Question to those who do or do not doubt Christianity

Reply Mon 21 Nov, 2011 11:30 am
XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:
lack of believers who

is English not your first language?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 21 Nov, 2011 11:31 am
XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:
rather than people I know or have met, who utterly destroy, you and other Atheists works

what is this supposed to mean?
Reply Mon 21 Nov, 2011 11:32 am
XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:

so then please explain to me

I can't explain anything to you as I have no idea what you are hoping to have explained.
Fil Albuquerque
Reply Mon 21 Nov, 2011 11:34 am
I supose he is trying to distance himself from some believers who do not recognize any atheist acomplishments, or something like that...
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Reply Mon 21 Nov, 2011 11:35 am
@Fil Albuquerque,
and ONLY yourself? then I guess you'll find what you want in life, only what you thought was the right way, and ONLY things you felt were ness. the correct ones....which to me, is ONE-DIMENSIONAL, Nonsensical (if any such thing exist) and is MUCH worse than one posting about Christ, (which is about Love and tollerance AND Acceptance) So then, these types of ideals are MUCH MORE detramental to society, than EVER having a Theism, which MAIN GOAL, is Love, and Acceptance....

If you know your desires, and don't do submission, and ALREADY have ALL the OPINIONS you NEED... what is your agenda on this website???
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Reply Mon 21 Nov, 2011 11:37 am
@Fil Albuquerque,
the point was, that the same view should be applied to Chights view on Christians, who kill in the name of Jesus, or does your theory now change because religion is involved???
0 Replies
Reply Mon 21 Nov, 2011 11:38 am
no problem, I was testing you. because you answered me honestly and didn't result to anger. I will do my best, but my vocabulary is bad....
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Reply Mon 21 Nov, 2011 11:49 am
I can't explain anything to you as I have no idea what you are hoping to have explained.

so then please explain to me, how these Atheists who have their ideas contorted, and give you "faithful-lack of believers" bad raps...not the SAME EXACT thing as a person KILLING in the name of Christ, when he spoke NOTHING BUT LOVE?? so then, you can see that in ANY belief or lack of belief there are people who contort....so then Chights post was not EVEN worth the mention I guess....unless he 'feels" compelled to explain their mishaps....and I will explain those Christians....

I will rephrase as Best as I can. I know Atheists, who by their actions destroy the "good works" of Atheists on here who actually strive to do good actions, such as finding self-honesty, and self awareness etc....So if these Atheists have their ideas and codes of conduct flawed...(by you measure) they give you as an Atheist a Bad Name for yourself....how is this not the exact same thing on the opposite end of the spectrum with people who Kill in the name of Jesus Christ? (it's Not ANY different) so therefor, Chights post about Christians who kill IS NOT even worth mentioning....Unless Chights or Atheists on here who care about progressing humanity can explain "those other Atheists who contort Atheism, and there negative actions" I don't feel obliged to even give an answer regarding Christians who Kill in the name of Jesus Christ, compared to ones who are "devout" and preach Love, tollerance. patience, acceptance etc...
Reply Mon 21 Nov, 2011 11:53 am
So, in summary, you want to know if there are good and bad representatives of atheism the same way there are good and bad representatives of Christianity.

Is that your question?
Reply Mon 21 Nov, 2011 12:12 pm
Not really, but since you worded it that way. I KNOW there are both Good and Bad representatives of EVERY belief or lack of belief in the world....So if that much is true, what is the Point to Chights post, pointing out Christians who kill in the name of Jesus, with the corralation of Christians as a whole, in the same manner I can say that "many Atheists on here, strive to do good, by Good actions toward life in progressing themselves, and others. Oppossed to Atheists out there who by their actions "destroy" ANY Atheist who strives to actually be productive with their lives?

in other words and very simple, what was the point (directed at Chights) of posting about Christians who kill people, compared to a "devout follower" when I can easily point out, I know atheists who "destroy" Atheists who do "productive actions in life" which (if there is a God, gives productive Atheists a leg to stand on, in comparison to a God (Jesus) (if he Exists))
Reply Mon 21 Nov, 2011 12:54 pm
and while we are on the subject, and breaking things down. Again (directed at Chights) why does he point out Christians killing people for the sake of the Church, compared to Christians as a whole. When I can Again easily point out, there have been thousands (just look up (Christian Marytr's or Saints) who have been killed ruthlessly for NOT denouncing Christ, and or (Christian Marytr's or Saints) ONLY trying to spread the word of Christ, which is peace, Love, tollerance, acceptance??... etc
Reply Mon 21 Nov, 2011 01:26 pm
some of these Saints or Marytr's have been killed by Other beliefs and Atheists as well...So what is the point of your post (Chights)?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 21 Nov, 2011 01:43 pm
it wasn't my question, but it was my answer indirectly....if both evil and good people exist on earth, from Atheism to EVERY Theism that exists...why would you conclude that Christianity is EVIL (as a whole) based on what 10,000 false believers did oppossed to the billions who walk the earth (mostly faithful to Christ) in as much, it would be like saying. I know and have seen evil Atheists...that DOES NOT lead me to the conclusion, that EVERY Atheist is an EVIL PERSON....SO, why does Chights conclude his thoughts that way about Theisms? And if he genuinely "feels" that way, would he be offended if I said he was evil?, based on what I have seen from a select few who "claimed to be Atheist" but were just evil people? and did NOT ness. represent ANYONE or ANYTHING nor NOTHING POSITIVE FOR THE MOST PART...?
Reply Mon 21 Nov, 2011 01:57 pm
Can you point out the post of Chight's that you are reacting to? I've gone through the thread, but haven't found one that seems to say what I'm reading in your posts.

Generally, I think both of you seem to be lumping groups of people together in ways that don't appear to make sense. I do agree with you that the actions of bad whatevers (men/women/Christians/Muslims/Chinese/Peruvians) shouldn't be taken as an indication that all people in the same group should be evaluated by those actions.

My quibble is that I don't perceive atheists as having much of anything in common with one another. So I have particular difficulty applying my evaluation of an atheist to any other human, let alone anyone else who includes atheist in their self-description.
Reply Mon 21 Nov, 2011 02:01 pm
XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:
that is probably because most "devout" theist, don't are not "OVERLY PREOCCUPIED" with these earthly desires....but more intent on Spiritual Gifts...
So theists re more concerned with ignorance, stupidity, and the illogical and irrational? I figured as much Wink. I can understand not being preoccupied with how much wealth in which you have and the things in which you own. I don't personally care much for that, the amount of income you make is another matter however.

XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:
depends on what you call TRUE education...I'll grasp wisdom, you go for your Knowledge...
Definition of Wisdom: the ability or result of an ability to think and act utilizing knowledge, experience, understanding, and common sense. Religion generally doesn't promote many (or any) of these things. Knowledge is (of course) about knowing things, you seem to know very little (if that) about the history of religion (which Is important) so strike that off your list. Experience is something you develop over time and through events that you have lived in/through so that would depend on your age. Common sense, it's funny that it's called that when it's really not common. I would say that it is common sense to question everything and to (metaphorically) "leave no stone unturned". I honestly do not believe that you can answer every (or at least most) question concerning religion and still believe...unless, of course, you are not being honest with your answers or are just looking to make sense of it.

XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:
a true DEVOUT" theist is in EVERY way just as rational as a non-theist....Just as, a non-rational atheist (which I feel there are many, many more, than Atheist who are rational, and do things that are solely SELF-PLEASING, and nothing more) is in every way as bad, as a theist who do NOTHING but speak BOLDLY!
You seem to only like to look at things in black and white. A non-theist is pretty much automatically more rational than a theists in regards to religion, that is a fact. The mind is powerful thing however and can hold many contradictory beliefs simultaneously. So a theist is generally less rational in regards to religion, but may be more rational in some other belief...we aren't really talking about any other beliefs other than religion though.

XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:
these, are YOUR opinions as to what important things are....to me I could care less if you or others view me as illogical, for I follow and obey "faith" and wisdom...and to me those 2 are "GREATER" than logic, and money...
Faith and wisdom are actually contradictory for it's not wise to obey in blind faith. William Shakespeare once said "The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool. "

XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:
and this marvels you how? the VERY book that billions of Atheists denounce... and call, mythical, fable, fairy tales etc..."The Bible" says that these very things will happen....I will not be suprised in the LEAST if in 500 yrs or so the number of Atheists to Theists namely Christians in 5 or 6 to 1....but I Garuntee the Words of Christ will NEVER perish!
Billions do denouce this religion, but not all are atheists, many simply substitute other false ideologies in it's place. It doesn't "marvel" me that atheism is growing quickly, what does marvel me is that it took so long for people to start realizing that it's all crap. What's the point of saying that the bible says that people won't believe it? Is that "proof" to you that what the bible says is true? I also honestly hope the bible doesn't go away, history is very important and I think it's good to know where we have come from. I just don't want religion being spoken as "truth" when it's so clearly false and for people to waste time on fairy tales. As a side note, this video explains the internet vs religion thing
Reply Mon 21 Nov, 2011 02:02 pm
This is something interesting that I found and I thought that I would share: http://www.evilbible.com/why_i_am_not_a_christian.htm
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king louis
Reply Mon 21 Nov, 2011 02:22 pm
i would say give me a free pass to heaven i know i havnt been the best guy but save me a seat dude
Reply Tue 22 Nov, 2011 03:47 pm
Can you point out the post of Chight's that you are reacting to? I've gone through the thread, but haven't found one that seems to say what I'm reading in your posts.


this is Chights post, with which I was referring to....


As far as Christianity "surviving with scruitiny" for 2,000+ years, that's laughable at best. For 500-600 of those years anyone who so much as mumbled a bad thing about the church was burned to death or hung for heresy or some other ridiculous crap. Christianity has only survived through ignorance, denial, and arbitrary word games. If you count Atheism as a religion, it's the fastest growing religion in America all thanks to the internet. So it's really not a matter of Christianity surviving scrutiny, it's a matter of them hiding from it, and thanks to the internet, there's no where left to hide...except imagination land.

Also, Chights, I noticed you did not answer ONE of my questions in about 6 posts I posted to you about the above Bold text....Is that a definition of ignorance? (in your views) or do you wish to answer/retract/refine your statements??
Reply Tue 22 Nov, 2011 03:55 pm
Also, Chights, I noticed you did not answer ONE of my questions in about 6 posts I posted to you about the above Bold text....Is that a definition of ignorance? (in your views) or do you wish to answer/retract/refine your statements?? if you do not care to answer/retract/refine your statements, then what does this statement?...

As far as Christianity "surviving with scruitiny" for 2,000+ years, that's laughable at best. For 500-600 of those years anyone who so much as mumbled a bad thing about the church was burned to death or hung for heresy or some other ridiculous crap. Christianity has only survived through ignorance, denial, and arbitrary word games. If you count Atheism as a religion, it's the fastest growing religion in America all thanks to the internet. So it's really not a matter of Christianity surviving scrutiny, it's a matter of them hiding from it, and thanks to the internet, there's no where left to hide...except imagination land.

Have ANYTHING to do with these statements??

I will rephrase as Best as I can. I know Atheists, who by their actions destroy the "good works" of Atheists on here who actually strive to do good actions, such as finding self-honesty, and self awareness etc....So if these Atheists have their ideas and codes of conduct flawed...(by you measure) they give you as an Atheist a Bad Name for yourself....how is this not the exact same thing on the opposite end of the spectrum with people who Kill in the name of Jesus Christ? (it's Not ANY different) so therefor, Chights post about Christians who kill IS NOT even worth mentioning....Unless Chights or Atheists on here who care about progressing humanity can explain "those other Atheists who contort Atheism, and there negative actions" I don't feel obliged to even give an answer regarding Christians who Kill in the name of Jesus Christ, compared to ones who are "devout" and preach Love, tollerance. patience, acceptance etc...

Not really, but since you worded it that way. I KNOW there are both Good and Bad representatives of EVERY belief or lack of belief in the world....So if that much is true, what is the Point to Chights post, pointing out Christians who kill in the name of Jesus, with the corralation of Christians as a whole, in the same manner I can say that "many Atheists on here, strive to do good, by Good actions toward life in progressing themselves, and others. Oppossed to Atheists out there who by their actions "destroy" ANY Atheist who strives to actually be productive with their lives?

in other words and very simple, what was the point (directed at Chights) of posting about Christians who kill people, compared to a "devout follower" when I can easily point out, I know atheists who "destroy" Atheists who do "productive actions in life" which (if there is a God, gives productive Atheists a leg to stand on, in comparison to a God (Jesus) (if he Exists))

and while we are on the subject, and breaking things down. Again (directed at Chights) why does he point out Christians killing people for the sake of the Church, compared to Christians as a whole. When I can Again easily point out, there have been thousands (just look up (Christian Marytr's or Saints) who have been killed ruthlessly for NOT denouncing Christ, and or (Christian Marytr's or Saints) ONLY trying to spread the word of Christ, which is peace, Love, tollerance, acceptance??... etc

some of these Saints or Marytr's have been killed by Other beliefs and Atheists as well...So what is the point of your post (Chights)?

it wasn't my question, but it was my answer indirectly....if both evil and good people exist on earth, from Atheism to EVERY Theism that exists...why would you conclude that Christianity is EVIL (as a whole) based on what 10,000 false believers did oppossed to the billions who walk the earth (mostly faithful to Christ) in as much, it would be like saying. I know and have seen evil Atheists...that DOES NOT lead me to the conclusion, that EVERY Atheist is an EVIL PERSON....SO, why does Chights conclude his thoughts that way about Theisms? And if he genuinely "feels" that way, would he be offended if I said he was evil?, based on what I have seen from a select few who "claimed to be Atheist" but were just evil people? and did NOT ness. represent ANYONE or ANYTHING nor NOTHING POSITIVE FOR THE MOST PART...?
Reply Tue 22 Nov, 2011 04:20 pm
Ah, thanks.

My read of that appears to be a bit different than years, but I do appreciate your interpretation as well.

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