Question to those who do or do not doubt Christianity

Reply Wed 2 Jan, 2013 07:38 am
@reasoning logic,
I will give you a perfect example of the previous post...So that you understand what I am saying and do not misinterpret it...

Think of the person who petition to have "in God we trust" off of money...

Why do you honestly think he did that?

I bet it had nothing at all to do with an offense to his beliefs or lacks...But because it was his own ego...because he wanted to be the first atheism to have money changed upon his behalf..He had no interest in doing it because of his beliefs or lacks...Nor any other athiest...

And wanted money to be changed because of himself...

How does it truly offend him, in any such way?

How could it offend his beliefs or lacks if he has none?

If it truly offends him, does it also offend him when he gets paid from his job that he refuses to accept the cash?

And does he realize that the first to coin that term was an atheist president, and model for all atheists in Abraham Lincoln...

And he did that to keep the nation unified?

Nope, he simply petition it because it was what suited his own desires because the world is all about him...
0 Replies
Reply Wed 2 Jan, 2013 07:45 am
I never said you had no reason to post, and if I did I apologize...I said I see no reason to discuss things unless you are interested in discussng the topics, and not each persons mannerisms...

Simply because I do not feel like picking those things apart...
reasoning logic
Reply Wed 2 Jan, 2013 08:49 am
I never said you had no reason to post, and if I did I apologize...I said I see no reason to discuss things unless you are interested in discussng the topics, and not each persons mannerisms...

What is so bad about talking about our manners? You may not of said that he has no reason to post but you did say that he was like a snake in the grass and you also accused him of voting your post down. Maybe you are correct but what if your belief is incorrect?

Would you feel the same empathetic way if he was following you around and voting you down everywhere you go?
Reply Wed 2 Jan, 2013 09:02 am
@reasoning logic,
I did not say it was bad...Again...Nothing about him seems that bad...Unless he is a deceptive person...That I do not know....

I personally have no interest in discussing peoples mannerisms...If that is what he wants to do, that is cool with me, but I am not going to par-take...in it myself...Because I think everyone makes mistakes and is not perfect...so no real point there...to me...

Yes, I did say the thing about the snake in the grass...Because I was just being honest...When someone says they are not going to talk to me anymore, and then pops up out of nowhere...And tries to bombard me, I look at that as a bit deceptive...

But If I am wrong, and that is just who he is, and how he likes to talk to everyone, I guess I should apologize, because I am not trying to change him...But if he is interested in talking about mannerisms then it goes with what he says or asks anyways....Because he likes to comment about mine, and me telling him that I think him doing that looks deceptive, is being responsive in the ways he is verbally communicating, anyways....

If I am wrong about the votes...then I apologize to him....Even though it is a bit unfair logic, because if it is him, he has no reason to apologize or stop doing it if he is...anymore...now that I have said this....

But anyways I really do not care....It just pisses me off at times that people can not just leave it alone if they have nothing nice to say...thats all...

It is not the votes, it is the action of doing it....And I do not want to keep talking about it, because who ever is doing it, is getting laughs at my expense....

But the question was a hypothetical aimed at YOU...If it is true...

Would you be so empathetic if someone was doing hate towards you?

And it does not matter if it is him or someone else...Someone is doing it...

And all you have to say is yes, or no...
Reply Wed 2 Jan, 2013 09:10 am
@reasoning logic,
The people doing this, are not doing it because of lack of validity...they are doing it to be hateful...And are posing hate...

There is no reason to follow someone around and vote them down in a word thread and game threads unless they are hateful....
0 Replies
reasoning logic
Reply Wed 2 Jan, 2013 09:11 am
Would you be so empathetic if someone was doing hate towards you?

Yes I would still love my enemy because it is the right thing to do.

I will be on and off about every 30 minutes to an 1hour as I have things to do.

While we are talking about manners do you think that it is bad manners for a lady to be treating Beethoven's work like this?

Reply Wed 2 Jan, 2013 09:16 am
Some asshole is clicking us both down willy nilly man...

Thanks for the response.
Reply Wed 2 Jan, 2013 09:16 am
@reasoning logic,
Yes I would still love my enemy because it is the right thing to do.

So if I voted everyone of your posts down for the next 50 pages of this thread, you would not be pissed at me?

Could be true, not really believable mate...easy to say when it is not happening to you....

It is right for me to forgive....It is not good for me to love the hate they are doing...

I can only love and forgive, if I know who is doing it, and why, to embrace them...

I think it is a bit excessive...but not bad manners because she does not seem to be doing it to spite Beethoven
0 Replies
Reply Wed 2 Jan, 2013 09:18 am
Your welcome!!! I am glad that I apologized for it also..Wink

Without even knowing that someone was voting you down as well...

Because it means that I was being truthful...That I thought it was you...

And am not doing it to you either mate...

Does it piss you off? Or not so much?
reasoning logic
Reply Wed 2 Jan, 2013 11:09 am
Your welcome!!! I am glad that I apologized for it also

Me too I hate to see you carrying such a heavy burden Shocked

Without even knowing that someone was voting you down as well...

Yeah right! Rolling Eyes

Because it means that I was being truthful...That I thought it was you...

Do you mean by you voting him down as well?

And am not doing it to you either mate...

Do you believe this to be truthful?

Does it piss you off? Or not so much?

We know it sure pisses you off when someone does it to you, Do you ever hold back from people when you fell that they may be attacking you?
Reply Wed 2 Jan, 2013 11:16 am
Of course it does not, this site is merely a place to deploy anything, that one answer might be had about one thing, before I die, by someone who would have had no clue... For no reason, except reason.

I do not worry in the slightest who is lying, never did.

I am told perhaps that's harshly received, so sorry, I mean, nah, I do not worry about that , man, chill.

Damn, now they are going to start up with naivety discussion.
Always with the enemies.
Got one in my own self situation.. Nuff issue.
0 Replies
reasoning logic
Reply Wed 2 Jan, 2013 11:25 am
I seen on the news a while back where Christians were pole dancing for Jesus. I promise that there is nothing sexual here but I wanted to hear your take on it.

I bet her hubby is happy in the bedroom I wonder if she has a pole in there.

Reply Wed 2 Jan, 2013 11:57 am
@reasoning logic,
Yeah right!

I must confess...I seen one post of his voted down...It was in your "this is amazing and I think you will find it to be as well" thread...

I KNOW this is the truth from my perspective...I seen one of his posts down in the thread you created, Then we had a spat...Then I put him on ignore...He is on my ignore, and his posts are collapsed, so I can not see them....I have been skipping over the majority of them....When I have read them, they were not voted down, that I have seen...And I was not following him around, or paying attention to his votes, because when I skim back, I can't see his posts because they are collapsed...

Do you mean by you voting him down as well?

No, because if his votes are mostly down it is not because of me....to be completely honest...I may have done it once, when we first met and I thought it was him....I think it was in the Atheist, your life is pointless thread....

If I was voting him down, I would tell him straight out I was, and why I was doing it...I would not hide in the shadows like these people have been doing to, me, Arella, and Spendius....And now him...

Do you believe this to be truthful?

I KNOW it is the truth...I seen one of his posts down in the thread you created, before he was on my ignore....And I have voted him down once I can remember when I first thought it was him...He is on my ignore, and his posts are collapsed, so I can not see them....I have been skipping over the majority of them....When I have read them, they were not voted down, that I have seen...And I was not following him around, or paying attention to his votes, because when I skim back, I can't see his posts because they are collapsed...

If this was all untruthful....To be honest mate, I would have been much much smarter....And never made the argument today he was still doing it, if I could see his were down just like mine...

We know it sure pisses you off when someone does it to you, Do you ever hold back from people when you fell that they may be attacking you?

I do not hold back...And that is just another reason how what I have just said is the truth....

And how I would tell someone exactly how I feel...And tell them straight out if I wanted to vote them down....Especially if I thought or knew they were doing it to me....

But after that first day we spat...I did not even care enough about my thoughts of him doing it to me anymore...Or voting him down to prove a point...And you know this is true, because if I did not know his votes were down...How could I have been the one doing it? Do you think I would have backed down from telling him it was me?

I would have no reason to argue a point If I did not believe it was factual...And I would not believe it was factual if I could see his posts, and see they were voted down....Like me and others....I honestly figured it was him doing it to everyone else....Rather than taking the time to see he was a victim as well....

So I do want to apologize to NTD once again...I am sorry...

It pisses me off, because it is hateful mate....And I should forgive which I will if someone wants to explain to me why....I will never embrace the act of hate....As no one should like my hatefullness...And I would not expect them to either...

reasoning logic
Reply Wed 2 Jan, 2013 12:15 pm
I must confess...I seen one post of his voted down...It was in your "this is amazing and I think you will find it to be as well" thread...

Is this the one you voted down? Do you only see the things that you do to others?

Then we had a spat...Then I put him on ignore...He is on my ignore, and his posts are collapsed, so I can not see them....I have been skipping over the majority of them..

Is this how you love your enemy? You just ignore them?

if his votes are mostly down it is not because of me....to be completely honest...I may have done it once, when we first met

Is this how you treat your enemies when you first meet them?

If I was voting him down, I would tell him straight out I was

When you voted him down did you explain to him straight out why you did it or did you do what others are doing and you have said that it is bad behavior?

I would tell someone exactly how I feel...And tell them straight out if I wanted to vote them down....Especially if I thought or knew they were doing it to me....

Who have you ever told this to that you voted down?

Reply Wed 2 Jan, 2013 12:26 pm
@reasoning logic,
I really do not know how to answer that one mate....It has got me thinking deep...

This is all that I have to say right now...I think that it is good that she uses her past as a driving force to do something positive...

But I do also think it could give some other women a lax approach on female pole dancing in general....But it also gets other women to accept that Jesus would want other people to accept everyone in his name NO MATTER WHAT...As Moses was the First prophet and killed an Egyptian...

But I would not be interested in Going to a place to embrace Jesus in a way where there were poles like that...myself...

But I could also understand why women would....

And can not say that I think it would be incorrect if it helps them to embrace Jesus, and gets them to break barriers they have about female strippers who do it in the other sort of way...And accept everyone as equals...

So in short, I would not do it myself...

But if these women do...And do not use it in the sexual way, or it does not lead other women to actually become strippers themselves, then more power to her to spread the words, or belief...And breaking barriers of judgment....
reasoning logic
Reply Wed 2 Jan, 2013 12:32 pm
I actually like your response and I find it genuine.
I have seen others who are teaching pole for the soul and I was curious what you though about them.

Reply Wed 2 Jan, 2013 12:45 pm
@reasoning logic,
Is this how you love your enemy? You just ignore them?

Sometimes it is better to walk away mate...

Is this how you treat your enemies when you first meet them?

Sometimes it is not so easy to apply everything that Jesus has said to do...But I do try...I have apologized now 3 times I think since I seen he was a victim as well...

When you voted him down did you explain to him straight out why you did it or did you do what others are doing and you have said that it is bad behavior?

I told him straight out...Wherever it was...I told him I thought he was voting me down, and I did not like that...And said that your post is now voted down...Then I said ignored...And put him on ignore....But it also had to do with what he had said...That gave me the impression it was him...

Who have you ever told this to that you voted down?

As far as recently?...I can only remember voting 2 people down....And have told them both...And one of them was him....

As far as since I have been here?

I do not know the exact mate...Because when this thread First came about...I was voting down people who I thought were doing it to me....

It was like 3 different people who I thought were doing it....

So in my whole time here....I have maybe voted 5 people down...

How many have you voted down since you have been here?

Was I ever one of them?

Did you tell them why since you love your enemies?

Or do you think that being anonmyious is better?

Could you be empathetic as to why someone would get upset about it?
Reply Wed 2 Jan, 2013 12:51 pm
@reasoning logic,
Smoke break then I will watch the second video...

Ha Ha Ha...Pole for soul?

Not sure how funny Jesus would find that...

I would have to say he would not...
reasoning logic
Reply Wed 2 Jan, 2013 12:54 pm
How many have you voted down since you have been here?

I do not have enough fingers and toes nor enough memory to remember.

Was I ever one of them?
Of course you were I love voting you down. Laughing Just kidding Spades but I am sure that have probably done it at least 5 times but it could be less or more I have not kept count.


Did you tell them why since you love your enemies

No I just do it and I do not see any harm in voting a post down that I think is distasteful or I disagree but I really do not do it often, What I do often is just accept their view points even though I may not agree with them.
Reply Wed 2 Jan, 2013 01:11 pm
@reasoning logic,
Are you empathetic that I never knew you had, but thought you did and was correct? But never said anything about it, being empathetic to you?

And why I have done it to others who I also believed had done it to me?

Is it possible I was only wrong about NTD?....And possible to be correct about the other 4? I think I am sure of?

Or is it not possible, since I thought you have, and never knew if it was true?

And was empathetic that you had?

Do you think I may have had good reasons to do it, when I have? Since I was empathetic to you as my friend?

Besides being wrong about NTD?

Or was I truly not empathetic?

If I thought a friend of mine had? And never voted them down...Or told them that I thought they had? Or asked why, till you asked me why...being both empathetic...

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