Question to those who do or do not doubt Christianity

Reply Tue 7 Aug, 2012 02:52 am
I'll read it tomorrow but welcome back, where did you go?

I was watching the Olympics....And playing cards with some friends, I have just met....I am sorry hun, but I really can't chat any longer...I have to let my bro sleep...And can't keep chatting...It is 5 a.m. here....Talk to you very, very, soon! Wink Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

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reasoning logic
Reply Tue 7 Aug, 2012 04:16 am
.If you are asking me to watch it, because you personally believe it will challenge me, but do not explain what will be challenged.

I said that it would challenge your thinking, "that is if you are willing to be intellectually honest with yourself" Surrounding yourself with people who have opposing views and considering their views can sometimes make a person become wiser.

It would be the same exact thing as me asking you to reread the whole Bible because I think you can learn from it

I think that it may be a little different than that because I have read and reread the bible many times but you have not watched the video once and you do not have to unless you truly have an interest in seeing a point of view that I was trying to share with you.

Are you going to reread the whole Bible, because I may believe it can help you?

It was because I read the bible over and over that I became an atheist. Are you trying to get me to become more of an atheist than what I already am? Idea
reasoning logic
Reply Tue 7 Aug, 2012 04:19 am
.How have you been mate?

I have been very busy on my vacation burying all this irrigation.
Reply Tue 7 Aug, 2012 05:03 am
@reasoning logic,
I said that it would challenge your thinking, "that is if you are willing to be intellectually honest with yourself" Surrounding yourself with people who have opposing views and considering their views can sometimes make a person become wiser.

Yes it can...And you did in fact, say all of that...But you never answered the one, and a few other questions, I asked you....So is it fair for me, to say, you are not being intellectually honest, with me?? My question were....And still are...Why did you post that video to me? Why does it have significance, to me, (in your opinion) Basically, I am asking you...In what way, (in your own opinion:) Does that video apply to me? How will it challenge my logical thinking, in anyway? Why does my Logical thinking, need challenging? How will that man, challenge it? If I am not being honest about it, how will I know, if it is challenged, or not? etc....These are only questions that you can answer...Because you are the one who said it will do these things by me watching the video....So all I want, are you to simply answer them, (in your opinions) ( and there are no right or wrong answers, I just want to hear what you have to say, about him, and me) And when they are answered...I will watch it...And discuss with you...How it relates to me...And how it may relate to you, or what you think of me...Because after all, I can not talk to him...And I can not discuss with him, about me, and what he thinks of me, and what I think he thinks of me...He does not know me, and I do not know him...Nor has he ever said, that what he says, apply's to me...But you have...Not him...I can only do this with you...Based upon what you have said, and think of me, based upon him...And what he says...

I think that it may be a little different than that because I have read and reread the bible many times but you have not watched the video once and you do not have to unless you truly have an interest in seeing a point of view that I was trying to share with you.

You are right...It is a bit different....A more accurate analogy would be...It would be the same thing as me...Writing my own scriptures...And experiences down....Or a friend of mine....Or someone, I do not know...Who is religious...That I agree with...And think you would learn from....Then telling you...You should read what I, they, he, she, have to say, because I believe you could learn from it...Without actually explaining it to you...What I actually think you will learn...Or why I am saying you will learn from it...Or why I even said, or asked you to even read them...So since, neither of us, just does things, because another says to do something...Would, or should you read these scriptures, if I am not even willing to give my perspectives, to you, as to why I even believe you would find relevance, or importance, to even reading them? Or would you ask me, to explain to you, what the reasons, for me even saying it, to you, to begin with, even were? If not...If I was, to just tell you, Go jump off of a bridge, into water, because I believe it would be good, would you do it? Or would you want me to explain to you, why?

It was because I read the bible over and over that I became an atheist are you trying to get me to become more of an atheist than what I already am?

No...Because I did not know you have read the Bible over and over...That that is why you are an atheist...I am just trying to get you to see my perspective...I bet if I watch that video, it will jade me farther from his thinking, even though, I have yet to see it...Why? Because we probably do not think alike....Does this mean, you are trying to get me to become a stronger believer in God? (No, of course not) Idea all you are doing is trying to get me to see a different perspective, so we all can see things from many different angles...and make decisions...) If I am bias, or anyone is, it is our own faults....But at least others try...That is why I am asking you to explain how it has any relevance to me, at all...If you can not explain it, to me...No offense, but there is no reason, for me, to watch it, just because you say, it is a good idea...Again, that would be the same thing, as me saying...I find it in your best interest, to really learn, how to sow, very well...It is because, it will be able to get you to focus more, than you already do...(This is just an example, I don't think you need too) Why, though? I can't fully explain it...And I can not explain it, to you, why I even think you need to do this...Or how it has relevance to you...But you can only find it, and be self honest, if you trust me...and start picking up needles right away to learn...Or watch a Video I post, about how to sow...And if you do not watch it...Without me explaining why to you...You are not being intellectually honest (in my opinion) Does this make sense, to you?
Reply Tue 7 Aug, 2012 05:04 am
I am here now found...If you want to talk, shoot for it... Wink Wink Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Tue 7 Aug, 2012 05:05 am
@reasoning logic,
I have been very busy on my vacation burying all this irrigation.

Hopefully you are almost done...And it will be well worth it!!! I think it will be!
0 Replies
reasoning logic
Reply Tue 7 Aug, 2012 05:37 am
My question was....And still is...Why did you post that video to me?

Look you may not be happy with the answer I gave you but it was my answer and still is. " To challenge your logical thinking"

Why does it have significance, to me, (in your opinion) Basically, I am asking you..

I do not think that the video has any real significance to you because you show that you would rather spend more time talking about why you should watch it rather than just simply watching it and commenting about it.
I personally think that the video shows how many religious people use a circular logic that goes no where other than round and round.

Does that video apply to me?

I think that it could apply to us all atheist and theist alike.

How will it challenge my logical thinking, in anyway? Why does my Logical thinking, need challenging?

It may not change your logical thinking but I do think that all of our logical thinking needs to be challenged, "that is how we become closer to the truth about reality.

How will that man, challenge it? If I am not being honest about it, how will I know, if it is challenged, or not?

You will not know if you are not being honest but rather you would be in denial.

These are only questions that you can answer...Because you are the one who said it will do these things by me watching the video....So all I want, are you to simply answer them, (in your opinions) ( and there are no right or wrong answers, I just want to hear what you have to say, about him, and me) And when they are answered...I will watch it...And discuss with you..

Are you being honest or are you going to ask more questions about him first?

I personally think the second video I shared would be a better one to watch so if you really care to watch one watch the second one about faith first.

I bet if I watch that video, it will jade me farther from his thinking, even though, I have yet to see it...Why? Because we probably do not think alike..

Are you trying to define prejudice?

That is why I am asking you to explain how it has any relevance to me, at all...If you can not explain it, to me...No offense, but there is no reason, for me, to watch it, just because you say, it is a good idea..

There is no reason other than, me and you have shared many things over the year with each other and have come to appreciate each others videos, photos, songs and the many other things that we shared including the long and drawn out discussions that we have had.
I should add that your lust for videos of women with big breast is much greater than your lust for logically reasoned videos. Laughing
Reply Tue 7 Aug, 2012 05:42 am
@reasoning logic,
If someone, wants to learn, they still, must be willing, to learn....2 Cents

So if I ask you, to read the Bible, to learn...I would expect you to ask me what I think you will learn from it...If the Bible is a bad example as we have read it...Then insert some other form of religious doctrine...That you may not have read but I have....If you use that, to become more of an atheist...that is your own choice...and you are still learning...I put out what I thought you would learn and why...And you took in what I said...And came to your own conclusions...And became a stronger atheist...Even if I see that as using it, for another reason, than I expected, or intended...You did what you wanted with the knowledge...

And if you ask me to watch a video...I am willing to learn...But I want it to be explained to me, what you think I will learn...Since you brought up the fact I will learn from this man....If you can't explain that to me....There is no reason to believe I would...(Just think, if someone I did not get along with said this to me?...How would I know if it was genuine or not? I would not)...(Even though we are friends...If I can not fully understand how you actually believe it relates to me...Or how your believe it has relevance to me...There is no way I can ever articulate what You actually believe I can learn, or even need to think about to open my mind...Cause I obviously do not think I need to logically challenge myself...)But if I want the Video, and end up using it to strengthen my faith in God, and use it for another reason that what you intended or expect, you can't be upset either, or say I am being intellectually dishonest...For you said you do the same exact with the Bible...So if I did that with this video...How is it not the same exact thing?

I am taking in the knowledge, and using it in whatever way I draw conclusions based upon what you said, and what I think about it...
0 Replies
Reply Tue 7 Aug, 2012 06:09 am
@reasoning logic,
Look you may not be happy with the answer I gave you but it was my answer and still is. " To challenge your logical thinking"

And no offense, I still do not like that answer...You said it will challenge me...But refuse to explain how so???You want me to do all the thinking, when you brought up the fact, that I should watch it, as that man will challenge me...?????

I will watch it...Give me a few days to get my feet wet here again, and I will watch them both...

I do not think that the video has any real significance to you because you show that you would rather spend more time talking about why you should watch it rather than just simply watching it and commenting about it.

It is simple Logic...You and I are not alike...I would rather hear you, since you know me, than hear what someone has to say, who knows nothing about me...(but according to you, I could learn from him...But I am not sure how?????

When I get some time I will watch them both...

I personally think that the video shows how many religious people use a circular logic that goes no where other than round and round.

This is what I wanted you to explain to me....Because now I understand the reason for why you think it will challenge me, or what I will actually learn...But I am not interested in asking any more...

I will watch it when I get the time....

I think that it could apply to us all atheist and theist alike.

This is more of what I wanted to hear....So now I know it does not just apply to me...But you would have sent that to anyone you felt like showing it to, just to see what they would say! But again, I am not interested in asking about in any more...

I will watch them both when I get the time....

It may not change your logical thinking but I do think that all of our logical thinking needs to be challenged, "that is how we become closer to the truth about reality.

This is even more of what I wanted to hear....Now this is how I disagree with that statement...If all of our logical thinking is different, we all can not be correct, but it can be a combination of almost a tiny fraction of what every person actually believes is the real truth...Since all these differences formulate possible one main truth...If we all thought the same, or had the same exact logical thinking, there would be absolutely no possible way to ever know what the truth or reality even is...We would all believe it is...But no one would still know for certain...Therefor, we would all be the same, and nothing would be different, or we would all be wrong...And it would make no difference what we believed truth or reality even is...See how we did not even need to watch the video to do that? Does not matter, I will watch them both...

You will not know if you are not being honest but rather you would be in denial.

This is even more of what I wanted to hear...Here is how I disagree, I never would know, I would be going off of what you think honest, and denial are...And they still are going to be that way...Since you are almost opposite of me...What I say, you will always believe is out of denial, and you in truth, and vice versa, and we did not need to watch any videos....But it does not matter, I will watch them both, when I get the time....

Are you being honest or are you going to ask more questions about him first?

I have always been honest, and I asked everything of you, and nothing about him....I may have asked questions about him, but I was looking for answers from you, about you, not him...Since you know me, And I know you...I take it, you do not know him, and I do not know him...So what is importance of his opinions to either of us?? Nothing, it is our opinions of each other, based upon others, such as him, that is why I was asking you....And why I wanted you to talk to me...

I personally think the second video I shared would be a better one to watch so if you really care to watch one watch the second one about faith first.

I will watch the both when I get the time....Do me a favor, link them both on this page, and tell me what you want me to actually tell you about them both?? And I will explain what I think, and believe....

Are you trying to define prejudice?

No, I am not...Are you saying that I am a prejudiced person....That this man would change that? Or are you saying that I am not prejudiced, but need to watch this man so that I can be more? Neither right? So then...How is what this man says, any importance to me, or anyone else, you would send it too? I do not see any...But I will watch them both when I get the time....

There is no reason other than, me and you have shared many things over the year with each other and have come to appreciate each others videos, photos, songs and the many other things that we shared including the long and drawn out discussions that we have had.

Yes, and to me...We did not need any scientific video or otherwise to discuss any of it...But Nonetheless, I will watch them both, when I get some time...

I should add that your lust for videos of women with big breast is much greater than your lust for logically reasoned videos.

Nope...But I can see you always talk about women's breasts...or motor boating etc!!! Mr. Green Mr. Green

I always knew you liked to motor boat! J/K

Have you actually ever even heard anyone ever say that dang saying?? I have never heard it...

Only from that kinda crazy ass movie...Where Vince Vaughn says it...

Cause no one says it in life, and I have never heard it, and I think I remember you saying you have never heard it before either...LOL...
0 Replies
Reply Tue 7 Aug, 2012 06:28 am
@reasoning logic,
Are you trying to define prejudice?

No, I am not...Are you saying that I am a prejudiced person....That this man would change that? Or are you saying that I am not prejudiced, but need to watch this man so that I can be more? Neither right? So then...How is what this man says, any importance to me, or anyone else, you would send it too? I do not see any...But I will watch them both when I get the time....

I am sorry I read it wrong...I thought you said defend...

OK...So then I will say...Do you think I need to define prejudiced, as I do...and need to change and this man will show me this?? Or are you saying I have not defined it, and this man will show me how to change that??? Neither right? I do not see any relevance to his videos, and we would learn much more by talking to each other...but I will watch them both...
reasoning logic
Reply Tue 7 Aug, 2012 06:52 am
No, I am not...Are you saying that I am a prejudiced person..

What I was meaning is that you seem to have already made a preconceived notion about him without considering anything that he has said.

I bet if I watch that video, it will jade me farther from his thinking,

Reply Tue 7 Aug, 2012 07:08 am
@reasoning logic,
You expect Spade to watch your video, but you've not watched Warhol. You say it's Drama, no, it's Art. That's what Andy said, and he knew more about Art than you and me. One of his soup tin prints goes for hundreds of thousands of dollars, yet this seminal piece of work is something you can enjoy now.

It's not logical to turn your back on Art as it offers the best chance for you to come to terms with the futility of existance, and will allow you to express yourself more freely. If you watch it you may be inspired to produce your own Art, and will be a more rounded person, more reasoned and logical.

You should see it, it will make your arguments more cogent.
Reply Tue 7 Aug, 2012 07:22 am
@reasoning logic,
What I was meaning is that you seem to have already made a preconceived notion about him without considering anything that he has said.

All that I am doing, is answering your questions, you say to me, about him...Because you are the one, who said I could be challenged, by him...So I am interested in what you think, he would challenge me, about...That is why I have said, what I have said...If you call that preconceived notions, about him...It is because you have had preconceived notions, about how he could challenge me...As I have never actually watched the video, yet...And never really said anything about him...But about what you have said about him...And in what ways you think he would challenge me...

Once I watch the videos....Which I will...We will be able to discuss, between us...What we think he is saying...And what we both think based upon it...about him, and each other....But it could not have been done so, until you explained to me, at least a little...as to how you even thought he could in fact challenge me...If you did not do that...I would have absolutely no Idea what you actually thought he could challenge me about...Or what I was trying to challenge....I could have guessed, or assumed the whole thing was meant for me....But I would rather hear what you have to say about me, and how it relates to me, and ultimately us...Because we are going to be the ones who discuss it, between us, based upon what he says, and what we think of him, and each others view points...
0 Replies
reasoning logic
Reply Tue 7 Aug, 2012 07:23 am
It's not logical to turn your back on Art as it offers the best chance for you to come to terms with the futility of existance,

Are you suggesting that your terms of the futility of existence are better understood than mine? "if so I cool with that.

If you watch it you may be inspired to produce your own Art, and will be a more rounded person, more reasoned and logical.

I will have to keep that in mind, I really have no strong interest in art.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 7 Aug, 2012 07:26 am
It's alright mate....I want to watch them now...He told me what I wanted to hear...So I will do it...

I just hope, that these videos has relevance to Logic and I...because if it does not...there will not be anything to discuss....

BTW...great to hear from you again mate! I am sorry I did not send you 3 any messages or anything saying, everything was good...and I will be back soon....If I did not come back last night...I was going to at least send some pm's....

Great Britain seems to be coming on strong now mate! WTG!!!

I will talk to you all later...I am gonna lay down...and watch some Olympics...
0 Replies
Reply Tue 7 Aug, 2012 09:23 am
Check this riddle out mates!...It is easy, to medium...

Give it a shot!

0 Replies
Reply Tue 7 Aug, 2012 10:44 am
I am not trying to pick sides...Or create any fights, or anything...But I like the post made, about the art...Point well taken...mate...Wink
reasoning logic
Reply Tue 7 Aug, 2012 11:45 am
This is neither art nor anti-religion but it is some what short and gives the mind something to think about. Let me guess you are not able to use your imagination in a positive way so that you could consider it's validity?

Reply Wed 8 Aug, 2012 02:19 am
@reasoning logic,
I will be honest...I did not watch the video...and do not plan on doing so...I have absolutely no idea, if this video talks, anything about, what you have, just said...Or if you are testing me, to see if I would perk up, and be interested in it...Because a woman was riding a man....At the beginning....Nevertheless....I think you should know, in your studying of human behavior, I will not fall for that trap...and at least mean what I say, whether I do it at times or do not....I do care...And try to change things, that need, to be...Or realize when someone is trying to see, what I will do...Or follow my reactions, because they study human behavior...But once again...If you are not willing to explain what you mean...I have no reason, to even view, the video...And will not...And no, I will not watch this one, just because a woman, is riding a man, in the beginning...I already told you...You bring up the breasts, and masturbation, all the time...But honestly, I really think, that you think about it, more than, I do...But hey, I could, very well, be wrong...

Remember this??

I should add that your lust for videos of women with big breast is much greater than your lust for logically reasoned videos.

Nope...But I can see you always talk about women's breasts...or motor boating... etc!!! Mr. Green Mr. Green

If you want, my honest opinion...explain to me, what you think, I will actually learn, from watching it...Or what you think, I can learn, from even, watching it...Cause if you, do not...There is no reason, for me, to do any such thing...And because you say it is a good idea, for me...Is not valid enough, or does not work...If it is good for you, or works, for you...does not mean, it is good for me, or will work, for me...And you know this...

I think that prayer is a very important thing, for me, to do...And others should try...I can only guess, but I am, almost sure, you do not, feel this way...And, I am sure...That you believe, there are very, informative, videos to watch on youtube, to challenge, your logical thinking...And you like to sift thru...Me, I think, I can do that with people, who know who, I am, and are different than me, and give me their honest opinions, about me...So that I can reflect upon what they say...And think, and believe...Based upon, what I say, think, and believe... Whether we get the ideas from videos, or other people, or ourselves...It is ultimately the close people, who mold who we are...And I find that youtube overall...Is just, way too inconsistent...To much credibility in what many people say...Almost none, in what many people have to say...Some can be very, very beneficial...many may not be, at all...Something for me, may work for you, Something for me, may not work for you...and vice versa, etc...That has nothing to do with learning...(to me) because that makes you even more bias then before...If you think it is good...You will, and move on, if you think is is bullshit...You are just gonna reject it...And who do you test it with, to see how it is valid or not? No one....You are only relying on yourself...But to even be self honest...You do not have to rely on just yourself...As a matter of fact, many different opinions of many people you know or do not even know...Will get you to learn many different things about yourself, that you do already know...Or never even knew...it all relies upon yourself, with conjunction to other people you trust...Or people you do not know....That you can not put up any bias, in accepting what they say to you...And all you can be, is completely yourself...With no barriers....And you will indeed, see, who and what you are...Once you do the reflecting, based upon what they say...and what you think about what they say...With conjunction to what you say...Or just thinking about it to yourself...To learn or alter anything you think, or embrace, or any single way, you believe, and think...It has nothing really, to do with what, other people can do, for you, at all...But what you are actually willing to try to learn, and discover, about your own self, that you did not already know...Based upon the ways you are willing to discover, about yourself, based upon the ways you articulate, from what other people do, say, and speak...About you, and what you do, say and speak...in return to them...

That is why, I do not really see, or understand...How I can really learn much to anything, from anyone...Other than, just an overall opinion, of theirs...in a video, like the ones, you post...Because we are not discussing our thoughts with each other...You are only hearing their versions, of their opinions...IDK...Maybe that is, the way, that you learn, and discover yourself...That is not, the way, I do it...And I like for the 2, or multiple people, to discuss with me, as well, as hear, what I have to say...In order for me to learn...And discover myself...
reasoning logic
Reply Wed 8 Aug, 2012 04:52 am
..I have absolutely no idea, if this video talks, anything about, what you have, just said...Or if you are testing me, to see if I would perk up, and be interested in it...Because a woman was riding a man...

The video is not arousing in any way but rather the opposite, but that scene of the girl sitting on the boys lap could lead the mind to imagine all sorts of prejudices about the video. Trust me the video is not pornographic and if your mind comes up with that after watching it then you must see most everything as pornographic in nature. Wink

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