I get all of what Fresco said...but this is the thing I do not understand...I do not understand a wordless experience? I remember another Buddhist saying that his views of rebirth, were like having a moment where he just had loss of concentration, or zoning out...Then when he came too, that is the process of rebirth...Do you agree with this?
And the part about a wordless experience...When I have prayed, and reached a very, very, highly spiritual ecstatic state of mind or experience...It was not wordless for me...Rather, I got to the point where I could feel God basically shut the door, and say that is far enough, you can not handle anymore in this life...because I was just thinking on so much of a higher consciousness that I could feel that if I wanted to see anymore, I would have to be with God in Heaven...And when these experiences happen, there is nothing wordless about it...Rather I could use every single word, description, experience, metaphor, simile, perception, explanations, contexts etc...that I possibly knew to sum up those few seconds where I had felt those experiences...And it hits me like a stone when God closes that door...And I can rationalize, conjure, explain, understand, accept everything that was said, done, explained, felt, seen, experienced, seen through visions...etc... in a matter of milliseconds...and everything I seek is explained to me...
I know it is wordless, but I just do not understand that...Is there anything you could say about this experience at all? as in a way to articulate what it feels like before you reach this wordless point?
Why does SpadeMaster mean trying to master the Devil? Why does Spade mean Devil? Could it mean master of the Devil?
Call me a master of the Devil...Or Master of Spades...Or MOS...