Now I'm gonna throw all caution to the winds. I'll probably catch flack from just about everyone. In fact, I may lose a few friends here and become a pariah. But here goes ...
JGoldman10 wrote:Re: wmwcjr (Post 4824209)
Why do you keep bringing up gays? Are you supporting them?
I've expressed my views on homosexuality in the topic "So, wmwcjr, what's shakin'?" to which I've posted a link below. You can check it out for yourself.
I accept the biblical teaching against homosexuality, but I refuse to target one sin above all others when there are so many human actions that are designated as sins. I don't go around with a self-righteous attitude looking down on other people. How could I? I've felt inferior for a very long time. I have a "live and let live" attitude towards gays, and I'm opposed to them being persecuted by hateful people. Crimes of violence shouldn't be tolerated against anyone.
JG, you need to be a little more compassionate and have some understanding about homosexuality. How would you feel if you were not sexually attracted to the opposite sex? What if you only had a homosexual attraction? Do you think sexual attraction is chosen?
I'm also weary of the attitude that if I don't agree with someone's lifestyle, (on the one hand) I'm being hateful of that person or (according to the
opposite view) I have no right to have a friend who happens to be gay or whatever. As I've said previously, I once had a very close friend who was gay; and I dare say I was
not patronizing him. I actually admired him because of his decency; and, besides, he was smarter than I. (Well, I guess I do have limits. For example, I wouldn't care to have a friend who was a Klansman or someone who sought to stir up hatred against Jews.)
Just a few words to nonbelievers reading my comments: When I decided to become a Christian, I had no idea what the Bible taught about homosexuality. Some nonbelievers seem to think that believers such as myself believe what we do because it's personally pleasing to us. For example, I was once accused by an atheistic childhood friend of mine of basing my faith on wishful thinking. That's not exactly true. Both of my parents are deceased. I fear for their souls because they did not do what the New Testament teaches about alien sinners becoming Christians. Does that mean I don't cherish the memory of my parents? Of course, not! I owe them a great deal because they taught me moral values by their example and honor them to this day.
Why have I posted pictures of Brian Sims and Esera Tuaolo on several different occasions? Because I believe in combatting demeaning stereotypes. There are two stereotypes I'm thereby repudiating: (1) the notion that male homosexuals are all effeminate. I believed in this stereotype for many years (decades, actually). The truth is that the range of physical "masculinity" ranging from physically rugged to effeminate is found in both the gay and the straight male populations. There are rugged homosexual men who aren't effeminate at all, and there are heterosexual men (married with children) who are effeminate.
Now, my motive for combatting the second stereotype is a bit petty, I guess; but I don't care at this point. For generations nonathletic boys who have no interest in sports have been stereotyped as wimps and have even been suspected, if not accused outright, of having homosexual tendencies. But the truth is that there is absolutely no correlation between having homosexual tendencies and not having an interest in sports either as a spectator or as a participant. (This is
not an "anti-sports" statement; so,
please, let's not go
Well, JG, I've answered your questions with complete, unreserved honesty. You should feel honored. I've probably lost a few A2K friends in the process. Oh, well. At least no one can say I'm a wimp and don't have the courage of my convictions. (But someone might think I'm a bit loony or stupid for talking so personally online.
