Oops, I accidentally posted before completing & editing my comment.
Here's the whole post.
Disregard the first one.

Yes, I am well aware of the origins of the word "harpy", George. A rather less colourful version than yours, though.
I have no desire to go on & on about this & I'm hoping this will be my one & only comment about it. But I want to say this.
You may or may not have called some
male an "asshole" in the process of this discussion. Some of whom have posted a
lot more comments to this thread than I have & some of whose comments were expressed in a decidedly more blunt & robust manner than mine were. Go back & check.
But you singled
me out for your special brand of aggression & told
me to shut up & leave the discussion, & maybe leave this forum, too, I'm not sure ...
Go back & read what I've actually
posted on this thread. Then consider why your response to
me was so downright rude. I suggest it's because you were frustrated with the discussion & chose to vent that frustration on someone you considered an "easy target" & who would not respond in kind with personal abuse... and also probably because I am a woman & a "foreigner" with the opposite political leanings to yours, who had the temerity to comment on matters US.
I usually don't make personal comments about posters on A2k in the process of debate, but I will make an exception this time. Because this is hardly first occasion you have attacked me in this way.
And for just once, I will tell you what I actually think about your personal abuse.
I think such outbursts do you absolutely no credit, George.
I think you reveal yourself to be coward & a bully when you behave in this way.
If your intention is to intimidate, I am not intimidated by you.
Rather, I lose all respect for you.
Whether you care or not about that, I honestly don't give a flying fig.
And I wish, just for once, you had the decency to apologize for the offense caused by your aggression.
But I won't be holding my breath.
There. I feel much better to have finally gotten that off my chest. I should have done this a long time ago.
Please excuse this digression, all.
Back to the discussion, anyone?