Sexually attracted to men but romantically attracted to women?

Mon 30 Jan, 2012 01:07 am
That's pretty good advice XD but I think it's a little more complicated than that. Like somebody else put it, it could just be the "sex act" itself that appeals to him, and not necessarily the sex of the person.

The way I see it, some guys are attracted to other guys because they can relate to them more than they can to girls/women. What I mean by this is that a guy can easily "imagine" and "know" what another guy is feeling therefore it can accentuate their own feelings creating the illusion that they are gay. So in the context of masturbation, a guy who is inexperienced with sex would more easily get turned on by another guy (because he can relate to what they are feeling) than by a girl because they are just too physically different.

Based on my own experience, that is what I think.
Mon 30 Jan, 2012 07:26 am
That seems like rationalization to me.

I think it's a shame that homosexuality is still seen as so negative that these kinds of rationalizations appear.

If you're a man and you like having sex with men, you're either gay or bi. Full stop. It isn't an "illusion."
Mon 30 Jan, 2012 08:25 am
Len747 wrote:
That's pretty good advice
Thank u. I got it from my sedulous & assiduous study
of The Playboy Advisor, in another century.
I wanted to take a doctorate in the philosophy of Hugh Hefner,
with a specific focus on Barbi Benton.

Len747 wrote:
XD but I think it's a little more complicated than that.
Yea; I 'm no expert on homosexuality.
How is it more complicated ??

Len747 wrote:
Like somebody else put it, it could just be the "sex act" itself that appeals to him,
and not necessarily the sex of the person.
I'm trying to think:
(other than normal vaginal mating) is there an act of sex
whereof a male is capable, but not a female ??
To which "sex act itself" r u referring ?

Len747 wrote:
The way I see it, some guys are attracted to other guys because they can relate to them more than they can to girls/women. What I mean by this is that a guy can easily "imagine" and "know" what another guy is feeling therefore it can accentuate their own feelings creating the illusion that they are gay.
With all respect, Len,
during human history there have been so many innumerable millions
of misunderstandings among guys that I can 't accept the idea
that we know what each other is thinking or feeling.

There r huge differences among us, passionately felt and expressed.
Do u disagree with that, Len ?

Len747 wrote:
So in the context of masturbation, a guy who is inexperienced with sex would more easily get turned on by another guy (because he can relate to what they are feeling) than by a girl because they are just too physically different.

Based on my own experience, that is what I think.
I dunno about that.

If that 's true, then we shud have sexual lust for people with whom we agree.
Do we ???????

Tue 31 Jan, 2012 10:33 pm
It is rationalization, but I do not view it as a negative one. It is just my way of giving an answer to a question society keeps avoiding.

Of course it's not an illusion once you have sex, because it's really happening.
The illusion occurs when you have somebody who has never had sex and they start to think they are gay.
They might be bisexual, and they don't even know it.
They might even be straight, but are being blinded by their own lust, hormones, and underlying psychological issues.

0 Replies
Wed 1 Feb, 2012 06:17 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:

I wanted to take a doctorate in the philosophy of Hugh Hefner,
with a specific focus on Barbi Benton.

Excellent choice sir!

BB is one of my all time favorite bunnies

Wed 1 Feb, 2012 07:28 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:

I wanted to take a doctorate in the philosophy of Hugh Hefner,
with a specific focus on Barbi Benton.
H2O MAN wrote:

Excellent choice sir!

BB is one of my all time favorite bunnies

Thank u, Waterman!
She is yummy!

0 Replies
Wed 1 Feb, 2012 08:31 am
I bet u supplied the Water for them !

0 Replies
Wed 8 Feb, 2012 12:30 pm
Hi J-confused, I'm a 21 year old male, and felt exactly like how u do. 100% i think. It sucks to be in this position. Romantically u'd want to be with a girl, but imagine u found a gf and u're with her when a hot guy walked past. U involuntarily stared at him. I find it hard to reconcile this fact, thus i haven found a gf too. But it also seems ridiculous to find a bf cause u're just not into guys romantically and feels weird. Yet sexually u yearn to look at guys, perhaps even fantasizing about sex with a guy. (In fact i tried it before, which i didn't really enjoy. Its like a disharmony of the mind and body. Argh) Anyway, so glad to find people with similar mindset. Hopefully in the coming years i can get it figured out, wish u'd too. =) ZQ
0 Replies
Sat 11 Feb, 2012 09:44 pm
Check it on google
0 Replies
Sat 11 Feb, 2012 10:12 pm
That Playboy only cost a dollar in 1970.
Sun 12 Feb, 2012 02:16 am
chai2 wrote:

That Playboy only cost a dollar in 1970.

I know... and it had amazing articles!
0 Replies
Mon 19 Mar, 2012 04:24 pm
Sorry I've taken so long to reply. I just recently checked back on this topic.

Again, thank you to everyone who posted, your advice and support is really helpful.

OmSigDAVID, I've thought of both genders...but men usually turn me on more than women. It's not impossible to do by thinking of just women, but...it's a lot quicker.

But I guess, even at that time, I'm not thinking of being in a relationship with them. Actually, I hardly ever (if ever) think about MYSELF with a guy. It's usually...er...a scene I saw or something.

I've been thinking about this a lot lately, and I'm feeling a little more sure that I could be straight. Partly because there's this girl I really like who I can't stop thinking about. I'm always imagining the two of us together. I know that doesn't necessarily mean that I'm not gay, but...

One thing that worries me is that...well...okay, this feels so weird to type...penises kinda gross me out. I'm always more attracted to the male body WITHOUT that being shown. It kinda just makes me think...ew.

Now, I'm sure that's normal, too, but...it just worries me because I'm afraid that, if I am gay, that I wouldn't make a very good gay person, if I couldn't stand looking or getting close to...that.

EDIT: Silly me, didn't realize there was a second page of replies. I just finished reading them, too. Again, thank you everyone.

I really think it's not so much guys as much as...the male body. Like, I very specifically only get turned on by really good-looking (muscular, but not too muscular) guys. And I think part of the reason for that is that I really wish I could look like that.

I dunno.
0 Replies
Thu 19 Apr, 2012 10:58 pm
hey I do not know if you are still checking this site or not but i just wanted to let you know I truly know what you are going through. I am only attracted to women in every mental and romantic way. Yet, when it comes to sex, I can only be with guys. It is tough and confusing and I dont have any answers but Id love to talk to someone who is feeling the same way as I am because nobody seems to get what I am going through.
0 Replies
Wed 9 May, 2012 01:57 am
Hi i am a 22 year old man and i cannot believe that im not the only one...

Since i was 13 ive known i was attracted to men but only sexually...nothing more just SEX!!! but with women i want the whole package create a life and together. But ive also thought if i only think these things because thats what society wants...im not opposed to being gay i think im Bisexual but just recently i had my first sexual encounter with a woman and yes i got aroused but i couldnt stay aroused...idk if its cause she talked too much...but it made me wonder.

ive been sexually active with men and ive never had that issue unless they smelled lol...but i want to know what you guys think how you can help me...not homophobic or opposed to a gay life i just want the joy that i can have when i conceive my first child ive been wanting to be a father and even though i know im young its a big dream of mine...DO YOU GUYS THINK IM GAY, BI, BI curious or just CONFUSED either way id like some input it can help me out alot...im not feminine and im not saying all gay men are but i am more in touch with my feelings than most men...lol...hope to hear from someone...COMMENTS, IDEAS, reccomendations??? they are all welcomed im ALEX BTW
0 Replies
Sat 12 May, 2012 12:11 am
Hi, ek and Alex18,

Sorry (again) for not checking this in so long.

I'm glad there are other guys like me going through the same thing. I wish I knew what to tell you, but I just never feel like I can trust myself, because, like you Alex18, I'm not sure if I just think I'm SUPPOSED to feel that way because of society's expectations.

If anyone wants to talk about it more, I'd definitely be interested. I don't know much help I'd be, though.
Sun 20 May, 2012 03:13 pm
Hey There,

I have been searching for a topic like this for a long time. I'm a 28 year old guy in pretty much the same situation.
Grew up always having crushes on girls... romantically... wanting to spend time with and possibly marry and have kids... but never the sex stuff. As I entered puberty, I spent countless times thinking about sex with guys... as the thought or even picture of girls in that light didn't do anything for me.
I tried dating several girls- actually kissed one- but never really understood why I didn't have more of a spark than that. One day, I watched the movie, 'Saved,' and came to the realization that I was 'gay.' I cried heavily and entered into depression, but my mom and later friends offered tons of support and unconditional love, which was great. I connected with a girl from high school around the age of 22... and we hit it off... just not as far as sex and kissing... I wanted to date her, but found it hard as most of her friends were gay. She coerced me to enter into ex-gay therapy, which messed me up... and the two of us soon parted ways.
Over the past few years, I started dating guys... and had a few short term boyfriends. Some of which I really had feelings for. I'm currently dating a guy- three months now- who is by every means the nicest person. There is a catch, however. I recently came to realize that I don't really enjoy getting intimate. The buildup is fine, but afterwards I'm left feeling drained instead of happy. I also can't stop thinking about a few girl friends of mine. The thought of possibly dating one of them and getting married, having kids, is amazing to me. I still, however, am not able to get 'turned on' by them. I don't want the marriage to be based on sex, or any relationship for that matter- I just want one that will work out.
I feel that a relationship/life with a woman would give me great joy and more social comfort. Not sure about the sex stuff... but I actually wanted to be a priest for five years as a teen... so I kinda don't really place sex high on the list. The problem would be if she and I weren't compatible really.
There also lies the current situation with me having a very nice boyfriend who adores me. I like him, too... but it seems not as much as he does to me. I'm attracted to him very easily as well. Do I just feel 'dirty' at times with him, because I might be placing a thought in my head that I should try to fit in with societal norms... or are there other factors that could be at play?

Any advice my way would be great, too. Like... should I just date guys... or should I break it off with my bf and date girls, which could really hurt him... also bringing a risk that I might be making a mistake in doing so?
Sat 26 May, 2012 05:52 pm
Hi, mkev,

You sound like you're having mostly the same problems as me. I'm sorry you had to go through those experiences, though...like the "ex-gay therapy"...that sounds like something that makes you feel like it's wrong to be gay.

I really have no experience on dating or sex or anything like that, really, so I'm not the best for offering advice, but I can tell you what most people I've talked to about this have told me: don't be afraid to experiment, and don't feel like you have to stick to one specific...sexuality, I guess?

But I wouldn't say you should break up with your bf...maybe give it some more time. If you feel comfortable, maybe you could talk about your feelings with him.

Thanks for replying.
Sun 17 Jun, 2012 09:06 am
Hey, J-Confused. I must say, I've struggled with pretty much the exact same things you have within the last few years of my life. When I was younger, I had girlfriends and never had any feelings for guys. I dated several girls and kissed most of them. I really enjoyed my time with them and liked kissing them. However, within the years I've gone through puberty, I've been greatly confused. I am now 19 and trying to figure out what my preferences are. I'll admit that looking at a naked male's body turns me on a lot of the time, and thinking about that person masturbating or anything like that REALLY turns me on. I even sometimes fantasize about masturbating with that person and it turns me on as well. However, the actual act of sex makes me feel disgusted. I have no desire to actually sleep with a man, just maybe to experiment (which I hear is pretty normal during the teen years, anyway). And, just like you, masturbating after those thoughts or viewing anything like that always makes me feel "drained," not satisfied. I feel dirty.

As Len747 said, I think maybe a lot of the reason this may be true for a lot of guys, and why people struggle with their sexuality so much during the teen years, when your libido is highest, is because they can empathize more. Like, if I think about a male friend of mine masturbating, I know exactly what that feels like, and since I know what it feels like, I think about what it feels like, and it turns me on. However, for a woman, I have no idea what it feels like for them to masturbate or to participate in any other sexual activity. Also, I have never had sex or "made out" with a woman, so I don't have that point of reference either. I think a lot of it is that we associate penises with the feelings of pleasure, and thus any time we see one, we think of those feelings and get "turned on."

As you, and a couple other guys in this thread have mentioned, I myself can't imagine myself growing old with a man. I enjoy hanging out with my guy friends, but I don't think I would enjoy being married to one. I find myself extremely attracted to the women-esque personality. I've never had a "crush" on a man, I know that much for sure. But, I do know I've had crushes on women. In fact, just this last year, I had a crush on a girl and went on a date with her. Simply getting a hug at the end of the date made my heart beat so quickly that I couldn't walk back to my dorm room, I HAD to jog. I know that sounds silly, but I was just so excited, I couldn't be calm. Haha. So, I know for a fact that I'm at least romantically attracted to women.

I always have found women hot. I've always been able to tell which are good-looking and I've found myself staring at some before. I've never looked at a guy and thought he was "hot," but I'll admit within the last year, I often haven't been able to resist looking at the area of a guy's "junk". I think the reason for that, though, is that I've only just started living in a dorm this last year, and they have communal showers. I've looked around a little bit and compared, and noticed my penis -- at least my flaccid penis -- is smaller than most guys (I'm mid-average erect), and I think this has made me a little self-conscious, so I've been walking around thinking, "He's probably bigger than me" over and over. But I don't like to do it, and as soon as I catch myself doing it, I get a terrible feeling of being ashamed and I feel awful for a couple minutes following. I feel like I'm invading someone's privacy by even imagining a comparison... But, back to my "always found women hot"spiel, when it comes to thinking of sexual things, I just don't really know how I would feel during sex with a women, and I think that's what causes so much confusion. It's funny because sometimes I "know" I'm gay, then sometimes I "know" I'm straight. It's very much the proverbial "roller-coaster" that I am traveling on.

Just as a last word of encouragement to you, you don't sound gay to me. You sound like a guy who is simply going through puberty and his hormones are going crazy. You mentioned that you find penises gross? To me, that doesn't sound like a gay man. You can look at other guys and find them as attractive people without being gay. Being able to recognize good looks is not a characteristic of being gay, it's just a characteristic of being human. So, it could be possible that you're more envious of those men than attracted to them. Oftentimes it's hard to separate those two feelings, because (in my case) they can often create very similar sensations.

I know this has become a jumbled mess of a message, but I wanted to encourage you as well as vent a little bit about my feelings. I could keep talking about and giving reasons why I don't think I'm gay, but I fear that it will just seem as though I am rationalizing. I hope this at least makes a little bit of sense and makes you feel a little better, because I know it can be very hard struggling with this kind of thing.
Sun 17 Jun, 2012 09:42 am
BabToTheBone wrote:
...Being able to recognize good looks is not a characteristic of being gay, it's just a characteristic of being human. ...

I swear this should be sewn on a sampler and hung in people's homes. Very, very well said. Welcome to A2K.
0 Replies
Wed 20 Jun, 2012 05:46 am
Ok.... Ignore him talking about which gender you masturbate too.... you know your bi-sexual in some degree so don't focus so much on that, it will only distort things. Sexuality as everyone has said is a spectrum etc. etc. but as a bi sexual male myself I think it is maybe a little bit harder to really talk to people and be able to express that fact as a male.... (just my opinion guys!) ... I feel gay and straight are becoming finally an excitable part of society but still most people do not feel that bisexuality is an "identity sexuality" and by that i mean people do not understand that it exists as part of the human spectrum mostly because it is a small portion.... the GLBT society has really done wonders for advancing the reality of human sexuality, unfortunately most people dont embrace the scientific facts as they have been shown... As a bisexual male myself who has always been romantically attracted to women but had sexual attraction to men I identify with you very much..... Im not an expert or doctor or anything but after years of soul searching and making peace with myself, honestly if you are anything like me I make attachment to person rather then gender, its hard to find someone who will love you and understand you but that is crucial.... I guarantee most women(and men) will understand love and a real relationship despite orientation will excel. but you must be accepting of yourself in that role with a Man or Woman exclusively I think at least... Just be honest with out and who you love... and if they are not Ok with it then move on Smile

I hope that helped! Id love to chat more because im in the same boat but
thats what i have learned so far!
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