no incorrect...your trying to back peddle now....first you told me you use math, science and physics....then told me to go and use occam's razor...(which in a nutshell for others to understand in case they don't) is basically saying use the MOST plausible outcomes UNTIL proven otherwise....o.k.
1. No one can ever "prove" beyond ANY kind of Hypothesis's that there are billions of "other" galaxies....do I believe the universe is extremely vast? yes, does ANYONE know with certainty there are in fact billions of other galaxies? NO, it's speculation, and goes against your very principal of occam's razor...(which you stated you acknowledge not me) So basically your believing, or not believing what someone else says, and that's it....kinda like you denying that Jesus lived on earth....
2. I will go with on the whole here for what MOST scientist will say....because there are almost infinate theory's out there....you can NOT prove beyond any kind of hypothesis's that life sprang inatomitly....which goes against occam's razor...and again is either believing or NOT believing based on what someone says....
3. If life sprang inatomitly, the odds are probably around 1 to the 123rd power of existance from NOTHING, from nothing to humans, ....let alone higher capable people....let ALONE greater beings, what scientist, thinks this is credible?
4.these are the facts! if The world was slightly closer toward the sun...life would not exist, the world would be too hot to sustain life, if we were slightly farther from the sun, the world would be too cold to sustain life....so in short, other than our known solar system and sun, there is "NO PROOF" ANY KIND of life even CLOSE to our exists out there...let alone greater things, again going against occam's razor....and YOU believing it's true because someone stated it, and AGAIN no way to ever prove that...so again, I will believe it doesn't exist, UNTIL I "see" otherwise"
5. read this whole link, (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planetary_habitability) and tell me where it says ANYWHERE on the whole thing, and in billions of galaxies, with billions of stars, and millions of planets...where SCIENTISTS HYPOTHESIS' SAY, there is ANY KIND OF SUPPORT OF LIFE GREATER THAN WHAT SCIENTIST SAY SIMPLE CELLED ORGANISM EXIST!! IF AT ALL in ALL of these BILLIONS of GALAXIES!
6. So again, using occam's razor, I will see it is MORE plausible to believe Humans are the greatest life, UNTIL we "see" otherwise....
7. if you in fact believe in Aliens, or something as great or greater than humans, tell me using occam's razor, why you don't accept things on earth here (that are just as conceivable,) such as spirits, here on earth, BEFORE believing in "greater life" than humans on foreign planets? when NO scientist can "prove beyond hypothesis" or word-of-mouth that ANY kind of life exists...let alone "greater" beings than humans....