Question to those who do or do not doubt Christianity

reasoning logic
Reply Tue 31 Jul, 2012 03:04 pm
we dance around and sing chants to praise our gods and deities like dawkins and hitchens.

It really does help to have a good beat when dancing and even though I do not like rap very much I love this video about them.

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Reply Tue 31 Jul, 2012 03:08 pm
@Frank Apisa,
In my case, for instance, helping me set a moral compass for myself would be on both lists.

I cant see that having any meaning outside of acting daft for the sake of acting daft.

It seems to me Frank that you are likely to approve of most of the things the Church teaches due to having grown up in a Christian society. My guess is that the things you disapprove of make up a fairly small list relatively and are related to a small central focus.

So it would be efficient to inform us of those and then we can gauge the ones you approve of simply by looking through the nearly 700 pages of The Catechism of the Catholic Church to see on which aspects we are in agreement.

I agree with the lot so I'm as open as that book can be made to be and if you are not prepared to say what you disagree with you are being a trifle coy with us although some might use a stronger term.

Your failure to stand up and be counted leaves me to conclude that my not very inspired guess that they are associated with pantsdown positions is not all that wide of the mark. I say "not very inspired guess" because the other 80 million American Catholics came to the same conclusion years ago.
Reply Tue 31 Jul, 2012 05:11 pm
Did you not know Frank that intelligent Catholics think, when your rhetoric is in full flow, that you are simply trying to make an easier passage through life for your dick?

The odd thing is that evolution makes the dick's passage through life something of a trial.

Attempting to square your various positions is what leads to your tortuous explanations and avoidance of the issues.
Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 31 Jul, 2012 05:21 pm
Re: Frank Apisa (Post 5061995)
In my case, for instance, helping me set a moral compass for myself would be on both lists.

I cant see that having any meaning outside of acting daft for the sake of acting daft.

Sorry your imagination is so limited, Spendius. If you truly cannot see that having any meaning outside of acting daft for the sake of acting daft...you have got serious intellectual problems. I would suggest you spend more time considering the proposition...and you should be able to come up with several more meanings.

It seems to me Frank that you are likely to approve of most of the things the Church teaches due to having grown up in a Christian society. My guess is that the things you disapprove of make up a fairly small list relatively and are related to a small central focus.

So it would be efficient to inform us of those and then we can gauge the ones you approve of simply by looking through the nearly 700 pages of The Catechism of the Catholic Church to see on which aspects we are in agreement.

I am not particularly interested in you or anyone else "gauging" my sentiments in this regard.

Earlier, you wrote: “I am well aware Frank that you are unable to grant Christianity any credit for anything and thus are constrained to indulge in tortuous thinking patterns due to it being blatantly obvious that it is responsible for everything. Good and bad.”

I disputed that…mostly because it is totally and unrealistically incorrect. It was an unwarranted presumption on your part that ought not to have been made….and I disputed it.

I agree with the lot so I'm as open as that book can be made to be and if you are not prepared to say what you disagree with you are being a trifle coy with us although some might use a stronger term.

I am not trying to be coy, Spendius, I am trying (not especially successfully apparently) to tell you that your unwarranted presumption about me and my considerations about Christianity are baloney.

Your failure to stand up and be counted leaves me to conclude that my not very inspired guess that they are associated with pantsdown positions is not all that wide of the mark. I say "not very inspired guess" because the other 80 million American Catholics came to the same conclusion years ago.

If you want to pat yourself on the back and feel smug...do so. You do not have to use me as a foil for tending to whatever you are tending by doing so.

You charged me with being unwilling to credit Christianity in any way...and I am saying you are mistaken. Very sorely mistaken!

If you want to be a man...simply acknowledge that you were mistaken.
Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 31 Jul, 2012 05:25 pm
Re: spendius (Post 5062081)
Did you not know Frank that intelligent Catholics think, when your rhetoric is in full flow, that you are simply trying to make an easier passage through life for your dick?

The odd thing is that evolution makes the dick's passage through life something of a trial.

Attempting to square your various positions is what leads to your tortuous explanations and avoidance of the issues.

Re: spendius (Post 5062081)
Did you not know Frank that intelligent Catholics think, when your rhetoric is in full flow, that you are simply trying to make an easier passage through life for your dick?

The odd thing is that evolution makes the dick's passage through life something of a trial.

Attempting to square your various positions is what leads to your tortuous explanations and avoidance of the issues.

Grow up, Spendius. My explanations are not tortured; they are direct and to the point.

You made a mistake. Simply acknowledge that you did. You will feel better.
reasoning logic
Reply Tue 31 Jul, 2012 05:35 pm
@Frank Apisa,
You made a mistake. Simply acknowledge that you did. You will feel better.

intelligent Catholics think, when your rhetoric is in full flow, that you are simply trying to make an easier passage through life for your dick?

If he thinks that he speaks for all intelligent Catholics, "how is he ever going to acknowledge any other mistakes that he makes?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Aug, 2012 04:31 am
@Frank Apisa,
Sorry your imagination is so limited, Spendius. If you truly cannot see that having any meaning outside of acting daft for the sake of acting daft...you have got serious intellectual problems. I would suggest you spend more time considering the proposition...and you should be able to come up with several more meanings.

That doesn't mean anything either Frank.

I am not particularly interested in you or anyone else "gauging" my sentiments in this regard.

It's par for the course on A2K. It could be argued that it is the whole point of A2K. Perhaps you are not up for the cut and thrust of adult discussion.

Earlier, you wrote: “I am well aware Frank that you are unable to grant Christianity any credit for anything and thus are constrained to indulge in tortuous thinking patterns due to it being blatantly obvious that it is responsible for everything. Good and bad.”

I disputed that…mostly because it is totally and unrealistically incorrect. It was an unwarranted presumption on your part that ought not to have been made….and I disputed it.

Three assertions are no more convincing than one or five hundred.

I am not trying to be coy, Spendius, I am trying (not especially successfully apparently) to tell you that your unwarranted presumption about me and my considerations about Christianity are baloney.

That's two more. Maybe three. Four if I count "trying". I don't think you are trying at all. If you were you would inform us of your points of disagreement with the Church which I have reason to believe are mainly concerning wanking, sex before marriage, adultery, divorce, homosexuality and abortion. If you agree with the Church on those items perhaps you will be good enough to say so and clear the air and thus avoid us talking at cross purposes for ever and ever. I have little doubt that you also disagree with the Church on the Assumption of the Virgin Mary into Heaven, and that She was a virgin, on the grounds that you have no evidence either way and are thus agnostic on the matters. But you can hardly be agnostic about the activities I have mentioned.

If you want to pat yourself on the back and feel smug...do so.

That is a very cheap rhetorical device.

You do not have to use me as a foil for tending to whatever you are tending by doing so.

We all use each other as foils in debates with other viewers. That is the nature of debate in public.

You charged me with being unwilling to credit Christianity in any way...and I am saying you are mistaken. Very sorely mistaken!

I was not mistaken because my intention was to bring some focus to the discussion and I have done so. I am well aware that you agree with the Church on human sacrifice and the indiscriminate bombing of civilians. And on many other things. I am attempting to isolate your points of disagreement with the Church on matters in the here and now so that we might proceed to discuss them rather than fannying around in a cloud of smoke endlessly.

If you want to be a man...simply acknowledge that you were mistaken.

That rhetorical device is even cheaper than the previous one.

You are evading the issues I have raised. If you think that manly what can I do about it?

0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Aug, 2012 05:05 am
@Frank Apisa,
Grow up, Spendius. My explanations are not tortured; they are direct and to the point.

Don't stoop to that "grow up" shite. It's babyish. You have been asked to get to the point and have evaded doing so in a mish-mash of tortuous drivel.

The whole opposition to the Church derives from sexual considerations. The proper way to attack the Church is to argue that the civilisation it has built is deeply flawed at all levels and will result in a smoking ruin. The fundamental flaw being its pathetic attempt to set aside evolutionary principles in order to resist the barbarian hordes that threatened its existence and which are always present as can be seen on the Syria/Turkish border.

Why are you being so coy Frank? I've seen more than one lady on A2K defending prostitution and why not? It is perfectly in line with evolutionary principles. The other arguments about its social usefulness are neither here nor there. They can be disputed.
0 Replies
reasoning logic
Reply Wed 1 Aug, 2012 06:07 pm
How are you doing Ryan ? It has almost been a week since you have posted.. Why? I hope that things are going good for you.
Reply Tue 7 Aug, 2012 01:02 am
Can't we drop this "hun" shite? It's aggressive condescension.

I will gladly drop that ****, if found soul has a problem with it, if she does not...I am not going to...Why? Because it shows that I care about her...I am not trying to hit on her, and she knows that...So I won't unless it bothers her...Does it Found?
Reply Tue 7 Aug, 2012 01:07 am
@reasoning logic,
Ryan I told you from the beginning that the video is about challenging the way you think logically. Why was that not a good enough answer for you?
I would think that if a person were to be intellectually honest about having an interest in truth and logic, that they could determine for themselves by the brief description of the video whether they may have an interest in it or not.

But his is all your own perspective as to how it relates to me or does not...So I am interested in what you think, not what that man thinks...It is not about me being rigid...Or not wanting to challenge what I think...It has to do with what you think about him and me...And if you can explain that to my understandings as to how this will actually happen...I will watch it...So that we can discuss it...If you are asking me to watch it, because you personally believe it will challenge me, but do not explain what will be challenged...It would be the same exact thing as me asking you to reread the whole Bible because I think you can learn from it...Rather that me pulling out the scripture(s) and my takes on them as to how they can in fact help you, or challenge your thinking...Are you going to reread the whole Bible, because I may believe it can help you?

I am not sure if it will because you seem to be so rigid in your thinking.

I will give you just a little more detail. The video is mainly about the type of logic religious people like to engage in.

So how does this relate to me?
Reply Tue 7 Aug, 2012 01:12 am
@reasoning logic,
You truly do not seem to understand that some people will watch them and some people will not and that is reality and I can live with reality, "it does not bother me when some people do not have an interest in the videos I share.

I am not trying to argue with you, But I kind of agree with Izzy here...Can you really say this, or think this? When you told me, after I asked you why or said that I did not have the time, you said to me...You do not have to watch it...If you are not interested in Logic...Or challenging your own logically thinking...As if you were upset...Or that you thought less of me, for not doing so...When all I was asking you to explain was why I should even do it? In what why will I be challenged...So that I can even understand what makes you think I should...Or what I will actually learn...How it will challenge me...Or in what way do I think like other religious even do?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 7 Aug, 2012 01:28 am
So, prostitution if it is done because that person "wants" to, is their choice.. I have to agree, unfortunately with Ms K, for the second time even though she seems to think I don't full stop

If this is the case, given everything she has said, and you have said...She has to be one...Who does prostitution...In order to argue for that defense, otherwise her opinion is worthless...And is just as much imposing her morality...By saying I am wrong, for speaking my mind...And trying to get people to stop...As she is telling me it is OK...And not actually doing it...And trying to get people "like me" to stop imposing this morality that I do...Which I do not...I am giving my opinion just like she is...But she can not resist to say I am trying to impose, force, manipulate etc...Just to make me look like the piece of ****, she thinks I am...

But in all honesty...I am speaking my mind, just like she is...Just because she disagrees with it...In no way makes it a forced, imposed, manipulated view of morality...She is arguing a razor thin line...that is so friggen small it can not even be seen...I have never said, nor will ever say, I wish to impose anything...But yet she has before to another atheist about me...

I will say, if people wish to prostitute...I guess they can, if they want to...And no one will stop them...And if people do...I can not help them out...The law is the Law...I will never do it...Because I find it disgusting...And disrespectful to another, and yourself...
Reply Tue 7 Aug, 2012 01:49 am
@reasoning logic,
How are you doing Ryan ? It has almost been a week since you have posted.. Why? I hope that things are going good for you.

I am doing great mate! Was busy...And watching the Olympics....How have you been mate??? (thank you for asking)
Reply Tue 7 Aug, 2012 02:12 am
I will say, if people wish to prostitute...I guess they can, if they want to...And no one will stop them...And if people do...I can not help them out...The law is the Law...I will never do it...Because I find it disgusting...And disrespectful to another, and yourself...

And if she is telling me, how I am wrong, for speaking my mind...But is not actually prostituting...She is doing the exact same thing, from the flip side...Which is fine...But she needs not to insult everyone's intelligence, by saying, I am trying to impose things, which is bullshit...If she does not admit, she is trying to impose her views to Christian thinkers...

In other words, she is trapped, in her own words, and knows so...I am not imposing things, unless she is...And I am saying, I would not do so...Just like she is saying, she has no problem with it...And does not do it, for a living...Or choice...

There is no imposing going on...Just her warped view, of this thinking...Because she believes, I, and Christians, are some sort of Devils, which must be stopped...And it is bullshit...She is paranoid, about something...Or sick, mentally...

She is the one who acts like the Devil for saying this ****...And not coming to grips, with the fact, she does the same method, to try to destroy, the method...

So I will continue to point it out, each time, she does it...She is the one, who has some agenda, here...And no one else...everyone else...Is clear, and up front, about what they say, speak, and mean...She is the one, who try's to be deceptive to prove things, that do not, even exist...Or uses manipulative ways to try to get people, to embrace the things she speaks of...With which, not one, other, person, I have ever seen, in these kinds of debates, even does...Such a ridiculous tactic...

By me saying, I think it is wrong...In no way, at all, is me being a devil, and trying to control anyone...It is pure bullshit...And absolutely ridiculous...I would never make such a ridiculous claim...I know even if I am right....and even if I wanted to stop everyone from doing it...I could not even do such a thing...So why would she say such a bogus, ridiculously, bullshit, claim? Why does she even try to perpetrate me as someone who would even do this? Or think this way? Or even attempt it? It is because, she has no, real defense, at all....And makes a weak defense to discredit my opinion...Notice how when she says she thinks it is OK for 2 people to do it...But does not, or would not herself...I never call her trying to impose anything to anyone?? That is because I am up front with what I am saying, and actually mean...And what I want people to understand about what I say, speak, and mean...And understand me...But she clearly is not doing the same...So I will continue to watch her, always...I don't trust her, at all...
Reply Tue 7 Aug, 2012 02:36 am
Hi Ya Ryan, welcome back hun Wink
Reply Tue 7 Aug, 2012 02:41 am
FSSo, prostitution if it is done because that person "wants" to, is their choice.. I have to agree, unfortunately with Ms K, for the second time even though she seems to think I don't full stop

Spades If this is the case, given everything she has said, and you have said...She has to be one...

Giggles... Well I can't answer that on behalf of Krumple. My point being was simple really, we own our own body, we have choices in life, if we choose to do something as our choice then it is not wrong. It's only wrong to who ever views that person and how they view them , by them.

It's wrong in my opinion when idiots get girls hooked on drugs and they do it to continue their habit, or their self esteme is so low.. Or were abused and don't care anymore, then I want to save them but ya know, it's not possible.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 7 Aug, 2012 02:44 am
So what is she, actually hiding? Or wish to say, and speak, and mean, that she does not actually say, to me? That she has to perpetrate some ridiculously, bogus, bullshit, that I am "trying" to do? That everyone can clearly see, I am honestly, not doing? She is hiding everything, or a lot...And I am hiding nothing...

And because my opinions differ, Not Equal a Devil...or anything ridiculous, either...

It makes her, again, the Devil figure...For trying to perpetrate such a bullshit, thing in the first place...When I never call her such a thing, for doing the opposite...All I ever say, is she acts like one, but does not know it...

Because of the deception she portrays, but not what she actually says (in her opinions about..What I actually say, or others) but her motives...Or ways of achieving that goal, is wicked...Because she perpetrates bullshit, to try to make someone appear evil outward to others to sooth-say her points to others...And she is aware she does this...That is why I trust nothing she says...And will never accept what she says as a positive thing...And why I tested the fact, she all of the sudden had more respect for me...She must be wrong...And won't admit so...Or is trying a new ploy, and trying to make it look like she is acting nice...But inwardly, she still believes I am very much an evil man, or Devil...But will never actually say what is on her mind...Or what she thinks about me...So I will be watching her always...As I do not like people who act this way at all...And they can not be trusted...They go around and point out how other people are threats...But they really are the only ones themselves...
Reply Tue 7 Aug, 2012 02:48 am
Not on much tonight Ryan, have my family home for dinner.

I'll read it tomorrow but welcome back, where did you go?
Reply Tue 7 Aug, 2012 02:49 am
Hi Ya Ryan, welcome back hun

Great to see you too, hun...I have to go! So Sorry...I would stay and chat...But I can't right now...But will be back tomorrow, or soon...God bless you! talk to you soon!

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