right thing to read is the thing that can be bent to your will.
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Reply Mon 10 Oct, 2011 03:14 pm
I presuming you mean "omni-impotent" Rockie.

Maybe it should be a word if the ads for curing erectile dysfunction are anything to go by. And the surveys I've seen. It's a strange condition to seek a cure for though. Think of what a full life one might lead if sex was no longer of interest. I'm convinced I would be a multi-millionaire if I had had erectile dysfunction from the outset.
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Lustig Andrei
Reply Mon 10 Oct, 2011 03:17 pm
Fine work, lads. Splendid. Do keep it up. Think I'll invite H2Oman and Hawkeye and that crowd over. Maybe Gungasnake, too. Should make for a fine free-for-all. BillRM and OmSickDavid might round it out. Hmmmm...
Reply Mon 10 Oct, 2011 03:26 pm
@Lustig Andrei,
That tends to happen anyway.

Spendius doesn't get that it is not his arguments we don't like. It's the incessant quality, the jack in the box aspect.
Lustig Andrei
Reply Mon 10 Oct, 2011 03:28 pm
Oh, I don't know, Osso. Personally, I don't like his arguments either. Smile
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Reply Mon 10 Oct, 2011 03:33 pm
@Lustig Andrei,
Oh please not Hawkeye! He makes me sick! (gag)

Word. Razz
0 Replies
Reply Mon 10 Oct, 2011 04:23 pm
Wrong. The sole reason for the unwelcome sign is that you have material for a whole nother thread. Yet, you persist, year after year in posting it there.
Reply Mon 10 Oct, 2011 04:40 pm
As often happens, I agree with EdgarBlythe.

I appreciate Spendius, but I have to send him to the cloakroom (they had those in the east around 1950, where the nuns put misbehavers) from time to time, as his pest mode gets to me.

We all have different personalities. Me, I tend to be happy with a conversation however conflicted, or bored, or frustrated. I try to say my point and move away. I do tend to come back and talk again but it might be a while later.

Usually when I make some point of view, I am trying my best, and I don't really want to convince any of you. I try to elaborate my own thinking. Which is why I also sometimes come back, to emphasize my own thinking or pull away from it.

Last word means nada to me.
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