@Frank Apisa,
Now I'm "out of control". As well as feeling the "heat". And digging a deeper hole for myself. I have no character or decency. I'm nothing but bluster. And not only that but I'm "ballistic" with it. And there's a long list of other stuff to add that lot onto.
And it saddens you! These conditions you assert I'm in. As if it is an argument or even means anything.
Good! --you phoney patronising silly twat. Which is not an insult but a simple fact. The world is a sweet place indeed if it takes me to make you sad. Or that I should appear in a list of things that make you sad. Even in 10,000th place. Or 10 millionth.
When Huxley coined the word "agnostic" he should have known, if he had had any real brains at all, that a bunch of counter-jumpers would swarm all over it for no other reason than to be different from a world of believers and atheists and feel superior to them both. Like with puce dinner plates.
Not with any project in mind as believers and atheists have. How can an agnostic have a project. It's a catatonic position. And bound to end up in mere word-play.
I'm here to say that anybody who doubts Christianity should see a shrink and get it out in the open the real reason they do. At least they would know where they stood. Words can be found to support anything.
Christianity is a collection of precepts designed to try to render an impossible situation passably endurable, given all the circumstances, a vast and only partially explored realm as yet, and to see if it is possible to design a few home comforts. A motorised golf-cart for when the need for exercise presses itself on the attention.
Anybody doubting Christianity has a duty, an intellectual one I mean, to offer an alternative, starting, to make it easy, in the Dark Ages. And to explain the dynamics.
How for example to condemn adultery but not quite enough to eradicate it, as is the case in some countries. How to manage Science without it firing us up our own fundament. How to encourage cupidity and self-seeking and discourage them at the same time. Like Scott Pelley tries to do on CBS News. Hopelessly. How to squander the earth's resources and conserve them as well.
What are we to do Frank? **** the condition I'm in. I'm a shagged out old has-been like you. I'm necessarily good these days. It's been forced upon me.
What are we to do eh? Where did we go wrong? What's your beef with Christianity? Is it that it reproves, castigates possibly, some of the things you have found yourself desiring to do? Understandably I'll admit.
An intellectual beef about it makes no sense to me. Nothing is true when disconnected from the world around. From the blood and from history. 2+2=4 has no meaning disconnected from those. Shakespeare has a play about the matter. y=(f)x. Eh what?