Quote:If you went into a strip club, and wanted a lap dance...Would you get it, or not, if the person looked like your sister? Or someone you knew?
I have never wanted one and certainly not from someone who looked like my sister, that would seem kind of freaky.
Quote:If you would not, why would you "think" about getting one, before, that thought enters your mind?
I have never thought about it before until you brought it up.
Quote:And if you would, Do you think about your sister in that way?
That is a nasty thought in my opinion.
Quote:I told you how I feel, and would never get one anyways, and never be in that situation...
I find that rather odd being that you brought it up, I myself find it arousing but I just prefer sex myself without all the wishful thinking.
If you like lap dances, I see nothing wrong with that unless you can point out to me where it is wrong. I have been taught that it is wrong but who am I to tell you it is immoral if it makes you happy and you are not hurting anyone.
Quote:would not treat another woman, like I do not treat my mother....(like you said about morality)
Again Who am I to tell you what is wrong I personally would not have sex with my own mother but if someone likes that and their mother likes it I just do not know what to say other than they may have some problem children if she becomes pregnant. I know of a brother and a sister and I find that nasty but again who am I to tell them anything?
Tell me Ryan what is wrong with just having sex with someone you find very attractive and you are not in love with them or yet?