Is dating someone who's a different race okay?

Reply Thu 24 Nov, 2011 07:55 am
Tabludama wrote:

BTW, Parados, your NC stats did not mention spousal murders either only rapes. My reply to Shewolf clearly referred to "examples" ,ie crime stories of rapes and spousal murders.

Rapes AND spousal murders? Are you arguing that the story has to include BOTH to qualify? If that's the case then you have provided ZERO.
If you are arguing that it only has to include one or the other, then your argument now is ridiculous and shows zero comprehension.


And the term "same challenge in my quote " clearly referred to the challenge to Shewolf

I see. So, now "example" means what? Would you like a dictionary to help you out? Or is your comprehension such that you are now going to make up more meanings?


Try to keep up.

Just because you don't see someone doesn't mean they are behind you.


You really are quite stupid Parados.

Says the racist a-hole that can't count.

How many stories have you posted Tabludama?
What is 1% of the stories you have posted? Do you need help with the math?
How many stories have I posted?
No matter HOW you answer it, your 1% is still ridiculous.

By the way MORON..
This was your original statement to Shewolf

I bet you cant find more than 5 cases of white on black rape or sexual homicides even after hours and hours of searching.

Since when is "cases" the same as "news story"?

It also seems you don't know the difference between the words "or" and "and" since you think they have the same meaning.

LOL! Laughing Laughing Laughing

Flail away Parados the Pedantic!

You have corrected my grammar but ignore my intent, even after I have corrected your misconception as to what it was. Rolling Eyes

So score one half point for you. I should have used "and" instead of "or"

So let me spell out my salient points so there wont be any doubt as to their meaning:

I am betting you cant find a half dozen news stories from internet searches of a white on black rape for every hundred news stories of black on white rapes that I can find.

I bet you cant find a dozen news stories of white on black murders for every hundred news stories of black on white murders that I can find.

I bet you cant find 3 news stories of white on black sexual homicides,(rape/murders) for every hundred news stories of black on white sexual homicides that I can find.

I bet you cant find 1 news story of a white on black sexual homicide of an elderly victim for every 100 that I can find.

I bet you cant find one news story of a white on black gang rape to match the dozen that I can find.


"News stories, crime stories, cases, examples, comparables etc" all mean the same thing in my writings on this subject unless specified otherwise. When they are not specifically mentioned, the subject is understood to be thus.

There. Whew! I guess that I have spelled out the specifics and covered all the bases.

But I am sure you will let me know if you find one trivial point that I did not mention. Mr. Green

So go for it Parados. You and Team Liberal should find this quite a challenge.

Just start a different thread for it. OK? cause it is off topic for this one.
Reply Thu 24 Nov, 2011 08:03 am
Since when is "cases" the same as "news story"?

Duh! Parados, when they are used interchangeable in a sentence, paragraph or post.

Here are some more on topic cases/news stories/ examples/comparables for you to consider:


Neely's body was found Monday afternoon.

Police declined to say where the woman's body was found or how she died. The Ramsey County medical examiner will rule on the cause and manner of the death.

The property manager said her body was found in one of the two cubbyholes in the top half of the duplex she rented. Neely had lived at the residence for about a week and a half.



Neely had two daughters - a 10-year-old and an 18-month-old, said the manager, who declined to be identified.
Reply Thu 24 Nov, 2011 08:07 am

A Westmont man is accused of strangling his estranged wife the morning before their daughter's 5th birthday party, as the child and two older siblings slept in another part of the home.

Tara Alamilla worked since 2006 as a Brookfield Zoo school program coordinator for the Chicago Zoological Society. She trained elementary and high school teachers how to go beyond the textbook in science and conservation lessons to better engage their students. Alamilla also worked with students with special needs.

A memorial fund was set up in her honor.


Reply Thu 24 Nov, 2011 08:11 am

MIAMI (WSVN) -- Police and family members of a murdered Michigan Tourist are hoping surveillance video from the last location she was seen alive will help generate clues and lead police to her killer.

A black male came up, took her hand, and they were hand-in-hand, and walked across the street," he said.

In the meantime, the family continues to wait for answers. "Not just strangled, but burned to where you can't even make out who she is. She was so beautiful," said the victim's mother Pat Watkins, with tears in her eyes.

Reply Thu 24 Nov, 2011 08:13 am

LOUISVILLE, Ky. -- A Louisville man is charged with murder and sodomy after police said the man's girlfriend was found dead at his home.


0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 Nov, 2011 09:17 am
Tabludama wrote:

1. I am betting you cant find a half dozen news stories from internet searches of a white on black rape for every hundred news stories of black on white rapes that I can find.

2. I bet you cant find a dozen news stories of white on black murders for every hundred news stories of black on white murders that I can find.

3. I bet you cant find 3 news stories of white on black sexual homicides,(rape/murders) for every hundred news stories of black on white sexual homicides that I can find.

4. I bet you cant find 1 news story of a white on black sexual homicide of an elderly victim for every 100 that I can find.

5. I bet you cant find one news story of a white on black gang rape to match the dozen that I can find.


"News stories, crime stories, cases, examples, comparables etc" all mean the same thing in my writings on this subject unless specified otherwise. When they are not specifically mentioned, the subject is understood to be thus.

There. Whew! I guess that I have spelled out the specifics and covered all the bases.

But I am sure you will let me know if you find one trivial point that I did not mention. Mr. Green

So go for it Parados. You and Team Liberal should find this quite a challenge.

Just start a different thread for it. OK? cause it is off topic for this one.

Since I only have to find a few for every 100 you find.. Perhaps you should present your 100 in each category. I notice your 1% has changed. Perhaps because you know you are full of ****.

I find it funny that you consider me pedantic when I merely read your words and interpret them according to the standard English definitions. Perhaps you are a complete moron.

1. I have already presented more than 6 news stories. But you want 6 for every 100? You claimed the NCVS stats proved there were ZERO.

2. I wonder why you bumped that to 12 for every 100. By the way.. the NCVS stats show you are wrong. But I notice you now want to claim Hispanic perps are not white but Hispanic victims are white. What a maroon you are.

3. More garbage from you... Let me know when you have 100 sexual homicides. You have posted continually where you do NOT know the race. Or did you forget that the media never mentions the race of the victim?

4. I'll bet you can't find 100 that occurred in the last 2 years. I'll bet you can't find 100 in the last 7 years. When you get to 100, I will present my one.

5. Already done. You just pretend it wasn't true.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 Nov, 2011 09:24 am
Tabludama wrote:

Since when is "cases" the same as "news story"?

Duh! Parados, when they are used interchangeable in a sentence, paragraph or post.

Here are some more on topic cases/news stories/ examples/comparables for you to consider:

Here is your post


Funny thing in that post.. You don't mention "news story".

So.. tell me again how it is interchangeable when you NEVER use the word news story in the post.

You lie and then back up and lie some more it seems.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 Nov, 2011 09:27 am

That proves a black man killed her?
The story clearly states her WHITE boyfriend is a person of interest because they fought that night.

Oh please.. It proves you are racist but not much else.
Below viewing threshold (view)
Reply Thu 24 Nov, 2011 09:55 am

Ignore the fact that you never used "News story" in the post like you claimed you did.
Reply Thu 24 Nov, 2011 10:17 am
he has so many pictures of a black guy and a white girl that i'm begining to think he's a perv.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 Nov, 2011 10:20 am

Ignore the fact that you never used "News story" in the post like you claimed you did.

Quick. Ignore the fact that I was obviously referring to news stories in the post you just cited, pedantically claiming that I never used the exact words "news stories" Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes

In my reply to this quote from Shewolf who was obviously referring to news stories she could find on the internet.

let me tell you that with a few minutes on google I can find and post just as many(news stories) white on black hate crimes too.

My reply:

So go for it.

Spend a few minutes doing Google searches for(news stories) white on black rapes AND sexual homicides.

If you are good you will find the West Virginia rape case(news story) where the black victim later recanted and (news story)the murder in the gravel pit by the white thug from Texas. Those are the two(news stories) that always pop up. Others(news stories) are very hard to find because white on black violent crime is so rare.

BTW, you found and posted these same "news stories" on another thread as examples of white on black crime so you should have recognized them immediately as news stories.

But then, you are exceedingly intellectually dishonest or stuck on stupid or both. It is hard to tell.

Also, when I used the term comparables I was obviously referring to news stories comparable to the ones I post all the time on this thread.

Try to keep up.

You really are quite stupid.

Have I mentioned this before? Mr. Green
Reply Thu 24 Nov, 2011 10:21 am
Tabludama wrote:

You really are quite stupid.

Have I mentioned this before? Mr. Green

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! good one! you really are quite a joke Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 Nov, 2011 10:40 am
Oh.. it was the lack of "news story" that proves it was in the post...

let me tell you that with a few minutes on google I can find and post just as many(news stories) white on black hate crimes too.

Standard English says "many" refers to "crimes", not "news stories."

pedantically claiming that I never used the exact words "news stories"
I claimed a fact. If facts make someone a pedant, then I guess you will never have to worry about being one.
Reply Thu 24 Nov, 2011 03:12 pm
Notice how almost every single one of the "stories" this fool is using contains a black GUY abusing a white WOMAN? hmmm? maybe he's a sexist too.

I think that this was more of a man abusing a woman than a black abusing a white.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 Nov, 2011 03:18 pm
let me tell you that with a few minutes on google I can find and post just as many(news stories) white on black hate crimes too.

Standard English says "many" refers to "crimes", not "news stories."

The object of the sentence(news stories) was understood and not explicitly stated. Understood based on the context of the dialogue..

Understood subjects and objects are part of standard English. Anyone who understands the language knows that.

Try to keep up.

pedantically claiming that I never used the exact words "news stories"

I claimed a fact. If facts make someone a pedant, then I guess you will never have to worry about being one.

Yes, you claimed a fact as if I did not dot an i or cross a t. Factual but trivial and irrelevant to the central point.

The exact words" news story" werent necessary because anyone with basic intelligence reading the dialogue between Shewolf and I would understand that is what I meant.

Disingenuous may be a more accurate word to describe you though than pedantic.

Disingenuous, pedantic, and stupid.

They all apply to you.
Reply Thu 24 Nov, 2011 03:21 pm
Tabludama wrote:

Disingenuous, pedantic, and stupid.

They all apply to you.

I can tell this guy is stupid since this is the most convincing argument I've heard from him yet.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 Nov, 2011 05:44 pm
Understood subjects and objects are part of standard English. Anyone who understands the language knows that.

Yes. They refer back to previous nouns in the sentence, paragraph or even post. You were correct when you said that.

One itty bitty problem though. Understood subjects don't refer to something that was never stated.

Let's refresh...

parados wrote:
Since when is "cases" the same as "news story"?

Tabludama wrote:
Duh! Parados, when they are used interchangeable in a sentence, paragraph or post.

parados" wrote:
Here is your post


Funny thing in that post.. You don't mention "news story".

Tabludama wrote:
Ignore the fact that I was obviously referring to news stories in the post you just cited, pedantically claiming that I never used the exact words "news stories"

If you were referring to news stories then why did you not use the word "news stories" which we both agree would make them interchangeable.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 Nov, 2011 05:51 pm
By the way.. since the ONLY requirement you seem to accept is "news story" then this would be an example of white men gang raping a black woman.

3 white Duke Lacrosse players charged with rape of black woman.

Two Duke University lacrosse team members were charged Tuesday in the rape of a woman hired to dance at a team party, and the district attorney is trying to determine the identity of a third suspect.

So.. now that I have posted a "News Story" about white gang rape, you should be able to post 12 stories. I'll bet your criteria will now change from simply being a "news stories" to something else now.
Reply Fri 25 Nov, 2011 07:53 am
By the way.. since the ONLY requirement you seem to accept is "news story" then this would be an example of white men gang raping a black woman.

3 white Duke Lacrosse players charged with rape of black woman.


Two Duke University lacrosse team members were charged Tuesday in the rape of a woman hired to dance at a team party, and the district attorney is trying to determine the identity of a third suspect.

So.. now that I have posted a "News Story" about white gang rape, you should be able to post 12 stories. I'll bet your criteria will now change from simply being a "news stories" to something else now.

Well Duh! It was understood that I was referring to a news story that had not turned out to be a hoax about a crime that never happened.

At least that was understood by any rational person who has followed this argument. Rolling Eyes

But Parados the Pedantic, who is stuck on stupid and desperately flailing away for a nit to pick is obviously excluded from this rational person category.

Now that I have added that obvious qualifier about proven hoaxes, maybe I should post a list of other OBVIOUS, but not stated, qualifiers for poor pitiful Parados to ponder:

Like news stories that are from the Planet Earth are required. Those from other planets are not acceptable.

News stories from ancient Egypt or prehistoric times on Planet Earth are to be excluded.

Etc, etc, etc, Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes

Now if this Duke case was a breaking story and the fact that the charges are bogus was unknown, it would be relevant to the argument and to a different thread on white on black crime that you" liberals" need to start to prove your points on this issue.

This thread is about interracial dating not interracial crimes in general. Start a thread on white on black violent crime Parados and compile your news stories and other evidence there instead of clogging this one with crimes that dont involve interracial dating.

Besides I have previously specifically mentioned that the Duke Lacrosse Rape Hoax and the Tawana Brawley Rape Hoax dont count as evidence of white on black rapes.

Got that Parados?

Probably not?

You really are quite stupid.

Have I mentioned this before? Mr. Green

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