Question to those who do or do not doubt Christianity

Reply Sat 19 Nov, 2011 01:20 am
Listen carefully to what you typed Bill....

Worshiping the imaginations of others is a pointless act indeed.

Too bad that the errors of your so call thinkings you can not see for yourself, not even when others had pointed them out to you.

So why then should I listen to ANYONE or ANYTHING about ANYTHING EVER in your opinion? (which by the way you do yourself, in taking leaps of faith in scientists who claim "higher Life forms exist, but yet it's NOT provable!!")

And in any event, if you listen carefully, what you described for me to do,(with this statement, Worshiping the imaginations of others is a pointless act indeed.) is EXACTLY the path I took in my life....I will post again....I found God, by His calling to me, when I was Atheist, THEN searched just about EVERY religion I could grasp...UNTIL I found it was CHRIST!! in what way, could I have been better in finding myself? and being self-honest? and honest with others??? (now in response to BOTH of your posts above!) according to you, you should test everything, (with which I agree) but you take it to the point of saying, not to believe what ANYONE has to say or do with your life, but only except what your reality is....there is NOT a clearer definition in my eyes, than being ONE-DIMENSIONAL if I EVER HEARD ONE!

Reply Sat 19 Nov, 2011 01:28 am
leaps of faith in scientists who claim "higher Life forms exist, but yet it's NOT provable!!")

Sorry dear heart from what is known repeat known about the universe, not religion fairy tales, the probability repeat probability of a great many intelligent life forms in the vast repeat vast universe is very high.

So the question is still on the table if repeat if proof is found of such life will you drop your believes in fairy tales or not?

That this tiny little planet is the center of the universe and the center of a god concerns a god who had the power to created the universe is crazy enough now that it is a joke but add in others intelligent life forms and even you might need to grow up.

Reply Sat 19 Nov, 2011 01:35 am
Sorry dear heart from what is known repeat known about the universe, not religion fairy tales, the probability repeat probability of a great many intelligent life forms in the vast repeat vast universe is very high.

and you can "prove" this how?

SHOW ME a website, like wikipedia, that "SHOWS" scientists who can "prove" this claim, "Sorry dear heart from what is known repeat known about the universe, not religion fairy tales, the probability repeat probability of a great many intelligent life forms in the vast repeat vast universe is very high."

So again, whether you accept it or not, you take "leaps" into others visions about life....namely scientists, (with which, you "feel" are right!)....
Reply Sat 19 Nov, 2011 01:41 am
So the question is still on the table if repeat if proof is found of such life will you drop your believes in fairy tales or not?

No it isn't, Go back and read MORE carefully, last page....I ALREADY answered this question!
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Nov, 2011 01:57 am
Let see proof of intelligent life forms can come in many forms such as detecting radio waves with clear information being carry on them.

Looking at the extra solar planets we had already had found to see if someone is lighting up the night sides as we are with artificial light sources is a new and very interesting method for searching.

One way or another proof will LIKELY be found so once more when that had occur will you drop your fairy tale believe in a god who is center on this one tiny planet or not?
Reply Sat 19 Nov, 2011 02:07 am
once again, go back and read last page and you will see my Answers....Also, where does it say in "MY" religion that God is the center of this tiny planet....According to the Bible God is the center of the Universe....of everything, time and of ALL creation...etc...that points out he is in the center of the universe and not of earth....
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Nov, 2011 02:19 am
If something can't be proven at all, then there should be no assertion that it exists and is true. This is not to say that the opposite assertion can be made that it does not exist. If an empty claim is made that cannot be proven, then it is in a pointless "limbo" where both claims of existence and non-existence can be made. I do also believe that there is an expiration date on these claims. The longer a claim goes without being proven or the more falsified proof that it presents, the less credence should be given to the idea. The same idea (except reverse) has happened with the theory of evolution, the theory has not been undoubtable proven, but it has withstood scrutiny for over 150 years thus making it a "de facto fact"...not an outright fact. With Christianity, however, it's been over 2000 years and there's still nothing but bankrupt tautologies, hearsay, and speculations at best. If it really is as true as people assert, then you would think that you (generally speaking) would have actually come up with something by now.

Could it be that "faith" is unprovable, and yet it can be assertianed that it exists, one way or another? meaning people have "faith" in Christ...whether he did or did not exist....but according to his life, he did exist, and told people to have "faith" and that is exactly what is happening....So how then is that qualification in "your eyes" as to this statement....

If something can't be proven at all, then there should be no assertion that it exists and is true.

or better yet, Do you believe you can "prove" faith exists?

If you answer the question, the way I think you will...if you can "prove" faith itself exists. but not "prove" the thing or in this case God your having "faith in" exists....how then does, that NOT destroy the logic of this statement above..."If something can't be proven at all, then there should be no assertion that it exists and is true."

If you use the logic, of the evolution of life being around for 150 yrs etc...And I can point out that Christianity, has survived 2000+ yrs with Scrutiny, How is it by your logic that Christianity is NOT a De facto fact roughly 13. repeating 3's more plausible than the example you gave with the theory of evolution....
Reply Sat 19 Nov, 2011 02:46 am
One way or another proof will LIKELY be found so once more when that had occur will you drop your fairy tale believe in a god who is center on this one tiny planet or not?

If "proof" comes back that points out that in this vast universe, that there is "no sufficiant Proof' of life "remotely CLOSE" to humans exist....will you drop the "made up Bullshit belief" that the Probability of MANY life Forms "GREATER than HUMANS" exist is "VERY HIGH"
Reply Sat 19 Nov, 2011 03:34 am
I'm amazed you would want to meet me. I'd be careful what you say when you're over here. This nation is still the sixth largest economy in the world and people tend to get a bit hacked off when Americans use the phrase 'once great,' or talk about the Battle of New Orleans and saving asses. You won't be able to bring any swords or rifles with you either. Most of us appreciate America's contribution to WW2, but that's a far cry from the sort of forlock tugging servility you seem to be expecting. In short, the difference between you having a good or bad time would be dependent on how much you open that mouth of yours.

You seem to view History as a series of incidents, and similar to Gob1 like to point out certain incidents as proof of a general trend. Alan Turing is only getting the recognition he deserved now, and we don't need you to point out how badly he was treated. This was during the Cold War, anyone a bit different was suspect, I doubt he would have fared much better in America. You didn't exactly have a reputation of tolerance towards homosexuals either, and there was McCarthyism. Lets not forget the secrecy, nobody knew what any of the lads at Bletchley got up to until very recently, and that affected everyone, not just Turing.
reasoning logic
Reply Sat 19 Nov, 2011 04:48 am
explain to me what studying the history of religion is going to tell me to make me MORE intellectually honest with myself and others....and if it makes enough sense, I will read up on it...

The history of religion will show you where our beliefs came from and how many of our beliefs have evolved.

what do you REALLY know about me to call me Dishonest to myself and others

I do apologize for understanding you incorrectly. I can see from statements like this that you are more than likely telling the truth!
I heard God's voice calling me,

So ask yourself, what do you REALLY know about me to call me Dishonest to myself and others UNLESS your the one who has pre-conceived notions as to the ONE and ONLY way it should be done...so that it IS Intellectually honesty with oneself and others? Could it be plausible (in your views, as approximations of truths) that there are OTHER ways to find self honest, and honesty toward others?

My main interest is human behavior and under standing how the brain works, Not that I get it correct all of the time!

It is psychological {normal} to believe in lies! If we take a look around the world we can see that many people believe in things that are not true and if we use science and logic to explain why these things are not true to them it will not always change their minds. More than likely knowledge will not change their minds because of the emotional attachments that they have to these beliefs.

If it is normal for the brain to believe in lies what can we do to better our chances of not believing in such nonsense? Would the scientific method help even though we do not always use it correctly?

Reply Sat 19 Nov, 2011 05:27 am
@reasoning logic,
reasoning logic wrote:

If it is normal for the brain to believe in lies what can we do to better our chances of not believing in such nonsense?

It might help if we stop believing every video we spot on Youtube.
reasoning logic
Reply Sat 19 Nov, 2011 05:37 am
It might help if we stop believing every video we spot on Youtube.

Sure if some believes every video they spot on youtube it would be helpful if they did not!
Reply Sat 19 Nov, 2011 05:43 am
@reasoning logic,
There's hope for you yet mate. It might also help, and I really mean this, if before you start considering alternative interpretaions of History, you make sure you're au fais with the orthodox viewpoint.
reasoning logic
Reply Sat 19 Nov, 2011 06:00 am
before you start considering alternative interpretaions of History, you make sure you're au fais with the orthodox viewpoint.

Thanks boss I will keep that in mind!
Do you think that it will also be helpful if I make myself fully informed with Ganesha and the pious belief of the orthodox devotees in Gaņeśa's Vedic origins?
Reply Sat 19 Nov, 2011 06:02 am
If "proof" comes back that points out that in this vast universe, that there is "no sufficiant Proof' of life "remotely CLOSE" to humans exist....will you drop the "made up Bullshit belief" that the Probability of MANY life Forms "GREATER than HUMANS" exist is "VERY HIGH"

You question had zero meaning.

Like the non existence of a god intelligent life not existing in this vast universe can not be proven as you never never never can prove a negative.

You can however prove an non-negative like a real non-fairly tale god existing if such exist, not likely, or other intelligent life existing very highly likely and very likely to be proven.

So once more will you drop your fairly tale believe of a god center on the earth and the humans on the earth if it is shown that intelligent life exist elsewhere?

A yes or a no is all that is require from you. as it does not concern proving a negative.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Nov, 2011 06:26 am
won't be able to bring any swords or rifles with you either. M

Soon you will be luck if your government trust the citizens with plastic eating utensils.

As far as Turing there was still people in power at the time your government moral police went after him that was well aware of the debt that the Western World owe him. In fact I even think that Churchill was once more the Prime Minister during this time period.

No one intervene it would seems on his behalf and that is the true shame of the affair.

I'd be careful what you say when you're over here.

Americans always need to be aware when traveling that we are no longer protected by the first amendment and people can and had been arrested for saying the "wrong" things.

As far as English hoodlums are concern I was not impress, on my first visit , seeing an example of an English motorcycle gang as for one thing the effect were greatly reduce by their small Japanese cycles.
Reply Sat 19 Nov, 2011 08:07 am
This isn't a police state, you're not going to get arrested for saying the wrong thing. With your monumental ego, and breathtaking hubris you're very likely to wind the wrong person up, and get thumped. That's what I meant about minding what you say, it's one thing winding people up on line, it's something else when it's face to face. We're quite a bolshie bunch, we don't like being lectured to.

On place you must visit when over here is this.
reasoning logic
Reply Sat 19 Nov, 2011 08:31 am
This why you should fear God!

Fil Albuquerque
Reply Sat 19 Nov, 2011 09:53 am
@reasoning logic,
...nice video RL ! Wink
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Nov, 2011 10:01 am
With your monumental ego, and breathtaking hubris you're very likely to wind the wrong person up, and get thumped.

Given that in my younger days I had deal with real hoodlums in bars where people had been known to be shot from time to time I question if I need to had any great concern over the milk toast and tea English version of the same.

When at the high of the English soccer/football hoodlums running wild beating people some comments reach the US in 1994 that the English fans/hoodlums was threatening to do the same on American soil.

The reaction was one of vast amusement as this is not Europa and the likely outcome would had been the need for a lot of air ambulances and body bags to get the Brits back home.

Footnote the only time I ever had have real concern was being in a red neck bar with a kid who just gotten done basic training for the US Marine corp and were eager to prove that one Marine could beat up a whole bar of red necks.

It did not help that we happen to had two women along with us.

I needed to tell him we was not going to get into any fights as we had two women with us one of them his sister[my date] and that it is highly likely that a numberss of the red neck was also ex-US Marines he was planning on fighting

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