Question to those who do or do not doubt Christianity

Reply Wed 4 Jul, 2012 02:52 am
The reason I am hard on him is because he is trying to promote this nonsense that he is privy to information that no one else has.

Krumple. It is nonsense to you because he can not validate it to you. Then again, nor can Jesus to anyone on this Earth, as he has not re-appeared in the flesh to prove all that is written (mind you everyone knows that I think alot of it is man made, The Bible that is).

He could have a mental illness and believe that what he experienced is true which also needs to be addressed.

Anyone pretty much that claims to have seen Christ, spoken to him, or has been spoken to by him, is deemed to have a mental illness. Why is that? And, why is Mother Teresa not deemed to have been mentally ill?

He does not deserve respect on this issue. I am not mean to everyone, only the people who knowlingly try to spread false information. There is a difference between a person who does not know that what they say is true or not and then there are the people who knowingly spread false information to promote thier cause. He is one of them.

Every person that lives deserves respect unless they dis-respect you personally, then frankly I find it easy to just ignore as they don't deserve my time. I'm not mean to anyone and if I am I realise it and apologise, what's the point? What does it achieve? How do you feel after you do it, can't be good for you either.

I don't call it false either, rather "defend" and he speaks too quickly or tries to find a fact, when really it should be coming from his believe in side. He's open to learn.

What is his cause? To convert you, me, RL, Izz, Spendius and anyone else that writes on his thread? Gawd that's not going to happen, he knows it, you know it, I know it and so do everyone else.

Ever had a dream? And, believed that dream so bad that you knew it to be factual? Not a dream whilst sleeping, rather taste it, believe in it, go for it and succeed with it. Can't see this as being any more different. Frankly I don't know why Spades continues, he's put down, laughed at, torn to shreds, however, he's also been given guidence, direction and thoughts to think about, which sometimes he sees, other times he doesn't. Who knows? Maybe he may learn a thing or two from this thread that can help him with his life, thoughts then it was worth it for him.

What do you get out of it?

I can see people here, "trying" to share some "light" so to speak.. Who knows if that will work one day... The un-known is interesting don't you think?

Reply Wed 4 Jul, 2012 03:16 am
Why is that? And, why is Mother Teresa not deemed to have been mentally ill?

I don't know about mental illness, but I don't think much of her at all.

What is not commonly known is that Baby-Doc and his father, François (Papa Doc) Duvalier, had the full support of the Vatican and were favorites of Mother Teresa (Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu).  For her loyal support of the Duvalier family, Baby Doc Duvalier presented her with a Legion d'Honneur in 1981, which she graciously accepted. The Duvalier family is estimated to have murdered over 300,000 people.

Perhaps the greatest icon of Catholic charity, Mother Teresa (Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu) was not at all who she pretended to be or who the media portrayed her as. In reality she spent her life opposing cures to poverty such as birth control and empowerment of women. She took in vast sums of money for the poor and used it mostly to expand her religious order to 500 convents around the world.

She was a supporter of criminals such as Charles Keating and mass murderers such as the Haitian Dictator François (Papa Doc) Duvalier who looted the country and killed over 30,000 people. For her loyal support of his family, Baby Doc Duvalier presented her with a Legion d'Honneur in 1981, which she graciously accepted from the mass murderer.

In 1989, Agnes traveled back to her native Albania to pay her respects to communist dictator Enver Hoxha and lay a wreath on his grave. Hoxha was one of the most repressive rulers of the 20th century. Under his reign of terror Albania was a virtual prison camp and almost every citizen had either been interrogated, tortured or imprisoned by the dreaded Sigurimi secret police. The country was impoverished by the lunatic policies of Hoxha and his rampant military spending.

Charles Keating was a good catholic who stole in excess of $252 million as part of an organized fraud in the Savings and Loan scandal of the 1980s. He gave $1.25 million of his loot to Mother Teresa. When Keating was facing prosecution she interceded on his behalf and wrote a letter to the court urging leniency. When the district attorney informed her that the money she had received was stolen money and needed to be returned, she refused to return the money and evaded the courts attempts to recover the money. Keating only spent a total of 4.5 years in prison.

Mother Teresa did care for the poor, sick and dying but at the same time she promoted policies that cause poverty and disease and supported an institution that preys upon the poor and engages in wholesale abuse of children. Her legacy is an organization that feeds a few people while taking in vast sums of money and promotes the very causes of poverty.

Reply Wed 4 Jul, 2012 03:32 am

Do I read this and go, "this is true/factual"... Or, go WTF?

Sorry, I didn't really swear.

If this is factual. Yet again, power equates to greed. Yet so many good things were written about her, you remember them as a child only to be shown later in life, a questionable.

I'd like other views on this, based on well, that Smile

Thanks Izzy.

Reply Wed 4 Jul, 2012 03:55 am
I am trying to change other peoples perspectives, about me, with the arguing.
Why? I always believed that we are born in this life, and live once as who we are. So who cares what people think of us Spades? Why is this so important to you.

Krumple, has some very good points... Ideas. She (as I believe has been established), has some wisdom and knowledge too. So isn't it her right to see he said she said, no back up as non-factual and argue that? Not everyone unfortunately is nice in this World in the way in which they speak.

Social skills are not easy when you are stuck inside a Unit/House most of the time of your life..

Isn't there something there that she has stated that you could learn from? Why put people on Ignore or "seeya" if they don't see your point... Why not argue it correctly and make them think, mmm, there is something in that.

Isn't this what this thread is about?
Reply Wed 4 Jul, 2012 04:00 am
@reasoning logic,
This is again a clear case of power .

What is wrong with a "person" seeking and finding and being intelligent and purely and simply laying it all on the table... Believe it or not.

Yet, some guy, hates her guts, she has power... And, so he has to take that power away.. That is what we call evil huh.

1 million scrolls.. All destroyed over "jealousy", that's the bottom line.

This is the difference though of establishing facts, or possibilities that makes sense and the wisdom of the old, how they established things that 2000 years later , was established as factual.

This is worth reading, watching for those reasons.

I felt for her. And, especially given that her name seemed to just go away, no longer thought of, or heard of... So what was the point in her doings/findings other than she did it for herself, not to prove anything to anyone as in, to have a Title, 2000 years later. Yet, she has.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 4 Jul, 2012 04:31 am
It was a channel 4 documentary that opened my eyes. she had a habit of allowing herself to be photographed alongside some pretty despicable characters. She pushed a hard line fundamentalist type of Catholicism, denouncing abortion and birth control as the two most evil things in the world.

Now abortion is an emotive subject, but if you rank putting a condom on as equally sinful, you're not trying to help alleviate the situation. As far as her clinics went she opted for quantity as opposed to quality. There are a lot of her clinics all over the world, but they're very basic, in some cases just bare boards to sleep on, and no real access to medical facilities.

In short, she seemed more concerned with promoting her brand image than actually help lift people out of poverty.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 4 Jul, 2012 04:51 am
Krumple, has some very good points

Krumple is nonsensical.
Reply Wed 4 Jul, 2012 04:55 am
Well I agree in the logic of her thoughts of Spades. To date he's managed to keep this Thread to go in a variety of directions and he's always, claimed to want to learn.

Sometimes though I think he misses the (sorry Spades) contents that could help him learn.

Preferring to re-quote , google, or defend.
Reply Wed 4 Jul, 2012 05:03 am
Some people really ought to bring themselves up to speed on the destruction of the library at Alexandria and the lynching of Hypatia. Using the words in the same way as a dog barks is unsuitable on a site called Ask an Expert. It insults the site and all its members.
Reply Wed 4 Jul, 2012 05:04 am
And to draw conclusions from those events which are relevant today is fatuous.
Reply Wed 4 Jul, 2012 05:07 am
Human sacrifice and ritual cannibalism were widespread practices in many pre-Christian societies.

On some of the silly arguments presented here one is justified in concluding that non-Christians are in favour of human sacrifice and ritual cannibalism.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 4 Jul, 2012 08:17 am
You quoted something about judging Spade--

Luke 22 reads--

29 And I appoint unto you a kingdom, as my Father hath appointed unto me;

30 That ye may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom, and sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel.

And what you quoted does not contradict that.
reasoning logic
Reply Wed 4 Jul, 2012 08:27 am
I explained it already...It seems clear...you already pushed me aside as a friend, and embrace everything that Krumple said about me...How is that not being a wolf in sheep's clothing?...Or acting sociopathic?

Personally I think that it would be better if Krumble would come across nicer but she may have reasons that make here very mad when it comes to religion, some reasons I can think of are the persecution of women, gays, witches, scientists and the list goes on. Who knows, "If the church did not hold back neuroscience for 400 years how you might be thinking of this very issue today.

I am not fake...That is my answer...I believe I am a prophet of God...And I believe I am giving words of God, that have never been spoken before...For a different take from God....Sound familiar? Do you still think I am fake? I am doing it, because I want people to embrace Jesus Christ is the Lord....But have a different take from God...Than the usual Christian...Of condemnation...

You know Ryan I should not have called you out on not being real because I do think it is possible for you to think this way but I will be honest and tell you that I do not believe in prophets and that you have something going on in your head that is not real, it is what most of us call our imagination, We all as far as I know love to imagine things every now and then.. but some of us actually believe or want to believe in our imaginations and this can have serious consequences for other people.
Luckily your beliefs seem harmless but not everyone who believes in things that are not real are harmless. That is the reason I try to point out to all people believing in things without some means of testing their credibility.

Reply Wed 4 Jul, 2012 08:34 am
@reasoning logic,
reasoning logic wrote:
"If the church did not hold back neuroscience for 400 years how you might be thinking of this very issue today.

Can you provide some proof of this allegation. I think there's as much good as bad, admittedly the Catholic church famously caused Gallileo to retract certain observations, but the Renaissance wouldn't have happened without the church, or without the discoveries/safe keeping of documents carried out/safeguarded by Moslems.
reasoning logic
Reply Wed 4 Jul, 2012 08:40 am

Can you provide some proof of this allegation

I can provide the source of where I got it from but I am not calling it 100% factual but I have never seen anyone dispute it.

Reply Wed 4 Jul, 2012 09:21 am
Happy 4th of July, to all my American buddies out there! Enjoy your picnics and such! Wink Wink Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Cool
Reply Wed 4 Jul, 2012 09:34 am

Because, it honestly, is not who I am...

I always believed that we are born in this life, and live once as who we are. So who cares what people think of us Spades?

I do not necessarily care about people who drink Hateraid...I know that being a Christian comes with persecution...Or I should say, whoever believes in God...

Why is this so important to you.

It is not hun...Like you said...I can not get everyone to believe in Jesus anyways...

Isn't there something there that she has stated that you could learn from?

Yes, till she addresses me as an equal...And asks me questions, like an adult...I have no reason to give her anymore of my time...So if she really wants me to give her some answers...Then she must make a sacrifice as well...And stop bullying...If she does not...Then my answers are not that important to her, and never were....

Why put people on Ignore or "seeya" if they don't see your point... Why not argue it correctly and make them think, mmm, there is something in that.

I will, if it becomes civil between us...Other than that, I do not feel like attacking someone, because they are attacking me....Anymore...That is not who I am...And not who I want to be...

Isn't this what this thread is about?

It is...But it does not need to be trashy anymore...I am not gonna perpetuate that hate, and anyone who does it too me, will be ignored, unless we talk like adults...
0 Replies
Reply Wed 4 Jul, 2012 09:37 am
You quoted something about judging Spade--

Please post, what I quoted...I do not know, what you are talking about, with this post...

Are you saying I am judging you? And I should not, because it is wrong to do?

You are correct...But you also told me to judge away...As you were judging me...
Reply Wed 4 Jul, 2012 09:40 am
@reasoning logic,
Thank you.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 4 Jul, 2012 09:45 am
@reasoning logic,
Personally I think that it would be better if Krumble would come across nicer but she may have reasons that make here very mad when it comes to religion, some reasons I can think of are the persecution of women, gays, witches, scientists and the list goes on. Who knows, "If the church did not hold back neuroscience for 400 years how you might be thinking of this very issue today.

So do I...

You know Ryan I should not have called you out on not being real because I do think it is possible for you to think this way but I will be honest and tell you that I do not believe in prophets and that you have something going on in your head that is not real, it is what most of us call our imagination, We all as far as I know love to imagine things every now and then.. but some of us actually believe or want to believe in our imaginations and this can have serious consequences for other people.
Luckily your beliefs seem harmless but not everyone who believes in things that are not real are harmless. That is the reason I try to point out to all people believing in things without some means of testing their credibility.

So what about, what I say, And have said...makes you believe, or think, that anything I say, is not real? Someone else influencing your mind, is not a valid answer, either...Because if she is or has done that...It is no different than what you said about me...And being bothered because I am doing something harmful...If she did, it is in fact, the same exact very thing, she said I was dangerous, because of...

That is why, I chose to ignore her...I could see what she was saying...And was trying to do, to you...But rather than attack her, and call her dangerous...Or lash out at her....Like she did to me...I let you figure it out on your own....While the 2 of your were Pm'ing each other...And I was alone by myself, saying nothing, last night....And we are talking today...With out her here....You can now think clearly, without anyone trying to get you to believe something, you "may" not think is true...It is all your own mind doing the thinking for you....And a honest introspection in return...Which is all I was asking for last night...I was not bothered by her...Other than her trying to do, what she said I was...And having no way for me to properly explain this to you...While she was here...

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