Question to those who do or do not doubt Christianity

Reply Sat 10 Nov, 2012 11:45 am
It was God's will!

So too was it for me to sit here, and post it over again! But you conveniently left that out!

Wink Wink Razz

That is all you had to say, about what I had said?? Really??
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reasoning logic
Reply Sat 10 Nov, 2012 12:39 pm
It is good to see you back Ryan. Hope things have been going good for you. Smile

Not, if I was to sit down, and ask these people, why they believe, they are Jesus Christ, or what their abductions were like...But did not physically ask them what they believe about the Easter Bunny, or anything else, I felt was the same thing...To compare the 2 things in question, that I believe have the same value...And are psychological, and neurologically explained...In my OWN thinking...And they would have to give me the same exact type of answers from a psychological, and neurological perspective, to mine....And if it differed, at all...The that theory, shits the bed...Plain, and simple... Because what they have explained to me, would then destroy, in my own mind, how I thought ,that these things, were on the same plane, and how these people think that they are...And the way that they do...Without knowing how they think, or do not...

Do you think that it could be possible that these people who claim that they are Jesus or that they have been abducted by aliens could be telling the truth about reality?

That is why I say that I feel that atheism is a belief...And most are in denial.

I thought that it was a lack of belief.

Not only am I an Atheist but I also am an A-fairiest, A-Easter bunniest and so forth.
reasoning logic
Reply Sat 10 Nov, 2012 12:45 pm
They can't think of a better way?? Of course they can, they think superior Exclamation...Have them go out, and start a fund for people who are "mentally ill'' or something...And use their good, for better...

I personally do not consider myself as a superior thinker compared to theist but I do think that theist have it wrong about the god they believe in. Now about the money part. Theist seem to hold the most wealth in the world so money can be an issue for atheists.
Reply Sat 10 Nov, 2012 01:24 pm
@reasoning logic,
It is good to see you back Ryan. Hope things have been going good for you.

It is great to see you too mate...It has been good, except the Hurricane, and snow storm we got hit within 10 days...And snow on the way next Wednesday again...Grrr...

Do you think that it could be possible that these people who claim that they are Jesus or that they have been abducted by aliens could be telling the truth about reality?

Absolutely, 100%, yes...Even if they are mistaken, I don't think that many of them, are deliberately lying, though some may...

But the only way, to know for sure, from a perspective, such as the one, you hold, would be to find someone, who has had these kinds of experiences...And then, ask them questions, about what they felt about other things that have similar values, in your own opinions...And if their views = the same thing from a psychological, or neurological point of view...You know you are right...If they say, I don't know, I never encountered an Easter Bunny, and can not talk to him...Then you must be wrong, and they are not the same thing to them...Because by asking them that, without them knowing why you were testing them...They would answer it, either in the way, you have depicted, or in a way, that shows it is not the same thing...And if they are lying about a super natural experience, then there lie will be revealed, as well...It would be easy to tell...The only thing is...Once you ask them, you can't try to influence them in any way...And must be impartial...And you have to accept what they say, even if you disagree...That is the fastest way, for you to get where your looking to go, if that is what you wish to learn about people...From the phy. and nur. point of view...But after they have explained to you...What you wanted to know...I would also explain to them why I had asked them those types of questions....And not insult them, about them...If they maybe were mistaken...And I would also tell them...That they could be right, even if I thought they could still be wrong...That is why, I think, that many would not do this simple exercise...

I thought that it was a lack of belief.

You could be right, I could be wrong...I don't see it that way...But then that would also mean the same thing, flipped around...And that you probably do not understand how a theist thinks though you have said that you do...No offense...Don't we all get somethings wrong? Wink Wink Very Happy

Not only am I an Atheist but I also am an A-fairiest, A-Easter bunniest and so forth.

You say that you are, but it is a bit misleading, because you do not call yourself a skeptic, because you have beliefs of challenging things you do not believe exist...Or do not have beliefs that certain things do not exist, from challenging them all...But yet you are all grouped by a God that is not? Why?

That does not point to being a full skeptic, Or totally believing, or not believing that Gods do not exist...By saying that, you are all one common thing, because of one major thing, you reject, still points to needing a belief, one way, or the other, otherwise, if you had none, you would be an agnostic...

Why not be the first to improve Atheism?, and call yourself a Skeptic, because you challenge EVERYTHING?

Not that you are something, because of something, that is not?
Reply Sat 10 Nov, 2012 01:54 pm
@reasoning logic,
I personally do not consider myself as a superior thinker compared to theist but I do think that theist have it wrong about the god they believe in.

I know that you don't, mate....And I know you are being honest...I had said that on one of those posts, last page, before this reply...But it is good to hear you say it, so that I know, this is how you truly felt...Like I believed you had...

Now about the money part. Theist seem to hold the most wealth in the world so money can be an issue for atheists.

What was that link that Chights posted about irreligious, being the smartest, and having the better jobs? etc...Is it incorrect?

Anyways, the Church is the most powerful entity in the world, yes, but it is spread though-out, from billions who believe in this being...And it goes into the ongoing of its functions...You can't look at it in terms of one person having this money, because it does not function that sort of way...And it is equally distributed back towards everyone who goes to Church...Think it is unfair? And want to show believers and God? Then Go to mass, but do not believe...

And if the Church is bogus, then chances are no one gets this money anyways, but one person has control over it, So the billions who built it, do not...anyways...But one can...It is not like the Church gives handouts to believers, but no one else, if you need food, or a place to stay...etc...Most church's would, probably, turn down no one...I say Probably, because I am sure that some have...

There is not one group that is segregated, and I would not believe it is true if I read someone say that it was, in their opinion...It may be less as a populous, but it has to be weighed with how many of that ethnicity are in that area, along with their religion, or irreligious beliefs...For it to truly be conclusive...And it would take way to long to do that...

Some people are just luckier than others, and some are not...The ones who are not...have to work harder...I can't give you a sufficient answer as to why if a God is real he chose this way...

But that does not mean that this God would love them less, truth is, I bet money does not make people any happier, And causes many more problems than it is worth...and the people more without, have more to give in almost every other way because of those lessons they had learned...by having less...And doing more...

"For it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than it is for a rich man to enter into Heaven"
0 Replies
Reply Sat 10 Nov, 2012 03:18 pm
@reasoning logic,
I should not even have to explain, that to you...Why don't you answer that one, for me...Why have you never spent, any time, asking someone who believes in Gods, or says they have abductions, etc...What there feelings are about the Easter bunny, and such, are? REGARDLESS, if you think you know what their answer may be? And truly show that you think they are the same, And "prove", you believe, they have the same value? Until someone does this, they are not...And most will not, because they ALREADY know the answer to this question, and don't want to find the answer...which equals not being the same thing...And more than just phy. and nur. understandings...For both parties...Or an informative way of studying the brain and it phy. and Nur. effects on people who are "ill"

That is why I say that I feel that atheism is a belief...And most are in denial...And not about proclaiming who they are...Even if. they do not know that they don't do it...Because they understand enough to know what they would need to do...But Freely chose not to do so...

I thought that it was a lack of belief.

Not only am I an Atheist but I also am an A-fairiest, A-Easter bunniest and so forth.

I know you say this, and others may as well...But it is hard for me, and probably many others to believe that you actually center your world around a God...Whether you believe he is real or not...In the same exact ways that you do for an Easter Bunny, Or F.S.M., Tooth Fairy, Santa, or anything else...

And the reason why I think this way, is simple...It is based upon, who, and what, you call, and label, your own, selves...Not really anything to do with me...

Listen to what I am saying...If an atheist claimed they were one, JUST BECAUSE, of the denial of the existence of any of those things, and were, dead serious, it would be a valid point...

Or if an Atheist, said that they were a Skeptic, because they, BELIEVE, they challenge everything, that they think is non existent, this point would be even more valid, as well....they could also say that they are a skeptic, because they believe that certain things are non-existent...And they want to challenge them...That is also a more clear expression of who and what you are...

Once you say you are something because you are not something, a red flag should go off...

If I said, that I like to drink, everything, but Gatoraid (TM) what would you ask me?

Would you, not, say to me, well if that is the ONLY thing you do not like to drink, why even include it in your description?? Why not just say, I will not drink Gatoraid (TM), but everything else? = I believe that Gods do not exist...= I do not believe that Gods exist...

Or if I said that to you...Would you not think to yourself, sounds kinda fishy, that he said it that way, I bet he actually may like Gatoraid (TM)? Or else, why would he word it that way, and not just tell me some of the things he actually does LIKE to drink? = I believe, I am a skeptic, because I challenge everything....Or I believe I am a skeptic, because I do not believe in the existence of certain things, and wish to challenge THEIR existences...?
reasoning logic
Reply Sat 10 Nov, 2012 06:40 pm
It is great to see you too mate...It has been good, except the Hurricane, and snow storm we got hit within 10 days...And snow on the way next Wednesday again...Grrr...

I did not know you lived up there or I forgot. I am glad to see you are OK. What state do you live in?


Do you think that it could be possible that these people who claim that they are Jesus or that they have been abducted by aliens could be telling the truth about reality?

Absolutely, 100%, yes...Even if they are mistaken,

How can it be reality if they are mistaken?

you probably do not understand how a theist thinks though you have said that you do..

All that I have to go on is what they tell me they think so this is all that I know.


You say that you are, but it is a bit misleading, because you do not call yourself a skeptic

I do not know why you would make this claim because I personally think that it is the skeptic in me that leads me to the understanding that I have.

you have beliefs of challenging things you do not believe exist

I have this idea that things should be questioned and I do not think that it has anything to do with beliefs because I try to stay away from beliefs even though I realize that I myself am caught up in the sociological currents.

you are all grouped by a God that is not? Why?

I am not sure why you would group me with others like this but it is true that none of us have ever met this God nor has a God exposed himself to us in a way that we would think is real.
Reply Sun 11 Nov, 2012 02:31 am
Hi Ryan, glad you are safe.. 10 days of that would have been well, 'HELLISH' Smile But honestly glad you are safe.
Reply Sun 11 Nov, 2012 05:43 am
@reasoning logic,
I did not know you lived up there or I forgot. I am glad to see you are OK. What state do you live in?

I live in Connecticut mate...

How can it be reality if they are mistaken?

Because, just because something, may not, be real... Not Equal it not being real to them....

If you tell me, that the reasons, you are interested, in studying people with a "theistic psychosis", is, for phy., and nur. effects, and I tell you, I directly do not agree, Does that mean that this, is not reality for you, or I? No it does not, and it does not change for either, of us, also...

All that I have to go on is what they tell me they think so this is all that I know.

Exactly right, because you can, only learn, how they think from talking to them...And interacting...Much like I may think I understand atheism, but I may not...

That is why you can not understand, a theist, if you are not one...Not if you have been, like FM says, but if you are not one...And you, simply, can not, then, understand what the phy. and nur. effects are, from a person who has a "theistic psychosis" is, unless you have it yourself...That is why I have said they are still the most reliable, though people, "think", they are sick...Which is BS...to me...There is no way, to get around, the fact, that what they experience, is of importance...Which tells me, it is, no such sickness, at all...And something different, is happening....

I do not know why you would make this claim because I personally think that it is the skeptic in me that leads me to the understanding that I have.

OK, you are right, I am sorry, it is not that you are not, who you are...It is that, I do not believe, that skeptics, even know, who they are, and what they believe, or do not believe...They are lost sheep, to me...With no way of knowing, which path to fallow...

I have this idea that things should be questioned and I do not think that it has anything to do with beliefs because I try to stay away from beliefs even though I realize that I myself am caught up in the sociological currents.

Do you not, believe, that having a rejection of a belief, in a God, is an actual belief? While you question other things, or everything? I would want to disassociate myself, from this being, if I did not believe, that he is, or was, or will be...And say I am a person, who challenges everything, I think, or believe is non-existent...

And assert myself in the positive, about myself, in the positive...I would not chose to group myself, in with others, who call themselves skeptics, but center their skepticism, around a major being throughout the world, that all of us, do not, even acknowledge...It does not make sense, to me...

That would be like, all theists tomorrow...Saying that We all acknowledge God, So God must be, the same...to all of us...And can not communicate, with every single person, in a different way possible...It does not add up... 2 Cents

It would also be, like me, saying, I am a Christian, not because I have beliefs, in Jesus...But rejections of Krishna, Buddha-Kullaks, Muhammad, etc...

It is not a clear representation, of who I am, like saying, I am this, because I believe this...Is my point...It's very nature, (atheism) is pointed towards deception...

I am not sure why you would group me with others like this but it is true that none of us have ever met this God nor has a God exposed himself to us in a way that we would think is real.

You are right again, I apologize for doing that...You have said that you are an atheist-Christian...Which does puzzle me...But it seems to be, different than most atheists...

I simply, do not understand, why anyone who chooses a skeptical path, would associate their acknowledgment of skepticism, with a being, who they all believe, is not real? Or they do not believe, exists? Which ever way, they prefer to acknowledge this...

I simply, can not grasp my mind, around, how if I was a skeptic, why I would willingly chose, to center my skepticism around something, that almost every single one of us, already denies exists...completely...

Again, It would be, like saying, that all theists embrace a God, because there are atheists in the world...And not because of the main justification why we are even believers to begin with...And what the main predominate and focal point of our embracement and acknowledgments even are...But that we believe because of a differentiating factor that has no relevance to who we actually even are...Or think that we are, or what they would even call "us"...But yet, their own perceptions, are relevant enough, for us to acknowledge, though, we do not, even agree, that it is even, true...But yet we continue to do so...And have, no wish, to change...
0 Replies
Reply Sun 11 Nov, 2012 05:59 am
Hi Ryan, glad you are safe.. 10 days of that would have been well, 'HELLISH' But honestly glad you are safe.

It is great to hear from you Found!...I really hope you are enjoying the weather there...And I hope you have a splendid summer!!! Wink Wink Very Happy Very Happy

There is no jealous emoticon, So I will have to go with this... Mad though I am not upset...

I am sorry, I did not include you, in the post, saying hi, when I came here, yesterday...I thought you had left.... Sad Neutral Very Happy... lol
Reply Sun 11 Nov, 2012 06:13 am
@reasoning logic,
I simply, do not understand, why anyone who chooses a skeptical path, would associate their acknowledgment of skepticism, with a being, who they all believe, is not real? Or they do not believe, exists? Which ever way, they prefer to acknowledge this...

I simply, can not grasp my mind, around, how if I was a skeptic, why I would willingly chose, to center my skepticism around something, that almost every single one of us, already denies exists...completely...

Again, It would be, like saying, that all theists embrace a God, because there are atheists in the world...And not because of the main justification why we are even believers to begin with...And what the main predominate and focal point of our embracement and acknowledgments even are...But that we believe because of a differentiating factor that has no relevance to who we actually even are...Or think that we are, or what they would even call "us"...But yet, their own perceptions, are relevant enough, for us to acknowledge, though, we do not, even agree, that it is even, true...But yet we continue to do so...And have, no wish, to change...

My point is...People are believers partly because they do not want to not believe...And that is what Faith is...But they believe because they want to believe in a God...

Atheists are not doubters because they are skeptics...They are doubters because they deny that believers are correct...that is not the same thing at all...

And if you do not believe me, just think of what this actually means...

Atheism= a rejection of a belief that Gods exist...I do not believe that Gods exist...I believe that Gods do not exist...Any way you acknowledge who and what you are...

If an atheist, said they were one to challenge everything non existent...and took the God part out...It would make sense...it currently does not add up...or paint a picture of who you actually are....
reasoning logic
Reply Sun 11 Nov, 2012 09:20 am
Atheism= a rejection of a belief that Gods exist...I do not believe that Gods exist...I believe that Gods do not exist...Any way you acknowledge who and what you are...

Well that is close but that is not how I see it. I see no evidence that a God exist nor do I see any evidence that any other mythological being or thing "with super natural powers" has ever existed but I am not claiming that it is not possible I am only claiming that I do not see a shred of evidence for any of them.


If an atheist, said they were one to challenge everything non existent..

Well I guess that some atheist may challenge things that do not exist but I myself challenge the things that people claim to be true but I find no evidence that supports their claims, "whether it be a God or a story that they are claiming to be real.

Reality is what I am interested in and misinformation is what I try to sort out.
Reply Sun 11 Nov, 2012 09:57 am
Happy Veterans Day to everyone...Today, and Tomorrow...Especially the ones who serve, and have...And have died trying to defend the freedom of the U.S.A.

I say especially, because I am also talking about family members who have ones who serve...Or have...

I hope they have a wonderful day...together...

Or look back and reflect upon the lives they lived....

I will be on later Logic, No disrespect to you...But I watch a lot of Sports, as well as pry, on Sundays mate...

See ya later... Wink Very Happy
reasoning logic
Reply Sun 11 Nov, 2012 01:01 pm

I will be on later Logic, No disrespect to you.

None taken mate. Wink

I remember some time ago that you told me that you were raped by the devil and it reminded me of this video. I hope that you might at the least consider what she has to say.

A Message To My Rapist

0 Replies
Reply Sun 11 Nov, 2012 03:27 pm
thought you had left.... ... lol


Yeah ya wish Wink

It's Spring, one day beautiful the next day raining and cool, gawdddddd... Smile Better than winter though.
reasoning logic
Reply Sun 11 Nov, 2012 03:37 pm
It's Spring, one day beautiful the next day raining and cool, gawdddddd... Smile Better than winter though.

It seems that you are describing my fall but the rain is less frequent. It seems like spring here most of the time.
Reply Sun 11 Nov, 2012 03:55 pm
@reasoning logic,
Tropics is more like Darwin, Queensland. We seem actually to now have enormous winters, a little spring a dash of summer lols. May move to QLD in 10 years to live I think.....

I hate Rapists by the way and yet, I don't believe in the word hate.... anything negative is not worth using as far as words go.. If that makes sense.
reasoning logic
Reply Sun 11 Nov, 2012 04:10 pm
I hate Rapists by the way and yet, I don't believe in the word hate.... anything negative is not worth using as far as words go.. If that makes sense.

I am not sure what you mean by " I don't believe in the word hate.... anything negative is not worth using as far as words go.. If that makes sense."

I hate what people do towards other people that do not want it done to them but I think that the immoral acts being committed are the results of the physiological make up so to speak and that has me in a state of aah, "wishing that that type of psychology did not exist but I do realize that there are sociopaths among us and I hope that what I am about to share with you does not cause you to shine a negative light on me but the video I shared should be investigated and certainly a sociopath would be reviled But I am not positive that it was the father because just as a father is possible of the crimes the daughter has accused him of, it could also be possible that the daughter fabricated the story and is the true sociopath. Please do not take this as how I see it because I personally lean toward the daughters story but I do realize that I could be deceived.
Reply Sun 11 Nov, 2012 06:11 pm
@reasoning logic,
I think perhaps because she states she is an Actress, immediately a person whom shares caution could think that it is an act for more stardom.

Brie Lybrand if googled, has 18+ pages anyone who is anyone, including reporters that have interviewed the likes of Tom Cruise etc, is highlighting your video.

Steven Bresler and his wife Rhonda went to Court in 1998 for Divorce on the grounds of habitual cruel and in-human treatment.. They married in 84, (14 years later) Brie states from 4 - 13... ..

She gained full custody of her children. Steven tried to appeal for 2 years, perhaps on costs, perhaps on his name, perhaps because it would come out eventually and the below link is documented on line.



I think you will find this is one to follow, the above link are other Court documents.

To be honest RL, if something is of interest to me, I look into it. Then I gain the answer.. The answer to this question is she is telling the truth...

Hate is a strong word. Why hate anything? It has a negative inpact on our lives, dislike is the word I choose.
Reply Sun 11 Nov, 2012 06:17 pm
It's just another "domestic" FS. You're celebrity struck.
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