@reasoning logic,
Quote:I do not know if it is true but I heard where prostitution is legal there is less rape but what I heard may be incorrect.
Prostitution, is one step ahead of rape...Because with rape, you have an asshole guy forcing a girl to do sexually things, just to gratify himself...And it make the women feel incredibly horrible and worthless...Maybe hate men, And traumatizes these women for life...
Prostitution, shows that you have no respect for your
own body, and will do sexual things, just to make money...You clearly do not respect yourself, and they don't respect you...Either...The only difference is, is it is a way of consensual sex...
But in no way, Is prostitution an answer to rape problems...
I know many will say, as long as both parties are agreeing to do it, So it is different...
But you have some serious issues, if you do that to make money...Because you are not being forced to do it...And you don't even have enough respect for your own body, to treat it differently....And have enough respect for yourself...To not let other people treat you like a peace of meat, yourself...When you can do something about it...
Not to mention, all the diseases you can get, or unwanted pregnancies, you can have, just to put money in your pocket...