Question to those who do or do not doubt Christianity

reasoning logic
Reply Sun 11 Nov, 2012 06:26 pm
To be honest RL, if something is of interest to me, I look into it. Then I gain the answer.. The answer to this question is she is telling the truth...

Hate is a strong word. Why hate anything? It has a negative inpact on our lives, dislike is the word I choose.

FS I am extremely grateful for the research that you have done and this is precisely what I was hoping "that someone would take it upon them self and investigate. I have not reviewed your research in depth but I do think that you should know by now that I have a high degree of respect for what you have shared in the past.

Thank you for all that you have contributed in the past and in the future.
reasoning logic
Reply Sun 11 Nov, 2012 07:20 pm
She gained full custody of her children. Steven tried to appeal for 2 years, perhaps on costs, perhaps on his name, perhaps because it would come out eventually and the below link is documented on line.

I will be honest and it seems to me that cruel and inhumane treatment is a common grounds for divorce but I do question why there were no details of this treatment. Can you elaborate on what the court found? I am not saying that he was not this way I am just curious to what was said about him in any quart hearings.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 12 Nov, 2012 01:48 am
@reasoning logic,
I will be honest and it seems to me that cruel and inhumane treatment is a common grounds for divorce but I do question why there were no details of this treatment. Can you elaborate on what the court found? I am not saying that he was not this way I am just curious to what was said about him in any quart hearings.

RL, I kind of work 50 hrs a week, running my business and today I am behind an hour Wink But I watched the whole 12 minutes and to be honest I wasn't sure myself, it wasn't until I started to find out who she was and even went back a year or so of her you tubes and still want to check a bit more out that, I believe her. You would have to review what I wrote and take your time going through the links and further. There was another document in the Courts that I read, I don't think I linked and I am sorry I don't have the time at this stage to go and try to find it again, whereby it was laid out a little more.

Sure, she may be adding her anger, she may be adding also a little to the emotions or / and torture being daily, I would suspect that would be the case. But, I was interested because most Actors (female) have a horrid past and this is their escape goat and it's not until years later they tell us, yet we see them as happy and bubbly.. We don't know what they really do behind those "walls" of fame, their alta ego as I am sure there is one. She makes mention of her fiance and how he has had to be there for her. I have young adults in America that cut and had problems, yet present as if life is fine, only the strong will do that, the others keep falling.. I'd say she is a strong girl.

In any event, it will more than likely hit the headlines at some stage with more info go and check out what I found thus far. I bet I will be correct in the end Smile
reasoning logic
Reply Mon 12 Nov, 2012 05:44 pm
Sure, she may be adding her anger, she may be adding also a little to the emotions or / and torture being daily, I would suspect that would be the case.

You came to the same conclusion that I did and I think that the rape probably did take place. I do have to question tying up a four year old with chains and so forth.

Why was he not put away for years for raping his daughter and punching all the teeth out of his wife?

I also have to say that I hope others can forgive me but I do not have enough information on this case to say that he is the sociopath and not her. I know that this may make me look a bit weird but just as he may have done what he was accused of she could also be engaging in the same type of behavior. I personally think that she was the victim but as you stated I also think that she may have added to her story.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 13 Nov, 2012 03:01 pm
@reasoning logic,
Well that is close but that is not how I see it. I see no evidence that a God exist nor do I see any evidence that any other mythological being or thing "with super natural powers" has ever existed but I am not claiming that it is not possible I am only claiming that I do not see a shred of evidence for any of them.

But that is exactly my point, in a nutshell...You, and others, challenge these things...And I believe that you, and they do...BTW...But none of them, nor do you, say that you are an atheist, because of a challenging of the existence of Easter Bunnies, etc... but yet they claim that they are an atheist, because of a God?...When they say they are on an equal status...And have the same, or similar values...Why is the God part necessary for anyone else to actual understand who you are? Unless you reject him? Which requires a belief...

If you reject everything, or challenge everything, you feel, that, should be...There is still no higher reasoning, or significance, why the common grouping of the rejection of a God, is even important...In relationship to your own skepticism, Or anyone else who does the same exact thing...Because none are the same, and are all different...So why would a God, that you all feel different about, all be the same, or similar classifications, as to you would all classify yourselves, in your skepticism? Or even believers, for that matter?

If they see them as an equal status, why not chose to claim that you are something because you challenge everything you think is not existent?

But instead, they claim they challenge everything non-existent, which I believe that they do, but they label themselves as being someone who is something based upon something they already believe is non-existent? When they do this, whether they understand the ramifications of what they say, or do not understand them, it gives this thing they challenge, a leg to stand upon, that none of these other non-existent things do not currently have...

Well I guess that some atheist may challenge things that do not exist but I myself challenge the things that people claim to be true but I find no evidence that supports their claims, "whether it be a God or a story that they are claiming to be real.

Reality is what I am interested in and misinformation is what I try to sort out.

But it is still the same exact thing anyway anyone wishes to break it down and explain these things...If you like to challenge the things about reality that you think are non-existent from the reality of peoples claims...

There is still no reason to have a definition of a justification of yourself, that you are in anyway associated with others and have one common factor that makes you similar, when not a single one, probably accepts this one challenged thing is even existent...And even if it was, you would almost not all agree that it is the same exact thing...

And by doing this, they indirectly put this challenged thing at a higher level of status, then any other thing that any other person challenges with skepticism...

If skeptics popped up tomorrow and all claimed they were skeptics because they challenge everything, but have a rejection of a belief in Easter Bunnies, it gives these Easter Bunnies a higher status, or level of belief than any other thing they claim they challenge with skepticism itself...
reasoning logic
Reply Tue 13 Nov, 2012 03:33 pm
.And if I say, it has nothing, to do, with that...Or that people, like me, are not ill...Then there is no reason, to believe, that they are...And if, atheists, believe that people with these type of experiences, are...It is not a valid justification, for believing, that this, is true, or the case, either...Because the most reliable people on the subject are, these very people, deemed "ill"..

This was an old quote of yours but I wanted to address it. I prefer to use the word different than ill. Now don't get me wrong because if you have theistic psychosis or a belief that gets in your way of reality I do see this as a problem.

We all get reality wrong regardless if we are an atheist or a theist and I think that reality is what is true. This is a very complex subject that I really do not completely understand myself so lets not go there.

When we think that we know something for certainty but yet we can not demonstrate it, I think that we should question what we believe in.

But that is exactly my point, in a nutshell...You, and others, challenge these things...And I believe that you, and they do...BTW...But none of them, nor do you, say that you are an atheist, because of a challenging of the existence of Easter Bunnies, etc... but yet they claim that they are an atheist, because of a God?...When they say they are on an equal status...And have the same, or similar values...Why is the God part necessary for anyone else to actual understand who you are? Unless you reject him? Which requires a belief...

If the majority of the population believed in the Easter bunny you can bet that we would be here talking about how the Easter bunny was real or not real but we do not have an Easter bunny problem but rather a God problem.

But instead, they claim they challenge everything non-existent

I think that they challenge the things that other people claim to exist that there is no evidence for rather than the things that do not exist.
Reply Tue 13 Nov, 2012 06:39 pm
@reasoning logic,
This was an old quote of yours but I wanted to address it. I prefer to use the word different than ill. Now don't get me wrong because if you have theistic psychosis or a belief that gets in your way of reality I do see this as a problem.

We all get reality wrong regardless if we are an atheist or a theist and I think that reality is what is true. This is a very complex subject that I really do not completely understand myself so lets not go there.

When we think that we know something for certainty but yet we can not demonstrate it, I think that we should question what we believe in.

OK...I am cool with not using the word "ill" as you know, I do not believe that they are anyways...

If these people, could still, in some sort of way, have a problem, Or, even, truly have a "theistic psychosis", Why would it matter, what they, actually, even, have to say, at all? Why would you, who does not have this, "in your own opinions", want to know, or understand, what their problems, even are? From either, a phy., or nur., point of view, or both, if what they are saying, could not be correct? Or if you, truly believe, that they, are not correct?

What is the significance, or the relevance, of asking them, to explain their experiences? If you, truly believe, that it is a sickness, or problem, and is ultimately not, what they, even say, that they think, that it is? Or do not agree, with their thinking, of what they say, they experience, or can, or have?

If the majority of the population believed in the Easter bunny you can bet that we would be here talking about how the Easter bunny was real or not real but we do not have an Easter bunny problem but rather a God problem.

So then, how can anyone, that truly does exist, actually believe, or think, that these 2 things, have the same exact, quantitative values? They simply can not, Whether God, is even real, or is not...Or, unless, atheists, truly think, that their thinking, and Logic, is far superior, to any such believer...Which is just, not practical, at any level...And even if, some say, that they believe, this is true...It simply does not, make it true, or validate this opinion, they have, even though, they must believe, that it does, and think, that they think, superior...Even though, they do not...Cause if they, truly did, there would be no way, for me to flip it around, and show, and say, what I just did, that shows, it can not possibly, be correct...

It must, all matter, based upon the individual, and no such belief, or lack, simply, can not inhibit, or exhibit, your partial thinking, that is impossible, to believe is true, especially for superior thinkers...It all matters, on whether, or not, that person can, truly think, superior, or, can not, directly, looking from ones, own perspective, and no one else's...and belief, or lack of belief, can not, have, any differentiating factors, that alter this fact, unless one of them leads them, to doing more, and more, superior thinking...It is the belief, of theism's, that belief in Gods, can lead you to thinking more prudent, but it, can not, be proven...It is my understanding, that atheism, has no such belief, as it is not one, but yet 90%, of the people, who make that claim, seem to be atheists? Why? Does it have something to do, with my understandings, that they have a belief? And side step, a God? Directly, or indirectly?

I think that they challenge the things that other people claim to exist that there is no evidence for rather than the things that do not exist.

And, I honestly believe, that they do, neither of these 2, things...Even though, they would say, that they do...But like you said above, you believe, that people, who have a "theistic psychosis", are worth talking too...And just because they say, what they say, does not make it true...So in theory, if an atheist said, that because, they do, one, of these, 2 things, it does not mean, that they, can't, be wrong?

If they, do not, have, to be correct...Then there is, no reason, for me to assume, that you are right, about this opinion, of yours...If you do not trust, my opinions, about my "theistic psychosis'..."? Correct?

Here is, what I think, is going on...If you are interested, in my opinions...

I believe, that if most atheists, truly think, that they think, superior, they have come to the realization, that the world, would truly be, boring, with the way, they, truly believe, life evolved, and the way, we live, and will, ultimately, cease to exist...And this is the way, they deal, with this superior rationalization, on their part...Or they, want to feel, more important, than they know, we ultimately are...

Or they want, the world, to think, like they currently do...And feel pain, or turmoil, because, not many, can understand, what they, truly, can...

But I reject, that this, is even, true, though I think, that, they think, this way...

And I will, comfort them, here...

If there is, no superior reason, for human beings, to exist...

And it is, all, by chance...

Then it, really, makes no difference, what you chose to do, and there is, no special reason, why anyone, actually exists...Whether theists think so, or not...

But upon hearing this, if you disagree, with what I have said, then a God, must, be real, without being able, to prove, it actually does... Razz Idea Exclamation

Or they, know, that it does, and, reject, that it does...

And it can't be, any, other way, And I can not prove, a single thing, I just said...

And they, and I, know this is true, And none could argue otherwise...

And, not one, can prove, that this, is the truth...Which = faith being real...

And it, does not matter, what I, or they say, cause that is the way, that it is, and you can, only, alter your destiny, by the current choices, you make...And decide...To make...

Which means that there is a reason why we evolved, or were created, we have choices, we, each, can do things, that no one else, can...There is a God, There is an afterlife, There is a Heaven, We will enjoy our afterlife...Whether we, decide, to be evil, or Holy...Cause it will be, what we made it...

And I do not mean what I said in an arrogant way...But if they feel that is what I am doing, then they know what I am talking about, and they directly understand how you can not think superior...Just because...

And ultimately everything is, because we made it too be...And it always will be...And none can stop it from doing so either...Whether there is a Devil or not...Or evil that make up Hell, or the Devil...

I will talk to you tomorrow, mate...I am gonna watch some TV...

Have a, great night, mate!!!

Love you all! Always in my prayers! Wink Very Happy
reasoning logic
Reply Tue 13 Nov, 2012 07:13 pm
If these people, could still, in some sort of way, have a problem, Or, even, truly have a "theistic psychosis", Why would it matter, what they, actually, even, have to say, at all? Why would you, who does not have this, "in your own opinions", want to know, or understand, what their problems, even are? From either, a phy., or nur., point of view, or both, if what they are saying, could not be correct? Or if you, truly believe, that they, are not correct?

Because I am empathic and not an angle or anything supper natural. It is how my brain works and has nothing to do with me wanting to be a good person just as a mentally retarded person has nothing to do with him/her wanting to be mentally retarded.

What is the significance, or the relevance, of asking them, to explain their experiences? If you, truly believe, that it is a sickness, or problem, and is ultimately not, what they, even say, that they think, that it is? Or do not agree, with their thinking, of what they say, they experience, or can, or have?

It may not have a significance but I do not know of another way of learning about them than to question what they think.

So then, how can anyone, that truly does exist, actually believe, or think, that these 2 things, have the same exact, quantitative values?

Because they have the same amount of evidence to back them up.

atheists, truly think, that their thinking, and Logic, is far superior

This may be true concerning things of the supernatural.

It all matters, on whether, or not, that person can, truly think, superior, or, can not, directly, looking from ones, own perspective, and no one else's...and belief, or lack of belief, can not, have, any differentiating factors, that alter this fact, unless one of them leads them, to doing more, and more, superior thinking...It is the belief, of theism's, that belief in Gods, can lead you to thinking more prudent, but it, can not, be proven

Well there are many that will say that theism is true and can not be disputed but these people think that they are correct no matter what others think. What do you think about their thinking??


Reply Tue 13 Nov, 2012 11:22 pm
@reasoning logic,
Because I am empathic and not an angle or anything supper natural. It is how my brain works and has nothing to do with me wanting to be a good person just as a mentally retarded person has nothing to do with him/her wanting to be mentally retarded.

How can this possibly be, when people are, mostly, sociopaths? If you think this way, you can't be, an exception, unless, you freely chose, to be good, to be good?

I agree that you are, but I would take it, even, one step further, and say, that I, truly believe, that you have, an interest in them, more than just, seeing them, as an experiment, to try, to understand them, by nur., and phy., reasons alone...But also probably, because you may, even find, truth, to what, many of them, have said, or have to say...But I am not positive, as I do not remember, what you have said, about them...Or it is somewhere, in the back of my mind, right now...

It may not have a significance but I do not know of another way of learning about them than to question what they think.

I must admit, it seems to me, you keep dodging what I am trying to get at...And I do think, you understand what I mean, and we keep going in circles, as I am trying to find, different ways, of explaining this...

Why would you wish to question what they think? If you, already believe, they suffer from a sickness? Or are different? To the point where you, just disagree, with, most, of what they say, and think that they have problems, that distort reality? Or have problems, as they accept things that have no proof, and could be problems, for them? Why would you wish to talk, to many, different, ones, who have similar experiences, when you, already know, what you think, they have? And they, may not, know this? Do you believe, that they believe, that you are correct, in explaining to them, what their experiences, actually are? What have you said, that made them believe, you are correct? Please explain to me, what some of them said, that made them, come, to the realization, that what they experience, was actually, a sickness, that had made them not understand, reality? And how were they able to realize, that a doubter, understood a "theistic psychosis", better than they were able to, themselves? When they can experience it, and you can not? etc...

Because they have the same amount of evidence to back them up.

They, really, do not, though...If people come on here, and claim to believe that a God exists...And doubters say, they are doubters, because of a rejection of a belief, in gods...And no such person, exists, that says, they believe in Easter Bunnies, and no such people, exist, to doubt believers of Easter bunnies...There is, already, more proof...Than Easter bunnies, whether it is, evidence, by physical proof, or not...And just because, there is no such physical, proof...Does not = the same in value, either...That is, mearly, your own opinion, and that is not a fact, anyways...What is evidence, to you?

If I said that there is an atmosphere, here, on Earth, So there must be other ones, on other, far planets, that exist...Is that, too far of a stretch, for you, with evidence?

This may be true concerning things of the supernatural.

Then what sort of things, do they not think, that they, think superior, about?

They believe they think superior about theistic things, more than a theist does? What would they, honestly believe, they are not superior, in their thinking about? Please give me a few examples, if you can...

Well there are many that will say that theism is true and can not be disputed but these people think that they are correct no matter what others think. What do you think about their thinking??

I have told you, a few times before...What I, actually believe is happening, in people, who you believe, have a "theistic psychosis"

I don't see, why, I have to watch, the video...

If you would, like, for me, to explain, what I actually believe, is happening, then just ask me...In your reply...And I will find, my best reply, I have made, that summed it up, the best...Or I will retype it out, again, for you mate...
0 Replies
Reply Wed 14 Nov, 2012 02:12 am
@reasoning logic,
Well there are many that will say that theism is true and can not be disputed but these people think that they are correct no matter what others think. What do you think about their thinking??

I have told you, a few times before...What I, actually believe is happening, in people, who you believe, have a "theistic psychosis"

I don't see, why, I have to watch, the video...

If you would, like, for me, to explain, what I actually believe, is happening, then just ask me...In your reply...And I will find, my best reply, I have made, that summed it up, the best...Or I will retype it out, again, for you mate...

I have to say this mate, to get it off my chest....I do not wish to go down this path about the videos again mate...I am going to explain my position, and I think this video was perfect, as I think it will really show you my perspective about my views about them...

If you believe we both have a theistic psychosis...And you have the freedom to ask me any such question you would like, or want to know....I simply do not understand, why you would not just ask me over trying to watch an 8 min video, and break down what that man says, does, feels, explains etc...You and I have talked for about a year and 1/2 so far...We have both been here from the start, and have gone back and forth alone for probably close to 100 pages by ourselves...We have also talked about theistic psychosis themselves a bunch of times as well...We seemed to not have ever fully tackled anything we disagree upon, and sadly we probably never will, as we just do not view things logically and rationally the same ways...But I do love our discussions and wish for them to continue...But my point is, if we can not or have not tackled them...in that much time, we simply could not even hit the root of the beginnings from a man in an 8 min. video, simply because we are severely limited in the fact of compared to the time and effort we can give each other...And if we have not done it all yet by ourselves...We would never be able to do so with this man, or anyone else in a video like his...And since you feel I may have the same issues as he may...There is no reason to try to break his views and experiences down, rather than you just asking me about what I think about what you believe my "theistic psychosis" is...Sure it is nice to change it up, and see someone else's view, from your opinions...But if you do not give me what you are looking to find out...It makes it hard for me to explain what I believe that you would like to know, or what you would like to hear my opinions about him, me or anyone else, you feel has a similar experience(s)....

And I have to say mate...I am going to break it down this time...And I say that not so you feel like you are being privileged or anything crazy like that...But it is because I want you to understand that I may not do it later on...And second, I have said that I would, and did not do so...out of the 3 times I think I have said that...twice I was going to but changed my mind, and did not know a nice way of saying that without hurting you...And once, I flat out lied, and said that I would do so, and did not want to do it...And I felt bad about doing that...And this is my way of trying to show you I did not mean to hurt you, and did not want to argue about it, but it was worse for me to lie to you, then just tell you straight up, I did not want to do it...And I now know that if it happens again, I will at least be honest, even if you do not like what I am saying...Or if we get upset...Because I truly am just interested in what you have to say, as well as I hope you would want to know what I have to say, and if you explain your opinions or questions...I can get to the meat and potatoes of the video, and know what you are looking for, and get a good idea what you are thinking, in asking me, and why you post the video to begin with....I am sorry if I have hurt you mate....And I do not wish to do so ever again...I am sorry...

After saying all of this...I feel better, and I think you can understand where I see it...from my side...And I just hope that in the future, if you ask me my opinions about a video, and direct it towards me...You take into account how I feel about it...And wish to take the time, to give me your views or opinions to make it much faster, smoother, and much more simple...So we can get to the heart of what we both think about it...

Thanks mate...

My next post will be what I think about the video...

I also want you to know, I chose this video, because it was easy for me to show you my perspective from my side, with conjunction to how you may see the 2 of us, as well as others as similar....And how we can go deeper, with your views first...

I will explain my views, after I watch...
0 Replies
Reply Wed 14 Nov, 2012 03:27 am
@reasoning logic,
You are right mate, It is a bit different...I feel the first man may be a prophet...Not Jesus...as I see that the true Jesus, everyone will know it is he...And he will not deliberately come looking the same as he did the first time...In his revelation...It is a dead give away he is not him...I would have to look into that man more to see if he is posing as a false one on purpose...Or has a gift from God...

The second one, is the most faithful of them all...As in being the most humble about his gift...I would say he is most likely a prophet of God for sure...But not Jesus Himself...He seems to describe the first coming not the second...

And the Asian man?, you can smell from a mile away, is an Antichrist...plain and simple...No gift, nothing... purely extorting his "gift" for fame, greed, power etc...He takes money from children? And gets people to embrace he is Jesus? And if they reject him, they will go to Hell? The real Jesus is very very pissed off at him indeed...I can feel his anger burning inside me, right now...These are the reasons why I can personally see the ending and Jesus' coming will be much different than what people believe...

I can't explain why mate, But this is what God says about them...Many people who I believe may have a gift from God...Seem to somehow, be blessed with a gift, and have some sort of period where they believe they are Jesus Christ, himself...I think it is because they are so overwhelmed with he himself...And his spirit...And are not about deceiving other people... But lose focus of certain aspects of their life...That they never gain back...

And when this happens...The way God has explained it to me, Is The devil is trying to destroy their gift, and cause them to fall, as in thinking they are false Christs...But he still loses, God says, as when they are chosen, it is done, they either realize they are not God himself, but a servant...Or they are fooled and a prophet is taken away, but they are then sick, and are saved...I do not believe either of the first 2, or other people like them, are what the Bible is talking about in false Christs..

I think the third man hits the nail on the head....

This seems to be the way that I see many people who have the gift of prophecy is revealed to them...And why...

And I can feel that none of them are he himself...From my own perceptions...But that the third one, is just a man truly posing as a false Christ...

And nothing theistic psychosis' or prophetic about it at all... purely deceiving people...Like an Antichrist would...For he truly believes that by sticking to scripture to trick people into power greed money fame etc...Makes them believe...Something an Anti would do... regardless of what scripture says...and what believers of Christ think...About scripture...That is also why it says the test of the whole Bible is to be prudent and understand things that it does not cover...

Because by scripture alone, anyone can do what that third man has done...And trick people, and argue in scriptures sake...That is why I believe it will be different, and it is not exactly as it is printed...

Hope this helped...

reasoning logic
Reply Wed 14 Nov, 2012 04:46 pm
And the Asian man?, you can smell from a mile away, is an Antichrist...plain and simple...No gift, nothing... purely extorting his "gift" for fame, greed, power etc...He takes money from children? And gets people to embrace he is Jesus? And if they reject him, they will go to Hell? The real Jesus is very very pissed off at him indeed...I can feel his anger burning inside me, right now...These are the reasons why I can personally see the ending and Jesus' coming will be much different than what people believe...

Maybe you have it right and I have it completely wrong but I am grateful that you did take the time and watch that video that I shared with you.
I hope that you know that I find you FS and Izzy to be intellectuals but even though I think this may be true I myself may be wrong in what I think is true.
I hope that you might consider what another intellectual from this forum has shared with me "Fil Albuquerque" even though this other person has disagreed with me in the past.

If you truly want to have a better understanding of evil "watch the video that he has shared with us and you will see how we all get it wrong and if you think the video has flaws please share them with us all.

Reply Thu 15 Nov, 2012 11:34 am
@reasoning logic,
But, no offense mate...But I asked you, if you would, please, take the time to share with me, what your views, and opinions, are, about the video's...

So can you, please, do that for me? If you are interested, in my opinions, about an, evil, video? And before, I break it down? If you are, or do...I am interested in the video...If you are not, or do not...I am just being honest, like I said, I would be...I am not, so sure, that I am interested, in watching it...Cause I care about you...Not anyone else...Or that video, at the moment...If you get my point...Cause I do care...But I am looking in your direction, right now...Not theirs...

I talk, and so do they...I talk to them, they talk to me, They talk to you, you talk to them...But not right now...We have talked many times before...And currently are...Therefor, it is my position, that I am interested in you, and your opinions...Regardless, of what others, have said, about "us", or the video, itself...

I am asking you this...Because I am just trying to get to understand you...And see if you do not understand me...

And if you do not think of your own opinions as high as I think you should...Or if you have an attention to detail...Disorder, or something...Which is fine if you actually do...Or if you have an illness, where you are incapable, of understanding, following directions....Which is, also, not a problem, I would, just like to know, for my, own understandings, as to how I could be a better friend....Or do, certain things, for you...So that our friendship can continue to grow...

But I would like, to get to know, you...

And am going way, more, basic, right now, then what you are interested, in me...Which is also, cool, with me...

But I would like to know, certain things, about you, I currently, do not...right now, before we go on...If that is, OK, with you...?

And if you understand me, and are, just not interested, in doing so...Then that is fine, as well...Just tell me, that you understand, and are not interested...And I will, also, understand....And we can move on...

BTW, I see you as an intellectual...at least, at times...Just like I think, most are, that you listed, as well...And that is why, I have chosen, to ask you this...And why I am interested, in knowing this, about you...
Reply Thu 15 Nov, 2012 12:10 pm
@reasoning logic,
BTW, I see you as an intellectual...at least, at times...Just like I think, most are, that you listed, as well...And that is why, I have chosen, to ask you this...And why I am interested, in knowing this, about you...

I am NOT interested, in having discussions, with Fil...So that you can sit back, and evaluate "us"...Like I perceive, you would like to do...

If that is what you would like me to do...I am more interested in talking to you, and knowing why you would like me to do this? Because my interest is in you...Not anyone else, at the moment...
Reply Thu 15 Nov, 2012 01:02 pm
And if you are wondering, who you think, is more of intellectual...Think to yourself...What you need too... And you know your answer, and own thinking...

And if you try to perceive me, Go ahead, and go with it!...You are correct in your thinking...Wink...You know what I am talking about, and why...Wink

I am just telling you this, so that you know how to think, on a higher level...Or are aware that what you believe a "theistic psychosis" is...does not impair you...And is very real...And powerful, and useful...

And because, I would like you to know, that a conversion is willing, and able to take place, if you are willing to go down that path, and open that door, but if you do not want to do so...And are not ready, it does not have too....It is up to you...
reasoning logic
Reply Thu 15 Nov, 2012 07:52 pm
Thank you for your replies and your questions but I have been working long hours this week but I will respond to your questions this weekend. Cool
Reply Fri 16 Nov, 2012 09:45 am
@reasoning logic,
No problem mate, take your time! That is what good friends do...Wait until the other one is able to do so...Like you have done so for me...If they can not do so at the time being...

I hope you do not work too hard mate....And have some time to yourself... Wink Wink Very Happy

I will see you tomorrow, or Sunday mate...

And I can not wait for our discussions to continue...As I always value your opinions, and positions...
0 Replies
reasoning logic
Reply Fri 16 Nov, 2012 03:47 pm
But, no offense mate...But I asked you, if you would, please, take the time to share with me, what your views, and opinions, are, about the video's...

I do apologize for not responding to all of your questions. It is not that I do not value what you question but I do not have all the answers that which I wish I did.

I truly do not know the minds of the people in question but I can share my opinionated view point with you if you would like.

I think that it could be possible for all of them to think that they are serving the interest in what a God would be like. "In their opinions".

I think that some of these opinions are way out there but everyone has different beliefs and it is their beliefs that are reality to them. Take for example what I shared with a coworker. "This video's point of view, "the best that I understood it but yet I was able to find a coworker who seemed to relate to how the boxer was thinking.


But I would like to know, certain things, about you, I currently, do not...right now, before we go on...If that is, OK, with you...?

Sure ask any question that you would like.

BTW, I see you as an intellectual...at least, at times...Just like I think, most are, that you listed, as well...And that is why, I have chosen, to ask you this...And why I am interested, in knowing this, about you...

What else would you like to know about me? I will do my best and answer.

reasoning logic
Reply Fri 16 Nov, 2012 04:08 pm
Ryan You only need to watch the last part of the first three minutes of this video to see how I hope to view you in the future. At least to one degree or another.

Reply Fri 16 Nov, 2012 10:21 pm
@reasoning logic,
Sure ask any question that you would like.

You just me the answers, with the above...But it is posted below on here...I will quote it...

I do apologize for not responding to all of your questions. It is not that I do not value what you question but I do not have all the answers that which I wish I did.

I truly do not know the minds of the people in question but I can share my opinionated view point with you if you would like.

I think that it could be possible for all of them to think that they are serving the interest in what a God would be like. "In their opinions".

I think that some of these opinions are way out there but everyone has different beliefs and it is their beliefs that are reality to them. Take for example what I shared with a coworker. "This video's point of view, "the best that I understood it but yet I was able to find a coworker who seemed to relate to how the boxer was thinking.

I think, I have a pretty good idea why you think the way that you do...And I do not need to watch the video of the boxer to understand...But I do wish you just came out and told me how and why you think the way you do, without referencing a video...With a boxer, that you, and your coworker had discussed...because that part, is not really relevant to what I was asking of you...But none the less...I do think I understand you much better...Than I had...

What else would you like to know about me? I will do my best and answer.

I have already tried my best in asking you...But I will try once more...

If you do not know this...

I truly do not know the minds of the people in question but I can share my opinionated view point with you if you would like.

I think that it could be possible for all of them to think that they are serving the interest in what a God would be like. "In their opinions".

I think that some of these opinions are way out there but everyone has different beliefs and it is their beliefs that are reality to them.

Why would you think, that a "theistic psychosis'', is, what you think, it is? Are you also, open, to possibly being wrong about that?, As you have said, that you, could be, in the above?

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