Question to those who do or do not doubt Christianity

Reply Thu 1 Sep, 2011 11:00 am
I could care less about proof, I have all the "faith" in the world to believe...this topic was for mostly doubters to explain reasonable non existant proof in Jesus, therefor, either answer the origional question, which would mean, yes, YOU would have to go out of your way to explain enough "proof" to provide the nonexistance rather than the existance of Jesus...or refrain from trying to "trap" me and twist the question back onto me...
Reply Thu 1 Sep, 2011 11:07 am
@Arella Mae,
he would not be a TRUE God at all to prove it, once it had been proven...such as in the old testament...I will tell you what denomination I am after you tell me what denomination you "think" i am...because my perceptions tell me what your thinking is wrong....
Reply Thu 1 Sep, 2011 11:16 am
Still waiting....
Arella Mae
Reply Thu 1 Sep, 2011 11:16 am
I most assuredly could be wrong about what demonination I think you are. That's why I asked. I will tell you this you behave just like the oneness pentecostals behave. Where in scripture did Jesus EVER boast about what or who He is? Where did HE ever put people down because they didn't know as much as He did?

I think you might benefit from a study on humility. I'm not trying to be mean to you so please don't think that. But, whenever you are talking to others about Christ, you are supposed to be a "light", a reflection of Him. What I see a reflection of right now is the Pharisees.

Don't you know you can cause other people to stumble with your behavior? That was a very hard lesson for me to learn. God draws people, yes, but He normally draws them to others so they can hear the gospel. If God is drawing someone are you going to rant to them like you have been on this thread? Do you honestly believe berating them helps the cause of Christ?

We are to reason one with another not cause strife and contention.
Reply Thu 1 Sep, 2011 11:25 am
What a puling hypocrite . . . if you don't care about proof, why are you berating the others in this thread for not providing any? I don't see any reason for others here to prove anything to you--you're the one making claims, and you don't provide a shred of evidence. Added to that, you're now playing the martyr--everybody's ganging up on poor old you. How pathetic.

People who make claims have the burden of proof. If you can't prove anything about your boy Jesus, don't expect to be taken seriously.
Reply Thu 1 Sep, 2011 11:30 am
@Arella Mae,
I take it you saying this to me because you believe and wan't me to be the bigger man and rise above there acts...in such case you should read ALL my posts...I am trying very hard....and yes I do agree with you that at times I have been against Christ in my actions...but that I am trying hard....buttom line is I see it, there really is no reasoning with someone who doesn't or isn't openminded about positions....(most Atheists) here so therefor, I keep hitting brick walls....I would if I were you go back and read my posts under mostly all religious threads and I think you will see myself working like Christ would to give a "good" perspective....btw I am Christian, and belong to a hole in the wall church called the Greater Hartford Church of Jesus Christ....they are non-denominational....for I see a lot of different Christ based churches are right on things and wrong on things...most times i get my worship in my own room in seclusion with myself and God, with the Catholic station on tv (sometimes)...simply put...
Reply Thu 1 Sep, 2011 11:37 am
What you seem so intent on evading here, is that you are challenging everyone else's doubts, the thread title speaks as much.
Yet you present yourself from a position of being above having any doubts.
Your "views" look to be a simple construction designed to hide doubt from yourself.
The point Solomon makes, throughout Ecclesiastes, is that no matter how much knowledge and understanding one acquires, you will not find an answer that will remove your doubt.
Solomon makes no claim to know God's mind, he only advises one to approach God to listen, rather than spout off about prophetic abilities and true Christianity.
"People see Jesus in me", are words that should never leave your mouth, even when you use a tired disclaimer to deny your pride.
Reply Thu 1 Sep, 2011 11:37 am
People who make claims have the burden of proof. If you can't prove anything about your boy Jesus, don't expect to be taken seriously.

this is strictly YOUR views...I don't feel the same way....My post wasn't to somehow force people into proving things...they can refrain or post if they "feel" they wan't to...as part of accepting others I wanted to see in the minds of Atheists as to see why "they" believe Jesus does not exist...therefor, explaining some things if it went down differently, (but it didn't and I wish I could delete this thread) or accepting things they infact say to try to understand why "they" (atheists) doubt Jesus.....as well in the process I would learn and grow as well...I guess your right because not really one took anything I said serious or made these discussions "meaningful" in any way just took shots....so I guess I am to blame here, and again I wish I could delete this thread....
Arella Mae
Reply Thu 1 Sep, 2011 11:41 am
It is not always easy to maintain our tempers. I completely understand that. I have come to learn how much pride and ego is involved whenever I get to the point of demeaning others.

I am a bit confused by your comment about Catholic stations so, could you, would you, mind telling me what your core beliefs are?
Reply Thu 1 Sep, 2011 11:41 am
Who cares what you "feel" about the matter? It's not "strictly [my] views," it's the standard of debate. If you make a claim, you have the burden of proof. If you fail that, nobody is going to give you any credence.

I see you're getting deeper into the poor, poor, pitiful me routine. Everybody is just taking shots at you. Aw . . . poor ba-bee . . .
Reply Thu 1 Sep, 2011 12:02 pm
The point Solomon makes, throughout Ecclesiastes, is that no matter how much knowledge and understanding one acquires, you will not find an answer that will remove your doubt.

correct, and I agree again...that to me is a sumeration of where FAITH comes into play...my views are that he specifically means you will not find a knowledgible or understanding esk way to grasp things you doubt...so if you as an Atheist look for knowledge or wisdom, and doubt God, you will not find him that way...it is by faith it is done...and the same way I accept God. by accpeting faith....Solomon is Also saying to me, that with Humans Doubt will always be there, because they're not God, and that to conquer your doubts you can't try to defeat it by seeking knowledge or understanding, with which again I agree with...you must accept faith or God himself to remove doubt from within yourself....

Solomon makes no claim to know God's mind, he only advises one to approach God to listen, rather than spout off about prophetic abilities and true Christianity.

I agree! I "try" to refrain from talking about "My" abilities...but understand you don't understand all that is in my mind....if someone is bloody asking me how or in what way do I know these things, than there is no OTHER way than be truthful and explain about the Propheticness in me, as you have seen or can see by reading my posts...I do NOT talk about it much and NEVER boast about it....matter of fact it is quite difficult and at times borderline insanity to live with....

"People see Jesus in me", are words that should never leave your mouth, even when you use a tired disclaimer to deny your pride.

these are your opinions again...and I am sorry if you took offense to it but it was meant in a way to humble myself...or show others that basically anyone can claim to "know" Jesus...buttom line without soothesaying...other people can see things in believers that show they have that spirit of Jesus in them and are not twisting Christ's message around....if you took offense to the fact that I in fact think I act like one of those people then I appologize....for I am not here to glorify myself but God himself....explain it to me as to how I should word it and I will take it in....
Reply Thu 1 Sep, 2011 12:15 pm
apparently, YOU care to a degree about MY feelings...because your going OUT of your WAY to INSULT ME! and to add insult to injury your NOW trying to egg me on....I made this topic to try to learn about things, why are you here if you don't feel inclined to add anything meaningful? all your doing is perpetuating a dying thread...(for as you claim) Ahthiest's are not taking me serious, and I am refraining from trying to insult them back in return....
Reply Thu 1 Sep, 2011 12:26 pm
@Arella Mae,
my core beliefs get very long-deep and complicated...it would take along time to put a good sumeration on it...but like the Bible says...those who are with Christ are not against...so I "try" to preach to non believers rather than believers...because honestly I think for the most part believers except Christ's death therefore are by his mouth worthy of life eternal....(more explicitly) believe in your Heart, confess with your mouth, and believe he died and was raised you'll be saved...(my personal life with Christ is much more deeper) but this is the easiest way to be "saved"therefor, ANY denomination of Christ who accepts this does not need preachings so much....and my battle if there is one, is not with denomination of Christ who for the MOST part are doing right appossed to wrong...but rather ones who don't know or understand what the message of Jesus is REALLY about....or claim they know but probably do not...and MANY people out there who DO claim to KNOW Jesus but don't support by their actions, give true followers a BAD name....(these if anything are the 2 I worry about most)
0 Replies
Reply Thu 1 Sep, 2011 12:31 pm
XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:
I was personally curious mostly from Atheists what there ideas and or moral acceptance is of their own personal views as to what constitutes "a sign or proof".

I think you'll find that most atheists, and in general most people who recognize the mythological nature of Christianity, aren't as interested in proof as they are bothered by the irrationality and "cartoonishness" of the dogma.

The bulk of the stories related to Jesus are obviously false because they have been demonstrated to derive from previously existing mythologies, Egyptian and Sumerian etc. Yet many Christians cling to them in the face of overwhelming evidence of their origins. This kind of irrational delusion is frustrating to anyone who favors an analytical approach to understanding the world around them.
Reply Thu 1 Sep, 2011 12:31 pm
I thank you for being curtious and patient my friend...I promise I WILL take the time and ANSWER your questions as best as I can....
0 Replies
Reply Thu 1 Sep, 2011 12:38 pm
Solomon is Also saying to me, that with Humans Doubt will always be there, because they're not God, and that to conquer your doubts you can't try to defeat it by seeking knowledge or understanding, with which again I agree with...you must accept faith or God himself to remove doubt from within yourself....

Again, you've missed the point.
It is not about conquering doubt.

Ecclesiastes 7, 18
"It is good that you grasp one thing, and also not let go of the other; for the one who fears God comes forth with both of them."

these are your opinions again...and I am sorry if you took offense to it but it was meant in a way to humble myself...or show others that basically anyone can claim to "know" Jesus...buttom line without soothesaying...other people can see things in believers that show they have that spirit of Jesus in them and are not twisting Christ's message around....if you took offense to the fact that I in fact think I act like one of those people then I appologize....for I am not here to glorify myself but God himself....explain it to me as to how I should word it and I will take it in....

If others see Jesus in you, that's for them to say. No matter how you try and justify your statement, it says what it says.
I take no offense, I wasn't the one said it, so don't try to play it off on me or my opinion.
You might try not letting your left hand know what you're right hand is doing.

.if you took offense to the fact that I in fact think I act like one of those people then I appologize

Since you're so big on what is opinion, this is simply your's.
If it were truly the case, no one would need you to say it.
You might try not letting your left hand know what your right hand is doing.

Reply Thu 1 Sep, 2011 12:40 pm
ok, now someone posted with meaning....please explain to me where this is evident??

The bulk of the stories related to Jesus are obviously false because they have been demonstrated to derive from previously existing mythologies, Egyptian and Sumerian etc. Yet many Christians cling to them in the face of overwhelming evidence of their origins
0 Replies
Reply Thu 1 Sep, 2011 12:41 pm
You are seriously delusional if you really believe i'm going out of my way. I'm here looking around from time to time as i take care of other things. The insult is perceived on your part, not an intent on my part. You are making claims, and you are not substantiating your claims. I suspect that you consider yourself insulted because you are not being taken at your word. So far, your word has been haughty and disdainful, and rife with unwarranted assumptions about what others here "believe." The atheist is not a believer--the atheist is only an atheist as far as theists are concerned, because the atheist does not believe. You, in the depths of your "christian charity," have been ranting at people, and insulting them. Now, you are whining about being insulted yourself. What do you expect?
Reply Thu 1 Sep, 2011 12:56 pm
I don't understand what your trying to get at...I have reread the above post a few times and each time I reread it, it is to (me) talking about Faith....

Again, you've missed the point.
It is not about conquering doubt.

Ecclesiastes 7, 18
"It is good that you grasp one thing, and also not let go of the other; for the one who fears God comes forth with both of them."

this is saying to me, it is good for ones who accept and follow God to do what he says, and then do not give up or slack in another area, or lose something good in order to gain something good, but rather value what you learned and accepted, and to do more so of....to accept God, means to DO and follow ALL that he speaks of...

How does this follow from the previous post?? if I missed the point, explain it to me WITHOUT trying to stump me and or be evasive and I will take in what your stating if I in fact DID miss the point...
0 Replies
Reply Thu 1 Sep, 2011 01:05 pm
there seems to be something lacking hear in terms of understanding what an insult is...

Setanta, what in fact constitutes an insult in your eyes if these are NOT in fact trying to slander me????

Who cares what you "feel" about the matter?


I see you're getting deeper into the poor, poor, pitiful me routine. Everybody is just taking shots at you. Aw . . . poor ba-bee . . .

so my question is how would you "feel" if I returned evil for evil toward you and basically said something like (and this is an example...and no offense meant here) I personally don't care what you feel setanta...get the hell out of my topic if you have nothing meaningful to add! or don't feel like following common thread knowledge and answering the ORIGONAL question... could you see how this would "rub" people the wrong way?

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