@reasoning logic,
Quote:I did not know you lived up there or I forgot. I am glad to see you are OK. What state do you live in?
I live in Connecticut mate...
Quote:How can it be reality if they are mistaken?
Because, just because something, may not, be real...

it not being real to them....
If you tell me, that the reasons, you are interested, in studying people with a "theistic psychosis", is, for phy., and nur. effects, and I tell you, I directly do not agree, Does that mean that this, is not reality for you, or I? No it does not, and it does not change for either, of us, also...
Quote:All that I have to go on is what they tell me they think so this is all that I know.
Exactly right, because you can, only learn, how they think from talking to them...And interacting...Much like I may think I understand atheism, but I may not...
That is why you can not understand, a theist, if you are not one...Not if you have been, like FM says, but if you are not one...And you, simply, can not, then, understand what the phy. and nur. effects are, from a person who has a "theistic psychosis" is, unless you have it yourself...That is why I have said they are still the most reliable, though people, "think", they are sick...Which is BS...to me...There is no way, to get around, the fact, that what they experience, is of importance...Which tells me, it is, no such sickness, at all...And something different, is happening....
Quote:I do not know why you would make this claim because I personally think that it is the skeptic in me that leads me to the understanding that I have.
OK, you are right, I am sorry, it is not that you are not, who you are...It is that, I do not believe, that skeptics, even know, who they are, and what they believe, or do not believe...They are lost sheep, to me...With no way of knowing, which path to fallow...
Quote:I have this idea that things should be questioned and I do not think that it has anything to do with beliefs because I try to stay away from beliefs even though I realize that I myself am caught up in the sociological currents.
Do you not, believe, that having a rejection of a belief, in a God, is an actual belief? While you question other things, or everything? I would want to disassociate myself, from this being, if I did not believe, that he is, or was, or will be...And say I am a person, who challenges everything, I think, or believe is non-existent...
And assert myself in the positive, about myself, in the positive...I would not chose to group myself, in with others, who call themselves skeptics, but center their skepticism, around a major being throughout the world, that all of us, do not, even acknowledge...It does not make sense, to me...
That would be like, all theists tomorrow...Saying that We all acknowledge God, So God must be, the same...to all of us...And can not communicate, with every single person, in a different way possible...It does not add up...
It would also be, like me, saying, I am a Christian, not because I have beliefs, in Jesus...But rejections of Krishna, Buddha-Kullaks, Muhammad, etc...
It is not a clear representation, of who I am, like saying, I am this, because I believe this...Is my point...It's very nature, (atheism) is pointed towards deception...
Quote:I am not sure why you would group me with others like this but it is true that none of us have ever met this God nor has a God exposed himself to us in a way that we would think is real.
You are right again, I apologize for doing that...You have said that you are an atheist-Christian...Which does puzzle me...But it seems to be, different than most atheists...
I simply, do not understand, why anyone who chooses a skeptical path, would associate their acknowledgment of skepticism, with a being, who they all believe, is not real? Or they do not believe, exists? Which ever way, they prefer to acknowledge this...
I simply, can not grasp my mind, around, how if I was a skeptic, why I would willingly chose, to center my skepticism around something, that almost every single one of us, already denies exists...completely...
Again, It would be, like saying, that all theists embrace a God, because there are atheists in the world...And not because of the main justification why we are even believers to begin with...And what the main predominate and focal point of our embracement and acknowledgments even are...But that we believe because of a differentiating factor that has no relevance to who we actually even are...Or think that we are, or what they would even call "us"...But yet, their own perceptions, are relevant enough, for us to acknowledge, though, we do not, even agree, that it is even, true...But yet we continue to do so...And have, no wish, to change...