@Arella Mae,
I was asking him to apologize to you, because we are good friends that do not see eye to eye on many things...But we always come back around to respecting each other...and I think you two can be great friends on here if you are willing to give it a shot at being friends...I say this because I am a believer in Christ just like you are

If you look at my pic...you will see it is a picture of Jesus on the cross...
And we have become very good friends because he seems to be the most empathetic atheist I have ever met on here...
And I do not think the video was to mock our beliefs...But it is because he genuinly cares about getting a better understanding of human behavior of both theists and atheists...because he has also posted many videos of things that would seem strange from an atheistic side...And he is very open-minded...
I think if you give him a chance you two can become very good friends...there are not many more atheists that I have ever seen that have the respect that RL has...
I understand what you are saying about hurting people...I have done it, and so has he with you....But none of us truly mean to do that to anyone else...
Atleast the ones who care...And he certainly does...and I think if you give it a shot at being friends....you will see for yourself he is a good guy for sure....and did not mean to hurt us..or make fun of our beliefs...because he follows some teachings of Jesus himself...and considers himself, an Atheist-Christian...
I think by him apologizing to a fellow believer shows that he cares or takes into consideration what we have to say, and does not laugh at us...Or mock us...
Also while apologizing to you...When you two just had a misunderstanding...And I think it shows he respects what you have to say or think...and would be interested in hearing your thoughts....
But only if you are willing to talk to him about them!...