Question to those who do or do not doubt Christianity

Reply Tue 3 Jul, 2012 05:15 pm
spendius wrote:
I used to teach the subject to undergraduates.

I used t' teach shoutin'.
Reply Tue 3 Jul, 2012 05:17 pm
It seems from our News that every keyboard number pressed in the banking world since about 2005 was a lie.

What would have happened had they not been is on Ignore in the frenzied lust for victims.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 Jul, 2012 05:19 pm
I used t' teach shoutin'.

I've taught that as well.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 Jul, 2012 05:23 pm
@reasoning logic,
reasoning logic wrote:

fresh from the male cow's ass.

Krumple Are you female? Maybe this is a naive question for me but it would be inspirational for me if you are female. The reason I say this is because I think that you are a great thinker and it is not often that I find many women commenting in the subjects that I talk about, but you could be a little less hostile towards some people in my opinion but then again maybe you are able to see some things about the people that you are so hard on and that I am not able to see. I have never claimed to be able to see all of what is in front of me. Smile

Yes I am.

The reason I am hard on him is because he is trying to promote this nonsense that he is privy to information that no one else has. There can only be a limited about of reasons he is doing this. Either he is willingly and knowingly deceptive which needs to be addressed. He could have a mental illness and believe that what he experienced is true which also needs to be addressed. Or that what he says is true.

Out of these three possiblities the first two are serious and need to be addressed and every chance to do so is met with defense or criticism. If the last is true then he needs to support this with something substantual. The fact that he has done none of this makes him less of a person and open to riducule. There is absolutely NO reason why I should respect him at all. I believe he is being intellectually dishonest and being passive with him or saying I should respect his claims is one serious reason our society is so messed up.

Just like I wouldn't respect a childmolester or a murderer. Sure he is neither one of these things but he holds to that of a person who is intellectually dishonest which spreads ignorance. I think it is worse than childmestation or murder because it leads to a degredation in the ability to reason or think rationally. It dumbs down society to accept and respect these sorts of claims as if they are off limits to scrutiny or investigation.

I feel that being cordial with him is indirectly supporting his behavior and props up his position as if it is perfectly acceptable. Just because others do not see the danger in what he professes doesn't mean that I should assimulate and be respectful on those grounds. If they actually saw the danger in it, they would probably take up the same cause but we have this thing about respecting thoughts that are unsupportive vs physical dangers when thoughts can be just as dangerous as physical ones.

He does not deserve respect on this issue. I am not mean to everyone, only the people who knowlingly try to spread false information. There is a difference between a person who does not know that what they say is true or not and then there are the people who knowingly spread false information to promote thier cause. He is one of them.
Reply Tue 3 Jul, 2012 05:24 pm
@reasoning logic,
reasoning logic wrote:

Holy ****, this has got to be the longest sentence in history.

I bet it made you wonder if I should be placed in the same category of people that you have placed Spade, being I went on about things I have little to no evidence to support. Idea Idea Idea Idea

Actually I wasn't even sure what you were trying to achieve with it since it was just one big run on sentence.
Reply Tue 3 Jul, 2012 05:47 pm
XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:

How is Faith the best way?

If I can not answer that, an agnostic can not answer it, and you can not answer it...

It is the best way!

And it is the thinking of a God...

Then this god is a moron.

Here is the thing Spade. Why is it necessary to keep hidden? What would be so bad about revealing itself? I mean forget about heaven or hell or wrong or right. What would be so bad about actually knowing without a shred of doubt that this god actually did exist? Would it be so dramatic that the universe would implode? Really? You can't say it would effect free will because it wouldn't and I have several examples of how it couldn't.

One example: Lucifer. Wasn't he suppose to be the greatest angel or something? Didn't he have first hand knowledge that god exists? Yet if he has this knowledge and decides to chose something else other than what god wants how did this effect his free will? Are you saying that because he knew god he chose to rebel? That is absurd. It goes deeper than this. There had to be something incredibly "wrong" for an angel to all of a sudden want nothing to do with this god.

Sure he is painted as the bad guy but generally those who stand up against oppression tend to get painted as being terrorists or rebels. Standing up for what you believe in when you see injustice will get you shunned by those in power and they will want to lock you away to prevent you from revealing the truth.

With all that said, and when I say this, christians like to consider me a satanists but I don't even believe in satan either. I am only trying to point out the absurdity in their biblical narrative.

Not only that but you say often that you believe no one goes to hell and eventually everyone ends up in heaven. The problem with this is that it makes the whole thing meaningless then. Why "test" people then if they all "graduate" regardless of what they do? I mean if the childmolesters and serial killers all end up in heaven with the "good" people what is the point?

You see many christians try to use the concepts of heaven and hell as a way of brining cosmic justice into play. They want to seperate themselves from the "evil" they view in the world and the only way to do this "successfully" is if there is some cosmic prision sentence available. If everyone gets off or a pardon then really the whole meaning behind heaven is now meaningless and obscure.

It means regardless of how wicked or evil you were, you still get to end up with all the people who were thoughtful, considerate and not a douchebag. How is this fair? Not that I believe in these concepts anyways but it renders the entire thing pointless. So much so that it might as well not even exist in the first place.

This is what you can't seem to grasp or refuse to.
0 Replies
reasoning logic
Reply Tue 3 Jul, 2012 05:48 pm
Wow You are an intellectual lady in my opinion and I do not find that extremely odd because there have been many women who have out performed the men in my family but none of them have discussed the issues that you have addressed that I am aware of. Congratulation on the intellectual part anyways.

I do wonder more often than not if Ryan is a fake and I do apologize if he he is not and if he actually believes in the things that he believes because I do think that it could be possible for him to be logical about many areas of thought and not others. I have no proof of this but I take the side of possibility even though it may seem ignorant on my part at times.

Actually I wasn't even sure what you were trying to achieve with it since it was just one big run on sentence.

I have extremely poor communication skills and I am not proud to admit it, my memory fails me more than most people but I do think that I am able to grasp logical thinking more often than many but still i fail "not trying to put myself down but rather speaking my opinion.

What I was referring to "that you were not able to get, "was all of Jesus so called miracles.
If you know all of Jesus miracles then you might understand what I was meaning.
Healing the blind, healing the deaf, making the crippled walk, turning water into wine and so forth.
What I was trying to demonstrate was that maybe we have misinterpreted the ancient teachings but surly I could be wrong.
Reply Tue 3 Jul, 2012 06:04 pm
@reasoning logic,
reasoning logic wrote:

Wow You are an intellectual lady in my opinion and I do not find that extremely odd because there have been many women who have out performed the men in my family but none of them have discussed the issues that you have addressed that I am aware of. Congratulation on the intellectual part anyways.

You do realize that this is a little condescending? That a woman engaging in intellectual discussions or philosophy is so "rare" that it amazes you? Thanks (not really but thanks). Should I be more into shoes or music or watching Jersey Shore? Would this be more reasonable and understandable?

reasoning logic wrote:

I do wonder more often than not if Ryan is a fake and I do apologize if he he is not and actually believes in the things that he believes because I do think that it could be possible for him to be logical about many areas of thought and not others. I have no proof of this but I take the side of possibility even though it may seem ignorant on my part at times.

At this point it doesn't matter if he is fake or not. I will still continue to point out his flaws in his reasoning. It is still as dangerous because those who are "actual" believers will see what he has to say and reaffirm within themselves that they are "right" and deserving of respect or acknowledgement. So what ever his cause is, either if he is being honest or just being a troll, the result is the same, he is a danger and his statements must be addressed with reason and investigation and the bullshit needs to be pointed out when it's there.

reasoning logic wrote:

I have extremely poor communication skills and I am not proud to admit it, my memory fails me more than most people but I do think that I am able to grasp logical thinking more often than many but still i fail "not trying to put myself down but rather speaking my opinion.

Yeah I have seen from time to time you slide in some logical reasoning or good response. Okay so it has happened more than that but I don't want you to get to overly confident in your ability to reason or be rational.

reasoning logic wrote:

What I was referring to that you were not able to get was all of Jesus so called miracles.
If you know all of Jesus miracles then you might understand what I was meaning.
Healing the blind, healing the deaf, making the crippled walk turning water into wine and so forth.
What I was trying to demonstrate was that maybe we have misinterpreted the ancient teachings but surly I could be wrong.

See, now this is much more clearer. I get what you are trying to say here. I doubt he actually has any good or meaningful response to your questioning. Most of the time he just goes back to his circular pre-programmed statements and ignores the consequences of the answers he gives.

"The statements are the only thing that are important, the implications of them is not."

This is a typical christian or theist perspective on reality.
reasoning logic
Reply Tue 3 Jul, 2012 06:15 pm
Should I be more into shoes or music or watching Jersey Shore? Would this be more reasonable and understandable?

I do apologize if I came across as wrong and no you are doing what I wish every man and woman would do. " Critical thinking" It is just that I have not been as fortunate as you to have many women nor men having an interest in discussing these maters no harm intended on my end. Now that I think about it you are right even men do not have an interest so I think you are correct but only because I was wrong unknowingly.

Okay so it has happened more than that but I don't want you to get to overly confident in your ability to reason or be rational.

Thanks for the complement. Laughing

0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 Jul, 2012 06:48 pm
@reasoning logic,
20 years ago, given we are almost the same age, we wouldn't have been that interested in learning any of this, I don't believe.

I have definately learnt alot from this Forum and other areas of the internet, plus I also have had great pleasure in spitting my coffee out, laughing as well, which as you can imagine, is also good for the soul Wink
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 Jul, 2012 06:50 pm
Cooking with carbon? Sheez is that even safe?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 Jul, 2012 06:51 pm
@reasoning logic,
Going to take "lady" the way you meant it as apposed to "woman".

I'm off to work but I will have a look later ... There have been some amazing "people" full stop, from History not so many these days that you can say, wow, they knew what they were talking about, or wow, such wisdom... It's kind of dog eat dog now in my opinion.

Have a great night/afternoon, etc, all....
reasoning logic
Reply Tue 3 Jul, 2012 07:17 pm
wow, they knew what they were talking about, or wow, such wisdom... It's kind of dog eat dog now in my opinion.

Yes it does seem to be a dog eat dog world in my opinion and the world does not seem to care if you are a man or a woman, at least we are no longer "so discriminatory in that aspect but we still have a long way to go.
I do think that you will find that video more interesting than most that I have shared. It show just have cruel that we have been.

I can only guess that krumble has already seen it and found it interesting, but maybe not.

I found it to be one of the most interesting yet even though I do not know for certain if the information is accurate, maybe some one will chime in to share their view point about it.
Reply Tue 3 Jul, 2012 07:41 pm
@reasoning logic,
reasoning logic wrote:
I can only guess that krumble has already seen it and found it interesting, but maybe not.

I am assuming you are referring to the frailty of knowledge video link you posted? Yes I have seen it and I even rewatched it. I am a fan of the cosmos series and carl sagan. I remember when I first saw this episode when he mentions the story and I would be lying if my contempt for christianity did not gain support knowing they were behind the destruction of the library and the murder of many people who used the library including Hypatia.

If it were just one situation I could probably write it off but time and time again chrisitanity is behind many numerous accounts of quite frankly, evil. It tries to hold to this idea that it is a source of morality when after every turn it becomes the source of human suffering and wickedness. It has a lot it must be accounted for and everyone just writes it off as if it is innocent. It is the source of why these people murder others. Just like the saying goes, it takes religion to make a good person do evil things.

reasoning logic wrote:

I found it to be one of the most interesting yet even though I do not know for certain if the information is accurate, maybe some one will chime in to share their view point about it.

Yes it is accurate. There are multiple accounts of the story from different sources which actually makes it have credibility. Not only that but the christians who did all the attrocities recorded it as well and praised themselves for murdering the patrons and destroying the library.
reasoning logic
Reply Tue 3 Jul, 2012 07:56 pm
Thank you krumble it is always nice to hear your perspective on these issues.
0 Replies
reasoning logic
Reply Tue 3 Jul, 2012 08:12 pm
I don't want you to get to overly confident in your ability to reason or be rational.

I had to comment on this one last time.

Maybe I have this wrong but I think that I can possibly be wrong on all issues that I talk about and I think that this helps me to more rigorously consider the view points of others that disagree with me which in returns helps me to have a better understanding of the issues at hand.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 Jul, 2012 08:26 pm
@reasoning logic,
Is the thinking of God "you"? and if not how can you make this claim?

Simple, Because Gods mind is incomprehensible, and so is that...
reasoning logic
Reply Tue 3 Jul, 2012 08:31 pm
Gods mind is incomprehensible, and so is that...

I find it to be incomprehensible that some priests will molest young boys, does this mean that it is of god as well?
Reply Tue 3 Jul, 2012 08:36 pm
@reasoning logic,
I find it to be incomprehensible that some priests will molest young boys, does this mean that it is of god as well?

No...That is not incomprehensible...That is just evil...
Reply Tue 3 Jul, 2012 08:46 pm
@reasoning logic,
I talked to a good friend tonight...and he is Islamic...I talked to him about his beliefs...And this is why I do not believe that Islam...Is of the same divine God...

He told me, that, and it was everything I had already thought, and confirmed it...I believe that Mohammed, is the one false prophet, that the Bible talks about...He told me, that Islam believes that there are 71 branches of Judaism, and they are all going to Hell...He told me, that there are 72 branches of Christianity, and they are all going to Hell....He told me there are 73 branches of Islam, and they are all going to hell...except for one...The ones who embrace Islam...And embrace A jihad...Or holy war...And embrace Adi, who is Mohammed Cousin...I do not believe any of that nonsense...I do not believe all those people will fall, considering they all embrace the same divine God...I do not believe, that a Jihad is ever a good thing...He told me, they believe that the Antichrist, is America, And I understand now, why there are extremists...And why they are adding a sixth pillar, and why they believe that blowing themselves up to kill Americans is a good thing (some of them) and if they do not go to that extreme, I understand why Islam's are here...Or why they act the way they do to Americans....And I do not believe any of that....

I will not be surprised if in 50 years or so, there is a 6th pillar actually added...

I think Mohammed is the False Prophet...And anyone who does a Jihad may fall, and everyone else of those branches will be saved...

And I can see a Nation being the Antichrist, I have translated the first 5 or 6 chapters of Revelations, and I see they are referring to land masses and continents in the very beginning...I believe that some of the stuff they say, and talk about is true...But I believe that Mohammed is the False Prophet...And I believe anyone who does a Jihad, is subjected to falling, not everyone else....

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