Not really. I asked you why you think dogging is unacceptable. Your spiel on abortion permits all abortion on demand if your terms are properly clarified.
So you don't find abortion uncceptable as the Church does. Why do you find dogging unacceptable? You have ignored the Church on abortion so you have no reason to cite it re dogging. Or re artificial birth control. Or re divorce. Or re homosexuality. Or re general promiscuity. You have a populist religion on your hands taking the name of Jesus in vain.
Your terms are too loose. The Church says marriage is permanent until death. You missed that out and thus allow serial monogamy with as short a timescale as maybe.
Quote:The Church never is, was, or would have been without Jesus...
Nor without the disastrous Jewish revolt of 66-73 AD.
I recommend Micheal Grant's book, Jesus, for your appraisal. You're flying by the seat of your pants Spade. The subject requires disciplined dedication I'm afraid.
Quote:Rejoice, rejoice, daughters of Zion, shout aloud, daughter of Jerusalem; for see, your king is coming to you, his cause won, his victory gained, humble and mounted on an ass, on a foal, the young of a she-ass. He shall banish chariots from Ephraim and war horses from Jerusalem; the warrior's bow shall be banished. He shall speak peaceably to every nation, and his rule shall extend from sea to sea, from the River to the ends of the earth.
Zechariah. About 500 BC. Jesus refers to the prophecy in Matthew. Zechariah was martyred too.
Did Zechariah foresee Jesus' ride into Jerusalem and His cleansing of the Temple? Which was the centre of the Sadducees' power and a source of their income.
Was the event invented by the evangelists to fulfill the prophecy? Or did Jesus design the journey to harmonize with the prophecy and identify Himself with it and with the prophet and his fate.
After the Jewish revolts making peace with the Gentiles (Romans) became a matter of survival. And spreading the cult of Jesus was the chosen method. That it was eventually successful is why you have heard of Jesus. No other reason. Jesus would have vanished without trace in the ordinary course of events. The humiliation of the Cross would have seen to that. It represented the defeat of His mission.