Question to those who do or do not doubt Christianity

Reply Sun 9 Dec, 2012 07:11 pm
@reasoning logic,
Because we can show trough experimentation that some things we know to be true will repeat themselves over and over again when tested. We are unable to come up with the same results with some of the claims in these bibles.

Does this really mean that what you, and others, may think, is really, truth, at all? Think about it...It is just a belief...And why there is no significant reason to believe a book that requires faith is any different or wrong....You can't prove anything you just said to me mate...Cause that needs faith and a belief as well...And it keeps on going and going as you try to prove, it more and more...Till you realize that what you think and believe, at some point needs faith and a belief, so that you yourself, or anyone else actually believe or think something...And it can be anything...But the same rules apply...Try to think of something where this does not apply...And prove to me what I just said is incorrect...If you can...And I will carefully think about my belief in God...If you can prove I am wrong...

Did the Bible not say itself, that history will repeat itself? In its own way?

Not trying to be mean...and I am not just talking about you...But that means that this book knew more in one sentence, than all these others who preach about how evil it is...Or how science books are better...Than these people have been able to come up with in 5000 - 2000 years of evolution itself...If not much much longer...

Reply Sun 9 Dec, 2012 07:13 pm
@reasoning logic,
Thanks for watching the music video...
0 Replies
Reply Sun 9 Dec, 2012 07:45 pm

What do you think of this link?
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Reply Mon 10 Dec, 2012 12:14 am
@reasoning logic,
Notice how many things I have said I agree with this person while being a Christian...? And claiming to be a prophet of God? Such as I do not embrace the Catholic Church...? Islam (Muhammed) is the beast...false Prophet...I do not go to mass to recieve forgivness but on my own hands and knees...I do not find salvation in Men of God....I want to write a letter to the Pope about things I see that God explains to me that need to be changed? etc...

The link only says that people believe that Islam is the beast but it is the Pope...But I will take it one step further and say that Muhammed will be this False Prophet...And link the 2 together one day...Somehow...

This is not for self glorifications either mate...Just that some people who believe are not brainwashed or interested in evil...But the truth as well...
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Reply Mon 10 Dec, 2012 04:50 am
@reasoning logic,
Are you saying that you lied about it? Kind of like you being an atheist?

That's sophistry rl.

not being intellectually honest

So is that.

And talking about "getting rich honestly" is as well.

You're using words as medals for your chest. Deceptively.

I consider the word to be the use of argument to explore avenues of thought which leads to, hopefully, clarifications.

So clarify "intellectual honesty" and "getting rich honestly". Using "honestly" as a means of claiming to be honest yourself while being deceptive, because you haven't defined your terms, is crude sophistry.

You challenged me to ask you a silly question earlier and I did do and you never answered it. A real sophist would explore the reasons for your failure to answer and for continuing to ask silly questions despite being given such a lesson.

And hence would arrive at the simple conclusion that you use the method of suggesting things about others without any proof under the guise of a question but will not tolerate the same treatment being reciprocated. Which is, obviously, a claim to a special status. A narcissistic one as a privilege you grant yourself but deny to others. In my experience a constant theme of atheists I have met on here and elsewhere.
Reply Mon 10 Dec, 2012 04:58 am
Spendi...If you had to pick one...Would you say you are an atheist, agnostic, or theist?
Reply Mon 10 Dec, 2012 05:39 am
I cannot bring myself to believe that the Christian God exists up in the sky who has created and controls the world. I do believe that imagining such a God and interpreting the actions of Him in the theology of the Catholic Church is a worthwhile enterprise and, in view of the alternatives, worth defending.

One alternative is for the human race to render itself extinct by logical choice. In that event there is no God and nor was there before the human race came into existence. In infinite time the existence of the human race is, as Jesus said, maybe his real crime, but a flash of lightning.

I cannot see any truly scientific person promoting disbelief. I cannot see the point of doing so. Subjectivity is another matter. An eager audience awaits the heretic.

My guess is that your heresy is that we can have God AND sexual freedom. I don't think it flies for very long but it is popular.
Reply Mon 10 Dec, 2012 06:16 am
Spendi, why would you make a guess about me? Are we all not special in our own ways that no one else is? Or do you not believe or think this is true?

My guess is that your heresy is that we can have God AND sexual freedom. I don't think it flies for very long but it is popular

Did this God that this Church is built on say that anything is possible?

Not that I will speak my opinions anyways...Because I don't think I have too...

My only thing is that I really can't understand how someone can say that the Church is a good thing but the belief in Jesus Christ is not worth the embracing?...When it is not really logical (to me) to think the Church is the one who does anything at all without this belief...itself....Because anyone who embraces them that I have ever talked to understands that they are both one and the same....And as a matter of fact...If the Church fell tomorrow....With the belief, another one would come...With the Church, and no belief...There is no such thing as the Church ever again...Because this Church's existence is not predicated upon its own, but on the faith and belief in Jesus Christ himself...

And if you are saying that you think this Church does this...But the belief is not worth the mentioning...Then you are directly saying that all these people who are in this church are doing things worthwhile, but under false pretences...Because they at least say they do it for a belief in Jesus...Even if they are lying about it...But say they are not, and must see it like you do....But if that is the case, there really is no reason to believe this Church is there for anything that is good for us in the long run...Because the church itself is set upon sand, and not stones...

I think I understand what you are saying and why...But I have to be honest, it does sound like you are extorting people who believe in Jesus, and casting stones at other atheists...
Reply Mon 10 Dec, 2012 06:58 am
Pedantically we are all obviously special in our own ways but not generally. I think to suggest a general uniqueness from trivial specific characteristics is sophistry. Every microbe is unique pedantically.

I never said, or suggested, or even hinted that Jesus is not worth embracing. I see Jesus as the founder of our civilisation and as a man. The Church is predicated on how we should live in a complex society.

I am not casting stones at other atheists. I am casting stones at those who promote atheism out of a subjective need and who have no suggestions on how to organise a complex society for success. Challenge them to offer one and they reach for the Ignore button.
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reasoning logic
Reply Mon 10 Dec, 2012 06:06 pm
Does this really mean that what you, and others, may think, is really, truth, at all? Think about it...It is just a belief...And why there is no significant reason to believe a book that requires faith is any different or wrong....You can't prove anything you just said to me mate...Cause that needs faith and a belief as well..

Do you think that you are empirically true?

Ryan I hope you are doing well, If I am not mistaken you may have said that you thought that it would be nice if you and me could joke around Like Stewart and O'reilly did. I could be wrong about that though.

Please do not take anything that I share with you in a negative way but I will give it a shot if you would like.

The reason I try and stay away from this idea although I fail at times is because it is not in my interest to hurt other peoples feelings. But being you know I mean no harm I think you will be OK but if you watch the video below that is from FS's neck of the woods you may see what I mean.

Reality is very different than being on top of bullshit mountain. Down here were reality exist all forms of matter are able to be measured by people, animals, birds, insect and other forms of mater to see that the reality truly does exist which is different from the beliefs on top of bullshit mountain.

Reply Mon 10 Dec, 2012 06:13 pm
@reasoning logic,
It's just another multi-vehicle plie-up rl.
reasoning logic
Reply Mon 10 Dec, 2012 06:26 pm
It's just another multi-vehicle plie-up rl.

Shed a little light, Go into detail. Cool
Reply Mon 10 Dec, 2012 11:59 pm
@reasoning logic,
I did not mean to offend you...And I am sorry you think I am on top of bullshit mountain...

I do agree with joking around with you...And don't think I have hurt you in what I have said...But if I have I apologize...You are a very good friend of mine...And I hope we continue to become closer...

Can you answer what I have asked you about whether peoples ideas of science books really makes it true or not? And why?

Or do they have to have beliefs in what they are embracing as well? At some point...In order to believe or think it will repeat itself...? When it is not fully known if it ever will despite what this evidence says will happen...Or if it has repeated itself in the past...
Reply Tue 11 Dec, 2012 12:04 am
@reasoning logic,
And if you are interested, I am interested in what you thought of the link as well?
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Reply Tue 11 Dec, 2012 04:26 am
@reasoning logic,
Shed a little light, Go into detail.

It's the same way of looking at things as Andy Warhol was doing when he said that Valerie Solanis pumping bullets into his chest from 3 feet was "just an accident".

A group of circumstances coming into synchronisation with a certain effect.
0 Replies
reasoning logic
Reply Tue 11 Dec, 2012 05:27 pm
I did not mean to offend you...And I am sorry you think I am on top of bullshit mountain...

Ryan do you disagree with me? "that we all climb up on top of bullshit mountain sometimes or do you think that all of what you share is true? I am not proud to admit it but even I climb up there some times thinking that what I share is reality, We all get reality wrong at times or do you disagree? I am very busy so I may not be able to go into detail for a few days.
Is it possible for you to get some of what you think is correct, "wrong" about what you think a God is sharing with you?
If you think that you may have an interest you could become like the least among us and walk down from the mountain and humble yourself and know with certainty that even you could be wrong about bullshit mountain. I hope that you are doing well. Smile
Reply Tue 11 Dec, 2012 05:51 pm
@reasoning logic,
Shed a little light, Go into detail.

What a naive question from somebody claiming to be interested in neuroscience.

Maybe you have come to believe, rl, that in the religion of Self being able to spell the word neuroscience, and compose a sentence of sorts containing it, is proof of your excellence.

And you cluttered over at the first warm-up hurdle.

Anybody with the slightest knowledge of neuroscience would not have needed any light shedding on what I said.

My advice to all bullshitters is to surround themselves with gumps.
reasoning logic
Reply Tue 11 Dec, 2012 06:36 pm
What a naive question from somebody claiming to be interested in neuroscience.

Really spendius? Do you think that it could be possible for someone who is intellectually challenged and has cognitive problems to have an interest in neuroscience but yet it would be naive of them to to suggest such?

My advice to all bullshitters is to surround themselves with gumps.

Are you suggesting that you should surround yourself by gumps or do you think that gumps should surround themselves by people like you? Drunk
0 Replies
Reply Tue 11 Dec, 2012 09:54 pm
@reasoning logic,
I would say that you are correct that we all climb on top of bullshit mountain...And are wrong at times...But if you think that I climb on top of bullshit mountain...And can recognize that what I am saying sounds like bullshit to you...You can't possibly believe that everything I say is wrong...Or bullshit...Or you would not be able to understand what is bullshit or what is not...So I would still argue that you and other atheists have beliefs about Gods...Because most of what I say talks about my beliefs in Gods...So you directly saying you think it is incorrect, or wrong...etc...Would mean to me you have a belief about these gods...Or what I am saying about them, or my beliefs...That counter-act what I have to say...

Though I do not mean to say what I am, to attempt to be intellectually dishonest...Nor offend you...Nor tell you how I think you are incorrect about yourself...Just my opnions of how I see things...And being honest about my thoughts...

Thank you for pointing out I could be more humble...You are correct...And I am glad that you have shown me that...And I am glad that by me not doing it...You saw some goodness...And you were able to differentiate between what you thought was bullshit about what I say and do not...Cause it points out...I am not a bullshitting person...Though I make mistakes just like everyone else does...And even if I have a spiritual connection to God...We are all equal in his eyes...And I am glad I can understand this point...And so can everyone else...Even if they do not believe that God does love them, because they are doubters...

Yes, I could be wrong about things...And do not think I am correct about everything...

But I also do not believe I am incorrect about everything...And have somethings correct...

I am doing very well mate...I hope you are doing well yourself mate...

Take as much time away as you need to do what you need to do...I will be here mate....
reasoning logic
Reply Wed 12 Dec, 2012 12:17 pm
Yes, I could be wrong about things...And do not think I am correct about everything...

This is a very good place to start.

But if you think that I climb on top of bullshit mountain...And can recognize that what I am saying sounds like bullshit to you...You can't possibly believe that everything I say is wrong...Or bullshit.

I am not sure if you understand bullshit mountain as well as you could but bullshit mountain is called bullshit mountain because that is all that is there. Reality does not exist on top of bullshit mountain.

If we were to talk about reality and I brought up the subject "moral philosophy", what would you think if I told you that you should not question morality but rather listen to me? Do you find anything wrong with studying moral philosophy and coming to a better understanding of right and wrong?

If I stood on top of bullshit mountain and told you that you would die if you studied moral philosophy what would you think of me?

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