Question to those who do or do not doubt Christianity

reasoning logic
Reply Wed 4 Jul, 2012 01:51 pm
Of course he would have...But I have said this before...I am not Christ, and do not claim to be.

I know this but with you being a Christian and everything, I thought that you too might want to be Christ like but I have been wrong many times before on what it means to be a christian and showing that Christ like example that others valued so much about Jesus.

.But since she got me, to open up...To show her what she needed to see...And has yet, to answer me...This is what she gets for that....

She had it coming didn't she?


I noticed that you seem to like what she said, and called her an intellectual, when she insulted me for the last 5 pages when she posted.

Do you think that an intellectual is capable of handling Moral matters in a less than desirable manner?

So why not tell her, you like her thoughts, but she should act better..

I see that you must not have paid attention to me when I stated that 2 times. Should I have said something more sociopathic to her so that she would have a greater interest in what I was saying to her?
Reply Wed 4 Jul, 2012 02:25 pm
@reasoning logic,
I know this but with you being a Christian and everything, I thought that you too might want to be Christ like but I have been wrong many times before on what it means to be a christian and showing that Christ like example that others valued so much about Jesus.

I will answer you first question, with your own post, below...

"Do you think that an intellectual is capable of handling Moral matters in a less than desirable manner?"

She had it coming didn't she?

No one should have it coming...She should not have acted, that way towards me, I should not have done it, to her...But since I give people what they give me...So they can rationalize, their own behavior...She got what she gave me, for the last ten pages, of this thread....

Do you think that an intellectual is capable of handling Moral matters in a less than desirable manner?

Yes, and that includes a person, who embraces Jesus Christ is the Lord...

I see that you must not have paid attention to me when I stated that 2 times. Should I have said something more sociopathic to her so that she would have a greater interest in what I was saying to her?

I saw it...But I know what you meant, when you said it to me...And I know what you meant, when you said it to her....Nope, as I do not think most people are sociopathic...All I want is consistency...If you are going to tell me, I am acting sociopathic,at times...Then it is good for any other...You should not be selective or bias...about who is actually acting sociopathic...It is not really nepotism, as it is not family, but you will get my drift...If someone is acting sociopathic....and you tell them that...Then you can not harbor someone else, just because they have opinions, similar to yours...If she is acting sociopathic....Then you own it to yourself, and her, to tell her that...If you are going to say it to other people, just because you disagree with them...If you believe people act sociopathic...Just because they say something you find to be intellectual...Does not mean you should not, tell them, they are acting sociopthic....Again, if that is, what you truly believe....If you are going to give praise...Then you must also, be willing to tell them, what they are wrong about...That is being intellectually honest...And being unbiased...And non-selective....
reasoning logic
Reply Wed 4 Jul, 2012 02:39 pm
No one should have it coming...She should not have acted, that way towards me, I should not have done it, to her...But since I give people what they give me...So they can rationalize, their own behavior...She got what she gave me, for the last ten pages, of this thread....

Do you think that an intellectual is capable of handling Moral matters in a less than desirable manner?

Yes, and that includes a person, who embraces Jesus Christ is the Lord...

How will people ever know how Jesus behaved if Christ like people are not willing to resit attacks on others?


I saw it...But I know what you meant, when you said it to me...And I know what you meant, when you said it to her.

Would you be kind enough to explain to me how my thinking was different between the 2 of you?

.If you are going to tell me, I am acting sociopathic,at times..

Would you mind showing me where I have said this directly toward you.
There is a little bit of a difference between me saying we all act out antisocially and directly saying you are behaving sociopathically.

Reply Wed 4 Jul, 2012 03:00 pm
@reasoning logic,
Isn't a sociopath a person whose behavior is antisocial, and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience?

In which case the Global Warming brigade must think anybody who uses fossil fuels gratuitously is a sociopath. By gratuitously I mean that the purpose of the usage is to set oneself forth as a better class of person.

Hence most of us are sociopaths, including most of the GW brigade, and therefore the expression is meaningless.

Having one's own subjective definition of the word is an extremer form of sociopathy. Then one might define anybody one wishes as a sociopath and the word is again meaningless.
reasoning logic
Reply Wed 4 Jul, 2012 03:16 pm
Isn't a sociopath a person whose behavior is antisocial, and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience?
Sure that is a definition and there are many degrees of antisocial behavior that we all engage in just as all animals do.


Hence most of us are sociopaths, including most of the GW brigade, and therefore the expression is meaningless.

Well one could conclude that it is meaningless but for most of us humans we seem to find a value in not acting in antisocial ways, for reasons of empathy and logical reasons as well, because many of us see that the more empathic we are " I am not talking about an utopia but rather an idea that consist of rational thinking as well" the more we are able to prosper as individuals and as a group. Sure there are some that can prosper more from being antisocial in an economic sense and in other ways but I do not think that it adds value to our society when people do this.
Reply Wed 4 Jul, 2012 03:18 pm
@reasoning logic,
How will people ever know how Jesus behaved if Christ like people are not willing to resit attacks on others?

Great question, they will not...That is why I backed off, from posting to her, last night...But people who embrace Jesus, still act out in bad ways, on ill-mannerisms...And they learn from when people are doing the Good, that Jesus talks about....

Would you be kind enough to explain to me how my thinking was different between the 2 of you?

Sure, this was just a test to see what you would say...I am listening to my perceptions, and I could be wrong, so I apologize If I am...You said it to me, in a way of acting sociopathic....And you said it to her, in a way, where you were downplaying it, or soothsaying it...And did not mean to say she is acting sociopathic...But just saying...Aww man, you should not have said that....Because I "think" you like what she has to say...and most times you disagree with me...What makes me believe this? I think if I remember correctly, both times you made mention, of her saying hurtful things...Was both times, after, I had made mention of them...So it seems to me, you had no interest in explaining to her....To act nicer, or not sociopathic...But I could be wrong about it all...And I trust you will tell me the truth, about it....

Would you mind showing me where I have said this directly toward you.
There is a little bit of a difference between me saying we all act out antisocially and directly saying you are behaving sociopathically.

I can not remember where, as it, has not happened many times....But I am almost certain, you have said to me, in the past...I am acting sociopathic...About something....I think if you go back, to the page, where I was fighting with all of Jeff's friends, you said something, to me, like, do You think that acting Sociopathic is the best way?
Reply Wed 4 Jul, 2012 03:24 pm
Some people really ought to bring themselves up to speed on the destruction of the library at Alexandria and the lynching of Hypatia. Using the words in the same way as a dog barks is unsuitable on a site called Ask an Expert. It insults the site and all its members.

It's a 10 minute video, in-between looking after the diabetic dog and Ruby, who had his first Chemo yesterday... I didn't listen intently but she did have a scroll in her hand, what I thought to be, teaching the youth.. Didn't the two occur one after another, ie) her death and then the distruction of the library?

IDK, you know I'm all good with learning.
reasoning logic
Reply Wed 4 Jul, 2012 03:32 pm
Great question, they will not...That is why I backed off, from posting to her, last night...But people who embrace Jesus, still act out in bad ways, on ill-mannerisms...And they learn from when people are doing the Good, that Jesus talks about....

Do you think that a Christ like person would say something like " I am sorry for getting angry with you but what you said was very hurtful to me. I am sorry that you think of me the way you do and I will try harder to show you that I do not mean any harm in the way I see things.
When I see that you have something hateful to say about me I will tell myself that maybe you have experienced things that I have not and that is why you have the hate towards me that you do.

you said it to her, in a way, where you were downplaying it, or soothsaying it.

Do you think that being more aggressive in my response would have hit home with her better?

I am almost certain, you have said to me, in the past..

So you are not certain that it has even happened but yet you claimed that it has?
I have said this to at least one person that I know of and that person knows who they are and I do not need to bring this up as me and this person is trying to be more respectful towards one another.
I do not recall saying it to you but I am not perfect and I could have made such a mistake in the past.
reasoning logic
Reply Wed 4 Jul, 2012 03:48 pm
Didn't the two occur one after another, ie) her death and then the distruction of the library?

I am not sure but I did find this.

Hypatia fell victim in the midst of these infuriated passions. One day as she was returning home she was seized by a band of parabalani [παράβολοι] or lay brethren, whose duty it was to tend the sick and who were under the supervision of the Patriarch. These fanatics, led by a certain Peter, dragged her to a church and, tearing off her garments, hewed her in pieces and burned the fragments of her body. The reason alleged in public for this atrocity was that she hindered a reconciliation between Orestes and Cyril; but the true motive, as Socrates tells us, was envy. This ecclesiastical historian does not conceal his opinion that Cyril was morally responsible.

I am not sure why Socrates is mentioned in there am I missing something. Makes me wonder if this info is credible.
Reply Wed 4 Jul, 2012 03:49 pm
The thing is, I know he is a scam
And, how would that be so, unless you are him.. You can guess.

Ive seen it before and I know because I was just like him once with his lines.
You're suggesting he's a looney, so are you saying you were/are too?

I know his game and the cure is someone having the balls to call him out on it. That's the problem with out society, they are too afraid to challenge anyone on their bullshit
So you are a Doctor? Krumple, with all due respect I doubt you've read this entire thread because if you had, you would note even the long term players of this thread have questioned Spades and challenged him, pretty much all the way through, difference being they have done it politely. . Not with some hidden agenda, witch hunt. Don't insult our intelligence

guys like him are conducting simiars and telling people he is jesus incarnate and getting them to hand over their life savings.

I'll place a bet with you Krumple that Spades never, states later down the track that he actually is Jesus incarnated. In addition, we've had those vidoes on here too, we've discussed the crooks of the World that are doing that, on this thread too and we've discussed the distaste of those that claim to be holy and take peoples money for self gain.

What's more alarming is that you believe that Spades may be one of those characters. Spades? (giggle) He is just a guy who is caught up with thoughts, dreams, pain and believes that God is speaking to him, sometimes through him, he hates money, has no need for it, hasn't had it so isn't missing it.. Do you judge and read all characters in a certain way without spending the time to disect their thought pattern? Sounds to me that you were burnt at some point and are putting anyone like Spades into one catagory.

You act as if I am saying he is not worthy of living. I wouldn't say that but he still is a piece of **** of a person, I can tell you that. His attempts at flattery and kind remarks is over compensation for his evil he knows he is guilty of. So he compliments and tries to flatter people to convince himself that he isn't so bad or as a pay off for wrong he has already conducted. Like he is buying the rights to do something wrong in the future.

You can tell me what you want. Doesn't mean I am going to agree with you. Quite the opposite. This isn't about Guilt with Spades. This is about being rebelious firstly, lashing out as he has a temper that he knows he has to control, secondly and thirdly it's about Spades being quite a gentle soul can't handle losing a "friend" and classes people as "friends" quite instantly... He is after all, a loner.. Once he feels he has gained his friend back, he's happy, he's not buying nothing.

This is his act and futile attempt to convince me that he isn't who I think he is. I don't mind looking like the bad guy and he will continue to try and shrug off my attempts to reveal him to everyone else
RL called you intelligent. I'm starting to wonder. You've got this guy by the balls and you are playing Judge and Jury. You want to reveal him? So at one stage, you think he might have a mental illness, at another stage, you feel that he is about to claim he is Jesus and take peoples money, which is it?

With a dumb world you can take advantage of the unsuspecting and desperate
So your mission is to ensure that everyone that comes onto this thread, has their eyes opened as they are dumb and can be taken advantage of and they are desperate. Really? That's news to me. I can only see intelligent people discussing and counter-acting, debating and also telling Ryan that in alot of instances, he's purely doing a pie in the sky and not finding factual things to back up a previous comment but certainly no one on this thread is friggen desperate or dumb.. You seem to now feel that you are playing God. Thanks for your thoughts but I'll go with my own wisdom, intelligence and the only time I am dumb is when I pull the dumb blonde card, just because I can, whilst I walk away laughing at doing so.

Like I said, if you could spot the serial killer, wouldn't you feel inclined to point them out before they could cause any future heartache? This is no different.
... If I spotted a serial killer, it would be because I caught him / her in the act and was aware of a previous act, which means I must have been suspicious of that person prior. I would never guestimate, oh it could be him I can spot him, it's him I just feel it in my bones. This is nothing like that. It's a guy who is conversing on a Forum, he certainly feels the need to convert people to believing in God, or a God, or really to him, "The God" but that's not evil, or bad. He's not trying to take money from anyone...

I think that you're wound up to the hilt over something very minor and acting as if it's someting major whilst also effectively calling everyone on here a dumb azz that you have to save, cause you spotted a pretendor that will somewhere along the line claim he is Jesus and take our money.

I'd prefer to know where the heck you are getting all this "information" from that you have gathered in order to call Spades "out".....

I could state that Spades has many characters. One that is the most outstanding this one. But, the other characters see evil. I mean Spades sees it in his dreams, they are real. And, those characters are nasty, come out and then somewhere along the line, they digress as all Spades wants is to feel God, and be happy because he can't stand the dreams anymore, the evil. So he's locked in two personalities and he wants God to win. That he's played those cards with me pretending that those people were one person but not him. But then I would be speculating. See how I don't become a Judge and Jury?

I am quite suprised over your last reply to me.. To be honest.
reasoning logic
Reply Wed 4 Jul, 2012 03:54 pm
@reasoning logic,
I am not sure why Socrates is mentioned in there am I missing something. Makes me wonder if this info is credible.

I see it was a different Socrates. Shocked
Socrates Scholasticus,

0 Replies
Reply Wed 4 Jul, 2012 03:58 pm
BTW Spendius, you are right about Greece, and smoking....China is the same way, they have more people, who smoke per capita, than the US...and they live about 7 years longer, than we do....
0 Replies
Reply Wed 4 Jul, 2012 04:11 pm
@reasoning logic,
Do you think that a Christ like person would say something like " I am sorry for getting angry with you but what you said was very hurtful to me. I am sorry that you think of me the way you do and I will try harder to show you that I do not mean any harm in the way I see things.

Sure...But I think I handled it very well last night....Do you disagree? It seems you are trying to shift it off of her again....And are saying it was my fault...Which it was not...That is why I tested you...You see, I too like studying human behavior...If she is acting hateful...Then it is up to her...To be honest and admit, she should not act that way...And even if I said it...If she did not want to do it...She would not have...It all lies with her....And furthermore, when I told her, I was not going to reply to her, till she acted like an adult and treated me with respect...She said she did not care...There was nothing I could have done...

When I see that you have something hateful to say about me I will tell myself that maybe you have experienced things that I have not and that is why you have the hate towards me that you do.

I could have said that....But she also, could have just said...I want to know your answers Spade....So I apologize for being hateful...I will treat you with respect, because I should not do otherwise, since I like to help people (if she does) I will ask you nicely, so that you will answer me...Rather than calling me a piece of ****...dumbing down society...Had an agenda...A snake-skin oil man, she will not be cordial to me.. etc....If she showed me an ounce of generosity toward me, I would have done the same...And as a matter of fact, I have replied to her in the past...When she started out by making a post to me...that was hateful...If I never did anything about it...She would still do it...And probably will, the next time she posts...It is up to her to change...If she wants to do it...And if she does...I will be cordial to her...

So you are not certain that it has even happened but yet you claimed that it has?
I have said this to at least one person that I know of and that person knows who they are and I do not need to bring this up as me and this person is trying to be more respectful towards one another.
I do not recall saying it to you but I am not perfect and I could have made such a mistake in the past.

I would say I am 99% sure...So sure...I do not even care to take the time to link it...As it really does not bother me...I just get offended if someone does it to another...But does not do it to another...Because someone thinks what another says, has more core value to it...That is like a form of nepotism...Only with a friend, and not family...
Reply Wed 4 Jul, 2012 04:26 pm
Great post...Just one question...What did you mean by this?

So he's locked in two personalities and he wants God to win. That he's played those cards with me pretending that those people were one person but not him.
reasoning logic
Reply Wed 4 Jul, 2012 04:28 pm

I would say I am 99% sure...So sure...I do not even care to take the time to link it

Now that is a certainty that I have never seen before at least not from you.


Sure...But I think I handled it very well last night....Do you disagree?
I do not quite remember as it was a night of celebration for me and I don't recall a lot of what I said. Drunk

she also, could have just said...I want to know your answers Spade....So I apologize for being hateful...I will treat you with respect, because I should not do otherwise, since I like to help people (if she does) I will ask you nicely, so that you will answer me...Rather than calling me a piece of ****...dumbing down society...Had an agenda...A snake-skin oil man,

I agree that it would have been nicer if she did but she is not claiming to be Christ like neither. I would not be sharing my view points with you if I did not think that you would at least consider them.

.I just get offended if someone does it to another...But does not do it to another...Because someone thinks what another says, has more core value to it...That is like a form of nepotism...Only with a friend, and not family...

Do you think that I should call you a sociopath when I know you are not meaning to behave in that way. What is wrong with just saying you could have said it nicer?
Reply Wed 4 Jul, 2012 04:31 pm
Hypothetical Spades. Pointing out that I could have stated exactly what she did, just a different concept but why would I ?

However, I do believe that you do have a fight on your hands based on what you have told us, me. And that you do fight off bad dreams and do want to remain in God's hands so to speak Smile
Reply Wed 4 Jul, 2012 04:44 pm
@reasoning logic,
Now that is a certainty that I have never seen before at least not from you.

It is not really important...I do not really care to discuss it anymore...Because it makes me look like a crybaby about it...Which I am not...I was just interested in you explaining if you did not tell her that advice you give almost everyone else from time to time...Was because of something about her, that made you bias...or selective...And it seemed to me, it did...

I do not quite remember as it was a night of celebration for me and I don't recall a lot of what I said.

I thought you said, you do not drink?

I agree that it would have been nicer if she did but she is not claiming to be Christ like neither.

So only Christ like people are only supposed to act that way? Why do you do it? Why do you tell others to do it? Why is a Christ like person, not expected to make mistakes....? Why do some atheists then say, they are for "progressing humanity"? What does that actually mean, from your perspective?

I would not be sharing my view points with you if I did not think that you would at least consider them.

So then you agree, that I should not have shared mine with her?

But when I did, she did not respond....Why do you think that is?

Do you think that I should call you a sociopath when I know you are not meaning to behave in that way. What is wrong with just saying you could have said it nicer?

No, I do not think you should...I do not think you ever should...I do not believe anyone on here is actually a sociopath...I do not believe the people on here, talking about intelligent things are sociopaths...I think we all go off the handle at times...That is all...

The problem with what you said above...Is because when you explain it to me, you STILL point out that I could have said it nicer...Why?

You still neglect to point out the fact, that she was the one who instigated everything...And was the one, trying to bait me into a nasty argument...

I will drop it now...I am not interested in talking about it anymore...

But the whole thing would have never been...If she stopped to think, before she posted...And acting like an adult...Not me, or my problem...If someone attacks me, I see that as fair game...to do the same...
You can just go back, and read the hurtful **** she said to me....And I did not do so...Arguably, till I proved my point, about not having any agendas...
Reply Wed 4 Jul, 2012 04:47 pm
However, I do believe that you do have a fight on your hands based on what you have told us, me. And that you do fight off bad dreams and do want to remain in God's hands so to speak

You are right! There is most definitely a supernatural battle going on...And being a servant of God...I am most definitely caught in the middle...I know I go to save souls...But I do not understand why...Maybe I never will, till the day I see God...
0 Replies
Reply Wed 4 Jul, 2012 05:10 pm
and the only time I am dumb is when I pull the dumb blonde card, just because I can, whilst I walk away laughing at doing so.

Aw shucks FS. And I thought butter wouldn't melt.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 4 Jul, 2012 05:19 pm
@reasoning logic,
The question was whether the GWB sees our normal behaviour as sociopathic in the sense of being anti-social regarding the **** going down when temperatures rise.

You blathering on about empathy is neither here nor there.

The word "sociopathic", as you use it, is meaningless and you should stop using it forthwith.

But then you would have to confess to a fault in having used it before and you are incapable of that for reasons usually associated with too much Momism in your early years.

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