Question to those who do or do not doubt Christianity

Reply Tue 9 Oct, 2012 03:26 am
The attraction of the Easter Bunny is that bunnies at Easter time are very unlikely to command inhibitions in sexual activity.
Reply Tue 9 Oct, 2012 05:03 am
One only need look at a large plate full of spaghetti to figure out where the FSM is coming from and the Tooth Fairy enjoins pristine embroidered pillowslips.
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Reply Tue 9 Oct, 2012 05:11 am
Now tell me why you think, if I can actually communicate with a God...Why I should even entertain the notion of explaining what he has to say to me...Or to you...If you already do not believe that it is even happening?

I can only presume from that that your failure to explain to anybody what the "things" are you know from God is due to nobody believing your claims.

Would you have explained if I had said I did believe you?
Reply Tue 9 Oct, 2012 06:15 am
@reasoning logic,
Ryan if you were talking about an Easter bunny the way that you have been talking about a God I would ask you to explain why you think the Easter bunny is talking to you and what it is that the Easter bunny is saying to you because I find it interesting that someone may believe this is happening.

Why would you think it is interesting or want to know anything about it, unless you thought it could actually be happeneing?

What would make it interesting, if you did not believe it was even happeneing?

Why would it matter what I thought this Easter Bunny was even saying to me, if you think he is not?

And why would you want to know?

Why would you not just say who cares? It is not real, or happeneing?
Reply Tue 9 Oct, 2012 06:38 am
I can only presume from that that your failure to explain to anybody what the "things" are you know from God is due to nobody believing your claims.

Your presumtion is wrong, There are many believers out there, who hear me, and believe that I can...I have explained things to others, as well as you...You just did not like the answers...Because you do not believe...I can't say things that he does not say, just to make you happy, or make you think that it is happeneing, if you do not believe that it is...What he says is what he says...That is why there is no point in me explaining it, if you already do not believe that it is happeneing...

Would you have explained if I had said I did believe you?

It all depends...If you were saying it, but I did not believe that you were telling the truth about it...I would have told you what he had to say, which is that I do not believe you were being truthful, which is what you would have needed to hear...Just like what I have said above...because a true prophet would say that...rather than getting into specifics, that you will not agree with anyways, since you already do not believe that this God even is...But it would not have been good enough for you...Since you do not believe that it even is...You want me to jump right to specifcs, And disregard the things you need to hear now...And it does not work like that...That is why you do not believe...And it is not worth it for me to go deeper...And why I have said what I have said, and nothing more...But you reject that this is even happeneing...Because what I have said, was not what you were expecting, and did not suit your own agenda in asking me to explain...But it is what a true person with a connection with God would have said to you...Since it answers your questions...And tells you what you need to hear, So that you know that it is true, and makes you want to understand more about this God...And not what "I" have to say...

So I can not soothsay, and say things just to fit your approval because you are interested, but do not even believe that it is...Or are not looking to open your mind and believe that it could be...Though you make it look like you are...

Had you believed it did, and were honestly asking...I would have revealed more for you to embrace about him...Though, like I said, you do not even need to hear what I have to say about him, and if you want to find him, you can do it on your own....Then I could tell you certian things he says to me...to help you and I...The fact you ask me to explain, like you think of me as the only way to talk to this God, shows that you are not ready...And do not understand, that it is not really important to hear what I have to say...Because you can find him by yourself...

And then I would be there to help as inspiration for our faith in him...

Once again, this is exactly what you need to hear, right now, and what he is saying to me to you...But you probably will not like it, because it is not what you had in mind...And since you feel this way...You are not interested in hearing what he is saying to me, or what he has to say at all...Though you think you do...Because if you truly did...It would not matter what he says to me...You would know what you need to know, by having a relationship with him...
Reply Tue 9 Oct, 2012 07:02 am
What would make it interesting, if you did not believe it was even happeneing?

But it is happening. Your fingertips are translating for us what is happening in your noddle. And that is interesting. Especially for rl who has a vague interest in neuro-science in order to sound good in social settings deploying some of the elementary taxonomy of that trade without much consideration for the human material being studied. Or battened on to more like. I bet they wouldn't batten on so fast if the wages were $25 grand a year.

And we don't know for sure whether you think you are the Second Coming, for which you need white, flowing garments as white as white technology can get them, or are having us on. Or had been hoping to.

I am prepared to rule out any chance of God transmitting "things" to you personally. Which is a Second Coming. I'm not bothered about infinitesimal chances. I'll rule it out. And I know that Mr Apisa will ask me on what evidence I rule it out. Nevertheless I'll rule it out. Call it faith if you like.

You should be complaining about God not guiding your hand down the racecard at Belmont Park rather than telling you "things". The Popes have told us things. And spelled out what they are.

Are you trying to build a little sect, little for now, exploiting those who wish to feel like Christians and avoid the things the Popes have spelled out? That has a long history.

The only other alternative I can think of is that you are receiving your own thoughts and, as one might expect, they are loud and clear. You are your own God.

Are the "things" anything to do with rumpy-pumpy?
Reply Tue 9 Oct, 2012 07:15 am
And we don't know for sure whether you think you are the Second Coming, for which you need white, flowing garments as white as white technology can get them, or are having us on. Or had been hoping to.

I am not the Second Coming...

The only other alternative I can think of is that you are receiving your own thoughts and, as one might expect, they are loud and clear. You are your own God.

Does anything that I said above sound like it came from me? Or that I think I am God?

Reread it carfully, though he says I am a faithful servant of his...I did nothing but lower myself, and glorfiy him...As a servant would...And as God was speaking...
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Oct, 2012 07:32 am
That's like a hole in a doughnut before the cream has been squirted in Spade.

Jesus was not a prophet. He thought Himself the fulfillment of previous prophesies who, in His own person, was inaugurating a new world. Which, of course, He did. His themes, Prof. Grant says, "shook huge parts of the world for all subsequent ages, and transformed the beliefs, thoughts and actions of their inhabitants out of all recognition."

He wasn't prophesying a new world as some future event being yearned for. It was happening and He was making it happen. Single-handedly.
Reply Tue 9 Oct, 2012 07:34 am
And we don't know for sure whether you think you are the Second Coming, for which you need white, flowing garments as white as white technology can get them, or are having us on. Or had been hoping to.

I am not the Second Coming...

But the fact you would even say this tells me you believe that God is real, and I have a coneccton to him...Had you not, you would have said how much bullshit what I said above was to you...But you did not...Which tells me you took something from what God had to say...

You need to stop fighting, the I believe, but do not want to believe, and embrace him...
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Oct, 2012 07:39 am
Jesus was not a prophet. He thought Himself the fulfillment of previous prophesies who, in His own person, was inaugurating a new world. Which, of course, He did. His themes, Prof. Grant says, "shook huge parts of the world for all subsequent ages, and transformed the beliefs, thoughts and actions of their inhabitants out of all recognition."

He wasn't prophesying a new world as some future event being yearned for. It was happening and He was making it happen. Single-handedly.

OK... So how does this apply to me? Once again, I never said that I thought I was Jesus or the Second coming, I said that God has said I have a prophetic gift...

It makes sense that Jesus could do this and I can not...

He is God, and I am a servant of his...

No servant is greater than his master...

I never said that I thought I could do what he can do...And I never will say such a thing either...

Are you now trying to say, that you believe that Jesus is so perfect he does not even need Prophets? Or Saints? etc...

I would have to say that I would agree with that...If he wanted to do it that way...

But he chooses certain people to help his mission...And gives them the gift of Prophecy...Or miracles...

So he must think that this is the best way...

And who can say that it is wrong?

Even if he can do it all on his own?

The fact he can do it all on his own, and chooses people to devote their life to him, and his mission, and gives them amazing gifts, says more about him indeed than him doing it all by himself...
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Oct, 2012 10:07 am
@reasoning logic,
Ryan if you were talking about an Easter bunny the way that you have been talking about a God I would ask you to explain why you think the Easter bunny is talking to you and what it is that the Easter bunny is saying to you because I find it interesting that someone may believe this is happening.

So if I honestly said that I thought I could communicate with the Easter Bunny, you would believe me?

If you did not believe me, why would you want to know what I thought it was saying to me?

Why would it even matter? If you already believe that I can't?

Do you see how I do not see it as the same thing as God?

To me, there must be a reason why you would even want to know what these things are even saying...Considering you do not believe they are real...

IMHO...I do not believe you would be interested in hearing what the Easter Bunny was saying, if I said I could talk to him...

But I do believe you do with God...Cause they are not the same...

If you disagree...

Has anyone ever said they can communicate with the Easter Bunny? Has anyone ever asked anyone to explain what the Easter Bunny is saying to them?

How can they be the same thing?

How many people have told you they can talk to the Easter Bunny?

How many people have you asked, if they can?

Did they all say the same thing?

Was it similar to what people say when they say they can talk to God?

How many people have you asked to talk about the Easter Bunny's messages before?

What did these people say about him?

What did they say that he had to say?

What did you think when they told you what it said?

Did you think it was the same thing as people who say they can talk to God?

Why did you think it was?

What similarities were there, that made you believe this way about them both?

etc etc...
Reply Tue 9 Oct, 2012 10:24 am
And if you have never done this before about the Easter Bunny...Why would you do it with people about a God?

Since it is the same to you...

Why do you not ask people what their experiences with the Easter Bunny are?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Oct, 2012 12:49 pm
@reasoning logic,
Reasoning Logic said "No harm intended 1Prince and I find you to be a polite person but is this how you approach other scientific explanations?"

No this is not how one would approach other scientific matters because the Lord is not of this world so He must be approached in the way He has set up how to find Him.
reasoning logic
Reply Tue 9 Oct, 2012 03:35 pm

FM can express his lack of faith/loss of faith quite articulately without once mentioning the Easter Bunny. Why don't you take a leaf out of his book?

I'm glad that you value farmerman's replies and so do I often. Me and him are two different people and he has his way and I have mine.

I do take leafs out of his book, your book and everyone's book. Everything I know comes from others and very little of it is what I stumbled upon on my own.

With the greatest respect FM, that's not true. History is the best guess based on the available evidence. True Historians try to be as factual as possible, but so much History is open to interpretation and guess work.

Well I can see some truth to this but history is very important and we can establish some facts by it can't we?

Do you think that it is a fact that there was chattel slavery back in the days that Jesus supposedly walk the earth? or do you think that this is open to interpretation and guess work. If so why?

What is it that farmerman was sharing with Ryan that you think can not be factual verified by history?

reasoning logic
Reply Tue 9 Oct, 2012 03:46 pm
So if I honestly said that I thought I could communicate with the Easter Bunny, you would believe me?

No. You know this answer so why ask it?

Why would it even matter? If you already believe that I can't?

Because I care about other people and I find the brain to be interesting.

Do you see how I do not see it as the same thing as God?

I see that you believe in one and not the other.

IMHO...I do not believe you would be interested in hearing what the Easter Bunny was saying, if I said I could talk to him...

But I do believe you do with God...Cause they are not the same...

I do respect your HO but your HO is wrong

Has anyone ever said they can communicate with the Easter Bunny? Has anyone ever asked anyone to explain what the Easter Bunny is saying to them?

Not that I know of.

How can they be the same thing?


reasoning logic
Reply Tue 9 Oct, 2012 03:49 pm
the Lord is not of this world so He must be approached in the way He has set up how to find Him.

I have to agree with the part about not being of this world and I doubt that he is a part of anything else other than people's imaginations.
Reply Wed 10 Oct, 2012 01:33 am
@reasoning logic,
reasoning logic wrote:
What is it that farmerman was sharing with Ryan that you think can not be factual verified by history?

You must have a lot of time on your hands, if you think I'm going to go through someone else's posts and do that. By and large FM was discussing symbolism not pointing out historical detail.
Reply Wed 10 Oct, 2012 03:17 am
What do you think fm's avatar symbolises?
Reply Wed 10 Oct, 2012 04:22 am
I thought it was a 19th Century American General known as the Grey Wolf, at first he was a brutal killer of indians but went through a Damascene conversion.
This is his picture, so I guess I was wrong. Other than that I've not given it much thought.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Oct, 2012 07:35 am
@reasoning logic,
So if I honestly said that I thought I could communicate with the Easter Bunny, you would believe me?

No. You know this answer so why ask it?

No, I don't know the answer to these questions, and that is why I asked you to answer them...

Why would it even matter? If you already believe that I can't?

I see that you believe in one and not the other.

IMHO...I do not believe you would be interested in hearing what the Easter Bunny was saying, if I said I could talk to him...

I do respect your HO but your HO is wrong

Has anyone ever said they can communicate with the Easter Bunny? Has anyone ever asked anyone to explain what the Easter Bunny is saying to them?

Not that I know of.

How can they be the same thing?


This is where you have it backwards in my book and Not I...

And I will refute it for you and prove how it is so...

No athiest who says that any of those fabricated things are equal to a God is being truthful...Or they do not realize how they even do not see these things as an equal to a God...

If you are an athiest and purport these positions...

Why do you not go and ask people who are atheists or theists, what they believe the easter bunny or other things are saying to other people like you do to theists or atheists about a God? Why does a theist not say that they believe a God is real, because the Easter bunny tells them this? And to prove it 50/50 from both sides...Why does an atheist not say that they are an atheist because they have a rejection of a belief in Easter bunnies? And why does a theist not say they are one because they believe that easter bunnies exist? and can commuincate with them?

The answer is simple, it is because no person out there, whether an atheist or theist actually believes that these things have the same exact quantitative value as a God does...Even though athiests ask these questions and think that they do...If an atheist was to ask a theist these questions and say it regarding an easter bunny since they are "equal" if a theist ever said I do not believe that the easter bunny is real, and I can not talk to him...It directly refutes that they are eqaul, and I think an atheist knows this in the back of their minds...And since a theist never says that they believe in Gods because the easter bunny can talk to them, also proves they are not eqaul in value either...As soon as someone calls themselves a skeptic, but does not say that they are a skeptic to challenge everything, but says they are something based upon something they do not believe exists, they have already given this thing a higher quantitative value than any other thing they say they challenge with skepticism...That is why I believe that athiesm is a belief...And why those comparisons are not eqaul...When you first hear it, it sounds good, but upon further inspection they are not equal...to everyone, whether they willingly know this or not...

If you told me that you thought you knew how the world would end because of higher understandings, and said to me that you see it as caused by Acrylic paints, that get absorbed thru the skin, cause people to go insane, their teeth fall out... causes them to become Zombies, who then become cannibals and bite other people to infect them, and no weapon can destroy them...And we will in turn destroy the Earth, and universe...If I truly believed this was not real or possible, I would not ask for you to explain to me how it possibly could, unless I wanted to know, because I believed it had a chance to do so...Other that that, I would skip it, or talk about something else...And be showing I was truly not trying to insult you or make fun of you...If you even ask...It is more than interest...

We do not get into discussions about Easter bunnies, because neither you or I, think they are relevant...But we discuss God, and religion all the time, because we both already have a higher quantitative value on both...

That is why those comparisons have no legs to stand upon...

And why I was asking you to explain how you thought they are equal...


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