@reasoning logic,
Man am I aggravated....I typed A whole post out, and the computer fell, and it shut down, and I could not save my post...Here goes again....
Good to hear from you Logic, and you too Izzy, and all my other friends, and everyone on A2K, and in this thread, and welcome newcomers...
Quote:Ryan I can only guess that it is as equally hard for you to understand why my mind could see the things as I see them as it is for me to understand you.
No offense Logic...In my honest opinion...I don't believe that you understand me, or How I see things, at all...Because you do not need to see things, from a psychological, or neurological viewpoint, in order to see them...And you can't find the answers, that way, though you "think", you can...You can only find the answers, by asking, me, about them...And if I say, it has nothing, to do, with that...Or that people, like me, are not ill...Then there is no reason, to believe, that they are...And if, atheists, believe that people with these type of experiences, are...It is not a valid justification, for believing, that this, is true, or the case, either...Because the most reliable people on the subject are, these very people, deemed "ill"...And only a person who is not sick would understand this over people claiming that others are sick, but do not even realize that this is the way it is, and is happening...Claiming people are sick, is a, BS way, to try to explain something, that clever people, think they can, but can not...If you, or any other skeptic out there, questions the experiences, that these people, claim to have had...And claim they have some type of illness...Then by asking them, what their experiences are, and were...You already give these people, and their experiences, more credibility, than anything else, you say, you challenge with skepticism...And do not bother to even talk about, or ask questions about...Such as the Easter Bunny, or F.S.M. These people who claim these things...Who are "ill" do not even have to do, or say, a thing...And skeptics are the ones, who show there is not the same quantitative value, for all things that are challenged...Such as God, and religion, and Easter Bunnies...Or anything else...Such as things, that could be, but might not be, such as multiple universes, or Anything like it...Because they devote their time, in challenging religion, and Gods, and believers, but they never devote their time, to challenge the Easter Bunny, or F.S.M., or anything like it...Though they throw those comparisons, out there, like they are valid...And the same thing...And you never hear an atheist, claim to be one, because he, or she challenges the existence of an Easter bunny, and the fact that it psychologically, or neurologically, does not exist, And why...etc...It is always centered around a God...Therefor, from both sides, it is not equal, in value...
When ONE person, claims, to believe in Gods, because of the existence, of an Easter Bunny, or F.S.M., and everything like it, or ONE person, claims, to be an atheist, because of the rejection of a belief, in Easter bunnies, F.S.M., and everything else...And is truly a skeptic, Or believer, because of this, and is not just saying it...Then this point is valid, till then, it is not equal, anyway you slice it down...
Quote:Sure they are not equally believed by the theist but that does not mean that one is factual and a part of reality. only their experience seems real to them.
Then there is no reason for an atheist, to want to know, to better understand, what is going on, psychologically, or neurologically...If a person is ill, and thinks this way, it means that everyone who does, is...And that is just it...Whenever someone asks someone to explain something...Even if they do not believe, it, even is...It is not just a psychological, or neurological, informative, inquiry anymore...They either want to know to be nosy, and insult them, because they believe it, but freely wish to reject it...Or they want to know, because they believe it can, but do not know that they feel this way...But then they would not reject it, if they did not know they believed it...Whether people are being honest about that, or not...It does not change or alter it...either...
Once I learned, that the sky is not, really, blue, but why it, appears it is...It was sufficient for me, to understand why it looks that way, but is not...I did not need to go around, and poll millions of people, about the subject to get a phy. and Nur. understanding, in order, to found my own opinions about theirs, and what is really happening...And why I feel, that they believe, the way they do, about their own opinions...And what I even believe about their own views, and what mine are, based upon theirs...And if atheists say they do this...I think they are lying, even if they don't know, that, they are...Or are in denial...It does not require someone, to get to know, the better understandings, of someone they feel, is "ill", in order, for them to formulate a skeptical position, about their experiences, And form a rational, and skeptical position, about these religions, or these Gods...That is ludicrous, to say that anyone, would need, to do such a thing...

The only reason they do so, is for interest, and that, already, entails, more than just a fabrication, like an Easter Bunny, or anything else...Or you would see people asking others to explain how they have come to conclusions, like they do, about Gods, with Easter bunnies and such...but it does not happen, and atheists throw this out there, because it sounds equal, but is not...
Quote:Another reworded question.
If a person who claims to be Jesus or claims that he/she has been abducted by aliens ever said I do not believe that the easter bunny is real, and I can not talk to him...It directly refutes that they are eqaul, and I think an atheist knows this in the back of their minds..
Do you think that this experience of a person who is either claiming to be Jesus or haven been abducted by aliens is equal to an experienced conversation with an Easter bunny and thinking that it was real?
Not, if I was to sit down, and ask these people, why they believe, they are Jesus Christ, or what their abductions were like...But did not physically ask them what they believe about the Easter Bunny, or anything else, I felt was the same thing...To compare the 2 things in question, that I believe have the same value...And are psychological, and neurologically explained...In my OWN thinking...And they would have to give me the same exact type of answers from a psychological, and neurological perspective, to mine....And if it differed, at all...The that theory, shits the bed...Plain, and simple... Because what they have explained to me, would then destroy, in my own mind, how I thought ,that these things, were on the same plane, and how these people think that they are...And the way that they do...Without knowing how they think, or do not...
Quote:If so what is it that make a religious experience any more real?
I should not even have to explain, that to you...Why don't you answer that one, for me...Why have you never spent, any time, asking someone who believes in Gods, or says they have abductions, etc...What there feelings are about the Easter bunny, and such, are? REGARDLESS, if you think you know what their answer may be? And truly show that you think they are the same, And "prove", you believe, they have the same value? Until someone does this, they are not...And most will not, because they ALREADY know the answer to this question, and don't want to find the answer...which equals not being the same thing...And more than just phy. and nur. understandings...For both parties...Or an informative way of studying the brain and it phy. and Nur. effects on people who are "ill"
That is why I say that I feel that atheism is a belief...And most are in denial...And not about proclaiming who they are...Even if. they do not know that they don't do it...Because they understand enough to know what they would need to do...But Freely chose not to do so...