Question to those who do or do not doubt Christianity

Arella Mae
Reply Sat 29 Dec, 2012 05:04 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Frank Apisa wrote:

I understand that you want RL's answer...and I hope he gives you one that satisfies you. But you and SM seem to be indicating that questions of this sort arise in discussions often...and you both seem to think non-theists are not responsive.

I, on the other hand, am responsive to a fault...so I find myself wondering why you wrote:

If you are aware of Jesus and his teachings then you are well aware of the fact God does not deal with us in the same manner that he did in the Old Testament so I have to wonder why you would even bring it up.

Where does that come from...and how do you determine how your god "deals with us?"

If you are of the opinion that Jesus is divine...then you must be respectfully of the GOD Jesus worshiped.

"The GOD Jesus worshiped" is described in great detail in the Old Testament books. The things that offend "the GOD Jesus worshiped" are described in great detail in the Old Testament.

There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in the New Testament to indicate that the things that offend "the GOD Jesus worshiped"...no longer offends that god.

That is my point...and that seems to be a rather complete response to this question that you claim you ask often and nobody wants to answer.

I AM ANSWERING it...so why not discuss it with me.

We do not have to argue...we can just discuss it.
Frank, I really feel like I need to address this because you are being kind in offering to discuss this with me. I don't feel I am very qualified to discuss this with you. You are a much more learned man than I am and I recognize that. I am afraid discussing this with me would only frustrate you. There is still so much I don't know. rl just proved that by me being wrong about the Psalms 137. I really do appreciate the offer.
Frank Apisa
Reply Sat 29 Dec, 2012 05:56 pm
@Arella Mae,
Frank, I really feel like I need to address this because you are being kind in offering to discuss this with me. I don't feel I am very qualified to discuss this with you. You are a much more learned man than I am and I recognize that. I am afraid discussing this with me would only frustrate you. There is still so much I don't know. rl just proved that by me being wrong about the Psalms 137. I really do appreciate the offer.

Thank you...and I will respect your wishes not to discuss it with me.
Reply Sat 29 Dec, 2012 06:07 pm
@Frank Apisa,
I wish you would discuss some of the issues I raise Frank.

Do you not respect my wishes?

It is looking like you are being a bit selective about whose wishes you respect.
reasoning logic
Reply Sat 29 Dec, 2012 06:10 pm
@Frank Apisa,
I will respect your wishes not to discuss it with me.

I guess that could be what she was saying but that is not how I took it.

I thought that she was just being humble and saying that she thought that it could be rough on your end because of the differences in understandings.

Not that any of us have it 100% correct
0 Replies
reasoning logic
Reply Sat 29 Dec, 2012 06:11 pm

Do you not respect my wishes?

Have you wished upon a star?
Reply Sat 29 Dec, 2012 06:16 pm
@reasoning logic,
Regarding Barbara Stanwyk--yes.
Arella Mae
Reply Sat 29 Dec, 2012 06:35 pm
Oh I just watched Sorry, Wrong Number the other night! What a movie and what a woman!
0 Replies
Reply Sat 29 Dec, 2012 07:33 pm
To believers:

Worries about Jesus as the savior are larger than they should be on one line of thought, too small on the other.. As noticed by Frank, this is why the term 'delusion' starts getting applied to conversations, not that I am saying that, because you are correct, only ..You are correct to state what you state for your peace of absolute interpretation of biblical wisdom, not correct to state it that way in the eyes of all.

That said, what I have read in the last few pages of yours has rang quite pleasingly true, Jesus as brought forth as the Son of God, yet merely the son of Man, was a message only, yet at the same time, divine horror to explain a point.. The horror is ignored, in spite of the fact that it was merely a snippet of the horror which can befall people.. Unless as in, the Passion of Christ, life was really that way for him, which I begin then to realize places him in the realms of those who are cursed to live his likeness.. Before and today.

Jesus vanishes from the sense within society as a designed outcome, it is supposed to be that way, not for the lacking of faith, but for the acquisition and comprehension of it.

Law and justice, right and wrong, for the majority is very perspective based on life as witnessed by each individual.. The problem is that people watch the news and they watch movies, they think 'aha, now I see' .. They are correct, but they 'merely' see, they do not live it.. 'The passion of Christ' was an attempt to counter this.. It appeared to fail on most, yet they expect their God will love them for their ignorance, further deemed logic.
That things happen outside of peoples vision, outside of their grasp of occurrences, falls flat on people, though every generation a certain amount of people wake up and see the truth. Not every line in the bible is 'interpretive' not every message from God is not a truth in the most pure form.

Law is one thing, it's application and success alters world views, even as those birthed witness it doing so.. They fail to see that the almighty works with similar motivational base stratagems and will, if needs be, flip it to the former in a heartbeat, and does so.. In closed chambers and in hot zones.
Frank is not later attempting to alter beliefs, it is merely seen that way, he is misread.. and he is stoic and right.

Chinese whispers as the original Satanic placement of lies about eventuality, are mirrored twice, once up into the heavens as a placeholder for the war that shall not end man, and once unto man as the lie which now you can see through, if you apply the reasoning behind it as the deities did.
Satan speaks to your soul in whispers, his soldiers are bored enough to hope on occasion, that you do not realise when a whisper is a blow. Man learns by entire accident the nature of hiding the lies within lies, for he misses that truth, then once again, whispers are in the world of man.

The auction houses of old were put in place by man to ensure through humility and shame that all would remain indoors and away from hostilities.. The mess which was else, was far too much the trouble when wheels must turn. You think it is so different today?.. No, your peace is permitted, wrath belongs to war, as requested, not always to God ..as HE chooses.. Or rather 'he/s' chooses both at once.

Still today, if you say the wrong thing you can find your internet connection is sliced closed whilst others mill to distract from views. This has always been the case, still today you can find yourself locked down by God or other departments involved in divinities 'wheel greasing'.
So what am I saying?

Watch the passion of Christ and know that demons are you upon command of the almighty.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 30 Dec, 2012 07:32 am
I will happily discuss anything with you, Spendius. Start it out.
reasoning logic
Reply Sun 30 Dec, 2012 08:26 am
@Arella Mae,
rl just proved that by me being wrong about the Psalms 137. I really do appreciate the offer.

You were not the only one who did not understand the meaning "I did not either.
I took some time to investigate and I think that the bible got that one correct.

O daughter of Babylon, who art to be destroyed; happy shall he be, that rewardeth thee as thou hast served us.

9 Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones.

I interpreted it the same way as this ministry did.
the Medes and Persians conquered Babylon. She was completely overtaken and ruined by these empires. And just as she rejoiced in destroying Jerusalem and Israel, God says her conquerors will rejoice in destroying her, including her innocent infants.


There are many scriptures that can be ripped out of their context to make a case against them. For example the Muslims especially make use of Psalm 137:9 Happy the one who takes and dashes your little ones against the rock!

If we read the Scripture in context and then go to other Scriptures and history we find its true meaning.

Psalm 137:8-9: “O daughter of Babylon, who are to be destroyed, happy the one who repays you as you have served us! Happy the one who takes and dashes your little ones against the rock!

God is not telling Israel to smash the heads of their infants against rocks. Israel was taken captive with their children by the Babylonians in several different invasions.

God is pronouncing judgment upon Babylon for its great sin in showing no mercy when it destroyed Jerusalem and led the Jews captive. God is stating that Babylon will be dealt in the same manner that she treated Israel (according to prophecy). The day is coming when an enemy (will rejoice in its triumph over Babylon, and will be happy in the Slaughter). It was the Medes and Persians that conquered Babylon. She was completely overtaken and ruined by these empires. And just as she rejoiced in destroying Jerusalem and Israel, God says her conquerors will rejoice in destroying her, including her innocent infants.

God is not commanding such barbaric behavior but stating what the future will be for Babylon.. This was a fulfillment of Isaiah 13:15-16: Everyone who is found will be thrust through, and everyone who is captured will fall by the sword. Their children also will be dashed to pieces before their eyes; their houses will be plundered and their wives ravished.”
0 Replies
Reply Sun 30 Dec, 2012 08:38 am
@Frank Apisa,
I will happily discuss anything with you, Spendius. Start it out.

It was already started. You claimed that the God of the OT was the same as the God of the NT. You even claimed it is absurd to say otherwise.

And you claimed to be responsive to a fault.

So I quoted Acts for you which said that the God of the OT was defunct. And AM offered the significant difference.

You responded to neither. Instead you lurk in your burrow for a space and then emerge all generosity of spirit and seek to start again in a phoney show of tolerance and co-operative good nature as if my memory is as easily repressed as yours seems to be.

And there have been a number of other gambits of a similar nature from you.

Aroint thee thou rump fed ronyon!
Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 30 Dec, 2012 08:42 am
Are we talking about the same GOD, Spendius?

I am speaking of the GOD Jesus worshiped...who is the GOD of the Old Testament.

It cannot be any other way.

I defy you to show me a quotation from the Bible that says, "The GOD of the Old Testament is defunct."

Said another way: Yes, I am saying that the GOD mentioned in the Old Testament is the same GOD mentioned in the New Testament.
Reply Sun 30 Dec, 2012 08:55 am
@Frank Apisa,
We're talking about God? I thought we were talking about Rod.

reasoning logic
Reply Sun 30 Dec, 2012 08:57 am
that is a pretty song.
Reply Sun 30 Dec, 2012 08:58 am
@reasoning logic,
Pity about the rest of his catalogue.
reasoning logic
Reply Sun 30 Dec, 2012 09:11 am
He did well in the US, I remember when he was on the radio a lot. He is still played.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 30 Dec, 2012 09:23 am
One of my big favorites!
reasoning logic
Reply Sun 30 Dec, 2012 09:28 am
@Frank Apisa,
One of my big favorites!

If your going to have an idol you might as well have one you know is real.
Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 30 Dec, 2012 09:39 am
@reasoning logic,
Re: Frank Apisa (Post 5211992)
One of my big favorites!

If your going to have an idol you might as well have one you know is real.

I said something about an "idol?"
reasoning logic
Reply Sun 30 Dec, 2012 09:42 am
@Frank Apisa,
I said something about an "idol?"

No but this thread is about those who do or do not doubt Christianity and I just figured if one was going to worship something, I thought an idol that was real may be better than one that was not.

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