@reasoning logic,
I must confess...I seen one post of his voted down...It was in your "this is amazing and I think you will find it to be as well" thread...
I KNOW this is the truth from my perspective...I seen one of his posts down in the thread you created, Then we had a spat...Then I put him on ignore...He is on my ignore, and his posts are collapsed, so I can not see them....I have been skipping over the majority of them....When I have read them, they were not voted down, that I have seen...And I was not following him around, or paying attention to his votes, because when I skim back, I can't see his posts because they are collapsed...
Quote:Do you mean by you voting him down as well?
No, because if his votes are mostly down it is not because of me....to be completely honest...I may have done it once, when we first met and I thought it was him....I think it was in the Atheist, your life is pointless thread....
If I was voting him down, I would tell him straight out I was, and why I was doing it...I would not hide in the shadows like these people have been doing to, me, Arella, and Spendius....And now him...
Quote:Do you believe this to be truthful?
I KNOW it is the truth...I seen one of his posts down in the thread you created, before he was on my ignore....And I have voted him down once I can remember when I first thought it was him...He is on my ignore, and his posts are collapsed, so I can not see them....I have been skipping over the majority of them....When I have read them, they were not voted down, that I have seen...And I was not following him around, or paying attention to his votes, because when I skim back, I can't see his posts because they are collapsed...
If this was all untruthful....To be honest mate, I would have been much much smarter....And never made the argument today he was still doing it, if I could see his were down just like mine...
Quote:We know it sure pisses you off when someone does it to you, Do you ever hold back from people when you fell that they may be attacking you?
I do not hold back...And that is just another reason how what I have just said is the truth....
And how I would tell someone exactly how I feel...And tell them straight out if I wanted to vote them down....Especially if I thought or knew they were doing it to me....
But after that first day we spat...I did not even care enough about my thoughts of him doing it to me anymore...Or voting him down to prove a point...And you know this is true, because if I did not know his votes were down...How could I have been the one doing it? Do you think I would have backed down from telling him it was me?
I would have no reason to argue a point If I did not believe it was factual...And I would not believe it was factual if I could see his posts, and see they were voted down....Like me and others....I honestly figured it was him doing it to everyone else....Rather than taking the time to see he was a victim as well....
So I do want to apologize to NTD once again...I am sorry...
It pisses me off, because it is hateful mate....And I should forgive which I will if someone wants to explain to me why....I will never embrace the act of hate....As no one should like my hatefullness...And I would not expect them to either...