Question to those who do or do not doubt Christianity

Reply Fri 22 Jun, 2012 05:38 pm
When was that?
Reply Fri 22 Jun, 2012 10:28 pm
Not too sure when exactly the Olympics start. I heard the figure of 34 days time bandied about the other day.

Thanks mate!
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Reply Fri 22 Jun, 2012 10:57 pm
@reasoning logic,
It is OK to think about sex and its OK if you like lap dancing but it can be humiliating to the other person if they do not want to here those thoughts about their self.

That is why, I apologized for the joke...I do not think it is ok, to think about lap dancing, as you do not even know the person, you are doing it with...And you are doing it, to gratify yourself...

What confused me was at first you said that you wouldn't mind a lap dance and then you changed your story about liking lap dances and then you said that she was like a sister and then she was not like a sister,

I will explain...I do not want a lap dance, ever...I said it, as a joke, when I was just trying to say...Something like...I think she is pretty, and I bet men would love a lap dance from her! Or something like that...I was saying it in a way where it was only a joke...But giving her a compliment...And I should have never said it, I guess...Or been more clear...

I said, she is like a sister, because at times I think of her like one...When you pointed this out, about how I think about, her beauty, in the way, I do...I agree with you, And I clearly, do not look at her, like a sister, at all...And not someone, who is just there, for a sexual image thing, either...So what I am saying is, I guess, you are right, I really do not think of her as a sister at all...Nor someone to just try to gratify myself to...But somewhere in the middle...

But somewhere closer, to someone I do not gratify myself too...And think of as a close friend, where I am not interested in thinking about sex with her...Because I appreciate people for their beauty...I made a joke, I was not clear about...And said it, in the wrong way...Even though the joke may have not shown that...But am not interested in thinking about sex...In that kind of way...about her...Just an ill-mannered joke, gave the wrong impression, I guess...

I just want to fully understand too, so I want be so confused about it all. let's just drop the part about her lap dancing and move on to someone else doing it. If you think that it is wrong or immoral would you please point out exactly what is wrong in the video below?

No, I do not want to watch these kinds of video's RL...And I have told you before...why...they are too enticing...

I am not interested in watching anyone lap dance, whether someone, I do not know, or someone, I would be willing to have a relationship with...It is deamining....

It was just a joke, to say I think, she is pretty...

I think of her, more like a close friend, than sister...

When you had said this...I would agree with you, and you are right, I do not look at her like a sister, at all...

I am intrigued by her beauty, in ways, I do not think about, a sister in...

But I also, do not think about her, like a peace of meat, like I have to women before...

So she, is someone, in the middle, to me...

But more like a close friend...Where I am not thinking about sex with her....But appreciate her beauty...As I see nothing wrong with doing that...

I made a joke, and was just not clear about it, at all...

It implied, I wanted her to do it for me...But that is not how I think...

BTW you joke started all of this!! J/k!
Reply Fri 22 Jun, 2012 11:20 pm
@reasoning logic,
I have never wanted one and certainly not from someone who looked like my sister, that would seem kind of freaky.

Neither do I....The point was, Why would you think about women like that?...As a peace of meat...If you would never want anyone, to do it, to a sister of yours?...Or it could be your sister up their, that men are screaming about...

I have never thought about it before until you brought it up.

That is because it is a great question...

It clearly is wrong, to look at women that way...Because if you insert your sister in there, and find it repulsive...Then it is also repulsive to do it, and think about another women, in a way, where you treat them like meat...As no one, would do it to their sister...And no one would want men, jarring at their sister like that...That is why it is wrong...And why I would never get one...Women should not be treated like that...Regardless of who they are...That was my point...

That is a nasty thought in my opinion.

Then it should, also be a nasty thought...To gratify yourself, to women dancing, who you do not know, right?

I find that rather odd being that you brought it up, I myself find it arousing but I just prefer sex myself without all the wishful thinking.

So do I...But with one compatible with me...And one I am in love with...Not just random women, who mean nothing, but gratifications...

If you like lap dances, I see nothing wrong with that unless you can point out to me where it is wrong. I have been taught that it is wrong but who am I to tell you it is immoral if it makes you happy and you are not hurting anyone.

I have tied it all together, with the sister thing above...I think you got me now...

Again Who am I to tell you what is wrong I personally would not have sex with my own mother but if someone likes that and their mother likes it I just do not know what to say other than they may have some problem children if she becomes pregnant.

I think, you totally misunderstood me, but I think, my above posts, will help you understand...I do not think about sex with my mother, or sister...

I know of a brother and a sister and I find that nasty but again who am I to tell them anything?

I see your point...I would tell them, the fact that they are capable of having mentally sick babies, as a brother and sister are not meant to have sex...And share to much of the same chromosomes...If they did not want to listen, I guess there is nothing you can do about it...

Tell me Ryan what is wrong with just having sex with someone you find very attractive and you are not in love with them or yet?

Well, I guess it all depends on what you believe love is...If you believe that you do not love them, but are having sex...I would say I disagree with that...You may not know them, but you do have love for them...

I would say, because it leads to being promiscuous, And looking at women, or men...(depending on what gender you are) As pieces of meat, rather than who they are... And, if you are not careful, and that leads to diseases, and other horrible ****...

I do not know about you, but by doing that, I was never happy...

If you find one who you really are in love with...It is that much better...
Reply Fri 22 Jun, 2012 11:22 pm
Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Fri 22 Jun, 2012 11:23 pm
I think such things are disgusting. Honestly. Give me a natural girl anyday.

So do I!!

Reply Fri 22 Jun, 2012 11:26 pm
I think that is very close to porn. Not sure if Spades will appreciate it RL.. Can't answer for him though, naturally.

It is the same thing, if not just as bad...Because the enticing things, in their, make you think about more gratifying things, in your own mind, then what they are even doing...Where as with porn...You still are gratifying yourself...But it is too what they are choosing to do...And what these women get excited about...
0 Replies
Reply Fri 22 Jun, 2012 11:29 pm
@reasoning logic,
About the only thing Ryan will not appreciate is that it is another dude and not him. Laughing

Naw! I am a good looking dude! and I can find many women myself...I do not need to look at that kind of stuff, to get excited...I just am happy being single...And trying to get in touch with this women who I truly love...

You must have forgotten about his enthusiastic replies to this video in the past.

I would not want those beasts on her, if she was mine! Way to big!!

I was just asking if they were real...Because they seem to big to even be! I did not mean I wanted them, or was excited about them...
0 Replies
Reply Fri 22 Jun, 2012 11:50 pm
They had ALL the say. They used me like you use the remote control.

Sheesh!! These closet misogynists are very amusing.

Well then, that is very dumb in my book, that you do not have more self respect for yourself...And no, I still do not believe you were not enjoying it...or were gratifying yourself...In fact, I could see you as the type of guy, who is turned on, by them enthusiastically asking you for sex... 2 Cents

And we are not misogynists for thinking differently...We are the ones who try to control the sex thing...And you are the ones who tear it down...

Once again, what does the Church say about what you do?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 22 Jun, 2012 11:52 pm
The Church says that if you make a sincere and honest repentance and say three Our Fathers and three Hail Marys the slate is wiped clean and if you cark it before falling into temptation again you go straight to Heaven.

There are other subtleties for those who might be carking it at the wrong time.

So if you believe this way, even from a moral and ethic way of seeing it may be wrong...What makes you believe the Bible, and Church are wrong...About Romans 10:9....And that I am dangerous?
Reply Fri 22 Jun, 2012 11:54 pm
@reasoning logic,
I will tell you in a thread that I am about to start. I will title it, "The greatest sin committed by the church".

Or you could just explain it here, And I can reply here, and there...
0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Jun, 2012 12:54 am
The Church says that if you make a sincere and honest repentance and say three Our Fathers and three Hail Marys the slate is wiped clean and if you cark it before falling into temptation again you go straight to Heaven.

And, are you doing that? if you are not...What is the point to looking at it, so long as you say your prayers...You will be saved...Rather than actually change, and repent...and stop doing it?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Jun, 2012 01:44 am
Just checking to see if I have the image thing down...

Reply Sat 23 Jun, 2012 01:48 am
Thanks a lot Wmwcjr... Wink Wink Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Jun, 2012 03:03 am
Me want to answer.

...I do not think it is ok, to think about lap dancing, as you do not even know the person, you are doing it with...And you are doing it, to gratify yourself...

Is it that wrong? You are not having sex with the person right? That's the main vow isn't it? And, if she, who ever she is, conducts it, obviously for money, then that's her income, her living and she is doing it willingly. Not-with-standing, I also feel that some, do it as they don't feel highly of themselves and see it as who cares, easy money and I am not having sex. In that instance, if you could read body language, I'd offer her more cash and walk away if I was a man.

Is masterbating and visualising a particular woman without porn or with a photo, any in-different?

Are you meant to be celebrant? Why would got give you urges? To see if you are tempted? He gives them so that in union with someone you love, you feel it 10 fold, in that love. How do you close / shut that off totally whilst you are waiting to find that person?

Something like...I think she is pretty, and I bet men would love a lap dance from her!

Hun, they aint going to let this die yet but I will kill it soon Smile Cause part of this conversation involves me. Re-read that. And then your reply that it was a joke. I am ok with what occured origionally. But, to state that and then the conversation that turned to lap dancing, actually origionally it was "pole dancing" or that "pole" that me, the witch crashed into.. which really is more like stripping with or without clothes taken off... But, in any event lap dancing is very different Smile This has become a debate so I am debating, cause.

Can you not see why that statement, is still not right? You bet men would like to get a lap dance from me? Again, it's cool... I know that you mean well. But, it also suggest to me that you really, really, really, need to find someone to "love" as you wish, not just sex and have some.

I am also aware that your visualisation is more extensive than a normal person you have a 'gift' to live in a world of not seeing things just black and white and so, you can visualise.

I said, she is like a sister, because at times I think of her like one...When you pointed this out, about how I think about, her beauty, in the way, I do...I agree with you, And I clearly, do not look at her, like a sister, at all...And not someone, who is just there, for a sexual image thing, either...So what I am saying is, I guess, you are right, I really do not think of her as a sister at all...Nor someone to just try to gratify myself to...But somewhere in the middle

This would be their reply, I think.. I am not a sister, I am like a sister, but no, I am definately not like a sister, but now someone you think sexually about, but in-between. The question would then be what the, is in-between? The answer is "attracted" and this is why they are saying what they are saying, because you let a cat out of the bag... One that alot of men would keep to themselves ... Smile

Thank you for seeing me as a friend Spades Smile I think Brad Pitt is attractive, and I love French Accents but I would never act on anyone, as I am in love.

Don't you think that although you are a romantic that you should consider meeting this "love" of yours in your next life, instead of now and having a life, and a wife, in this life? I think that is where all of the confusion is coming form.

You know I looked at that Video of the lap dance and the big boobs, laughed a bit, went, ewee fake boobs, life is about fun, laughter, excitement and reality..

I don't think your God, or my God or his God really wrote "temptation" is evil, rather love yourself, and others as you would want to be loved and man , he gave us hormones?

If you take some things from the Bible and don't apply others. Be free Spades, don't hurt anyone, but certainly don't sit around the house either thinking you have to be a Monk...

Most Priests are not right?

It's not evil, it's evil to hurt someone in my opinion, it's good to have free will and be yourself.

You worked it out, not a sister, not sexually, a close friend who I find attractive. That's your opinon, by the way Smile Remember beauty is skin deep.

I'd love to say get out there and get layed but you would get upset with me, oops I said it.

Reply Sat 23 Jun, 2012 03:04 am
(like button) If you get angry back Spades, you are lowering yourself to that persons standards (not putting anyone down here, as something you may have said may have offended them to have written that unless they say what, who knows) but in any event, that's my thoughts. In addition to that. It's a waste of energy and they win... Why give someone that satisfaction?

For me I'm placid. But, rub me totally the wrong way and I can like anyone else retaliate but more alongs the lines of proving them wrong, or just totally ignoring that person .. Who ever is in your life should be worth it on the same side, respect you at least. Or don't let them in.

These are some very great questions, and points, Found...

And my honest answer, is...I have a very hard, raw, bad hand, I have been dealt here...

Something, I never even thought about, when I decided to post online, to spread my messages, of God...

I am outnumbered on these websites...probably 5 or 6 to 1...

And many people, must think, that because I am a Christian, I am not gonna respond, the way they respond to me...

They feel, I must be Christ like or something...And am gonna turn the other cheek...But what they do not realize, is every believer, struggles in one way or another...And one of my problems, is I do not turn the other cheek, and tell people exactly how I feel...and hold nothing back....

They find credibility in what I say...But do not appreciate my path to getting there...And find it hateful....

But when you look at it, from above...or from another angle...Other people, who are not believers do the same exact things, and they do it often...

Such examples, are the way Setanta talks to me....

And the fact that, after all was said, and done...Someone, is still following me around, and doing the down thumbing, just because...

I think, people hold me to a higher standard, because they like what I have to say, and the others have lost their credibility...

Or they expect more from a Christian...

But they do not take into account, we all make mistakes...And that happens, to be, one of my biggest ones...

Which is not fair, at all...But the way it is...That is why I said, a bad deal...

And the person, who does the votes....I actually feel, very sorry for them...That they purposely follow me around, to thumb everyone of my posts down, just because...And are not willing to tell me why...

I honestly think, with the way things are...I just get treated very unfairly...And am held to some higher standard, then others set up for others, and themselves...

And because of this...They will use it at any point, just to try to destroy the credibility that I have, as they know it is a flaw, and I admit it is a flaw...

Other people, are not aware, or have no reason to change, because they do not have this higher standard, or are not held to a higher one...

And other people jeer them on...With the vote things...So they will never learn, and never get it....

That is why I wish the vote thing was not even an option...

Why it bothers me, and why I lash out at times...It is a culmination of all of what I have just said...And being able to realize this...While others are unaware...Or aware, but do not find it to be a problem....

0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Jun, 2012 03:18 am
@reasoning logic,
reasoning logic wrote:

I take it you are anti-lap dancing?

I'm anti-hypocrisy. When someone tries to take the moral high ground and then posts soft porn they're a hypocrite.

That freak video you posted is disgusting, it literally turns my stomach.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Jun, 2012 03:27 am
When was that?

I don't know. I don't keep track of things in any sort of "when" way.

It would have been in the year or two after the events known as the Profumo Affair. She toured the country. Working men's clubs mainly.

She stood on the stage a bit in various poses while some romantic tunes were played and then she walked around among the tables. We were too much in awe to touch her. Brazen is hardly the word. She looked me right in the eye.

Joycean epiphanies were scattered to the wild winds.
Reply Sat 23 Jun, 2012 03:33 am
I wouldn't even have started school then.

I always thought the pair of them were rather mercenary and amoral.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Jun, 2012 03:42 am
Is it that wrong?

I would say yes...

You are not having sex with the person right?

No, but it is still a form of sex...And it makes it worse to me, because now it is not even concentual...You are using them, to have sex with them...When they are probably doing it for money, and not you...And you are seeing it, because of money, and are not interested in them...

That's the main vow isn't it? And, if she, who ever she is, conducts it, obviously for money, then that's her income, her living and she is doing it willingly. Not-with-standing, I also feel that some, do it as they don't feel highly of themselves and see it as who cares, easy money and I am not having sex.

But they should care about using their body to make money, and have men glare at them, and think about them sexually, just because they can...Rather than get a better job, and find a good man...

In that instance, if you could read body language, I'd offer her more cash and walk away if I was a man.

So would I, That is not a bad Idea at all...Problem is, I do not even know any strippers to suggest such an Idea...And I do not have the money either...

Is masterbating and visualising a particular woman without porn or with a photo, any in-different?

No it is not, really...It is still very wrong to do...

Are you meant to be celebrant?


Why would got give you urges? To see if you are tempted? He gives them so that in union with someone you love, you feel it 10 fold, in that love. How do you close / shut that off totally whilst you are waiting to find that person?

You can't...But it does not justify it...

Hun, they aint going to let this die yet but I will kill it soon Smile Cause part of this conversation involves me.

Thank you!

Can you not see why that statement, is still not right? You bet men would like to get a lap dance from me? Again, it's cool... I know that you mean well. But, it also suggest to me that you really, really, really, need to find someone to "love" as you wish, not just sex and have some.

I did not mean that in a way, that I need to have sex or am thinking about it...All the time...

Yes, I do think about it...Yes, I do like it...

No, I am not responsible about it...No, I am better off not doing it...Unless I found someone, who was right for me...

I am also aware that your visualisation is more extensive than a normal person you have a 'gift' to live in a world of not seeing things just black and white and so, you can visualise.

I can! But I do not visualize people I do not know, or am unfamiliar with sexually, and personally...

Meaning, it is of the one I love, or people I have been with...I rarely even do it to people I do not even know...And I do not do it to you...

This would be their reply, I think.. I am not a sister, I am like a sister, but no, I am definately not like a sister, but now someone you think sexually about, but in-between. The question would then be what the, is in-between? The answer is "attracted" and this is why they are saying what they are saying, because you let a cat out of the bag... One that alot of men would keep to themselves ... Smile

No, I haven't because to be completely honest about it, I have never visualized about you, and never even thought about you, in that sort of way...I have to other people...But not to you...

I do find you attractive, but I am not interested in thinking about you in that sort of a way...

There is only one person I do, and when I go off the band wagon, it is of a few people I have been with, or every so often, just some random person...

I would never do it to someone, who I have a ton of respect for...And had no sexual relations with ever....Even, if I can see into that side of things...

Thank you for seeing me as a friend Spades Smile I think Brad Pitt is attractive, and I love French Accents but I would never act on anyone, as I am in love.

That is exactly how I feel, but I think we all fantasize, at some point...That is how it is with me...I am in love, but go off the wagon at points...

Don't you think that although you are a romantic that you should consider meeting this "love" of yours in your next life, instead of now and having a life, and a wife, in this life? I think that is where all of the confusion is coming form.

No, I do not...I would not be able to lie to myself, and be with someone, I was not fully in love with...And with the fact of me being irresponsible with sex...I would rather think about it, than actually find a new partner, and do it...At least if I only think, it is between myself and God...And I am only hurting myself...If it is not meant to be, in this life...I am fine with being by myself....

You know I looked at that Video of the lap dance and the big boobs, laughed a bit, went, ewee fake boobs, life is about fun, laughter, excitement and reality..

And I understand that...I really do...But since it is a problem for me, I just can't watch it...I hope that makes sense...

I don't think your God, or my God or his God really wrote "temptation" is evil, rather love yourself, and others as you would want to be loved and man , he gave us hormones?

I agree! But it is better for me to be alone, and only hurt myself, than other people, I am not in love with...that is why I am not interested in meeting someone new...

If you take some things from the Bible and don't apply others. Be free Spades, don't hurt anyone, but certainly don't sit around the house either thinking you have to be a Monk...

Sorry hun, that is just the way I am breed, I guess...

Most Priests are not right?

Most are, some are not...

It's not evil, it's evil to hurt someone in my opinion, it's good to have free will and be yourself.

My free will, would lead to me being evil about it...Or more evil than I am...That is why I am not interested in finding someone new...

You worked it out, not a sister, not sexually, a close friend who I find attractive. That's your opinon, by the way Smile Remember beauty is skin deep.

I do remember this...That is why I do not visualize about you, as I really do not know much about you...

I'd love to say get out there and get layed but you would get upset with me, oops I said it.

I won't get upset...I am happier, even if it doesn't seem it, or make sense...Being the way I am, then when I was crazier, back in my younger days...I am aware of this...And that is why, I am not out there...meeting people...And if I am gonna visualize, I only hurt myself to God...No one else is affected by it...Or has to see it, or deal with it, personally...
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