Question to those who do or do not doubt Christianity

Reply Sat 11 Aug, 2012 05:07 pm
@reasoning logic,
What do you think of this rl?

Reply Sat 11 Aug, 2012 05:14 pm
Or this--

0 Replies
reasoning logic
Reply Sat 11 Aug, 2012 05:41 pm
Well with all due respect, that makes us Guinea Pigs Shocked

I think that we should all study or consider what we all share with each other, is this not how we learn from each other?

Would have been nicer, to have thought that you were doing it for conversation.

Why could it not be both along respect for one another included?
reasoning logic
Reply Sat 11 Aug, 2012 05:47 pm
he videos you asked me to watch were conspiracy nut bullshit, anyone with sound judgement would have realised that within the first couple of frames, and left the thing well alone. The fact that you posted them shows you don't know what's rubbish.

I do agree that some of the people were conspiracy theorist but none the less some of what they were saying seem to have evidence to back it up. Is it not possible for even a blind squirrel to find a nut before its prey gets it.

Even well educated people can say some far out **** at times but I am sure you already know this.
reasoning logic
Reply Sat 11 Aug, 2012 05:52 pm
What do you think of this rl?

If you like looking at a clam sitting in warm liquid with a stiff cock be my guest. Rolling Eyes
reasoning logic
Reply Sat 11 Aug, 2012 06:00 pm
I could use some dung beetles in my garden. Do you think that Noah had all 7,000 species on the ark to help with all the **** the animals were producing?
Reply Sat 11 Aug, 2012 09:35 pm
@reasoning logic,
Are you saying that the prophets in the past who have said God told them these things were wrong?

Prophets are wrong, just like everyone else...
0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Aug, 2012 09:39 pm
@reasoning logic,
If you like looking at a clam sitting in warm liquid with a stiff cock be my guest.

Mr. Green Mr. Green Mr. Green Mr. Green Mr. Green Mr. Green Mr. Green
0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Aug, 2012 10:13 pm
@reasoning logic,
I think that we should all study or consider what we all share with each other, is this not how we learn from each other?

What is there for us to learn? If you are the one, who posts them, for personal relevance, that no one else has...If you are not even considering explaining what it is, you even want us to consider, in your videos, and telling us, what you think, we will learn, from studying them? Do you want us, to just, blindly guess, about what we think, you find is important? And then, do you want us, to try to break down these guesses, And tell you, how we, actually, disagree? Or agree? Or could we learn, much more about you, what you have to say, and what we can learn, to consider, and study, About you...If you actually shared with us, what it is, you like about the videos?

Honestly RL...I am not even going to discuss this anymore...Cause it is going no where, for you, and I...We just do not see, eye to eye, which is fine...I have told you, what I wanted you, to do, so that we can discuss them...So you know what my interests are...and I know yours...I will not talk about it anymore...You do not have to explain them, to me...And what you like about the videos...Cause it is clear, you do not want, to do it...And I am not about, trying to make, you do something, you do not, want to do...So I am just going to say...That all that stuff you said, I was doing, and argued about me...in the past 3 days, of this...About me being prejudiced, prejudging, bias, Or dismissing your videos, because of non-interest, to me...Was unfounded...And here is how, it was...You made a video post, to me, about the Legend of the Savior, or something...And I did not watch the video...And I did not give you any answers, about the video, when you had asked me, if I thought it had credibility, or not...And I stuck to my guns, and said the same thing again...If you tell me, what it is, you want me to consider, I will watch it...So you know, it had nothing to do, with anything, you have been, arguing the past 3 days, now...But it was about, the principal, I have kept saying...Had I been doing, any of those things...I would have made a post, or comment, about it...Cause I had found it, personally appealing, to me...And would have, self-incriminated, myself...Cause I would have been hiding something...But I did not...Cause that is, and never was, the reasons, I never watched, any of them...So I will drop it, now...

I just want to say, you know what I asked you, to do, if you want my opinions...So if you do not wish, to do that...It is fine...But do not, even bother, asking me, what I think, about them...Cause all I am going to do, is repeat...That I am not interested...Until you explain, what you want me, to consider, as an interest, of yours...Cause all I ever was trying to do, in talking to you about this...Was personally try to get to know you...And the way you think...No one else, it did not matter to me, right then...And the video was not even the important thing...It was me wanted to get to know how you actually thought, and think about things...I tried, to get to know, your thinking more...But it ultimately ended, in failure, right now...Cause I have no friggen Idea...Concerning the videos...I could watch them...And make a solid, best guess, but I do not wish, to do that...I want to hear, how you actually think...If you ever want my opinions, of a video...You know what I want you to do...And you know you will be able to find me...And I will gladly do it...

Reply Sun 12 Aug, 2012 02:01 am
@reasoning logic,
I think that we should all study or consider what we all share with each other, is this not how we learn from each other?

I respect that RL. I wrote a lengthy reply and deleted it.

I will answer therefore this way.. Depends if you are the person who is trying to learn, follower or you are the leader, teacher. For one thing as for studying.. Although I think I understand that you like to study people's responses to gage a pattern in people.

I consider what people share but I don't learn from it, rather read, listen, take note or ditch it, depending if it has value to me or not. Or, if there is something there I can offer or not.

I believe that is what Spades is purely saying. The same thing.

Why could it not be both along respect for one another included?

Without a doubt the computer offers people to converse with each other and those that engage with each other constantly should have some form of respect for each other. They don't have to agree though, remember, we belong to ourselves we are who we are, we don't have to agree with someone else, and do what they want because they want us to. That would make us followers instead of independent making our own decisions.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 12 Aug, 2012 02:11 am
Hi Spades,

In answer to your question, I must admit, I don't really get into the Olympics but I love the fact that people do and get excited and can't wait to watch them, footy included in that mix Smile

I have a Court case coming up with my Property Manager, interesting. She is claiming Annual Leave not paid and I've put together Annexures A - J so far disproving it but as I believe she is trying to "thieve", I stumbled across an air line ticket on my work computer booked 2 months ahead, for her Cousin to fly to the destination at the time specifically that monies were defrauded from my business account last year" Smile So, I've been 24/7 working my business and attending to this case and off course spending time with my family and staring out at my gardens waiting to start planting again.

In much need of David and my "wine tasting/luncheon" laughter and conversation and fun, soon.

Life isn't all about work there has to be play Smile
Reply Sun 12 Aug, 2012 02:51 am
@reasoning logic,
reasoning logic wrote:

I do agree that some of the people were conspiracy theorist but none the less some of what they were saying seem to have evidence to back it up. Is it not possible for even a blind squirrel to find a nut before its prey gets it.

Even well educated people can say some far out **** at times but I am sure you already know this.

The videos I watched were absolute crap, there was no real evidence , and they were not well educated. They should have been dismissed out of hand. I will not watch any more of your videoes because you can't tell the difference between something thought provoking and well argued, and a load of paranoid bollocks.

I'm sorry I don't want to argue, but that's the truth.
reasoning logic
Reply Sun 12 Aug, 2012 04:51 am

The videos I watched were absolute crap, there was no real evidence , and they were not well educated. They should have been dismissed out of hand.

I'm sorry I don't want to argue, but that's the truth.

Is this empirically true or is it closer to a subjective opinion?
Reply Sun 12 Aug, 2012 05:02 am
@reasoning logic,
Empirically true. Yours is the only subjective opinion. Look at the comments surrounding those two clips. You were the only person who thought they weren't a waste of time.

Listening to any old bollocks isn't being open minded, it's being empty headed. The minute I saw those videos I lost all faith in your ability to provide anything worth considering.

I'm sorry, but that's just how it is. I have no desire to go over old ground and argue about this, so it's probably best you tell yourself that people like Spendi and me can't handle the truth, and that you're the only free thinker on A2K.
0 Replies
reasoning logic
Reply Sun 12 Aug, 2012 05:24 am
all that stuff you said, I was doing, and argued about me...in the past 3 days, of this...About me being prejudiced, prejudging, bias, Or dismissing your videos, because of non-interest, to me...Was unfounded...

I was not arguing that you were being prejudice, I simply asked a question because you made a reply that seemed as you may have been prejudging something before you checked it out.

Your reply

I bet if I watch that video, it will jade me farther from his thinking, even though, I have yet to see it...Why? Because we probably do not think alike../quote]

I replied:
Are you trying to define prejudice?

Reply Sun 12 Aug, 2012 05:39 am
@reasoning logic,
Here's a video for you to hate.
reasoning logic
Reply Sun 12 Aug, 2012 05:53 am
That video was not all that bad Izzy
reasoning logic
Reply Sun 12 Aug, 2012 06:03 am
What is there for us to learn? If you are the one, who posts them, for personal relevance, that no one else has...If you are not even considering explaining what it is, you even want us to consider, in your videos, and telling us, what you think, we will learn, from studying them? Do you want us, to just, blindly guess, about what we think, you find is important? And then, do you want us, to try to break down these guesses, And tell you, how we, actually, disagree? Or agree? Or could we learn, much more about you, what you have to say, and what we can learn, to consider, and study, About you...If you actually shared with us, what it is, you like about the videos?

I am not sure you will learn anything about the videos or how I view them if you do not discuss them with me.

Just a few days ago you said you were going to watch 2 of them and said it repeatedly that you were, "but you did make this statement to Izzy

It's alright mate....I want to watch them now...He told me what I wanted to hear...So I will do it...

I just hope, that these videos has relevance to Logic and I...because if it does not...there will not be anything to discuss....

Being that I did not hear anything back from you, should I assume that you found no logic in them?

Reply Sun 12 Aug, 2012 10:23 am
@reasoning logic,
It always reminds me of Amsterdam, where I first heard it. I was being a bit tongue in cheek with my comment.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 12 Aug, 2012 08:13 pm
@reasoning logic,
reasoning logic wrote:

I could use some dung beetles in my garden. Do you think that Noah had all 7,000 species on the ark to help with all the **** the animals were producing?

I think pretty much everyone knows the Noah's ark story is complete bullshit. The one's that do refuse to accept that it is nonsense wouldn't be able to tell the difference between a movie or real life.

I don't even care if the ark story is real or not. The fact that a god that is suppose to know everything would first create beings and then later so fed up with what resulted, he would feel the need to destroy them is the sickest god ever. How can you knowingly create something, knowing that it will not turn out how you want and then at the same time destroy them as if it were something of a solution. This is god poisoning the well and then getting mad that the well is poisoned so destroys the well. It is childish behavior and only primitive man would admire and look up to this sort of god.

Modern christians are trying to distance themselves from the old testament because even they know that the god of the old testament is an asshole. They try to promote this all loving god but it is still nonsense if that god waves damnation over your head for not accepting it's loop hole dogma. That is not a choice. When a gunman holds a gun to your head and gives you a choice to make, it really isn't a choice if you are going along with the choice because you are trying to spare your own life. Why these christians can not see that this premise is not a choice but a forced threat of punishment, baffles me.

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