Question to those who do or do not doubt Christianity

Reply Fri 18 Nov, 2011 03:20 am
yeah, and the "higher life forms, than humans" in the universe, are going to take you away some day to a "better place" when scientists, are getting more and more wrong than right....,( and if you believe science is wrong)...than why so many scientists, conclude that there is NO PROOF of ANY life at all? and Some Scientists just hypothesis of simple life, (if there right)why do they conclude in their hypothesis of ONLY simple life? let alone GREATER than simple organisms?....let ALONE humans of some-sort?, let ALONE "GREATER LIFE than humans"?
Reply Fri 18 Nov, 2011 03:35 am
Yes a universe that is so large that there are more suns then there are cells in all the 10 billions humans bodies now alive together only had semi-intelligent life on this one planet.

Any god that is interest only or mainly in us is going to be a small and very unimportant god indeed.

Question as there is a good chance that there will be proof of other intelligent lives in the universe within the near future would that cause you a problem with your faith?

Reply Fri 18 Nov, 2011 03:44 am
when scientists, are getting more and more wrong than right

Footnote it is not your silly 3 in one god that give you the power to communicate your silliness around this tiny planet but the science and the technology it had given birth to.
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Reply Fri 18 Nov, 2011 03:48 am
BillRM wrote:

Question as there is a good chance that there will be proof of other intelligent lives in the universe within the near future would that cause you a problem with your faith?

More importantly would it cause you a problem? The main aspect of your fundamentalist proseletysing, is that you depict anyone who does not share your viewpoint as having to believe in some sort of Medievel Christian myth. You're more of a fundamentalist than JGoldman 10.
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Reply Fri 18 Nov, 2011 03:56 am
Any god that is interest only or mainly in us is going to be a small and very unimportant god indeed.

that is in fact AGAIN, if your right about other intelligent life forms...which isn't proven...which it isn't and hasn't been...and again scientists are getting farther and farther from the truth....look at Chights you tube video...if you believe science is ALWAYS right!
Reply Fri 18 Nov, 2011 03:59 am
Footnote it is not your silly 3 in one god that give you the power to communicate your silliness around this tiny planet but the science and the technology it had given birth to.

Prove it! Are you saying you know my visions and dreams directly from Christ better than I do? and if so, why have I NOT denounced Christ, and embraced Science?
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Reply Fri 18 Nov, 2011 04:01 am
No why believe in something that give you light and heat and a longer life span and the abilities to post nonsense around the world instead of a fairy tale of a 3 in one god.

So if it is proven that there are others intelligent life in the universe you will drop your faith?
Reply Fri 18 Nov, 2011 04:06 am
Question as there is a good chance that there will be proof of other intelligent lives in the universe within the near future would that cause you a problem with your faith?

Nope! because like you I KNOW Aliens exist! But UNLIKE you I am NOT divided...I know from visions and dream that Aliens DO exist, from what I have seen, But I ALSO embrace weeping statues of Mary and Christ as real as well...difference is I know that Aliens are EVIL, and are Satan's Angels, no one can convince me that aliens abducting people and putting nothing but fear in people is a life form for "good Intentions" and or An Alien abducting women and putting seeds in their womb to bring half bread children in the world is an act of "good intentions either" not even mentioning what they try to do to me in dreams,

you on the other hand will believe higher life forms exist, such as Aliens, and that they are in fact ABOVE US! when they are the ones described in the Bible as, the ones who make fire appear from the sky, and perform "false signs" But then you will Argue till no end in sight that millions of miracles, such as weeping statues, stigmata, and millions of others...are ALL HOAXES!
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Reply Fri 18 Nov, 2011 04:09 am
BillRM wrote:

No why believe in something that give you light and heat and a longer life span and the abilities to post nonsense around the world instead of a fairy tale of a 3 in one god.

So you're saying that a belief in anything other than 'a fairy tale of a 3 in one god,' is nonsensical? Well you've changed your tune. Do you still believe that History has a mind?
Reply Fri 18 Nov, 2011 04:29 am
rather than answering your questions first, let me ask you one...

Do you believe, that Non-provable things = proof of Non-existence?

Just a quick advice, for whoever felt the need to vote this post down...I am not upset you voted my post down, for it is enabled, and if you feel like doing it, so be it, honestly it doesn't suprise me since I estimate that there are roughly 4 Atheists to every 1 believer of some sort on this website, and I am in mostly Atheist threads, But even this one, open to every belief or NON belief...you can see it is easily around 4 to 1...in any event just so you know, when I made that post to Chights, it was because there was nothing but about a page and a half of Atheists, continually asking me about Christianity, and how I rationalized MY views to conform to scripture....that is why (I perceive an Atheist voted it down because the way I worded the opening of the post to Chights) (rather than answering your questions first, let me ask you one...) and rather than continually argue my points, I wished to see some of THEIR views....

So in the future, I would ask that you keep up with the thread, or post your opinion, so we can talk, rather, than voting it down, and saying nothing....but hey your free to do as you please!
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Reply Fri 18 Nov, 2011 04:43 am
So you're saying that a belief in anything other than 'a fairy tale of a 3 in one god,' is nonsensical? Well you've changed your tune. Do you still believe that History has a mind?

Drinking perhaps????????????
Reply Fri 18 Nov, 2011 04:49 am
I will handle this one Izzy....He probably isn't drinking! he was simply pointing out your flaws with the way you worded your post(s)....and you STILL seemed to not pick up on it....

Hint...go back and reread your posts more carefully and the way you worded them....

Sorry, if you feel offended Izzy, I did not mean to speak Bigotry, just felt compelled to try to "show him" his errors he was unaware of....

But I am interested in hearing his response to the question of if he believes History has a mind??
Reply Fri 18 Nov, 2011 06:04 am
Too bad that the errors of your so call thinkings you can not see for yourself, not even when others had pointed them out to you.

No indication that a god had created mankind either directly or indirectly but mankind had created countless gods including the Christian god.

Worshiping the imaginations of others is a pointless act indeed.
Reply Fri 18 Nov, 2011 09:45 am
XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:
rather than answering your questions first, let me ask you one...

Do you believe, that Non-provable things = proof of Non-existence?
If something can't be proven at all, then there should be no assertion that it exists and is true. This is not to say that the opposite assertion can be made that it does not exist. If an empty claim is made that cannot be proven, then it is in a pointless "limbo" where both claims of existence and non-existence can be made. I do also believe that there is an expiration date on these claims. The longer a claim goes without being proven or the more falsified proof that it presents, the less credence should be given to the idea. The same idea (except reverse) has happened with the theory of evolution, the theory has not been undoubtable proven, but it has withstood scrutiny for over 150 years thus making it a "de facto fact"...not an outright fact. With Christianity, however, it's been over 2000 years and there's still nothing but bankrupt tautologies, hearsay, and speculations at best. If it really is as true as people assert, then you would think that you (generally speaking) would have actually come up with something by now.
Reply Fri 18 Nov, 2011 11:05 am
This is a good quote that I've just stumbled across and felt that I should share: "Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones." ~ Marcus Aurelius, Roman Emperor (121 – 180 AD)
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Reply Fri 18 Nov, 2011 12:23 pm
XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:

Sorry, if you feel offended Izzy, I did not mean to speak Bigotry, just felt compelled to try to "show him" his errors he was unaware of....

But I am interested in hearing his response to the question of if he believes History has a mind??

He is incredibly stupid, don't worry about it. He writes stuff that says the exact opposite of what he actually means, and fails to understand it when it is pointed out to him. His semi-literate grunts have done more for Theism than any amount of priests and missionaries.
Reply Fri 18 Nov, 2011 05:56 pm
Dear heart there is a good chance I will be visiting friends in your lovely little island nation within seven months or so.

Now as you been following me around like a little puppy dog on this website maybe I could fit in a meeting with you.

Of course my time will be very short for a visit as the Greek Atlas have page 128 to page 302 full of interesting places to visit and I am just going to have to visit the National Museum of Computing, Bletchley Park, Alexander Fleming Lab and most of all the Royal Observatory with it H1, H2 ,H3 time pieces

Lord at one time you were a great nation and it just too bad you did such dumb things as driving Turing to suicide or not placing a better air frame design team on your Comet passengers jets.

But for just those two missteps alone you might had given IBM and Boeing a run for their money.
Reply Fri 18 Nov, 2011 08:03 pm

its to bad that we don't go back to the history of the Sumerians and then go forward from there , to the pharohs of Egypt > to jews > then to christianity and muslim roots

it is important
Reply Fri 18 Nov, 2011 08:34 pm
Sumerian religion is seemingly 'archetypal' for the ripple on effect it had with other religions. Although animism may be an older tradition than the 'god' orientated variety of worship.
Reply Fri 18 Nov, 2011 08:49 pm
Procrustes wrote:

Sumerian religion is seemingly 'archetypal' for the ripple on effect it had with other religions. Although animism may be an older tradition than the 'god' orientated variety of worship.

it wasn't Sumerian religion I was referring to really

but about the history of Sumer and the consequences thereof , which lead into Eygptian culture of religion and then into jews>christianity>muslim

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