Question to those who do or do not doubt Christianity

Reply Tue 14 Aug, 2012 12:47 pm
@reasoning logic,
I am not sure you will learn anything about the videos or how I view them if you do not discuss them with me.

Exactly right...And I am asking you, what do you think, of them?, Before I even watch what, they say...And form my opinions, based upon, what you, both say...It does me no good, to watch it, and give my opinions...If I have no idea, what you even think, of the videos...Or why you are, even posting them...Because if it is of no interest, to me...Is there any reason, for me, to even watch it? But if you give your opinions, I can find more about you...Not the video, but you, which is what, I want to know...Cause, I am interested, in you...Not them, so much...

Just a few days ago you said you were going to watch 2 of them and said it repeatedly that you were, "but you did make this statement to Izzy

I will still watch them, if you would like, me too...However, I am not really interested, if you do not explain, to me...What you even think, of them...And you have made it clear, you are not interested, in doing that...So I am not really interested, in watching them...Therefor, neither is doing anything, they do not want, to do...If you tell me exactly, what you think of them, I will tell you, if I find it interesting, and exactly what I think, of them...If you are not interested, in explaining, that is fine...But then, I am not really interested, in watching them...No offense...

Being that I did not hear anything back from you, should I assume that you found no logic in them?

I will be honest, I did say, I would watch them...But we got sidetracked...And I was going to watch them...Just so that, you would be happy...Then I realized, that is not being honest...And I changed my opinions, too...I would like to know yours...And I will watch them...

I am not interested, in watching, something...If I have, no idea, what you think..Or if I find it, of no interest...I find your thinking, of interest...So I would like to know, what you think of them?...And what exactly your opinions of them? And what the people are saying, actually are...Since you are posting them...If you are not interested, in giving those opinions, I am not interested, in breaking down a video, of someone, who knows none of us...And everything they say, may apply, too none here...They are not posting their videos for us...Or toward us...But you are? That is what, I want to know, as to why, you think, or like, or feel, that it is a good, or bad thing, to post these videos?, and how it applies, or relates, to people on here?, or people in the world?

Again, if you are not interested in explaining...That is fine...But then, there really is, no reason, for anyone, to even watch them...And you can not be mad, if people do not...People probably want to know, about you...Not what someone, who knows none of us, has to say...And even if they do find it interesting...I am sure they, still would, like to know...How you think, it applies to people, on here? Or in the World?

And if you do not want, to give people those answers...Many people probably, just say, to themselves...Screw it...I really do not care, to even watch, any of them....

Because they want to hear your views...Since, you are the one, who is posting them...And asking people, what do they think? Again, the people who make the videos, are not posting them, to any of us...But you find one, and ask someone what do they think? Or how it is valid, or not? And then, you must expect people to ask you, Why do you think it is valid? or How does it apply to anyone on here? Or in the World? And if you want people to watch the videos...You should be willing to explain exactly how it applies to people on here...Or in the World, or why you even posted it, to begin with...And what you were thinking when you did...
Reply Tue 14 Aug, 2012 12:57 pm
Hi Spades,

Hi Found!

In answer to your question, I must admit, I don't really get into the Olympics but I love the fact that people do and get excited and can't wait to watch them, footy included in that mix Smile

I loved them...And think that Great Britain did an amazing Job! I loved the opening and closing ceremonies....And it always bring almost everyone together...

I have a Court case coming up with my Property Manager, interesting. She is claiming Annual Leave not paid and I've put together Annexures A - J so far disproving it but as I believe she is trying to "thieve", I stumbled across an air line ticket on my work computer booked 2 months ahead, for her Cousin to fly to the destination at the time specifically that monies were defrauded from my business account last year" Smile So, I've been 24/7 working my business and attending to this case and off course spending time with my family and staring out at my gardens waiting to start planting again.

Good luck with that! Sound like it sux...

In much need of David and my "wine tasting/luncheon" laughter and conversation and fun, soon.

Life isn't all about work there has to be play

I agree hun! and that is why I play Fantasy Sports... Wink Wink Very Happy

Great to hear from you!!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 14 Aug, 2012 01:05 pm
I think pretty much everyone knows the Noah's ark story is complete bullshit. The one's that do refuse to accept that it is nonsense wouldn't be able to tell the difference between a movie or real life.

The Ark story is an old fashioned movie. It relies on the viewer picturing the scenes. Just as in movies, which are also bullshit, there is, or ought to be, a message for those who are open-minded enough to respect a story because of its longevity alone, and try to figure out the message.

To take it literally in order to prove its fatuity is not only disrespect for mankind's acceptance of the story but is a cack-handed attempt to use the literal interpretation in order to justify the respectability of pantsdown positions which Christianity deems disreputable.

To maintain that mankind previous to Krumpie consisted of idiotic gumps is stretching credibility further than it can be stretched like when trying to squeeze a size 48 into a 32 to avoid giving objective scientific evidence of the sin, or error, of gluttony.
reasoning logic
Reply Tue 14 Aug, 2012 03:12 pm
..Because if it is of no interest, to me...Is there any reason, for me, to even watch it?

I think that you are being truthful because when I showed things that you had an interest in like big breast and so forth you did not need to ask me any questions at all, "so yes it does seem to take an interest on your part.

I am asking you, what do you think, of them?, Before I even watch what, they say...And form my opinions, based upon, what you, both say...It does me no good, to watch it, and give my opinions...If I have no idea, what you even think, of the videos...Or why you are, even posting them..

It's alright mate....I want to watch them now...He told me what I wanted to hear...So I will do it...

It's OK if you do not value truth or intellectual honesty but I do question if that could hinder you in some way that you are not aware of?

Reply Tue 14 Aug, 2012 03:21 pm
@reasoning logic,
I daresay I could get you to not value too highly truth and intellectual honesty rl.
reasoning logic
Reply Tue 14 Aug, 2012 04:35 pm
I could get you to not value too highly truth and intellectual honesty rl.

Do you see a value in doing such a thing?
Reply Tue 14 Aug, 2012 04:58 pm
@reasoning logic,
For sure.

It would shut you up using these words as badges bought in the joke shop as some sort of claim to personal excellence without any other intellectual or honest evidence.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 14 Aug, 2012 05:20 pm
@reasoning logic,
reasoning logic wrote:
It's OK if you do not value truth or intellectual honesty

Anyone who really values truth and intellectual honesty would watch Warhol's films. Anyone who doesn't is just a dilettante.
reasoning logic
Reply Tue 14 Aug, 2012 06:37 pm

Anyone who really values truth and intellectual honesty would watch Warhol's films. Anyone who doesn't is just a dilettante.

That is a cool opinion but I think that Max would be a better choice.

Reply Tue 14 Aug, 2012 09:45 pm
spendius wrote:
The Ark story is an old fashioned movie. It relies on the viewer picturing the scenes. Just as in movies, which are also bullshit, there is, or ought to be, a message for those who are open-minded enough to respect a story because of its longevity alone, and try to figure out the message.

Bullshit. That is like saying you take a how to video and that it was really meant as a moral message. It is absurd. A story that has a message to it doesn't go into detail about how big the boat should be. It is clearly obvious that the story was meant to portray an actual event that was believed to have occurred. Even Ken Ham believes the story is literally true and designed the creation museum around that concept. So shouldn't you be telling him that the ark story isn't literal it has a message instead?

The message is pretty obvious too. God is a wicked being who is a reactionary and can't seem to figure anything out. If this god was all knowing it would understand statistics far better than I would. Yet doesn't seem to grasp this concept at all. So this god would also be a moron since it can't seem to understand a simple concept.

Reply Wed 15 Aug, 2012 03:41 am
@reasoning logic,
Max Keiser just scratches the surface and he follows his own agenda, Warhol goes in real depth.

You don't value truth and intellectual honesty.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 15 Aug, 2012 03:44 am
Krumple wrote:
Even Ken Ham believes the story is literally true and designed the creation museum around that concept.

Really? Even Ken Ham? That changes everything.
Reply Wed 15 Aug, 2012 03:51 am
izzythepush wrote:
Really? Even Ken Ham? That changes everything.

The reason I used him as an example is because he is brainwashing, I mean training people to believe that the ark story is 100% true. That couldn't be any further from the truth.
Reply Wed 15 Aug, 2012 04:17 am
You know, the reality is we never lived in those years.

Like the Bible, everything and I mean everything that we read has / could have/ more than likely/ has been changed.

But there are fairytales such as the Easter Bunny, we know are for kids, based on Easter to celebrate Easter for the purpose of God, can't recall is that when he died or was born Smile But, then there are stories that aren't related to anything such as the Ark.. You have to question why don't you ?

What I do admire on another note is, some are so ugly, some are so beautiful same with anything that is born on this Earth, who made that decision? Smile

Reply Wed 15 Aug, 2012 04:27 am

You know, the reality is we never lived in those years.

There are a lot of things I didn't exist during which have happened and there is evidence to determine what did happen. Existing during that time or not is irrelevant.


Like the Bible, everything and I mean everything that we read has / could have/ more than likely/ has been changed.

Sure and there is evidence that does support the idea that the bible has been a work that evolved from other sources and had been altered and changed to suit a certain mindset of people.


But there are fairytales such as the Easter Bunny, we know are for kids, based on Easter to celebrate Easter for the purpose of God, can't recall is that when he died or was born Smile But, then there are stories that aren't related to anything such as the Ark.. You have to question why don't you ?

Easter is suppose to celebrate the resurrection of jesus. Which by all means if you take the bible's words for it, probably never happened. The gospels all say something different about who witnessed and how events unfolded. If it had actually occurred you would see some consistency in the data or the stories and yet there is no consistency. Every story is different. Yet bible pushers lie even though the evidence is right there in print. They try to say that every story about the resurrection is identical. Flat out lie.


What I do admire on another note is, some are so ugly, some are so beautiful same with anything that is born on this Earth, who made that decision? Smile

We make that decision. Beauty changes through out time. We know this from writings and art works of the past. Beauty isn't a universal thing that is true for all cultures or people. It is not even consistent. It is completely subjective. However; people can share or have similar thoughts on what they find beautiful. It doesn't make it a universal truth.
Reply Wed 15 Aug, 2012 05:16 am
Even Ken Ham believes the story is literally true and designed the creation museum around that concept. So shouldn't you be telling him that the ark story isn't literal it has a message instead?

I would explain it to him if he came in the pub regularly.

Do you really think that a real person called Ulysses had his crew fasten him to a mast and stop their own ears up with wax when his boat was passing near the island where the Sirens were wailing?
Reply Wed 15 Aug, 2012 05:18 am
From my other thread you can determine I am in my own world at present so excuse me for answering further, on this, later.

But, Krumple, can I ask, why you feel so negative about the possibilty that maybe, some of the things that are argued can only be wrong?

I see beauty in all, everything, I understand that some animals are stunning, some don't look that way but how beautiful is that, that, they are all different, a male is the beauty and the female not in the Animal Kingdom, why is that do you think? Especially "birds"

I believe once you did believe is that correct?

I like your speech and intense passion by the way, but I am just trying to understand "you" so I have a better in-sight.
Reply Wed 15 Aug, 2012 05:22 am
spendius wrote:
Do you really think that a real person called Ulysses had his crew fasten him to a mast and stop their own ears up with wax when his boat was passing near the island where the Sirens were wailing?

Do I think sirens are real? No.

Do I think that others believed that sirens were real? Some believed they were.

If a person believed sirens were real then any sort of things could occur such as trying to prevent their effects from happening.

People do things all the time in terms of reacting to what they believe to be true or real. People pray thinking that a god is actually listening to them. People talk to their dead relatives thinking that they are around listening or can hear them. Even athletes are incredibly superstitious.

People are superstitious and it is human nature to be superstitious. Despite the fact that I think it is silly, even I am superstitious. But I try to eliminate them because they are irrational concepts.

Reply Wed 15 Aug, 2012 05:31 am
a male is the beauty and the female not in the Animal Kingdom, why is that do you think?

It must be because the female needn't bother with beauty aids in the natural world. The theologians reversed the principle. Thank goodness.

Although up-to-date observers are noticing a restoration of the natural order now that theology is giving way to science. Most serious feminists are unconcerned about beauty aids.
Reply Wed 15 Aug, 2012 05:34 am
Which superstitions are you finding difficult to eradicate? Perhaps I can help you.

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