@reasoning logic,
Just so you know, I do not think either of us are immoral....So I can not say that I fully understand how an immoral person would think...
But I will give it my best shot...
Quote:Very few people are not able to understand universally held moral concepts but just because a person is not able to understand the concept does not mean the concept cant be proven.
How can you prove it to THEM? The person being immoral...? We understand this...But they do not...What would be "proof" for an immoral person?
Quote:If someone is not able to understand mathematical concept does that mean the the math problem can not be proofed by the logical consistency that it was established on?
Correct, but would an immoral person "think" it was? Do they have the logical consistency to understand that this is correct? Or would you say they do not?
Quote:When something is universally accepted such as addition or a moral concept, "kidnapping and making some one your slave should be easily understood by society.
Correct, comming from two people who are for the most part moral...
Would they "think" that it was if they were the ones doing it? And would this be apart of the reason why we see them as immoral? Because it is not easily seen by them?
Quote: Sure people will get things wrong, just as getting a math problem wrong but that does not mean that the math concept is not provable.
Because it is a belief it is provable....It is not provable, unless someone thinks it is...Or thinks the math has the logical consistency to be "proven"...If they believe, believe it can be proven, or want to prove it, then they are moral...Someone who is not moral, does not "think" the same ways we do...Or it appears to me, they do not want to believe, believe it is proven, or try to prove it...If they do not do any of these things, they would be immoral...And not believe, believe it is proven, or want to prove it...
It would always be beliefs about everything...Before it is proof...Then believing it is proven, then trying to prove it...
Does this mean that atheists have more faith then theists?
Not really, because they think the only way to find God is through proof....And skipping the belief, and believe to prove...steps...
So no one could even find a God, unless they wanted to "believe" that they could...
I do not know how a mostly immoral person would think...But I gave it my best shot...