Question to those who do or do not doubt Christianity

Reply Sat 28 Jul, 2012 10:59 pm
@reasoning logic,
You may be right but I will be honest I found it rather arousing.

That is exactly why, people like her, and porn stars, do that stuff...Cause they get turned on, by men thinking about them...Like that...

They are egomaniacs, Or don't know what self respect, even is...
Reply Sat 28 Jul, 2012 11:20 pm
@ found Soul...

Your girls (Australia) in the 400M freestyle relay just got the Gold...US, came in with the bronze...

Right now, China has the most medals, (6) after day one...I think Italy, And the US are tied...with (5)...But Italy is ahead of them, must be because they placed higher, in those 5...Michael Phelps, does not even place, in his first race...And comes in 4th...
Reply Sat 28 Jul, 2012 11:24 pm
XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:
Prostitution, shows that you have no respect for your own body, and will do sexual things, just to make money...You clearly do not respect yourself, and they don't respect you...Either...The only difference is, is it is a way of consensual sex...

This is a fine example of christian disconnect with the human condition. It is culturally unacceptable for christians to view sexuality in any way that is positive. This is why you bring up the respect for yourself. However; have you ever considered that there are other jobs in the world that are demeaning to people yet you aren't talking about weather or not they have any self respect. Why because it has nothing to do with respect. It has everything to do with chrisitans viewing sexuality in a negative way. This is why you can't understand it.

You do realize that there are both men and women who sell their sexuality? Most who do it, don't have this issue about sexuality being negative. Their self respect is only in danger when dealing with people who are uptight about sexuality. These are the ONLY people who give them crap about their job. I bet you would say the same thing about nude beaches where there is no sex taking place but yet people are nude. I bet you would think they have no respect for their bodies.

It really has nothing to do with self respect and everything to do with sex being taboo in the mind of a christian who refuses to accept reality.
Reply Sun 29 Jul, 2012 02:42 am
Thanks Spades Smile

Have to admit, David is watching it, I'm cooking even though he's the Chef Wink I like things "live" I can't watch it on the TV, dunno why, appreciate you letting me know though doesn't mean I don't feel a feeling of, well, go Australia Smile

Have you ever wanted to travel somewhere? And, if so where?

Reply Sun 29 Jul, 2012 02:44 am
This is a fine example of christian disconnect with the human condition. It is culturally unacceptable for christians to view sexuality in any way that is positive.

How is prostitution positive?

This is why you bring up the respect for yourself. However; have you ever considered that there are other jobs in the world that are demeaning to people yet you aren't talking about weather or not they have any self respect.

If they are demeaning too, They are the same thing...

Why because it has nothing to do with respect. It has everything to do with chrisitans viewing sexuality in a negative way. This is why you can't understand it.

I do understand it...If you think it is OK, for people to do prostitution...Because, 2 people are agreeing...And should do what they want to do...I am not telling you, I think they should not be allowed, to do it...And I never said you should agree, with me, if you, do not...I am not imposing my morality, onto you, anymore than you impose yours, onto me...I find it disgusting that a human being, would allow a man, or women they do not know, to do disgusting things, to their bodies...Just to make cash...When neither of these 2 people, care about anything...Only one, caring about having a great orgasm, and the other worried about cash...And any person with respect, would never allow another person, to treat them, or each other, as such...For any reason...Because you do not need to do, such things, to survive...

You do realize that there are both men and women who sell their sexuality?

Yes, And it is still wrong in my book...

Most who do it, don't have this issue about sexuality being negative.

That is because they believe, disgusting things, are acceptable...And that is not cool, with me, even if you think, it is fine, since they seem to be OK, with it...I am not trying to change them, or you...But I will be honest, and tell you...That if they do disgusting things, to make large amounts of money, and be famous...It is not a lifestyle, I would chose...

Their self respect is only in danger when dealing with people who are uptight about sexuality.

Who says that any of them, actually listen, to what we say? If they did, would they change? How many porn stars, are converting to Christianity, because of what Christians, are actually saying? Not many right? Then we are not hurting them, and they are going to continue, to do, as they please...But we also have the right to say, why we think, it is wrong, if they can continue to tell us how, they think, they are right, and should be able to do it...

These are the ONLY people who give them crap about their job.

Someone should be wiling to tell them, what they think, if they think, it is wrong...Just like they have the freedom, to say to us...Go out, and bang a hooker, to clear your mind, if we are Christians...Because they view morality, much different...It is no different, at all....You only chose to see this side, because you personally, do not like Christians, or religious...They try to pervert people, as much as Christians, try to tell them, not to do it...

In that case, I would still trust the Christian, because it seem to make sense, that having a job to have people do disgusting things to your body, to make large amounts of money...And be famous, makes more sense, than saying I will do what I want, and you are trying to force me, to change, rather than help me into a better understanding, of how I should view myself, and other people...And who I have sex with...

I bet you would say the same thing about nude beaches where there is no sex taking place but yet people are nude. I bet you would think they have no respect for their bodies.

I think they have respect for their bodies, maybe even, too much...If you are asking my opinion...I do not believe anyone should have to be naked, in a public place...Unless they are alone, with their partner...Any other reason you give...Probably still equates to getting excited because other men, and women are starring at you...I can't say you, or they are wrong, if you like that kind of stuff...But me, I would never do it...And no, I am not trying to force you, into thinking my ways, or anything, I have the right to my opinions, just like you have the right, to yours, and they have there's....You look at me as the Devil, here....Because you may like to prostitute, of go to naked beaches, or something, IDK...That is fine with me...But I am not gonna say, I agree...Just because you would like me too....Because I do not agree....

And I never call you, or them, a Devil, if they actually do these things...I am just giving my honest opinion...Just like you give yours, and they give theirs...

It is all about your own choices...I am going to say what I think about it...

And I would not, and do not have a problem with someone from the other side, such as you...But i would never stoop so low, to call you the Bride of Satan or anything ridiculous like that...Simply because I do not agree with you...

That is why I still see you as a deceptive person, and why I do not believe, I am....I am not trying to get you to change, just see my views...But I can see clearly, you wish to alter mine...And it is not gonna happen...

It really has nothing to do with self respect and everything to do with sex being taboo in the mind of a christian who refuses to accept reality.

Not at all...You really believe it is respecting yourself, if a person you just picked up off the street, is doing disgusting things to your body, just because he has enough cash, to entice you into doing it, because you need the money?

If that is the case....I will refuse to accept reality, and say I think it is wrong...then say, no I think, that is right...Cause they do not know any better, to look at their own ugly self image in a better way...than they should, and probably are unwilling too...and don't know better...to let that stuff be done to them...When they can stop it, from happening...

If that was their only option, you have a point, I can not destroy...But since it is not...

My opinion, is that ,they have a very ugly, self image...That they do not even care enough, to change...Or want to change...And get excited, when men, think about them, and gratify themselves, to them....That is another reason why it should not, be done...Because people who do not want to see it...And fight like Hell, not to watch it...Are drawn in...When we are playing their game...And could care less, about them...And only about there ugly self image...Or as them, as a piece of meat, in our own, ugly thinking....

So they influence us, way more, than we have any effect, on them...But I bet you never thought, about this...Because the Big, bad, old Christian, must be trying to get you to suspend your thinking? Or is evil, and manipulative...and is piece of ****, not even, worthy of respect???
Reply Sun 29 Jul, 2012 02:45 am
Why??? If that was the case, I would be trying to find him...But instead, I am looking for you...

Awee, RL he has trusted you since day dot and has felt you are his friend.. That's coming from the heart.

PS:- You made up a video? Smile Is there something wrong with Spades worried of what you want him to see, and ask you first what it is about?

Reply Sun 29 Jul, 2012 02:48 am
Have you ever wanted to travel somewhere? And, if so where?

All over the world hun...Israel...(to see where Jesus was supposed to have walked...etc...With conjunction to what I can feel...But it is way to wicked of a place, to go anymore) Mostly Ireland, And China...Italy, Where you are...Poland...Tibet...Parts of Mexico...Aruba...Parts of Central America...Canada...Etc....lol....
Reply Sun 29 Jul, 2012 02:52 am
I have to agree Krumple that sexuality is important to understand and shouldn't be frowned upon. How many marriages fail, because they were both virgins and it turns out one is more sexually "wanting" than the other... as an example.

Yet, sex is ok, in marriage.

Then we have the Churches and their Priests, don't let me go there.

I am a free spirit .. I do believe in God.. You know that. Why is it wrong to explore to find, to express, one man may not necessarily be the answer to whom you are.. We are all different, yet we are expected to honor and if he's crap bad luck, if he wants his rocks off only, bad luck.. Deal with it.

Spades, I honestly don't see myself as a bad girl, but I can say that I don't fit the mould of a Christian in that department at all, so why is it that I feel at peace over that and it's ok.. The good that I do or the feeling of being an old soul, is 10 fold to me choosing a sex life that has appetite all be it that I have always left a partner before going with another, so that stands up for something but there is nothing wrong with sex, with finding yourself, it's spirital, in my opinion, why would God give you all those feelings if you can't ever use them because the dick of a guy you are with, only wants to do the deed and then walk? Smile

IDK... just saying... don't hate me Smile
Reply Sun 29 Jul, 2012 02:57 am
PS:- You made up a video? Smile Is there something wrong with Spades worried of what you want him to see, and ask you first what it is about?

No hun, it was not a video about himself...It was a video he linked telling me, he thought it would challenge my rational thinking...And it was very long...I said I do not have the time...Can you please explain some of it...It went a bit sour, and I ended up saying to Logic...If you can tell me how you think it will challenge my rational thinking I will watch it...But he has not got back to me about that yet...
Reply Sun 29 Jul, 2012 03:01 am
I guess where we can't go, we can watch Docs and see Smile I was glued to the TV the other night over India.

Their cremation of bodies? Over coals out in the open .. Wow, took me aback. x
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Jul, 2012 03:01 am
I have to agree Krumple that sexuality is important to understand and shouldn't be frowned upon. How many marriages fail, because they were both virgins and it turns out one is more sexually "wanting" than the other... as an example.

Yet, sex is ok, in marriage.

Then we have the Churches and their Priests, don't let me go there.

I am a free spirit .. I do believe in God.. You know that. Why is it wrong to explore to find, to express, one man may not necessarily be the answer to whom you are.. We are all different, yet we are expected to honor and if he's crap bad luck, if he wants his rocks off only, bad luck.. Deal with it.

Spades, I honestly don't see myself as a bad girl, but I can say that I don't fit the mould of a Christian in that department at all, so why is it that I feel at peace over that and it's ok.. The good that I do or the feeling of being an old soul, is 10 fold to me choosing a sex life that has appetite all be it that I have always left a partner before going with another, so that stands up for something but there is nothing wrong with sex, with finding yourself, it's spirital, in my opinion, why would God give you all those feelings if you can't ever use them because the dick of a guy you are with, only wants to do the deed and then walk?

This all makes perfect sense to me....I have no problem with it....

I am talking about prostitution, with Krumple....And I do not believe you are searching to find you true love, by doing that....It is about letting men, or women use your body, to make money, or be famous...When neither of the 2 people, have any intentions of them ever being one, but doing disgusting things to another, because he had a big enough wad of money, at the time, to convince someone else, to do something, that they probably, would not normally have done...

And Krumple is saying...People should do this, if they want, to do it...And Christians are the ones, who put them thru hell, for doing it...

When all I am saying is my opinion about it...Just like she has her's and they have theirs...And how they entice believers to gratify themselves to them, in our weakness...and they do not listen to us, or they would stop doing it...And how Christians, are effected by it, more than Pornstars are...
Reply Sun 29 Jul, 2012 03:04 am
No, no, no, I referred to the time he put up a video of the "grinding lady" Smile He replied to that stating he had another one if I wanted to see it , so to speak or along those lines then told you he didn't really have one but he does look at that from time to time.

This peeved me off. You have a right to say, "BUD, what's it about give me some insight" before taking the time to view, but he wanted you to take the time to view, 1 hr? I saw 5 mins and clicked off.. But I do understand that he is visual and needs to view, you are happy with conversation.. That was my point but he chose to talk about another sexual video that he had if I wanted to see it?

I've said, good one Krumple, what alot of crap, I've done the same with RL, I'm not here to argue, rather point out.
Reply Sun 29 Jul, 2012 03:08 am
Yes, I know.

But, there are reasons behind this often. Not always the case, but rape, abuse, don't feel they are worth anything, .............................money to get out of it.

Drug addicts, way to make the money, lost souls.

Only Hostesses do it thinking they are a Model and it's easy money, but then again, they don't value themselves.

And the guys? Smile They are purely after money...

Money makes people do things to.

But they are human and not to be judged, they can be who ever they want to be, I would just like to hope that if they feel un-loved, bad life and they are doing it, with or without drugs someone, one day, pulls them out of it.

I can't see them doing it for sex, we can get sex anytime, anywhere, just batter our eyelids.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Jul, 2012 03:12 am
@reasoning logic,
reasoning logic wrote:

If people don't watch them you get upset, that's why you made that snide comment to Ryan about his not wanting to be logical.

Am I upset? Why cant there be more important things than being logical?
Don't get me wrong because I do think that logic is important but it is not all there is in life.

Without getting into another argument, ask yourself why you feel the need to ask so many people to watch videos. You don't just post them, you ask questions about it, 'What do you think of this person?' and so on meaning there is no neutral response.

They've either got to watch the video, ignore you or get into an argument.

You're an atheist, and if you're right, just one of 7 billion+ people going about your futile existence. Why is your opinion so much more important than the other 7 billion, that we should spend considerable amount of our time watching this?

If you watched all your videos back to back it would take a month at least.

Do you really think it's necessary spending a month watching videos just to pander to your ego.

I don't want to argue, I think we've exhausted that anyway, but I think this is a problem, in the same ballpark as being a control freak and OCD.

Why not prove you don't have a problem? See if you can go the whole of August without posting a video. I don't think you can.
Reply Sun 29 Jul, 2012 03:19 am
I know hun...And it is great you are like this! And I love that you are!

I hope you always know, I mean well...Because I know you believe I have Gift as well...It just seems that God has given us different ways, of distributing them...As he can do everything, and nothing is impossible with him!!!

It did not make me mad about the joke, of the lap dance, I just read it, and moved on! Wink Wink Wink Very Happy Very Happy

I really wanted to know, what he thinks, about the video, and me...And I will tell him, what I think, about the video, and him...And the same with the Bible, if I asked him, to read some scriptures...If we are not doing that...I have no interest in watching some guy he thinks is important...Because it may be a waste, to me...And I never, would ask him, to read scriptures...If I was not, explaining to him, how I thought, it related to him....And I should not expect him to, do it...Unless he wanted too...Just like I am not gonna watch a video, he thinks is important, unless I think it, as well, as want to do it...That is what I was trying to say, to him....

Please give me a reason as to how you think It will challenge me...Or why I should be watching it? If he can't, I do not understand why even post it?

I don't want to do all the thinking about the video, I want him to think with me about it...
Reply Sun 29 Jul, 2012 03:25 am
So understand all of that..

Life is about lessons. So is there something there that will appeal? Or , is it another attempt of illogical thinking from some idiot that may be delusional...

I think the later just after viewing for a few minutes, like RL says I may be wrong.

And I totally agree with Izzy's last post , there is no need for arguements but if someone says, what is in the Video ? Why not answer?

Reply Sun 29 Jul, 2012 03:40 am
And I totally agree with Izzy's last post , there is no need for arguements but if someone says, what is in the Video ? Why not answer?


That was all I asked him. to do. hun! And we really did not argue...He just kinda gave me. a cheap shot...But it ended fast...

Cause he is almost never, ever, trying to fight...And I always know that...

He always means well, just like me...

I was just saying I will gladly watch...If we do the thinking together...And I will still watch, if he is open to do this...with me...
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Jul, 2012 04:01 am
I have to ask you a question...Because I believe, it is true...From watching her...and reading some books...Of her's....

You like a lot, of what Sylvia Brown, says, don't you??
Reply Sun 29 Jul, 2012 06:03 am
Who ? : ) Seriously i think more so of myself, like thoughts not from reading or looking
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Jul, 2012 06:08 am
Can't we drop this "hun" shite? It's aggressive condescension.

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