Question to those who do or do not doubt Christianity

Reply Sat 11 Aug, 2012 01:01 am
@reasoning logic,
Can we be intellectually honest about what my interest are?

Only you, can answer that one...I think we all assume, you are...You are not? What do you think, you, or we, are being dishonest about, With conjunction, to your interests? We must know them, to be dishonest, about them...You don't explain them, sometimes, when asked...So how do you believe, anyone is being dishonest, about them, at all??

Do you think that I would share with you the things that I have no interest in?

No, I don't, we all know, you have an interest in them...and that you have an interest, in what our interests, in those videos, are...But the problem is, is you are not willing, to want to accept, what our interests, are...Because more than 3 people in this thread alone, have said if you explain, what you think, about the videos, people will discuss them, with you...You unawarly do not even realize, that When someone asks you to explain your interests...And you do not...There is absolutely no way for them to know what your interests even are, and that is why they ask you to explain your opinions about the videos...So no one, really, has any idea, at all, if you would share things, of no interest, or not, they would hope, you would not...But if you do not explain, what it is, you like in the videos, no one has any idea, if it is something, you have interest in, or not...Again, we would all like to hope, that it really is...But if you do not explain, what you think about it, or what is good, or bad, about it...One can only guess....The fact you do not even realize, that this, is even happening...Makes me think, you do not even realize, why many, do not watch your videos...Or why, someone who is your friend, is even asking you, to explain them....And not actually trying to reject your ideas, or not pay attention, to you, or hurt you, in any way whatsoever...But is reaching out, to your thinking...And I will explain, much more below...

If so why would you believe this?

Read above...

I have invested way more time than what I have wished, "only because I have hope that you may one day consider what I am sharing with you "not that it is truth but it is my honest opinion about the way I see reality.

And I have no problem, with any of it, at all...All that I am saying, is I would actually like, to know even more, of what the ways, you actually see, reality, even are...And that comes with me wanting to know, or have you explain to me, what you actually think, about those videos, that you post...So that I can know, your views of reality, and discuss them, with you...And tell you how I agree, or not...If I do not know it...I can not discuss it, with you, or even give, an opinion, about the videos...Because I have no Idea, what you actually want me to give you my opinions about...Because you have never actually explained, to me, based upon the videos you post...What, or how, in anyway, do you believe, that whatever is said, in them, is apart, of "your reality".... And it leaves me/us with a guessing game...

I Hate to admit it, but I only have an interest in those who will give me the time of day. I wish that I could befriend everyone but I am also a realist.

So this is, what I wanted you, to say...So then can you understand why maybe some others, do not give you, the time of day? When they ask you to explain, what you think, about the videos? And you shut them down? They are reaching out, and you are rejecting them...That is why, so many, do not even bother...Because I honestly believe, you do not, even see it, this way...Or understand, that that, is specifically, why many, do not even bother, to watch them...Not because, you are not, worth the time...But you are giving off a vibe, that their opinions, of wanting to hear, what you think, about the videos...Is not even worthy, For them, to even, ask you...When I do not, even think, you mean, to do this...And even realize, that this, is what I think, is happening...I think, if you answered, what you thought, about the videos...And explain, why it is, even apart, of "your reality"...Or why you want others, to give you their opinions, about them...I think at least, a few more...Will answer, many more, videos...Because, some will still, not think, they are worth the time, as it is not relevant, to their own, ideas...But at least a few, would find relevance, to what you are saying, as to how, it is apart, of your reality, then they can be able to decide, for themselves, how they exactly agree, or disagree, that it is actually apart, of theirs, or not...But they will be willing to watch, and talk...Cause they will know exactly what you want them, to explain, what they agree, or disagree with...Cause most people, do not want, to watch, hr+ videos, just to break it all down...To discuss, when you can just say, what you think is important, or what you like, or do not like, and how it is important, or not...etc...Then all they have to do, is find that part, listen to what, the person says, take in, what you have said, and give their own opinions...Other than that...Most people, are not willing to watch, long videos, just to break, it all down, if you do not even tell them what you think, about it, or what parts, you would like, to know their opinions, about....Again, no offense, but I do not even, really think, you understand, why so many, reject, watching them, or how they are jaded, from even doing it...And I am just trying to explain why I think, so many, do it...

I have shared with you many of my interest and these are the videos that I share with you.

Yes you have...But you do not listen, to what, my interest is, when I tell you, what it is...Sometimes...Because, I am telling you, I would like to know more, about what your interests are, regarding the videos, and I will tell you mine, and be able to discuss them, with you, much more easily, and fluently...If you do not wish, to do it, which you do not, have too, at all...Most people, including myself, may not wish, to watch hr+ movies, just to break it all down...And you have to take that into consideration...Like you said before, if they do give you, the time of day, and ask you, what you think, about it, then they obviously, want to discuss it, with you...But you must oblige to their interests, otherwise, many will be turned off...Cause you are showing that you, do not seem to want, to accept, or give them the time of day, with their interests, when they ask you, what your opinions, of them, are...Again, I do not, even think, you realize, that this, is even happening...Or why so many, do not, even bother...I am telling you, I am almost sure, if you gave your opinions, of why, you liked the video, or what you thought was good, or bad, Or what part of it, fits in, with your own version, of reality...And how it, does not...I am willing to bet, almost everything I have...Many more, will start commenting, about them...And discussing them, with you...

I know that this is not what you want to hear but neither is some of the things that you share with me, but regardless I pay attention to what you have to share.

We all, pay attention, and we all, disregard some things, we do not like, that we hear, because we are all, bias...Yes, I think, I pay attention, to you, most times, and yes, I think, you pay attention, to me, most times...But you are asking me, how I could, do it more, for you? And I am telling you, that if you tell me, what you think about your videos, I will tell you, what I think, about them...Cause it is not, that I do not want, to listen to you, or pay attention...It is that, I am actually reaching out, and want to do it, even more...But I am asking you, to explain your points, so it can be easier, and be more fluent...And you are not doing so, and rejecting me...Which turns many off...I don't think, you know this, or realize this...But that is why, I think, many do...And I am explaining, how I can see, how they, see it, cause I can feel it, feel, what I think, they feel, though, I think I know you well, and think, you do not, even mean, to actually do that, at all...But that, is how, they take it...But again, I think, you seem to think, or not realize, that people asking you, to explain them, means they are interested...Or want to hear, what you have to say...Not the opposite..And they are not, rejecting you...They are rejecting you, cause they feel rejected, when you ask their opinions, of the videos, and they ask you, yours, or expect you, to tell yours first, since you posted it...And you do not, do it...They probably say to themselves, well ****, if he does not care about what I am asking him, to do, to discuss his videos, and talk with him, about them...He must not care enough, about me...Or honestly, want to give me, the time of day, to explain his views...So why should I, give him mine? Or even, watch the video? I think you give this vibe off, to others, but do not even mean, to do it, at all...And may not even realize, that this is the way, that others, may take it, or perceive it to be...

I am by no means an intellectual nor should I say a specialist within the many fields of knowledge that I share with you, "I am only a generalist and a "want to be generalist philosopher.

I would say that most of us, are...However, we want to know what you actually think, about them, so that we can, actually explain, our opinions, in our, "generalist philosopher thinking ways"...

I really hope, you understand me, now...Cause I think, I tried, very hard, to make it, very clear...As to why people, feel rejected, and shut down, and do not even bother, to watch them...

Whenever someone, actually reaches out, to you, to know more about, what you think, to discuss it...I think you indirectly, and unawarly, shut them down, or give them that feeling, by them asking you, so that you both can discuss, and you not, doing it, and making them think, to their-selves...****, he does not, even care, to explain to me, what I want, to know, So why should I, break the video down, Because he wants, me to?

Though I am almost certain you do not mean for them to take it this way...And they may not even care to talk to you...To make sure that this is even the case...They just say **** it, and move on...
Reply Sat 11 Aug, 2012 02:44 am
most of the people that I follow are not as interested in sexual things as they are in the subjects that they share

Spades, re-read that. And all that you quoted in your last post to RL.

Sure, he may have a joke here and there but even then, it's not his intent, his intent is to talk to people logically, hense RL.. He likes to share his passions and his passion is what is logic and what isn't. When he asks for us to see a video it's because he wants to confirm or converse over people's thoughts of what he saw when he watched it. If that makes sense.

I don't agree (no offense) with you saying that we "all" feel anything about RL's Videos as I get what he is doing, I may have more of a sense of humor than him and may make a joke sometimes, but ultimately I understand his interest on a phylosophical side (spelt? ) ... on things.

He follows you , he must think you are intelligent and will GET what he sees when he sees a specific video and it's meaning, or else feels you would be a good canditit for debating it.

This thread has honestly more so changed and turned about all sorts of things if it was about just your question it would have been dead along time ago, no punt intended Smile

I hope you see what I just wrote because what you just wrote was "defense" for no reason in my opinion.

RL I don't watch them or more than a minute, mainly because I don't have the time to do so.

Reply Sat 11 Aug, 2012 02:51 am
@ Spendius...

I honestly, do not even understand, what You think, I can do for you...Or in what way, I will be able, to validate God, to you...Or give the answers, to the questions, that you want, to hear...I can't make you believe in God, if you do not...And I can't make you, have faith, in him, if you do not, have it, believe it...Or want to find him...I would be going against free will, and faith itself, if I was able, to do this...Therefor, there really is no point, to you asking me, any questions, at all...Because you do not even need me, at all, to actually find God...Whether I am, who I say, I am, or not...It will always, come back to the fact, that you need faith in him, and must freely accept, to do it, and go looking for him, yourself...If you do not believe, that God, even exists...He is not going, to ever give you, the answers that you want to hear...Because you do not even believe, he is real...And you always have to want, to be willing to find God, for yourself, no matter what...If you go pray to Jesus Christ, that he gives you some sort of way, of knowing, he is God, so that you can embrace him...that would do infinite things, than I ever could, in answering any questions, you ask me, for God, to answer, to you...Because unless you actually believe, in God...Or are asking, to Genuinely try, to find God, or believe, in Him...There is no reason, he is going to give me, any authority, to answer the questions, you would like me, to...If you do not believe, in him, just to satisfy any ego's, or something...So he will never give you the answers, you are going, to want, to hear, nor are you, ever going to believe, that they are from God, himself, unless you freely chose, to go find him, yourself...And embrace faith...and then again, you do not even need me, at all...And there is no reason, to even ask me, anything about him...at all...It would only work, for people who already believe in God...Saints are for nonbelievers...Prophets are for believers...

God already thinks, way ahead, of that...And knows, that you must always, be trying to, find God, yourself...

So nothing I say to you...Will help you anyways...Unless you are truly looking to embrace God...And if you are...I would say, do it, in your own secrecy...You do not need me, to find him...If you ever do, embrace Jesus though...You will be able to understand...The greater mysterious...And once you take on a few things, you will be able to understand even more...and greater things...there is no way, you can just jump, to the top...

So nothing I say, will help you...unless you really are looking to find God...But if you are...and I can perceive it too be...I am just going to tell you...To go find him in your own secrecy....
0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Aug, 2012 03:26 am
Spades, re-read that. And all that you quoted in your last post to RL.

Sure, he may have a joke here and there but even then, it's not his intent, his intent is to talk to people logically, hense RL.. He likes to share his passions and his passion is what is logic and what isn't. When he asks for us to see a video it's because he wants to confirm or converse over people's thoughts of what he saw when he watched it. If that makes sense.

I don't agree (no offense) with you saying that we "all" feel anything about RL's Videos as I get what he is doing, I may have more of a sense of humor than him and may make a joke sometimes, but ultimately I understand his interest on a phylosophical side (spelt? ) ... on things.

He follows you , he must think you are intelligent and will GET what he sees when he sees a specific video and it's meaning, or else feels you would be a good canditit for debating it.

I understand all of this...And it really does not negate what I have said, in my opinion...No offense...And I do not believe it is defense for nothing...(I really do not even understand what that even means to be honest) I do not know who you think is trying to defend anything...Or who you even thinks, needs to do it...

I understand, logic thinks, I am intelligent...and will understand it...and or, thinks, I will be a good candidate, to debate it...But I stand, by what I have said...Cause I mean it...And would like him, to do it...I could view the whole thing, and actually break it down...and tell him, how I agree, or disagree...But I am not interested, in doing, any such thing....I think he is a smart guy, also...And I would like to know, exactly what, about the video...fits into his versions of reality, and what, does not...So that we can get, to the meat, and potatoes, of the discussions...I am not interested, in breaking it all down...and doing all the thinking, about it...So then we can talk about it...When he can tell me, what he actually wants, me to watch, and what he really believes, are some good points...Or even better, give me a general description, of what it is about...

Because I get that he is about Logic...But I am still interested in hearing what he has to say about the videos...and seeing how he would look at things...and or logically view these things and why he feels they are a good or bad thing for his version of reality...I am sorry, to him and you, and I do not mean this in a cocky way...I do not think like he does...and I think I could view the videos, and actually break it down to a similar way of how he would actually view it...

But like I have said...If he actually just tells me...How he actually views them...and what he likes and does not...And what is his logical way he actually views it...and how he logically sees it...How it fits into his reality etc...is what I would like to know...

If what you are saying is true...And Logic does in fact understand why people do not watch his videos...And does not think that he is shutting people down...Or if he even understands why I think he is...and he is not aware of it...But he should be anyways one way or another after my post....

Then I would still like him to explain to me what he thinks about the videos...I want to hear what he has to say about them...

Otherwise, no offense to him, but it is the truth...I am not interested in breaking the whole thing down myself...And telling him everything I do not agree with...

It is much easier indeed...if he tells me, and others what he actually likes and does not...And we can go from there....

So if he posts his interests...and wants my opinions, I will gladly give them to him....But I want him to show me he cares about my interests...That is what friends do...

And it would make it way more faster...And we could view many more videos anyways...

And my interest is not a hard one...and is a good thing... I actually would like to hear more of his logical thinking about his videos...

If that happens...I can listen to exactly what the person says, what he says...and tell him how I agree, and don't...

Again, I am just not interested...In breaking it all down...And trying to think like he would, to see how he would view things...

I'd rather get more hardcore about it...plain and simple....
Reply Sat 11 Aug, 2012 03:29 am
Oh I totally get respect Ryan Smile

You constantly ask him to tell you WHY he wants you to see it and you don't really get the reply you are asking for.

Sounds rebelious really so I undertand your reply.. I was just pointing out that I do believe that he posts them for conversation with you.


How are you?
Reply Sat 11 Aug, 2012 03:55 am
I was just pointing out that I do believe that he posts them for conversation with you.

I agree....But If I had an interest in reading all the religious scriptures, I possibly could, just because...And I knew you would be able, to see it similar, to the way, I see it...And would be able, to discuss, what we actually may agree, is a good thing, or bad thing...Would you want me, to point out, the passages in each scripture, that I think has a good point, and why? Or a bad point, and why? Or would you want, to go off, and actually read every religious scripture, from start to finish, just to break it all down, and think similar to me, and tell me everything you agree with, or not? Or would you just, say to me, I will discuss them, with you...But I would like you to point out, exactly what you believe is important, and why? And what is not? Even though, you would be capable of seeing it, similar enough, to my views, and would actually be able, to read them all, and break them down...?

Do you see my point?

You constantly ask him to tell you WHY he wants you to see it and you don't really get the reply you are asking for.

That is not, the only reason, either...I ask him, to explain it...Cause I want, to truly know, and hear, how he would actually, logically, view those videos...And word it himself...It is not fair, for me to ask you, to go read the whole Tao Te Ching...and tell me exactly, what you believe, of the whole entire thing...When I can just tell, where I think, you should read, or not...And why, and why not...And what I think, and ask you what you think...

How are you?

I am doing great hun!!! Thank you very much for asking me!!! How about you???

You watching anymore Olympics? Or no?

I am doing this cool game on yahoo sports which is called Sports IQ...You have to pick correct answers...And I am starting to do very strong, after a rough start...And I am so ready for football!!!!!

Reply Sat 11 Aug, 2012 06:04 am
I don't see your point Spade. You are endlessly going on about discussing things and you never get round to discussing anything because you discuss us discussing things so much.

What is God telling you regarding Catholic sexual morality as taught rather than as what some Catholics do ?
reasoning logic
Reply Sat 11 Aug, 2012 06:11 am
I want, to truly know, and hear, how he would actually, logically, view those videos.

If this is true then you can do this, unlike me being able to hear or view things that are supernatural. The videos that I share are real and made by real people, you can see them and you can talk to me about any part of them that you wish.

If you truly had an interest in what I was watching and wanted to get my view point about anything I seen or heard, "would it not be wise to watch it and ask the questions that you have about it rather than watching the Olympics or playing Sports IQ..

Most of the videos that I share cover way more ground than what I am willing to cover unless someone has taking the initiative to watch it and ask specific questions about it, 'that they may have.

We all have different interest and we are much more likely to pay attention to the things that are inline with our interest. I have shown many videos over the years and have seen many people respond positively to them when it happens to be what they are interested in.
I have also seen some of these same people comment once, maybe twice at the most about how they do not watch them, Now there were 2 of these viewers who carried on for months about these videos and how I should tell them what I think about them before they would watch them. Can you guess who these 2 viewers are?
Reply Sat 11 Aug, 2012 09:57 am
@reasoning logic,
If you're not prepared/able to explain why you think someone should watch a video, don't be surprised when people don't watch them.
Reply Sat 11 Aug, 2012 11:58 am
What is God telling you regarding Catholic sexual morality as taught rather than as what some Catholics do ?

Do you want the answer to this question, because you want to know what God has to say? Or do you want to know the answer to this question, because you want to hear what "you think I have to say" ?

If God, What specific subjects of Catholic sexual morality, do you mean?
Reply Sat 11 Aug, 2012 12:31 pm
@reasoning logic,
If you truly had an interest in what I was watching and wanted to get my view point about anything I seen or heard, "would it not be wise to watch it and ask the questions that you have about it rather than watching the Olympics or playing Sports IQ..

No, it would not be...Because I would not be, being honest, with myself, nor you...If I wanted to know what you thought, about what you watched...or what your view point is...The best thing I can possibly do, is ask you what you thought about it, so I know for sure...That is much better indeed, then me trying to figure out what you think...Just to tell you what I think...When you can just explain to me, what you actually think...And we can take that element of perhaps failure, or misinterpretation...Out of the equation...Would it be wise for you, to play those games, if you really wanted to watch those videos? I truly do have an interest in them...and I know you have an interest in them, and I know you have an interest, in my interests, in them...But as of right now, My only interest in them, cause I do not watch, most of them...Not that I am not interested...But because my only interest, is having you, actually explain to me, what your interest in them, is too me...So that I can have, a very good conversation, with you, about them...If you want me, to watch, very long videos, to break them all down, for you, to tell you, how I logically, view them, for you...I am sorry, but I am not gonna do that...And I am sorry, if you view that, as me ultimately, not having an interest...When I have told you, I do...And I have told you, what my actual interest, even is...It is hearing, what you have to say, about them, since you post them, and then we can discuss them...If you do not wish, to explain them...Or tell me, what you like, or not...The you can not expect me, to watch it, and break it all down...If you chose to view that, as me, truly having no interest, that is fine, with me...But I have told you, what my interests are...And you can only validate this...By showing me, you care about me, if you care about my interests...And actually explain one for me...Then I have no option, but to either, reveal I was lying...and not watch...Or being a man, of my word, and actually discussing it, with you...But you will never know, till you do it...Cause until you do it...I have no reason to break it all down...If you are not even willing, to give me, your opinions about them, and are posting them...I am not asking you, to do anything hard, at all...You are asking me, for my opinions, of them...and all that I am asking you, is if you want my opinions, then I would like to know, yours...That is not a lot, to ask of someone...Who is posting them, and asking me, what I think...Then getting pissed off...And telling me how I must have no interest...Or should be watching the videos...apposed to playing games, I like too...which do not, ask me, or require me, to do things, that I am not willing, to do...Nor do I ask it, to do anything, I think it should not...Or I would not even play it...And I am not being stubborn, or anything...I think it shows more that you, do not actually care, about my feelings...and only yours...Or for whatever reason, just do not want, to give your own opinions...Which is fine...But then I do not want to give mine, and there is no reason, for me to even do it...And you should, and can not, expect others, to do that, then...

And once again, you just gave a cheap shot, cause I will not watch them, because of a principal...I am sorry, if it offends you...I am not trying to be, in anyway...All I want, is for you, to tell me, what you actually like, or do not, about them...If that is too much, to ask of you, to do...When you want my opinions of them, then I guess, it is too much, for you, to ask me, to watch a long video, and break it all down...Just because you are not willing to actually explain...What you think about them...And what is good, or bad, to you...And what you are, actually interested, in me giving my opinions about...I am sorry, but I am not gonna, just sit there, and try to guess, what I think, you would think, about them, and how I agree, or not...When as my friend, you can just tell me...What you actually think about them...So that I actually know...And then can actually discuss that, with you...So if you can not explain, what you think, about them...I guess it is not important enough..for you to actually want to know, what I think about them...

I have also seen some of these same people comment once, maybe twice at the most about how they do not watch them, Now there were 2 of these viewers who carried on for months about these videos and how I should tell them what I think about them before they would watch them. Can you guess who these 2 viewers are?

Yes I can...And in my honest opinion...These 2 people...are being the most self honest with themselves, as well as you..for doing such a thing, and even saying it to you....

Because you do not seem to get it, I don't personally have a problem with any video you post...Although this other may...But I definitely think we are both right...for saying, we would like you to explain them...So that we know what you think, and what you want to know from us, about them...This other person may not feel this way, but I do...And I think we are both right, for then saying to you...That you can not or should not be upset with anyone at all, whatsoever, if you are not willing to even do this...Even if this person means it differently that I do...That is what I think...And it is because I am honestly willing to explain my opinions about what you think, and want to know...
0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Aug, 2012 01:14 pm
@reasoning logic,
I have also seen some of these same people comment once, maybe twice at the most about how they do not watch them, Now there were 2 of these viewers who carried on for months about these videos and how I should tell them what I think about them before they would watch them. Can you guess who these 2 viewers are?

By any chance, did you post a video, to at least, one of these people? And did this person, tell you, they are not willing to watch it, unless you tell them what you think, about it? And after this happened, Did you, or Did you not, continue, or cease, to post videos, to this person, asking them their opinions, after they told you the first time, what they wanted you to do? And if this is all true, and you kept sending them videos, though they asked you, months back, to post your views, and you did not...Are they the ones, who perpetuated it? Or are you the one who perpetuated it? And did you have a very good idea, what they would say, to you, when you asked them, what they thought, with a new video? After they told you, months back, they wanted to know, your opinions, of them? Or were not interested, in breaking it, all down?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Aug, 2012 01:19 pm
If God, What specific subjects of Catholic sexual morality, do you mean?

You know what specific subjects Spade. Knock off the woffle eh?
Reply Sat 11 Aug, 2012 01:24 pm
What is God telling you regarding Catholic sexual morality as taught rather than as what some Catholics do ?

That no matter, if it is taught, or not...No one has it perfect...No one group, or organization, has it perfected...Whether they think, they do, or not...And God wants you to be prudent, and look deep inside yourself, and see if you have a problem, with it, or not...If you think, you do...You should make every change, to completely change, that for the better...If you simply can not...You are better off, to be alone...All he wants is for you, to be happy with yourself, at the end of the day...And anyone else, who judges your sexual morality, is wrong for doing it...And if You ask God, for forgiveness, and say, You are wrong, You think you are wrong, or do not know, if you are wrong...But wish for forgiveness, no matter what, because your ultimate love is for God, always, and you never wish to hurt him...It will all be forgiven in the end, and it will not matter, at all...And Jesus will forgive you, of it, anyways...Though like I said, If you know you are wrong, you should make every action toward repentance...And if you can not, and still struggle too bad...That you are better off alone...

And if you are talking about self pleasing things? Or gratifications? They are ALWAYS wrong! And never acceptable...
Reply Sat 11 Aug, 2012 01:49 pm
I am sorry, If I am not as black and white, as you would like me, to be...

But I refuse to ask God, to answer me like that..Cause I know he does not think that way...As is about peace, mercy, love and acceptance...And is not about judgment or condemnation like many purport....And I know that since you embrace the Church, but not God...I am not going to give you black and white answers to judge other people...when you do not believe that God, even is...Cause many will struggle with sexual morality but embrace him, and that is more important indeed...And it gives fuel to people like you, who judge them...but do not believe that God even is, and he does not think that way at all...
reasoning logic
Reply Sat 11 Aug, 2012 02:32 pm
I refuse to ask God, to answer me like that..Cause I know he does not think that way...As is about peace, mercy, love and acceptance...And is not about judgment or condemnation like many purport....

Are you saying that the prophets in the past who have said God told them these things were wrong?
Numbers 15:32-15:36
Reply Sat 11 Aug, 2012 03:11 pm
That no matter, if it is taught, or not...No one has it perfect...No one group, or organization, has it perfected...Whether they think, they do, or not...And God wants you to be prudent, and look deep inside yourself, and see if you have a problem, with it, or not...If you think, you do...You should make every change, to completely change, that for the better...If you simply can not...You are better off, to be alone...All he wants is for you, to be happy with yourself, at the end of the day...And anyone else, who judges your sexual morality, is wrong for doing it...And if You ask God, for forgiveness, and say, You are wrong, You think you are wrong, or do not know, if you are wrong...But wish for forgiveness, no matter what, because your ultimate love is for God, always, and you never wish to hurt him...It will all be forgiven in the end, and it will not matter, at all...And Jesus will forgive you, of it, anyways...Though like I said, If you know you are wrong, you should make every action toward repentance...And if you can not, and still struggle too bad...That you are better off alone...

And if you are talking about self pleasing things? Or gratifications? They are ALWAYS wrong! And never acceptable...

Back to square one eh?

Why did God make shagging so self gratifying? Not to mention the cigarette afterplay.
0 Replies
reasoning logic
Reply Sat 11 Aug, 2012 03:26 pm
If you're not prepared/able to explain why you think someone should watch a video, don't be surprised when people don't watch them.

I am not surprised nor am I trying to sell anything otherwise I would being doing every thing in my power to find ways to grab people's interest. What I am doing is studying the methods that which people use in response.
Reply Sat 11 Aug, 2012 04:12 pm
@reasoning logic,
Well with all due respect, that makes us Guinea Pigs Shocked

Would have been nicer, to have thought that you were doing it for conversation.
Reply Sat 11 Aug, 2012 04:58 pm
@reasoning logic,
The thing is RL, I have watched some of your videos. If you posted nothing but smart, thought provoking stuff that would be one thing, but you don't.

The videos you asked me to watch were conspiracy nut bullshit, anyone with sound judgement would have realised that within the first couple of frames, and left the thing well alone. The fact that you posted them shows you don't know what's rubbish.

If you could some indication of what your video is about, we might have some idea of whether or not it's the usual rubbish, or actually something worth watching. Otherwise we can only assume the worst.

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