Question to those who do or do not doubt Christianity

Reply Sun 19 Aug, 2012 02:32 am
@reasoning logic,
I do find it odd how the word Demon strated is spelled!

Apart from there is no such word as strated, there doesn't appear to be anything else such as demonstrated, beginning with demon , good ob.

So, "you are your brain"..

People that suffer from all sorts of brain deceases have a jekll and hyde nature in alot of ways. Half of the time, they can function and use their what I call left side brain and the other, the right. One tips off the other, one side is good, the other not so.

When we get angry, our usual nature of being nice, goes out the door and we let off. What part of the brain snaps, who knows.

I admire Charles Whitman for asking that he have an autopsy, noting that something snapped in him and the conclusion tumor.

My "adopted" Daughter in Canada has tumors. She has other problems that seem to give her excrutiating migrains I have pointed her to a forum to try to help her deal with it. That stemmed believe it or not from the extent of pain to her weight, she has lost 240lbs thus far. And, I edge her along, proud of her, yet she is the most sweetest, tame, loving girl ( I met when she was 17 some 7 years ago) cross her and she spits Smile

Don't we all?

I do believe that our brains are the most powerful thing we have and we are yet to explore it's intensity. For that reason, I claim that some people are capable of seeing more than others "the un-explainable" due to their openess to allow their brain to not just live in the un-conscious state. So do alot of people.

I do think that Courts should allow some form of test to confirm because they are relying purely, solely on humans to make the management decision, with certainly some scientific facts and some physcologist but even both of those have proven to be wrong at times, put into a catagory instead of case by case.

Caught in-between life and death when in a Coma? DavidOMG (Smile) comes to mind and countless of others, I wouldn't turn a switch off , I also believe that's possible that the brain can take as long as it wants to shut off completely but, here is the thing. I am lying there, I can here everything, being fed by a tube, will die eventually, can't talk, communicate, just ly there, can't sleep, see all these things happening to me, I want to die........... What to do.....

Thanks for the opportunity, 30 mins is way long, we all told you that but it is interesting /was interesting and I for one am glad I took the time, as I can agree with alot of that.

Anything can trigger and change the way our mind operates, especially a form of illness.

Reply Sun 19 Aug, 2012 02:38 am
Then there is this. I saw a ghost. ****, no it wasn't it was a shadow that was bought on by a tree through my window. Am I a lier or someone showed me how it is possible that it was actually a shadow that amazingly created a shadow of a tall dark man inside my bedroom that obviously therefore looked like a ghost.

Do you see the point I am making?

Yeah, I understand what you are saying. But your statements would be taken up to the point of your own credibility. It in no way supports the fact that you did actually see a real ghost. It only says that you think you experienced one. This makes your claim unreliable if you wanted to claim for a fact that ghosts exist. I'm not saying that this is your motivation, I am saying it does not support the existence of ghosts.

There could be many explanations as to what you think you saw and what you did see.

Similar cases for people who claimed to have been abducted by aliens. There are many thousands of stories, but I don't believe any of them because they have no supporting physical evidence. This isn't just one or two or three but thousands of cases are unsupported. Yet this sort of thing persists. Not only that but many of the cases discredit each other with inconsistencies and corroborating contradictions.

I have never seen a ghost so as far as my belief of them is non-existent. I do not believe that ghosts are real. There are plenty of ways to explain the phenomena but none of them support the reality that ghosts are real.
Reply Sun 19 Aug, 2012 03:25 am
They are real Smile But in any event, each to their own on their beliefs , see that word again?

Ok... So enough time spent.

I actually just googled Irene Zisblatt, as for me if I am going to investigate to find my own take, that's the better conclusion.

I agree with what most people think of her, here me out. She is nuts. Watch RL's video please.

Our brains are what we function with, damaged or not.

We can make up all sorts of **** if we have lost belief. If our family has been torn apart.

The truth is, we do not know what part of Irene's life was factual, we do know what part wasn't , what was a lie. We do not know why she lost it, and, yes, lied.

Your drawings aren't what I saw though.. But, I'm not about to totally do discovery, I work alot of hours and don't have the time.

You said she was "probably there" or " fantasy thought she was" ... Yes?

Is her mind sound? NO. She's a darn good actress but anyone who is delusional can be. Even Spielberg has / had a lawsuit as a result of creating that movie.

People cry and you believe.

You know Krumple, the truth always comes out, the problem is, is that it doesn't until it is revealed. And sometimes that truly is never, we can't walk this Earth and try to find what is and isn't, we will go nuts.

Her story reminds me of alot of stories told by Europeans years ago at heartache of what they went through. I have no doubt that she either went through some, with her family or saw it happen with friends or feared of what if it had been me and lost it.

Sure she has made money since but like I said, that came after the fact, not before the fact. Her initial was for attention through what ever, pain, fear, needing.. We will never know.

Think on this... If we went through trauma. Can't we become nuts? So our brains lack understanding, comprehension, you can laugh at her but what if, she was traumatised to the degree that in 95, it was this by what ever date, she expanded lied, as in her mind, it became 10 fold to what really happened as she continues to be traumatised and has gone, well nuts.
But, I am going to say to you. Live on this **** and you will yourself, forever, be in it. The ultimate negativity of life.
Reply Sun 19 Aug, 2012 03:54 am
Think on this... If we went through trauma. Can't we become nuts? So our brains lack understanding, comprehension, you can laugh at her but what if, she was traumatised to the degree that in 95, it was this by what ever date, she expanded lied, as in her mind, it became 10 fold to what really happened as she continues to be traumatised and has gone, well nuts.
But, I am going to say to you. Live on this **** and you will yourself, forever, be in it. The ultimate negativity of life.

I agree with most of what you have said in your last response. I don't think that she wasn't there. She could have actually been a prisoner there. But perhaps she mixed up dreams/nightmares with reality. I know for certain that I have had an experience that I couldn't figure out if it had actually happened to me or if it was just a dream. I don't think nightmares or dreams should be taken as real truths.

My over all point in bringing these things to light is that people refuse to fact check. They just blindly accept claims to be true. Just like all the 911 conspiracies and bigfoot sightings or alien abduction claims. They take eye witness testimony to be faultless and reliable which it rarely ever is trustworthy.

I would like to change this, plant the seed of investigation into all claims, no matter what they involved. Weather it be religious or history or scientific in nature, everything should be on the table and examined without people getting offended or accusing the investigators of having some discriminatory intent.

Reply Sun 19 Aug, 2012 04:16 am
But perhaps she mixed up dreams/nightmares with reality. I know for certain that I have had an experience that I couldn't figure out if it had actually happened to me or if it was just a dream. I don't think nightmares or dreams should be taken as real truths.

Krumple. Let's go back to minds. We can supress things. We truly can.. I was told something once that I don't know if it is totally correct so I understand your thought pattern. I doubt it is ever a dream, but more reality, perhaps expanded. You have to question the logic behind the person who told you, was there a hidden motive to your nightmare for instance? There can for sure be real truths. Have you ever tried hypnotherapy?

My over all point in bringing these things to light is that people refuse to fact check. They just blindly accept claims to be true. Just like all the 911 conspiracies and bigfoot sightings or alien abduction claims. They take eye witness testimony to be faultless and reliable which it rarely ever is trustworthy.
Yes, but there is no ending really to that particular story. Someone, decided to see 95, and then later. 98? And realised in-consistencies. The facts aren't still revealed. She may never tell her true story. You may never have the closure on alot of things in life. Nothing is impossible and things will always get twisted by man, we already know that. My thoughts. Follow your gut feeling and what you take from it .. Dwelling will, drive you nuts as there is no closure.

I would like to change this, plant the seed of investigation into all claims, no matter what they involved. Whether it be religious or history or scientific in nature, everything should be on the table and examined without people getting offended or accusing the investigators of having some discriminatory intent.
Do you sleep? Smile You need to pose possibles and ask opinions... Then no one will get offended or accuse. Remember, it is man that makes the decision and that is based on what ever facts are presented, at that time and they have been wrong many a time, because they use emotions.
0 Replies
reasoning logic
Reply Sun 19 Aug, 2012 05:37 am
You been drinking tonight mate?
I been drinking the cool aid of believing. If I cant believe I am God can I at least believe I am The wizard of Oz or something? LOL

I was just joking around about the nature of coincidences. Things can happen randomly and I do not think that there needs to be a creator to make the event seem as a miracle, "it only takes a believer to believe that there was a creator behind the event.
Reply Sun 19 Aug, 2012 06:05 am
@reasoning logic,
reasoning logic wrote:

I been drinking the cool aid of believing. If I cant believe I am God can I at least believe I am The wizard of Oz or something? LOL

You've never been to Australia.
Reply Sun 19 Aug, 2012 06:11 am
@reasoning logic,
Na you had a good night and good for you Smile If you hadn't you would have gone OMG FS, you spend 30 minutes and watched my video Smile You didn't state that, you not thinking Smile

Enjoy... relax.
reasoning logic
Reply Sun 19 Aug, 2012 06:25 am
So, "you are your brain"..

It does seem that way and it makes me question, "just how much free will does a person really have?


Apart from there is no such word as strated

That is were I ended my investigation of the word as well. Another coincident? I think we may be on the same wave length or something spooky is going on here. lol


My "adopted" Daughter in Canada has tumors. She has other problems that seem to give her excrutiating migrains

I am sorry to hear this. I did hear a conversation about migraines on NPR the other day and it seems that woman were more often to get them than men.
Hopefully she will find a cure.

Thanks for the opportunity, 30 mins is way long, we all told you that but it is interesting /was interesting and I for one am glad I took the time, as I can agree with alot of that.

Thank you for taking the time watching it. I think that it can help a person to have a more complete understanding about what may be happening in the minds of all of us. Sure this knowledge seeking "science" is not perfectly correct nor does it claim to be or have all the answers but it seems as it may be the only way forward if we are going to find answers to some of the problems we face.
reasoning logic
Reply Sun 19 Aug, 2012 06:29 am
FS, you spend 30 minutes and watched my video Smile You didn't state that, you not thinking

Actually I am a very slow at typing and this reply of yours came as I was typing.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 19 Aug, 2012 06:35 am
@reasoning logic,
It does seem that way and it makes me question, "just how much free will does a person really have?
It is rare for a person to suffer this way, it happens but cancer is the main reason for death and I am a believer that, is based on the heart dying not the brain.

That is were I ended my investigation of the word as well. Another coincident? I think we may be on the same wave length or something spooky is going on here. lol
Your statement wasn't clear but I GOT it and man I had to agree Smile lols.

How weird.

I am sorry to hear this. I did hear a conversation about migraines on NPR the other day and it seems that woman were more often to get them than men.
Hopefully she will find a cure.
My kids even though not my own, I get cards in the mail, phone calls when there is a problem, not bombarded with attention so it's real.. Funny thing after this and I can confirm. I had my first never to be had, 12am Doctor out at my house, the most ascrutiating pain I have ever had.. And, then. I knew what she was going through why is that?

reasoning logic
Reply Sun 19 Aug, 2012 06:41 am
You've never been to Australia.

No but maybe I can work on my telepathic powers and be the puppet master from over here.
0 Replies
reasoning logic
Reply Sun 19 Aug, 2012 06:49 am
the most ascrutiating pain I have ever had.. And, then. I knew what she was going through why is that?

I guess it may have something to do with your mirror neurons. I do not think that it was because of your daughters experience exclusively because I think that you would have had this same experience if it was anyone else but maybe to a lesser degree. That might depend on how far out your empathetic radius expands and for you it seems to be far away.
0 Replies
reasoning logic
Reply Sun 19 Aug, 2012 05:55 pm
Gawd, is this the intelligence of your mind?

I wish that I had half the brain that many have shared with me. It is only an observation that I have come across.

you are Smile Putting a video of :-

Check 1) A woman
Check 2) An Australian Woman
Check 3) Inspirational


You know I am going to now have to watch that one too don't you RL

I guess that I did deliberately try to gain you attention but only for a cause I thought would be good for all of us but I will let you decide that for yourself.

You never did respond to it but I will tell you that you only need to watch 5 minutes of it to get a somewhat understanding of what I am sharing.

Reply Sun 19 Aug, 2012 10:23 pm
@reasoning logic,
I guess that I did deliberately try to gain you attention but only for a cause I thought would be good for all of us but I will let you decide that for yourself.
You are referring to Aussie's a bit, telepathy and I gage that you feel that I work solely on belief, my belief and any hidden talents that I feel that I may have pertaining to my thought patterns, hense always the witch and you felt that the video may change my mind? Think more scientifically? I am just curious on that note.

RL, I actually watched that show, I love X Factor and same as when I watched it, with my family, same thing as I watched it just then. Same as Natalie, tears streamed down my face but you knew that too Smile
reasoning logic
Reply Mon 20 Aug, 2012 12:40 am
You are referring to Aussie's a bit, telepathy and I gage that you feel that I work solely on belief, my belief and any hidden talents that I feel that I may have pertaining to my thought patterns, hense always the witch and you felt that the video may change my mind? Think more scientifically? I am just curious on that note.

No that was not my intent. you seem to read more into something than what is there at times. I guess we all do.

I shared that video because I thought that it was very moving and I was curious how you and some of the others would respond to it
Reply Mon 20 Aug, 2012 01:59 am
@reasoning logic,
That's because I haven't worked out your personality yet, where Smile exists you are now doing the LOL's and I don't think I have "heard" you laugh rather, mainly be serious so you've thrown me somewhat in a good way. Was really just a question and it would have been fine if you had said yes. I read into alot of things, sometimes right, sometimes wrong, that's life huh.

I know, it's one of the most incredible things I have seen in my life and will stay with me, be good if the guys here did watch it, I suspect mainly they are all softies RL and would feel something ...

Thanks for sharing, sometimes you need to be reminded of just how some people have had to live their lifes, like you state, we are extremely lucky.. Even poverty doesn't come close to what that boy went through.

I think the bit that got everyone ? Was " How Old are you" , " I don't know" blew them all away and me. And, you I suspect.
Reply Mon 20 Aug, 2012 03:56 am
@reasoning logic,
In view of your continued posting of a woman with grotesquely huge breasts. This one is for you.
reasoning logic
Reply Mon 20 Aug, 2012 04:48 pm
In view of your continued posting of a woman with grotesquely huge breasts. This one is for you.

You got me all worked up and I was hoping to see some big breast or some buttocks but all I seen was a group of people wanting to know how much the fish was. Talk about a let down. lol
Maybe you should have talked about the woman with the horn who was acting out emotionally about the prince of the holy roman empire and the documents that can be researched and studied that showed that he was allowed to keep the extension arm of government in place. Oh well.

I like to follow all types of people and listen to what they have to share and I find that there are many Christians that get a lot correct in my opinion but just like the rest of us they are conspiratorial and get a lot of it wrong.
One of my favorites is pastor Dowell "I consider him to be a thinker even though I think he gets a lot of it wrong.

reasoning logic
Reply Mon 20 Aug, 2012 05:40 pm
That's because I haven't worked out your personality yet

That is elementary my dear FS and takes a little time but you will get it if you study it long enough.

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