Question to those who do or do not doubt Christianity

reasoning logic
Reply Sun 29 Jul, 2012 06:32 am
Why not prove you don't have a problem? See if you can go the whole of August without posting a video. I don't think you can.

If I find some video informative or funny or anything else that catches my attention I am going to share it and if other people have an interest in watching them they can but I am not going to say they are crazy for not doing so "nor am I going to pressure them too.

It seems to me that you are the one who has the problem with the videos, Why not see if you can go a year without commenting on how I post them even if it bothers you.
reasoning logic
Reply Sun 29 Jul, 2012 06:45 am
I really wanted to know, what he thinks, about the video, and me...And I will tell him, what I think, about the video, and him...And the same with the Bible, if I asked him, to read some scriptures...If we are not doing that...I have no interest in watching some guy he thinks is important...Because it may be a waste, to me...And I never, would ask him, to read scriptures...If I was not, explaining to him, how I thought, it related to him....And I should not expect him to, do it...Unless he wanted too...Just like I am not gonna watch a video, he thinks is important, unless I think it, as well, as want to do it...That is what I was trying to say, to him...

Ryan I told you from the beginning that the video is about challenging the way you think logically. Why was that not a good enough answer for you?
I would think that if a person were to be intellectually honest about having an interest in truth and logic, that they could determine for themselves by the brief description of the video whether they may have an interest in it or not.

Please give me a reason as to how you think It will challenge me...Or why I should be watching it? If he can't, I do not understand why even post it?

I am not sure if it will because you seem to be so rigid in your thinking.

I will give you just a little more detail. The video is mainly about the type of logic religious people like to engage in.
Reply Sun 29 Jul, 2012 06:53 am
@reasoning logic,
You're in classic denial. You don't just post videos, you invite comments and then get upset when people don't watch them. That is not healthy behaviour.

I don't want to argue, but you do have a problem. I'll go a month without posting videos too if you want. I honestly think you can't do it. You need to talk to someone about why you feel the need to control what other people watch.

reasoning logic
Reply Sun 29 Jul, 2012 06:54 am
Well it is Sunday and the preacher was talking about faith from behind the pulpit. What was your preacher talking about?

Reply Sun 29 Jul, 2012 06:55 am
@reasoning logic,
This is an example of what you do.

I'm really interested in what you think of Art. What point do you think Warhol is trying to make here?

Reply Sun 29 Jul, 2012 06:56 am
@reasoning logic,
This Sunday I went to the car boot sale.
0 Replies
reasoning logic
Reply Sun 29 Jul, 2012 07:04 am
I'll go a month without posting videos too if you want.

Do what ever makes you happy Izzy, you do not need me to help you with what you think you should do.

you invite comments and then get upset when people don't watch them.

You truly do not seem to understand that some people will watch them and some people will not and that is reality and I can live with reality, "it does not bother me when some people do not have an interest in the videos I share.

I honestly think you can't do it.

I can honestly say that I am not going to allow peer pressure from a fellow peer or group to determine what I am going to do or not do if they can not provide solid reasoning of why I should do things differently.
reasoning logic
Reply Sun 29 Jul, 2012 07:10 am
I'm really interested in what you think of Art. What point do you think Warhol is trying to make here?

If you think that is art then so be it but it seems more like drama to me. Do you see how easy that was? I watched a couple of minutes of it and it did not seem too interesting to me so I just moved on.
Reply Sun 29 Jul, 2012 07:10 am
@reasoning logic,
You are in denial.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Jul, 2012 03:20 pm
XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:
How is prostitution positive?

Well there are some people who don't want to have relationships or don't want to string someone along just to fulfill their sexual needs. This makes prostitution convenient for those who want the closeness of another person without the need to carry out social norms afterwords. You might see this as a negative thing but it actually balances out. But like it said it is only moral when everyone involved is fine with the transaction. I don't promote child prostitution or anyone who is forced into either financially or through some type of coercion.

XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:

If they are demeaning too, They are the same thing...

Well "demeaning" is a subjective word you know? So just who's opinion gets to decide or dictate what professions are or are not demeaning?

XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:
I do understand it...If you think it is OK, for people to do prostitution...Because, 2 people are agreeing...And should do what they want to do...I am not telling you, I think they should not be allowed, to do it...And I never said you should agree, with me, if you, do not...I am not imposing my morality, onto you, anymore than you impose yours, onto me...

By saying that you think they should not be allowed to do it, you are imposing your will. You are not involved, so why is it you get to say? Why should anyone get a say in it, who are not involved? This is the problem with our society, people like you who want to impose their will on how others act even when it harms no one. It is immoral.

XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:

I find it disgusting that a human being, would allow a man, or women they do not know, to do disgusting things, to their bodies...Just to make cash...When neither of these 2 people, care about anything...Only one, caring about having a great orgasm, and the other worried about cash...And any person with respect, would never allow another person, to treat them, or each other, as such...For any reason...Because you do not need to do, such things, to survive...

Some don't do it for survival. Some don't do it just for the money. But like I said, just because you don't like it, doesn't mean that you or anyone should have the right to dictate to anyone else or force them not to engage.

XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:

Yes, And it is still wrong in my book...

If you think it is wrong, then it is wrong for you. Doesn't mean it is wrong for anyone else. This is the problem that many christians can't seem to figure out and why they impose their will on everyone else. If it is wrong for you, then you don't do it. Imposing your will on others is wrong in my book. I know you like to think that you are not but you are.

XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:

That is because they believe, disgusting things, are acceptable...And that is not cool, with me, even if you think, it is fine, since they seem to be OK, with it...I am not trying to change them, or you...But I will be honest, and tell you...That if they do disgusting things, to make large amounts of money, and be famous...It is not a lifestyle, I would chose...

Then don't do it. Why should you get to decide if others can or can't? The only reason prostitution is illegal is because of christians imposing their will onto society. They don't see the harm that follows by making something with high demand illegal. More harm was brought onto the world by demanding that it be illegal. You and many christians refuse to acknowledge this fact. It's why the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:
Who says that any of them, actually listen, to what we say? If they did, would they change? How many porn stars, are converting to Christianity, because of what Christians, are actually saying? Not many right? Then we are not hurting them, and they are going to continue, to do, as they please...But we also have the right to say, why we think, it is wrong, if they can continue to tell us how, they think, they are right, and should be able to do it...

Shutting it down or trying to force people out of it, will only make the situation worse. Making porn illegal would drive the price up and put the women involved in more danger than they currently are. I know there is a constant battle for christians to out right ban porn and they won't stop until it is, but I can honestly tell you, things will only get worse if they ever become successful. They think they are doing a good thing but it will only bring more evil into the world if they follow through with it.

XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:

Someone should be wiling to tell them, what they think, if they think, it is wrong...Just like they have the freedom, to say to us...Go out, and bang a hooker, to clear your mind, if we are Christians...Because they view morality, much different...It is no different, at all....You only chose to see this side, because you personally, do not like Christians, or religious...They try to pervert people, as much as Christians, try to tell them, not to do it...

Like I said, it is a double edge sword. You can't impose your will on morality. If there is a demand for something then there will always be someone willing to buy and someone willing to sell no matter what the threat of punishment is. The more illegal it is, the higher the demand and the bigger the profit. You honestly think porn directors and photographers would care if porn were banned? No, they would make stacks of more cash if it were banned. Not to mention the people who get involved would be putting their lives in danger. More people will die if porn is made illegal. Death always follows black markets.

XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:

In that case, I would still trust the Christian, because it seem to make sense, that having a job to have people do disgusting things to your body, to make large amounts of money...And be famous, makes more sense, than saying I will do what I want, and you are trying to force me, to change, rather than help me into a better understanding, of how I should view myself, and other people...And who I have sex with...

If I don't agree with something I do have the right to say it, but I don't have the right to impose it onto you or to petition governments to get you to stop doing it when it causes no harm. This is the difference. But keep in mind when I say harm it goes both ways. You cant just use the people in volved as an example of causing harm. Making something illegal brings the scope to a bigger angle and more harm is caused than solved.

XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:

I think they have respect for their bodies, maybe even, too much...If you are asking my opinion...I do not believe anyone should have to be naked, in a public place...Unless they are alone, with their partner...Any other reason you give...Probably still equates to getting excited because other men, and women are starring at you...I can't say you, or they are wrong, if you like that kind of stuff...But me, I would never do it...And no, I am not trying to force you, into thinking my ways, or anything, I have the right to my opinions, just like you have the right, to yours, and they have there's....You look at me as the Devil, here....Because you may like to prostitute, of go to naked beaches, or something, IDK...That is fine with me...But I am not gonna say, I agree...Just because you would like me too....Because I do not agree....

You want to find motive as to why I support the things you detest? Because you don't or refuse to see the evil that comes with banning something. I am looking at the picture from a wider perspective and leaving out my own personal feelings on it. Just because I support prostitution doesn't mean I am doing it because I want to be a prostitute or would consider it. I see the demand and I understand the consequences of making it illegal. The same for drugs. Prohibition is a fine example of how much evil gets created when something in high demand gets banned.

XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:

And I never call you, or them, a Devil, if they actually do these things...I am just giving my honest opinion...Just like you give yours, and they give theirs...

I think the devil sometimes isn't aware that he is the devil. He is only acting in a way that the thinks is right but in the wake of his actions and imposition evil is found.

XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:

It is all about your own choices...I am going to say what I think about it...

You don't know what my choices are.

XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:

And I would not, and do not have a problem with someone from the other side, such as you...But i would never stoop so low, to call you the Bride of Satan or anything ridiculous like that...Simply because I do not agree with you...

I honestly don't care what people or you think of me or name me. I'm not trying to get people to like or accept me. They either do or they don't. So refer to me how ever you want, it doesn't matter to me.

XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:

That is why I still see you as a deceptive person, and why I do not believe, I am....I am not trying to get you to change, just see my views...But I can see clearly, you wish to alter mine...And it is not gonna happen...

And I'm the one that gets branded as being closed minded. Imagine that, I bet your side kick over there ignores these statements from you. Funny how she can't see it yet.

XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:

Not at all...You really believe it is respecting yourself, if a person you just picked up off the street, is doing disgusting things to your body, just because he has enough cash, to entice you into doing it, because you need the money?

Well if it were legal, it wouldn't happen off the street. Businesses would start up where women would be safer. The reason the street is involved is because it is illegal, businesses would get shut down so they only have one option, the street. This is how some women become victims of murder because they are putting themselves at the mercy of people who might want to harm them. Just like the green river killer. He was a hard core christian who felt he was cleaning up the streets by murdering prostitutes.

XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:

If that is the case....I will refuse to accept reality, and say I think it is wrong...then say, no I think, that is right...Cause they do not know any better, to look at their own ugly self image in a better way...than they should, and probably are unwilling too...and don't know better...to let that stuff be done to them...When they can stop it, from happening...

Not all of them think how you assume they all do.

XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:

My opinion, is that ,they have a very ugly, self image...That they do not even care enough, to change...Or want to change...And get excited, when men, think about them, and gratify themselves, to them....That is another reason why it should not, be done...Because people who do not want to see it...And fight like Hell, not to watch it...Are drawn in...When we are playing their game...And could care less, about them...And only about there ugly self image...Or as them, as a piece of meat, in our own, ugly thinking....

Once again, this is your own perspective on how you think they are thinking. You are imposing your own imagination on how they see or view it. Sure you might be right for some, but that is not how all of them think.

I have more respect for a person who obtains from their desires while not forcing their desires to go away. You think it would be so much easier to avoid a crutch by demanding it go away when in fact it doesn't work that way. In some cases it only makes the problem worse and when you close the door on the outlet, worse things result.

One such example that I don't think you are aware of. Arson. Did you know that they found out that many people who commit arson are actually caused by sexual oppression? Not all causes but a huge majority are. Strange huh? I remember hearing a guy's confession about his serial arson story and he was a christian who was told repeatedly by his parents that sex was evil and bad. He felt so ashamed of his sexual desires that the only release he could get was to burn things. So rather than have a healthy sexual outlet his parents caused him to become worse than what they were trying to prevent. I should add there were victims of these fires, unintentional ones that he didn't know about when he set the fires. Religion always has the best of intentions but never wants to take responsibility for when it creates evil.

XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:

So they influence us, way more, than we have any effect, on them...But I bet you never thought, about this...Because the Big, bad, old Christian, must be trying to get you to suspend your thinking? Or is evil, and manipulative...and is piece of ****, not even, worthy of respect???

Yes, not worthy of respect when it doesn't take responsibility for the harm it imposes onto our society. Everything that is banned stems directly from religious dogma by imposing their will onto the world the world becomes more evil. Where people who are not so good are empowered and become even more evil people where as they probably wouldn't have had the chance. You don't want to admit this either because you assume imposing your will makes the world better.
Reply Sun 29 Jul, 2012 03:28 pm
XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:
You like a lot, of what Sylvia Brown, says, don't you??

She is a fraud.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Jul, 2012 03:50 pm
And I'm the one that gets branded as being closed minded. Imagine that, I bet your side kick over there ignores these statements from you. Funny how she can't see it yet.

Try, FS.. She is the cat's Mother.

I read. Spades doesn't disagree in sex between two people if , they are doing it believing that they have entered into a relationship that may prosper.. Open Minded. He disagrees with prostitution .. Choice.

Carry on Ms Krumple.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Jul, 2012 04:02 pm
Spades, just thinking out loud.

If, you refuse to allow anyone to change your mind and in addition don't expect to change anyone else's mind on how they think either, then that to me means that you belong to yourself, right? You have a choice to make your own decisions in life especially where you are concerned as a human being, right?

Then, honestly people being brainwashed to do what someone else believes in, not allowing that person to be themselves and make their own decisions about life, is wrong isn't it....

So, prostitution if it is done because that person "wants" to, is their choice.. I have to agree, unfortunately with Ms K, for the second time even though she seems to think I don't full stop, we can't put labels on things. Free spirit like I wrote to you, it's important in my opinion to be yourself, 100%.. We live in this body once only.. I believe everyone has the right to be who they want to be, good or bad it is their choice. I also understand some are "evil" and in that, don't have the right to be a serial killer or mass murder but I don't believe that is their choice, rather they are not all together there, which is a different subject.

Reply Sun 29 Jul, 2012 05:09 pm
Then, honestly people being brainwashed to do what someone else believes in, not allowing that person to be themselves and make their own decisions about life, is wrong isn't it....

What's all this "brainwashed" bullshit? People are not brainwashed. And it's the wrong word anyway. Conditioned is the word.

People make their choices according to what suits their purposes. "Brainwashed" is just a word some people use to make a vicarious comparison, them not being brainwashed being a superior character trait, natch, and to try to discredit, with an audience of yickle kiddiwinks in mind, any choices others make with which they don't agree.

A smearing operation at the pre-historic level to put it honestly. The assumption that people with contrary views are mugs or saps.

How very convenient eh? It avoids thinking.

reasoning logic
Reply Sun 29 Jul, 2012 05:10 pm
It is always nice to hear your wisdom on these issues and even makes it nicer in my opinion how you are able to stay somewhat neutral in these discussion. Smile
Reply Sun 29 Jul, 2012 05:13 pm
And then all philosophical difficulties are surmounted because some people are "not altogether there". Which is to say, nuts.

FS being the judge of what "altogether there" means.
reasoning logic
Reply Sun 29 Jul, 2012 05:14 pm
Conditioned is the word.

If I were to condition the world how I see fit would it not be brainwashing?
Reply Sun 29 Jul, 2012 05:16 pm
@reasoning logic,
makes it nicer in my opinion how you are able to stay somewhat neutral in these discussion.

Thanks for the "somewhat" rl. Women are never neutral. It is not natural to their condition.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Jul, 2012 05:19 pm
@reasoning logic,
If I were to condition the world how I see fit would it not be brainwashing?

It would not. A receptive audience is better. You struck the right note in the circumstances.

Your assumption that the world outside your box consists of mugs and saps is a gross error of judgement understandable as it is.
reasoning logic
Reply Sun 29 Jul, 2012 05:23 pm
Women are never neutral. It is not natural to their condition

Do you think that it might be possible for you to be a little full of yourself?


If I were to condition the world how I see fit would it not be brainwashing?

That's right.

What is right? "That you hold a double standard?

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