For someone who doesn't want the opinions of others and doesn't care what people think, you sure ask a lot of questions that solicit our views and opinions.
These are just a few of your questions from the first 10 pages of your topics list on your profile page.
I'm writing a multicultural comic book-I want to know what's your views on these ideas?
JGoldman10 is back - did you all miss me?
Should I bother appealing to Yahoo! Answers over the phone about my suspended account(s)...?
How should I approach someone I met on YouTube to apologize to him?
So who here actually likes JGoldman10?
Does having issues with one's culture make you sound like a bigot?
Which first name sounds tougher - Terry or Toby?
Does furry femmdom sicken you?
Is it gay to like tomboys?
Can you be brutally honest when you critique videos on Youtube, Metacafe, and other web viral sites?
Why do many cartoonists find it "necessary" to give cartoon characters love interests?
Is it weird to give funny animal cats and dogs pet cats?
What are some cartoons they should have made but didn't?
What types of villains should streetfighters fight?
What defenses and other things would you add to make a HQ for a group of streetfighters more hip?
How is this comic-book related thread by any means an idiot thread?
Which pop music show was more popular - American Bandstand or Soul Train?
What types of things are TODAY'S KIDS into these days?
When you hear the names Gruffy and Scruffy do you think good guys are bad guys?
What types of hairstyles are popular amongst African-American males now?
What are ideal professions/jobs for tough guys/street fighters?
What can I do to attract other Born-Again Christian posters here to my threads?
What can I do to attract a lot of followers?
What can I do to attract other African-American posters here to my threads?
What kind of animal would a cartoon parrot pirate captain keep as a pet?
How would you make a comic book series about streetfighting cats and dogs more interesting?
What's the proper way to draw "Asian eyes" on a cartoon animal?
What makes a cartoon or comic book (or comic strip) popular?
Anyone here have any friendly advice about approaching art show people about selling & making art?
What are the best comics out there about streetfighters amd street gangs?
Are funny animal cartoons still popular?
Which classic sitcom parody idea do you like more?
What do you hate about comic books?