Question to those who do or do not doubt Christianity

reasoning logic
Reply Tue 10 Jul, 2012 06:34 pm
When Jesus says...Blessed are the sick, poor, humble, meek...I do not believe he means someone with a flue...no....

The nice thing about moral philosophy is that you gain understandings and with understandings you do not necessarily have to believe them but it is nice to understand them and when better understanding come forward and prove your old understandings to be incorrect you can rejoice in you new understanding. Smile
Reply Tue 10 Jul, 2012 06:51 pm
@reasoning logic,
I have to say Logic...Because I am compelled by God, right now, to say it...One thing about you...And I have felt this for a long time, but never found a time to say it, like right now...

You truly are the most empathetic atheist I have ever met in my life...2 Cents
Reply Tue 10 Jul, 2012 08:28 pm
There's nothing to forgive Spades...

I think you value the people here on your Thread, and just get a little up-set if you feel that you may have lost that, which you haven't as far as I am concerned, or can tell.

I think that seeing things not just only through God's eyes, but your own eyes through yourself and therefore, seeing what is writen is a good thing to, to learn. Life is about learning after all.
reasoning logic
Reply Wed 11 Jul, 2012 07:31 pm
You truly are the most empathetic atheist I have ever met in my life..

Thank you Ryan, I will take that as a complement because I think you meant it that way but you know me. "I will have to share with you what I think may be the reason for that " if it is true."

Again I have to be honest, "now that I am older lo0king back, I have been a peace of **** when I reflect on my youth, because I know that I could have treated some people better than I have. "not that I was trying to be mean but looking back on life I can see where I have treated some people way less than what they deserved.

I would would have to say in my opinion if it is true. If I am more empathetic than many people, it is not because I am some sort of saint but rather a person who has neuro pathways opposite of some one who is a sociopath. what I am implying is, "it is not by my choice but rather by my environment and biology which I can take no credit for. Just as a sociopath is not completely in control of his or her behavior.

I prefer a scientific approach to moral issues even though I may think that the empathic approach is always the best approach. The reason I say this is because I do find it possible for emotions to get in the way of progress. "if it can be proven to be so" and I think that it could be in some cases.
Reply Wed 11 Jul, 2012 10:09 pm
Thanks a lot hun! I did not mean what I said...I got jealous...And acted like an asshole...Because I was listening to the Devil, in my ear...Rather than God in my mind and Heart...

You know...My words of encouragement to you are this....It is easy for someone to be your friend...And act like it, or agree with you, because they are your friend....It is another thing entirely, when someone you know and are friends with...Can put an act of evil behind them, and show that that person is still a friend of there's...So I will never forget what you said and did....I truly value you as a friend....And never wish for that to ever fade....Whether I do something stupid, or we just don't agree from time to time....

You really do know God, I know you do, and can feel it to the bones in my body....Have a great day or night, when you read this hun....
Reply Wed 11 Jul, 2012 10:16 pm
@reasoning logic,
I am not telling you, who you are, or anything...But I do not personally believe, it has anything to do with your make-up....It seems you have come to grips, with being a "piece of ****" when younger, as you have said....As I did not know you....And it was all a learning curve, and process of understanding yourself, and being honest...And wanting to change your faults...and make them better, for you, and others...I don't personally believe that is how your were created...But rather you learned how to be empathetic, because you wanted to be....And everyone has this ability, even if they are a sociopath....It is all depending on whether they actually want to learn and change....

The way you said it...Seems to me, that some people have no hope...And I do not agree...I think that everyone can...It all depends if they actually want to do it or not....And that is what makes empathetic people...Empathetic, and what makes a sociopath, a sociopath....We all control who we are....

Unless someone is truly sick....and then there are grey areas, that come into play, such as do they know what good morality even is....But like I said before...Chances are, they do not really then even understand what negative morality even is....and are already saved...By what Jesus has said....
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Jul, 2012 02:46 am
@reasoning logic,
Thank you Ryan, I will take that as a complement because I think you meant it that way but you know me. "I will have to share with you what I think may be the reason for that " if it is true."

Again I have to be honest, "now that I am older lo0king back, I have been a peace of **** when I reflect on my youth, because I know that I could have treated some people better than I have. "not that I was trying to be mean but looking back on life I can see where I have treated some people way less than what they deserved.
Kind of like Ryans reply to you.

Do you mind? You are correct, if that is true.

We have all been guilty of being a tart, or being assertive yet the other person is nieve, or taking more than we give, or wanting more than we deserve.. One, or all of those. Life is about lessons RL and as we get older, we get wiser don't we? I have had people come back into my life for 5 seconds, 20 years later, ever contacting my Mother as she is in the phone book searching for me. And for that 5 seconds, they have apologised, in the case of the call to my Mother, stating, "ok" as she would not give my number out, "but tell her I really did love her". That's it.. Strange.. But, I see it as people realising what they did and having said those few words, others "sorry" is enough for them to let go and be happy in life. You can "choose" to do the same if ever you felt like it..

I would would have to say in my opinion if it is true. If I am more empathetic than many people, it is not because I am some sort of saint but rather a person who has neuro pathways opposite of some one who is a sociopath. what I am implying is, "it is not by my choice but rather by my environment and biology which I can take no credit for. Just as a sociopath is not completely in control of his or her behavior.

I prefer a scientific approach to moral issues even though I may think that the empathic approach is always the best approach. The reason I say this is because I do find it possible for emotions to get in the way of progress. "if it can be proven to be so" and I think that it could be in some cases.

I believe we know exactly what lessons we have to learn in this life, as who we are that we actually choose the path we are going to go down in order to learn those lessons.. Yes, I believe in re-incarnation therefore I believe we choose our parents so that we choose our destiny to alter the past lessons not learnt.. The hard way. So that can still fit into science in a way, biology. You can take credit, although there is a good saying "we can't choose our parents" ..mmmm..

It sounds to me that you diss the thought that lessons are there to be learnt rather are pissed at yourself now you are older at some of the things you did, the way you treated people. Don't you think that is normal? And, that you want justification, logic, reason, for everything you now think or do, so that it makes sense as it didn't make sense to you as to why you did those things.

What ever happened to being ourselves? We are who we are. We are meant to make mistakes, learn from them. And, as we get older we get wiser, don't judge, don't diss and know that people are who they are, we can't change them, should not change them, but understand that they are living as who they are, we can off course guide them.

Reply Thu 12 Jul, 2012 02:52 am
Hi Ryan.

Jealousy is a waste of energy, emotions huh. I told you before or asked you if you thought one was playing against you, to beat your God, to win..

I can only say if you look at this:-

Jealousy is a waste of emotion, energy.
There is no such thing as can't, I can.
People are who they are, accept them.
Anger is also a waste of emotion, energy.
We can walk this Earth alone and count our true friends on one hand, in one lifetime but we will have many acquaintences.. We remember the good ones that walked our path, in friendship no matter how long that friendship lasted for, it was real.

IDK just some positive affirmations for ya Smile

It is easy for the Devil to trick you as well, that is what he is all about if he is real. True? So, you have to believe in yourself Ryan. That you are worthy, and that if someone says, they like you, they do... You need to judge although I don't believe in judging so perhaps wrong word, ascertain, if they are true or false and once validated, never question it.

I value you as a person, I call you a friend. I don't care if you do something stupid, or that we don't agree, you are who you are.. Accepted.

Chill Smile

I know that I can feel even through typed words, often, as to what that person is feeling and it's ok, to get something wrong.. Sheez, I have, you have, he has, they have, we all have.
Reply Thu 12 Jul, 2012 02:56 am
@reasoning logic,
I have changed my thought, again, upon thinking about this....Well not really changed...I think you are right...And I think, I am right...And I will fully explain below, what I actually mean...

If someone, can see, hear, and walk...And it causes them to sin...Is it a better miracle, to teach them ethics, than not? Yes it is....It is better for them, to be blind, deaf, and crippled and be saved....Than have sight, and be condemned...

But they need, no miracle, to see, they need a miracle...to pluck there eyes...to not see, anything impure, again...

To see, ethically correct...

You are right...

If someone can not see, hear, or walk, then they have no need for any miracle, they are already saved...Because they have no understanding of what a correct ethic, is...Or not...They are already doing it...And are saved...As they have never experienced anything, impure to corrupt them, for a need, of a miracle, to be more ethically, saved...They are already doing it, and are saved...

Neither is really, more important, like I said, before...

But if they want a miracle...then they would have to have a miracle, to enable them to see, hear, and walk...So that they would even know, and understand, what corruption is...Or what an impure thing is, to even understand a better understanding of ethics...So the first, precedes the second...

Is the ultimate goal, being ethically correct? Yes it is...And it does not matter, how you get there...

If you can not see, then you are already doing it...If you can see, you are more privileged, and should be doing it...And if you can see, and are not doing it...You should make yourself blind, or do whatever it takes, so that you are doing it...And can never be impure again....

So whatever it takes, to be ethically correct, is what Jesus, is saying, to do...

Because that is what matters...

Not really anything to do, with which, is more important...

So, no one, can fully answer, if it is better, to have sight, or to be blind, and be taught...they both, do not exist...

You either see, and do it...You see, and do not...And should pluck them...You either don't see, and want to...Or don't see, and have no need too...

You are either blind, and are doing it...And are happy, and have no need to do anything, to make you, more ethically correct...You either, are blind, and want to see...Which needs a miracle....You either, can see, and need a miracle to learn to be ethically correct, and that would be plucking out of your eyes...Or either, you can not see, and want to see, which requires a miracle, then either are doing ethically correct things...a miracle, or not...And need to pluck them out, or learn to be ethically correct, and need another miracle...But the first precedes the second...If you can not see...then there is no need, to learn to be, more ethically correct, and a miracle, at all...Unless you want one...Or feel you need to see...

I am right...

So we are both right, in my opinion....And neither is a more important miracle...as all miracles are important...But what Spendi, and I, have said...precedes the second....

By what you said, before...It is like, you are taking, what, Jesus said...And are saying, it is better, to not have sight, at all...to be saved....While true for some...This is simply not true...For all...Because if it is...we are all better off, plucking our eyes out...Or God would not have given anyone two eyes...since, like you said...We are all blind to ethics...Anyways...And that is not, at all, what I think, Jesus meant....

Jesus intended us to have 2 eyes, and not be blind, at all...

Which requires...Sight, and correct ethics...

Neither one, over the other...

So you can be blind, and do it...Or you can have sight, and do it...(Gods Intention) You can be blind, and want a miracle, or have sight, and want a miracle to lose it...And see....

But Gods intention was for us to see, and be ethically correct...Not for everyone to pluck the 2 eyes he gave us...Because we are all ethically impure at times...Or there is no reason, for any of us to have been given two eyes to see...
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Jul, 2012 03:07 am
Thanks...I just made a mistake...and it is fine...I like you saying for me to be who I am...And part of that...to me, is to tell someone I messed up...I think that makes a person real, and an adult for doing it...And it also shows they care...

I do not mean you do not care, or think this way...by saying...something like...Its not a big deal...Or I am past it, etc...Because I know what you mean...

But to me, it makes all the difference in the world...And I do not see it as any kind of weakness to do so...In fact, I think it means someone is truly genuine...And honest, and self-honest, intellectually honest...And has respect for everyone...including themselves...

Again, not saying you do not feel this way, by what you said...because I know you do not...

But that, is a part of me, being me...and being able to sleep at night, about it, and how I find restitution, or closure... in my mistakes...

And I understand, that everyone is different...
Reply Thu 12 Jul, 2012 03:33 am
Forgiveness, understanding, acknowledgement, closure, peace.

All sounds perfect to me Spades Smile
Reply Thu 12 Jul, 2012 04:19 am
@reasoning logic,
And, I wanted to say a few more things Logic....And if you disagree...Please tell me where you think, I am wrong in my thinking...??

There are 4 possibilities, agreed?

1. A person is blind...And does not need a miracle, and is already seeing, and is ethically correct...Because they are pure...Though they fully do not understand the differences...

2. A person, has sight, and can see, ethically correct...

3. A person is blind...And wants to be able to see...And wants a miracle...

4. A person, can see...But is blind, ethically...And wants a miracle, or courage, to pluck their eyes, to be saved, rather than condemned....

Do you "think" that Jesus, is saying, it is "best" to have no sight, as we all...are ethically blind?

Because I do not think, he does...He is saying, do whatever you can, to make sure, you're saved...and able, to ethically see...Whatever it takes...

From above...

1. They don't need to change...If they don't want too...They are saved...Because of The Devil...tormenting them...And are innocent...Or ignorant...(And I mean, Ignorant, as in not knowing...Not in a negative way)

2. Gods perfect intention...

3. Gods intention of a "miracle"...

4. Gods words of wisdom, of a last resort, in order to save your soul...Exactly what he meant, in the scripture you quoted before...but not his "Idea", of a "miracle''

Do you "think" it was Gods intention, to give us sight, and be ethically correct...? Or, for all of us, to pluck our eyes, as we are all ethically wrong, at times?

Number 2, trumps, number 4, every time...

So having a "miracle" to see...like Spendi, and I, have said...Is what he wants us, to want?

If you disagree, please kindly explain, where I am wrong....

Do you understand, what the two of us, mean now?
reasoning logic
Reply Thu 12 Jul, 2012 05:24 am
Please keep in mind that 99% of everything I share are my opinions and/or understandings and they very well may be incorrect.

Do you "think" that Jesus, is saying, it is "best" to have no sight, as we all...are ethically blind?

I think Jesus may have been pointing out that the greater is to have an ethical understanding than to have physical abilities.

Do you "think" it was Gods intention, to give us sight, and be ethically correct...? Or, for all of us, to pluck our eyes, as we are all ethically wrong, at times?

We should start to realize when we see questions like this what the answers are going to be. It is like a father getting upset with his son and asking him "Do you want a spanking? We can be pretty sure the son is not going to say "yes daddy.

You should know that I do not believe in a God so I certainly would not think it would be his intention, to give us sight, and be ethically correct Or, for all of us, to pluck our eyes, as we are all ethically wrong, at times.

I think that there is little to no free will about us and that we are a bunch of molecules interacting with one another and if you change this arrangement in a very small way you will become a different person.

Reply Thu 12 Jul, 2012 05:27 am
Forgiveness, understanding, acknowledgement, closure, peace.

All sounds perfect to me Spades

It is very easy to do...When you are around, a very strong, faithful, passionate, loving, accepting, peaceful, caring, kind, gentle...Soul, who has very strong beliefs, and faith in God, herself....Who is an extremely assertive women...I must say...And radiates herself to others...So that a Prophet of God, can perceive it to be! Wink Wink Very Happy Very Happy
reasoning logic
Reply Thu 12 Jul, 2012 05:32 am
It is very easy to do...When you are around, a very strong, faithful, passionate, loving, accepting, peaceful, caring, kind, gentle...Soul, who has very strong beliefs, and faith in God, herself....Who is an extremely assertive women...I must say...And radiates herself to others...So that a Prophet of God, can perceive it to be!

OK now it is my turn for you to say a bunch of good things about me. Very Happy Very Happy I bet you never talk like that to a man I wonder why? You little flirt. Embarrassed Shocked Embarrassed Laughing Laughing Laughing
Reply Thu 12 Jul, 2012 05:54 am
@reasoning logic,
LMAO and duly true Smile
Reply Thu 12 Jul, 2012 05:57 am
@reasoning logic,
I think Jesus may have been pointing out that the greater is to have an ethical understanding than to have physical abilities.

But you also agree...He would have wanted us, to have ethical understandings, And physical abilities? And not have to make a choice, between the 2?

As it is not about, one, over the other...But being able to have, and being able, to do them both?

Surly, if you can not...It is better to be blind...and be pure...And innocent...Be able to see, and think ethically...Be blind, but want sight, as a "miracle"....Or have sight, but use his wisdom, as a "last resort", to pluck your eyes...if you can not, do any of the first 3, options?

We should start to realize when we see questions like this what the answers are going to be. It is like a father getting upset with his son and asking him "Do you want a spanking? We can be pretty sure the son is not going to say "yes daddy.

Are you saying, you "think" no one wants to pluck their eyes...and this is why, people think the way I do? Is it possible, that that is because God intended us to have sight, and be ethically correct, and never actually wanted anyone, to ever, plucked their eyes out? Like I said...Even though, he has said that...Because he knew, in his perfection, some would need to hear this truth, no matter, how horrific it is, to even think about...Just like any true God, would actually say, to the ones, he gave his life for?

You should know that I do not believe in a God so I certainly would not think it would be his intention, to give us sight, and be ethically correct Or, for all of us, to pluck our eyes, as we are all ethically wrong, at times.

How should, I know this? You told me, you are a Christian, atheist...So why did you quote that passage, then? What does it actually mean, to you? Being that you are a Christian, atheist? Being that you like "some" of Jesus' moral teachings....What does that passage, actually mean, to you? Besides...the ethics, over physical...?

I think that there is little to no free will about us and that we are a bunch of molecules interacting with one another and if you change this arrangement in a very small way you will become a different person.

So now, you are saying, there is no need, to ever be, ethically correct, or to pluck your eyes, if you are not? Because, we do not ultimately control it, anyways? Why did, you tell me, I was more wrong about my own perceptions of what was a "greater miracle"? And why did you say, it was odd that a witch knew more than a prophet of God does? What is actually odd about that? What makes you "think", it is odd?...If you have no inclination about God?...Or what he means, of what his messages are? Because you do not believe he is...If we both believe in God, there is no difference? You disagree? And what was the purpose, of quoting that scripture to me, then? And asking me about it? If you already "knew" what you thought, you did about it?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Jul, 2012 06:05 am
@reasoning logic,
reasoning logic wrote:
OK now it is my turn for you to say a bunch of good things about me. Very HappyVery Happy I bet you never talk like that to a man I wonder why? You little flirt.

LMAO and duly true

You guys are both being funny! and I like it! But it is not true...Sorry to say...No offense to either one of the two of you....What I said, was not based upon flirting, or any kind of sexual thinking at all....My mind is being very clean and pure right now...and I am being very holy, and my mind is very close to God right now...So I am thinking much clearer, than I normally do...

I promise, I will give you praise Logic, when I am compelled by God to do it...

And that does not mean, I can't think of anything...It just means it would be me saying something right now, to flatter your ego...(Or I should say, more politely, I would be blowing smoke up your ass...And it is dishonest for me to do that to you) When I am not being compelled by God himself to say it....And you know this is true...Because I gave you a high praise, last night....About being the most empathetic atheist, I have ever met...

I could give you somethings off the top of my head...But it would not have its full meaning if I did that....When God compels me to do it...It will mean that much more....Because not only is it my mind, but it is from God himself....No offense, meant toward either one of the 2 of you 2...
Reply Thu 12 Jul, 2012 06:32 am
LMAO and duly true

And I said this before, FS...And it is true...I would absolutely love for us to be closer, and be friends...and meet and talk all the time, about what we believe....

Seeing that you are in love, and so am I....I do not think about you, in that kind of way....

I really do not know why I said that joke about you...I should not have ever even said it...

Honestly, If you want my 100% honest, opinion....Because I can perceive that that is what you want to hear...I find you to be very attractive indeed...And I think your fiance is a very lucky man indeed....I would love to meet someone like you...But I honestly do not think about you in that kind of way...I am in love with someone else, just like you are....And I would never pervert someone else's mind, about adultery....Nor do I Honestly want another to do it, for me...Maybe in my lust....But when I am being Holy, and am away from the Devil...I can think very, very, clearly...And see it is clearly wrong....And I am uncomfortable talking about it right now...

And I am not, at all, saying, you are lusting about me or anything...

That is 100% the truth....
0 Replies
reasoning logic
Reply Thu 12 Jul, 2012 07:02 am

You guys are both being funny! and I like it! But it is not true..

I do not see anything wrong with what you said and even if you were flirting what is so bad about that? You have not made a commitment as of yet that I am aware of and for FS "she is supposedly engaged but who knows if she is being completely honest about her relationship to herself. She is not married yet, who knows? some handsome man like yourself may have her thinking second thoughts with the charming that you use. Idea

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