@reasoning logic,
Quote:It is good to hear from you Ryan.
It is good to hear from you, too, mate...
I think, that you are missing, the whole point, of the whole test...
By what God, ultimately, allowed to happen...He not only, let people understand the nature of trusting the master's mouth...And what faith, even is...But he also, allowed Adam, and Eve to eat of the tree of knowledge, and fully understand, what is morally correct, and what is not...And what the ramifications were, for not obeying him...But reasoning in our hearts and minds...( in his eyes) (even if, it was wrong, he can use evil for good) Remember, he sent his only begotten Son to the Cross, to redeem us from Sin...
Therefor, giving us free will, And also making us beneath him, and also making us, worthy of being the highest creation ever...and even worthy of watching to rebuke...And exceedingly great when we obey him, and disregard our own selfish ideas of morality...In the blink of an eye...Otherwise, we would have been, just another animal...
And we would not, be able, to understand, any of it...
Everything he allowed, was highly calculated...With a purpose...
Do you believe, that God, did not know, that, when he said, do not eat, of this tree, that they were going too?
This does not make him flawed...It goes along with omniscient, omnipotent, omnibenevolent...It makes him able to give us free will, but also shows, there is one way to find him, and it is thru faith...And that to trust the masters mouth...Would severely help us, and not hinder us...
All freely, at the sake, of our own hands...And choices...
But we, as great, as we are...Would have to, freely chose, this notion...Otherwise, it has no effect...
It cheapens him, and it destroys, how righteous we are, in his eyes...
And what his, ultimate plan, for humans, even was, is, and is going to be...
Is this the best way?
I would have to say, because he chose it, it is...
Could he have done it another? And been all the omni's?
Why did he chose, the way he did?
Because morally, it must be the perfect way, in his eyes... Even if it does not, fully, make sense to us...
That is exactly, what I am trying to say, above...With my opinions...
It did everything it needed to do...And did it, morally correct...
So that, he is, who he is, and we are, who we are...
And he knows this...And so do we...