Question to those who do or do not doubt Christianity

reasoning logic
Reply Sun 20 Nov, 2011 02:24 pm
I find that odd because you repeated what you learnt from me more than once!
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Nov, 2011 02:34 pm
saying I supported closer European integration. Only an idiot like you could be offended by that,

If I remember correctly there were a numbers of anti-Americans comments given in supported of pulling away from the US/UK relationship and going toward Europe instead.

You are indeed picking a wonderful time to place your future more in the European boat and I am sure they will be delighted to take more of your wealth to shored up the rapidly collapsing European finance system.

Now whether they in turn would dream of coming to your aid in a time of need is an open question given the love and respect France and Germany had always shown your nation.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Nov, 2011 02:38 pm
Nothing worth repeating.

With special note of the ships and men we lost in supporting England before Dec 7, 1941.

Not worth repeating in any manner as it does not support your anti-American view of the universe.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 21 Nov, 2011 05:50 am
It was a decent message to that video, but needed a little more...ummph? I, however, like the statistical facts that Atheists are generally more educated, more rational, more logical, and better off (financially) than theists...so much for the fear of god huh? I do see what the other guy was saying though. I think it has more to do with discipline though rather than the fear in god. Children need better discipline than they're getting these days.

that is probably because most "devout" theist, don't are not "OVERLY PREOCCUPIED" with these earthly desires....but more intent on Spiritual Gifts....as I have stated before, I gave all my possessions over when I was converted, and NOW I am EXTREMELY HAPPIER!
Reply Mon 21 Nov, 2011 06:21 am
It was a decent message to that video, but needed a little more...ummph? I, however, like the statistical facts that Atheists are generally more educated,

depends on what you call TRUE education...I'll grasp wisdom, you go for your Knowledge...

more rational,

"a true DEVOUT" theist is in EVERY way just as rational as a non-theist....Just as, a non-rational atheist (which I feel there are many, many more, than Atheist who are rational, and do things that are solely SELF-PLEASING, and nothing more) is in every way as bad, as a theist who do NOTHING but speak BOLDLY!

more logical, and better off (financially) than theists

these, are YOUR opinions as to what important things are....to me I could care less if you or others view me as illogical, for I follow and obey "faith" and wisdom...and to me those 2 are "GREATER" than logic, and money...

...so much for the fear of god huh? I do see what the other guy was saying though. I think it has more to do with discipline though rather than the fear in god. Children need better discipline than they're getting these days.

discipline, IS fear in God to us theists....and what better discipline do you "BELIEVE" they need?
Reply Mon 21 Nov, 2011 06:56 am
If you count Atheism as a religion, it's the fastest growing religion in America all thanks to the internet. So it's really not a matter of Christianity surviving scrutiny, it's a matter of them hiding from it, and thanks to the internet, there's no where left to hide...except imagination land.

and this marvels you how? the VERY book that billions of Atheists denounce... and call, mythical, fable, fairy tales etc..."The Bible" says that these very things will happen....I will not be suprised in the LEAST if in 500 yrs or so the number of Atheists to Theists namely Christians in 5 or 6 to 1....but I Garuntee the Words of Christ will NEVER perish!
0 Replies
Reply Mon 21 Nov, 2011 07:05 am
more rational,

"a true DEVOUT" theist is in EVERY way just as rational as a non-theist....Just as, a non-rational atheist (which I feel there are many, many more, than Atheist who are rational, and do things that are solely SELF-PLEASING, and nothing more) is in every way as bad, as a theist who do NOTHING but speak BOLDLY!

I am not telling you in ANY way I know you belief/lack of belief better than you do....but I know probably ten Atheists in my life, and I can see probably AT LEAST 8 of them, are Atheist, because they out right are angry with God, 2. they feel submission is some form of weakness, or 3. they DESIRE to do mostly SELF-PLEASING actions, whenever THEY want to...so honestly, I feel if you or other Atheists on here "see" yourselves as rational....than understand that may not be the "overall consensious" of NON-BELIEVERS...just as BOLD SPEAKING Theists, do not BEST describe rationality....

and better off (financially) than theists

Could that be because Theists, don't care about money, and EVEN give it away...(such examples exist in Churches, let alone their EVERYDAY lives) and Atheists, maybe Hoard Their money? (at least for the most part)

and if your argument is that Atheists don't Hoard...then why is it worth noting? and why do you like these observations? Unless, you value money? (which I do not...)
Reply Mon 21 Nov, 2011 08:50 am
but I know probably ten Atheists in my life, and I can see probably AT LEAST 8 of them, are Atheist, because they out right are angry with God, 2

Hard to be angry with a being that you are of the opinion does not exist!!!!!
Reply Mon 21 Nov, 2011 10:31 am
well, that is the fact, they say to me they call "themselves" atheist, because if God exists "they" are against him....
Reply Mon 21 Nov, 2011 10:33 am
XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:

I can see probably AT LEAST 8 of them, are Atheist, because they out right are angry with God

if they believe in a god to be angry with they are not atheists
0 Replies
Reply Mon 21 Nov, 2011 10:34 am
In that case they do not understand the meaning of atheist, and in fact are not atheists.
Reply Mon 21 Nov, 2011 10:39 am
As far as Christianity "surviving with scruitiny" for 2,000+ years, that's laughable at best. For 500-600 of those years anyone who so much as mumbled a bad thing about the church was burned to death or hung for heresy or some other ridiculous crap.

and again, when an Atheist points this out, Do you believe that "these followers" best exemplify what Jesus was ALL about? (didn't think so) and their pay is according to their dues! Do non-believers who give you and your works "bad raps" exemplify you or your actions as an Atheist?? (didn't think so) but in any event, it is Absolutely NO DIFFERENT, than Non-believers, who give "bad raps" to what I will call self-honest and self-aware Non believers....that is why I said for a lot it is about actions, whether good or bad, which lead to prudentness, which leads to "faith" and whether one excepts or not, and HOW I AM NOT RATIONALIZING...
Reply Mon 21 Nov, 2011 10:41 am
Your posts would be easier to read if they were less stream-of-conciousness.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 21 Nov, 2011 10:43 am
to you Beth, and Bill...

In that case they do not understand the meaning of atheist, and in fact are not atheists.

2. they feel submission is some form of weakness, or 3. they DESIRE to do mostly SELF-PLEASING actions, whenever THEY want to...

and what about Atheist, who say their Atheist, because of these second 2 reasons???? Do "they" exemplify you or your beliefs or lack of belief?? (no)

So then it is NO different than ones who KILL is Jesus' name...and NOT worth mentioning, Unless you feel compelled to explain Atheists who have their ideas contorted....
Reply Mon 21 Nov, 2011 10:44 am
Neither of those options has anything to do with atheism.
Reply Mon 21 Nov, 2011 10:52 am
so then please explain to me, how these Atheists who have their ideas contorted, and give you "faithful-lack of believers" bad raps...not the SAME EXACT thing as a person KILLING in the name of Christ, when he spoke NOTHING BUT LOVE?? so then, you can see that in ANY belief or lack of belief there are people who contort....so then Chights post was not EVEN worth the mention I guess....unless he 'feels" compelled to explain their mishaps....and I will explain those Christians....
Reply Mon 21 Nov, 2011 11:13 am
Please post in sentences.

Thank you.

who is this supposed to refer to?

you "faithful-lack of believers"
Reply Mon 21 Nov, 2011 11:20 am
Please post in sentences.

Thank you.

why does my posting style offend you? This is how I post, sorry hun....(if it offends you) your posting style doesn't offend me....

you "faithful-lack of believers"

who is this supposed to refer to?

this was a nice way of me saying lack of believers who actually DO try in some way to progress humanity, and work on themselves with self awareness, self-honesty etc...(which actually gives them a leg to stand on if a God does in fact exist)...rather than people I know or have met, who utterly destroy, you and other Atheists works, in the same way ANYONE using Jesus to do evil, is NOT OF THE SAME as "devout ones"....
Fil Albuquerque
Reply Mon 21 Nov, 2011 11:22 am
Obviously submission is a form of weakness and yes I as anyone else have a desire to please myself so what?
....I supose there are weak atheists and strong atheists as it is true that some like to please themselves all to often while others can wait just like any believers do...is there an actual point in there or are you just making it up as you go?
Reply Mon 21 Nov, 2011 11:29 am
Your posting style does not offend me.

It is difficult to follow your thought process. I was hopeful that if you could use sentences, it would become easier to understand what you are attempting to say.

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