Question to those who do or do not doubt Christianity

reasoning logic
Reply Sun 1 Jul, 2012 06:35 am
You are wrong about that. If Fox News was an arm of the government it would pump out an anashamedly pro- Obama message. It does the opposite.

I see you do not understand what it means to be an extension arm of government. Wink Don't feel bad because I do not know all there is to know about it as well, "I am not a corporate attorney but I have listen to one explain it.
Reply Sun 1 Jul, 2012 06:36 am
What is your favorite of the cartoons! I love looney toones...my favs. Were Pop-eye...Tom and Jerry...And any of those House of tomorrow, kitchen of tomorrow... ones...

And my all time favorite, was when bugs bunny took on the gas house gorillas...in bugs bunny baseball...

I will link a good one....!...brb...

Reply Sun 1 Jul, 2012 06:39 am
This is the only one, I could find a link to about the baseball one...

It seems that the guy or girl slowed it down, to make it funny...At parts it is, most of it is annoying...

This is the one I am talking about...

0 Replies
reasoning logic
Reply Sun 1 Jul, 2012 06:55 am
And, if someone believes I am crazy, because I say, I am a prophet of God...It does not mean I am wrong, it doesn't mean they are right...And it does not mean, that I need, to see a psychiatrist...

What if some one thought that they were the Easter bunny do you think that it could be possible that a psychiatrist could help them or do you think that they should just prey to a higher Easter bunny?

Suppose, I actually went...And I am convinced I am a prophet...And they are convinced, I have a theistic psychosis....

What is the point of me even going?

I truly do not know if they could help you but you may be surprised. I do not think that they are going to twist your arm and make you do something you do not want to do.

They are not gonna change my mind, and I won't change theirs...Why?

That is where I think you may be wrong because molecules can change the state of mind, "have you forgotten already the night of your birthday when you were drinking tequila?
When medication is administered for reasons other than pleasure they can be very useful, they are not of the devil they can save lives when used properly and take lives when not used properly.

They would not think so...But yet, they would claim, I am crazy.

No they will not, you are not crazy but there is something different about you just like there is something different about a person who is diabetic.

I would go, if they were open to suggestions...About their opinions of theistic psychosis'

I could be wrong but I do not think that all psychiatrist are atheist. like I told you before it is normal to believe in a God.
Reply Sun 1 Jul, 2012 06:59 am
@reasoning logic,
Lack of understanding and a desire to dismiss facts that don't fit in with your way of thinking is your forte.

I don't think that anyone who needs to visit a psychiatrist just to be told that 15 year old girls can be a bit lary, is in any position to tell anyone else what they should be thinking. In your post to Spades you speak about your beliefs with absolute certainty, in a way that I have not seen elsewhere on A2K. Your casual use of the 'truth,' to describe anything that fits in with your beliefs is symptomatic of someone who believes they know everything.

The fact that we're going around in circles because of your reluctance to accept that something you believe in may actually be a piece of propaganda, shows an aversion to both reasoning and logic. Similarly your insistance on viewing all of the Fourth Estate collectively, as part of the arm of government, instead of being able to differentiate between propaganda and high journalistic standards, shows a refusal to look at things as they really are.

This reminds me of the time on another thread where Fresco and I were discussing Quantuum Physics. This freaked you out big time, because it did not fit in with your doctrinal insistance on your simplistic brand of Atheism, where both sociopaths and psychopaths feature heavily. You accused both Fresco and me of being in the pay of fundamentalist Christians. Fresco is a physicist, and an Atheist, as well as being the closest thing to an intellectual that we've got on A2K. You're not interested in truth, because what was being postulated as truth, was way beyond your comprehension, and if I'm being honest, mine too.

What you are interested is in preaching your own heavily dumbed down brand of Atheism, that is every bit as ridiculous as the notion that the entire Universe was created in a week.
Reply Sun 1 Jul, 2012 07:03 am
I should say, great to hear from you again farmerman! How have you been?
0 Replies
reasoning logic
Reply Sun 1 Jul, 2012 07:11 am
This reminds me of the time on another thread where Fresco and I were discussing Quantuum Physics. This freaked you out big time, because it did not fit in with your doctrinal insistance on your simplistic brand of Atheism, where both sociopaths and psychopaths feature heavily.

Wow you really do believe some crazy things. Rolling Eyes
I am not sure why you would think I would be freaked out being I do not see where I would have commented on Quantum Physics being I know nothing about it other than how to spell it correctly. "hint" Wink

Reply Sun 1 Jul, 2012 07:17 am
@reasoning logic,
You don't have a very good memory either, and being left with nothing but a typo to pick up on, shows how bankrupt your argument really is. Adding an extra u to a word is a far cry from being unable to distinguish between bizarre and bazaar. A mistake you continued to make, even after it had been pointed out to you.
reasoning logic
Reply Sun 1 Jul, 2012 07:21 am
You don't have a very good memory either, and being left with nothing but a typo to pick up on, shows how bankrupt your argument really is. Adding an extra u to a word is a far cry from being unable to distinguish between bizarre and bazaar. A mistake you continued to make, even after it had been pointed out to you.

We all make spelling mistakes and I am probably best at it. I would love to see you point out what I am saying wrong at the time I am saying it and have others along side of you to back up your claim with evidence. Now that would be a nice peer review. Is that asking to much?
Reply Sun 1 Jul, 2012 07:35 am
Remember saying this?

I do not know why the two of you are trying so hard to make reality whatever you want it to be.
It is what it is and no matter how hard we try, I do not see how we can change it. You can say that there is more than one objective reality and you can even show me some math that you think helps support your position but just as fresco pointed out earlier, "even though math can still be useful, "sometimes it's initial usage was determined incorrect.
Are you being paid by theist institutions or just what is it? What have the two of you personally encountered in your life that has demonstrated more than one reality. Have you seen God, UFO's or something concrete that makes you understand that there are other realities?


On this occasion we were discussing something you didn't understand, and that was your response. So yeah, you freaked out, and we all know why.
Reply Sun 1 Jul, 2012 07:38 am
@reasoning logic,
I thought my use of the term 'haggling,' as in something that goes on in bazaars may have pointed out it out to you. I was hoping for too much.
Incidently, it wasn't a spelling mistake, but completely the wrong word.
Reply Sun 1 Jul, 2012 07:40 am
@reasoning logic,
What if some one thought that they were the Easter bunny do you think that it could be possible that a psychiatrist could help them or do you think that they should just prey to a higher Easter bunny?

Like I said, It all relies, on whether that person, thinks they should go...Or not...Other than that, it would have no value, to go...

I truly do not know if they could help you but you may be surprised. I do not think that they are going to twist your arm and make you do something you do not want to do.

Them asking me, about my experiences...and them telling me what they "think" it is...When I "know" what it is...And them telling me, what "they think" is going on...When they do not know, and would know, less than I do, about it...Is making me do something, I do not want to do...

That is where I think you may be wrong because molecules can change the state of mind, "have you forgotten already the night of your birthday when you were drinking tequila?


When medication is administered for reasons other than pleasure they can be very useful, they are not of the devil they can save lives when used properly and take lives when not used properly.

Sounds like a spin on a roulette wheel...Is there not a better way, than drugs?

If there is, then I do not want or need drugs...

If there is not...What makes you believe, I need drugs anyways? And if that is the case, who does not?

Did you not say, that the motivation behind drugs is to make money?

If it is...then there really can't be a lot of goodness behind it...

Evil people, making other people "think" they need it...And innocent people, brainwashed into thinking "they need it"

Prayer would do more than that!

Whether God is, or is not...

No they will not, you are not crazy but there is something different about you just like there is something different about a person who is diabetic.

And that, is your own "subjective" understanding...Which could be wrong...Just like them, if I went...If it is normal to believe in God...Then there is something different about you, or "any person" who says otherwise...

I could be wrong but I do not think that all psychiatrist are atheist. like I told you before it is normal to believe in a God.

If it is normal to believe in God...If I went...Why would they want to know what my experiences are? And why would they want to give me drugs, like you said, they would? Why would they want to diminish something they believe, to be?...Rather than them asking me, about my experiences, to learn more...And get a better understanding of God? There would ''still" be no need for me, to take drugs...They should be asking me, to explain, what I experience...And not try to diminish what I experience...With drugs...Because they would learn from it...But yet, they would chose to just sedate me? To cover up the experiences, I have? Why?

That is why, there is no reason for me to ever go...And it would be a waste of time...

They either, do not want to hear, what I would have to say...And do not believe in God...Or would think I am crazy...Or they would think what I experience, is something other than what I tell them, it is...That is why, it does not make sense to go......Unless, they are open to learn, rather than teach...

The whole thing sounds like an awful experience to me...I could be wrong, I am taking "your word'', about it...But, I would never go...on my own....And if I was forced into going...it would be right, to them, for the wrong reasons...So I would not trust them anyways...

If someone was not genuinely, asking me, about my experiences, to learn...I would never feel comfortable explaining them, to them...So that they could teach, to me...

reasoning logic
Reply Sun 1 Jul, 2012 07:51 am
You accused both Fresco and me of being in the pay of fundamentalist Christians.

Are you being paid by theist institutions or just what is it?

There is a big difference between asking a question and accusing someone of doing something but I guess people will believe what ever they want to.


On this occasion we were discussing something you didn't understand, and that was your response. So yeah, you freaked out, and we all now why.

What I did not understand at the time was Fresco's point but in time I seen what he was meaning With that said I still do not think that there is but one objective reality but we all see it differently because of our perception to it is subjective. Now I could be proven wrong about this and I love to learn but Like I have said if someone comes across sociopathically it will less than likely that I will be able to learn from them.
reasoning logic
Reply Sun 1 Jul, 2012 08:02 am
I thought my use of the term 'haggling,' as in something that goes on in bazaars may have pointed out it out to you. I was hoping for too much.
Incidently, it wasn't a spelling mistake, but completely the wrong word.

Do you think that playing charades is a good way as well to show where someone has made a mistake? Rolling Eyes
Reply Sun 1 Jul, 2012 08:02 am
@reasoning logic,
I was saying something from memory, and my memory is not 100%, but it's clearly a lot better than yours.

Now I could be proven wrong about this and I love to learn but Like I have said if someone comes across sociopathically it will less than likely that I will be able to learn from them.

Maybe if you sopped obsessing with sociopaths psychopaths, slavers, cannibals and drunks you may learn something, but frankly I doubt it. What else is there for you to learn? You already know everything, so when someone says something that doesn't fit in with your preconceptions you act in a hysterical way.

I note that it's always someone else's fault. You didn't understand something, and the reason you didn't understand was the sociopathic manner in which that information was delivered.

The truth is, you didn't understand something because it's beyond you. Now you may say I'm only saying that because I'm a sociopath, or that it's just something I believe, but at the end of the day you're only lying to yourself.
Reply Sun 1 Jul, 2012 08:04 am
@reasoning logic,
reasoning logic wrote:
Do you think that playing charades is a good way as well to show where someone has made a mistake? Rolling Eyes

No, I like to drop hints, and when I do, everyone picks up on those hints, with the sole exception of yourself that is. That's something else you may find hard to swallow.
reasoning logic
Reply Sun 1 Jul, 2012 08:10 am
The truth is, you didn't understand something because it's beyond you. Now you may say I'm only saying that because I'm a sociopath, or that it's just something I believe, but at the end of the day you're only lying to yourself.

You really are silly.

The reason that I did not understand Fresco's point at first was because I had not thought about it long enough. He continued to explain it like a gentleman and I was able to come to the understanding that he was sharing.
It really was nothing more than that but I guess you will continue to keep believing in what ever you want to believe.

I note that it's always someone else's fault. You didn't understand something,

Who's fault was it Fresco's? you really do come up with some silly idea. Laughing
reasoning logic
Reply Sun 1 Jul, 2012 08:12 am
No, I like to drop hints, and when I do, everyone picks up on those hints, with the sole exception of yourself that is. That's something else you may find hard to swallow.

Yep and that is why every single time you do it, others comment on it and tell you how clever you were for doing it. Rolling Eyes Drunk
0 Replies
Reply Sun 1 Jul, 2012 08:16 am
@reasoning logic,
You've answered your own question, yourself....

If it is "normal" to believe in God...Then there is no reason for me to ever go, unless they wanted to "Know" and "Learn"...

If they did not want to "know" and "learn"...then they must not believe it is normal to believe in God...

Or they must believe God is not...and "think" I am crazy...

And then them "choosing" to sedate me with drugs, would help no one...Unless "I asked"...

It would not be beneficial to them, if they believe in God...and it would not help me, If I wanted to tell them about God...It would only help...If I did not want to tell...Or if they did not want to hear it...Therefor...No reason to ever take drugs, or go to them, unless they wanted to "know" and "learn" about God...And me...
0 Replies
reasoning logic
Reply Sun 1 Jul, 2012 09:37 am
it would have no value, to go...

And you know this to be true because Of?????? So you think that a person believing themselves to be an Easter bunny could not be a neurological problem?

Sounds like a spin on a roulette wheel...Is there not a better way, than drugs?

Maybe not if other means of psychotherapy did not work.

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