Question to those who do or do not doubt Christianity

Reply Thu 3 Nov, 2011 04:20 pm
Christianity is simple. It's a means to oppress and rule ignorant people. Simple.

The spiritual message of christianity is the same as in all the religions, so why not go with one that has less interference from those who seek to manipulate? Or better yet, check up on all the religions. That way it becomes very simple to pick up on the spiritual message while peeling away all the bullshit.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 Nov, 2011 09:27 pm
XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:
Chights47 wrote:
Why does a horrible, deceitful, brainwashing lie make you feel special?
these are your views not mine, what makes my views horrible, deceitful, and of brainwashing? in what way is preaching to people about love and tollerance horrible? in what way is it deceitful? if we all practiced love and tollerance would the world be better or worse? so then does it REALLY matter what authority my words come from? and who exactly am I brainwashing? does ANY Atheist on here hold my preachings and experiences truthful?
Everything that is good with religion can easily be done through secular, non-religious ways without all of the religious "hoopla". Terrorizing children with thoughts of hell for not bending to the vain will of some magic sky daddy is just wrong. Telling people who are struggling financially to give more and more money to the ever greedy church so that god might help them in return is just wrong. There are many other examples but basically the only thing religion is good for is to oppress people and you as a tool for hate. As pretty much any atheist can point out, you don't need god in order to do good.

Chights47 wrote:
What exactly is your "divine purpose" and how do you know that's from god and not just you/your pastors interpretation of this lie?
XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:
My divine purpose is to teach the words of Christ, and LIVE MY live as best as I can to his....I know its from God, because I can actually feel and see him in my pryers and visions and dreams....it's not a lie from my pastors interpretations, because I don't need to go to church to hear or find out about God, all I need to do is seek him in the privacy of my own room....
God tells suicide bombers to blow up women and children so that they can have 72 virgins in heaven. God tells people to stone to death gay people, blasphemers, adulterers, etc. There's a lot of things that god has told people over the years that hasn't exactly been so grand. How do you explain those people? Religion is a fickel thing, everyone's interpretation is wrong except yours...the problem is, is that everyone saying it...so who's right? I'll, of course, assume that it's you that's right since you can actually feel and see him.

Chights47 wrote:
For arguments sake...
XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:
who says that I am the ONLY one with a divine purpose from these 38 thousand congregations? if they are there (in church) then "they" have "some" faith in Christ, so therefor, they TOO have a divine purpose as well, whether they understand this or not....and I can even argue, ones who DENY Jesus have divine purposes because many will except him, even though they do not now....and I believe all life has a purpose to it, I don't think God would create life knowingly for the purpose to destroy it....the answers lie in when we in fact die....that is all I can say, or if you chose, sooner rather than later, here now on earth....while were on the subject, what is your proposed purpose to life? without a divine purpose? etc...or what would you call your divine purpose here on earth??
So is it god's purpose to spread hate and fear and tell "his" people to kill people just because they don't believe in him or for other trivial/bigot reasons? That use to be a huge part of religion (just read your bible) and even still goes on today in this supposed age of reason. If your god really has a purpose for every one, why is everything so (pardon my language) completely fucked up? Why can't he fix anything himself he use to do it all the time just read the bible! Did he have to let that horrible earthquake happen in Haiti or terrible tsunami in Japan or any of the other countless horrible things? What about the tens of thousands of people dying from starvation and disease in the horn of Africa due to famine and religion/terrorist groups? As far as my "divine purpose" I say I don't have one. I do, however, have a regular purpose which I have developed through my many years of living on this earth. I believe that we are not give some innate purpose by some higher power. I cannot speak specifically for anyone else, but I feel that my purpose is to promote rationality, understanding, tolerance, free thinking, science, etc and to do my part to help make this world a better place for all of our future generations to come.

Chights47 wrote:
That's not even including all of the hundreds of religions and thousands of deities and who knows have many different denominations and interpretations of all of them.
XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:
no one knows that answer, but honestly, does it really matter? maybe all of these thousands are the one living God portrayed thousands of different ways? and through thousands of different religions, but yet in the end we will find out it is ONE LIVING God....( read the Bible about the tower of Babel, where it explains how God created differences....)
The tower of Babel was an ignorant story that bronze age tribemen used to explain why some people spoke different languages. Saying that all the thousands of other gods portray the "one living god" actually hurts the case for god more than if they were just wrong. It means people either have absolutely no idea what they're talking about, lying about what they know to suit their own desires, or this god is too stupid to keep his story straight.

Chights47 wrote:
]How come your religion (regardless of which one it is) has so many flaws that you just ignore, overlook, or rationalize in order to keep this fantasy of yours going?
XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:
How come Atheism will DENY EVERYONE of the flaws that exist with their views? such as they don't sin, or do wrong things at wrong times? or believe that basically their is no higher purpose to life only of what you make of life...which in short to me, is... do whatever you want, whenever you want, ALL the time, or submit, and it really makes no difference, and has no purpose....in the end....
Why would you not reject such obvious and horrible flaws? There are always going to be flaws in things, the point is to find those flaws, and get rid of them out so that they aren't there anymore, that's how we become better. You also start to get into morality here which is a big no-no. Not having an innate purpose givin to you by seom "higher power" doesn't mean that you can do whatever you want whenever you want. This is the same sort of logic that makes people think that Atheists eat babies, rape people, and drink the blood of cute kittens just because we feel like it. I could go into a whole long thing about morality, but I think this is probably too long as it is...maybe later though.

Chights47 wrote:
There are sooooooooo many questions in which you put aside just so you can wallow in this false comfort.
XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:
I don't have many questions, and I don't call it false comfort...having "faith" in something that is basically not provable is infinatly greater of a feat to accomplish than it is to "think" you have all the answers...or "think" that you can and will be "able to" find ALL the reasoning and Logic and knowledge that exists in the world....in EVERY instance....if your the one with MANY questions, than seek God, my friend...
How do you know it's not false comfort if you don't really question it? Why do you say that being gullible is better than being smart? I know that I don't have all the answers nor would I ever actually claim that. The only people that ever do really claim that, are insane people, and religious people.

Chights47 wrote:
I apologize if this sounds mean but things don't get better just because you talk to your imaginary friend, they get better because you make it better.
XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:
You don't have to apologize, I value these discussions, your right, they don't get better because of an imaginary friend....because he is REAL...and guides me TOWARD being better and making things better....if I didn't use Jesus and things didn't get better for me, that would be a CLEAR indication that there probably isn't a God....but the fact things get better from him to myself with my actions, when I totally 100% put my faith "in him" and I see Jesus, in my experiences, says that he probably exists, and there is truth to what has been written and said about his life, death, and ressurection, wouldn't you agree? because the truth is, I probably couldn't make myself better WITHOUT him...so if I have to seek him in order to get better, than I will CONTINUE to do so, and Jesus or not Jesus, another name for God than I call him or not, (though I KNOW it's Jesus) it doesn't really matter does it? someone and something are guiding my life toward light...
You guide yourself towards being better by believe in something powerful that actually doesn't exist. Your god is like a placebo, works wonders for people who believe that actually works and doesn't nothing for those that do not. This leads to 1 of 2 conclusions, that your god is not real and doesn't help people, or your god is a vain douchebag who withholds his aid no matter the circumstances unless you believe in him. I was a Christian for over 7 years, I never felt god nor heard or saw him in my prayers or anything...because he wasn't there, never was, never will be.
Reply Fri 4 Nov, 2011 06:14 am
Can I point out now that the original topic

Question to those who do or do not doubt Christianity

Is tautological? I can't think of anyone who might not be in either the 'doubt' or 'don't doubt' christianity camps.
Reply Fri 4 Nov, 2011 03:11 pm
Everything that is good with religion can easily be done through secular, non-religious ways without all of the religious "hoopla". Terrorizing children with thoughts of hell for not bending to the vain will of some magic sky daddy is just wrong. Telling people who are struggling financially to give more and more money to the ever greedy church so that god might help them in return is just wrong. There are many other examples but basically the only thing religion is good for is to oppress people and you as a tool for hate. As pretty much any atheist can point out, you don't need god in order to do good.

did I ever make the claim I believe that these examples of what religious do is exactly correct? I would not tell a young child that they must bow or go to hell like you stated....nor do I believe that God NEEDS our money to fund his mission....I have given money before and will continue through I am poor, but I do it because I want to do it...most of the time, I give my ears, and talk about scripture with others, rather than believing that by going to a building once a week for an hr and throwing a 20 bill in a basket is the answer....

God tells suicide bombers to blow up women and children so that they can have 72 virgins in heaven. God tells people to stone to death gay people, blasphemers, adulterers, etc. There's a lot of things that god has told people over the years that hasn't exactly been so grand. How do you explain those people? Religion is a fickel thing, everyone's interpretation is wrong except yours...the problem is, is that everyone saying it...so who's right? I'll, of course, assume that it's you that's right since you can actually feel and see him.

easy answer but not enough time for this one, but simply put I DO NOT believe that Mohammed Nor his scriptures are of the same divinely inspired texts as the Christian Bible, sorry...to many reasons why I believe Islam is wrong, personally....and again, do you see believers of Christ stoning gays today, or blasphemers or adulterers? So it can't be both ways...either Jesus came to clarify things as stated, and people are doing well, not perfect but well...or there is no God, but people still kill gays, blasphemers, and adulterers, INCLUDING, (which you left out) that Atheist or non believers of God, kill believers as well for believing in a God....read on almost ANY saint...or particularly about ANY Mayrtr.....so if you see these things then tell me why they exist? (from an Atheist viewpoint)

So is it god's purpose to spread hate and fear and tell "his" people to kill people just because they don't believe in him or for other trivial/bigot reasons? That use to be a huge part of religion (just read your bible) and even still goes on today in this supposed age of reason. If your god really has a purpose for every one, why is everything so (pardon my language) completely fucked up? Why can't he fix anything himself he use to do it all the time just read the bible! Did he have to let that horrible earthquake happen in Haiti or terrible tsunami in Japan or any of the other countless horrible things? What about the tens of thousands of people dying from starvation and disease in the horn of Africa due to famine and religion/terrorist groups? As far as my "divine purpose" I say I don't have one. I do, however, have a regular purpose which I have developed through my many years of living on this earth. I believe that we are not give some innate purpose by some higher power. I cannot speak specifically for anyone else, but I feel that my purpose is to promote rationality, understanding, tolerance, free thinking, science, etc and to do my part to help make this world a better place for all of our future generations to come.

I would say that the evil and terror, is because there IS A counterpart to God in Satan that exists....and those who suffer and die have already made it in Heaven, and Are great ones....I have read THAT from the Bible as well....and in what ways are you making the world better? if there is a God, and you promote to others to deny him, would you say in the long haul your wrong?, your work was foolish? example: if I promote love to Jesus and he doesn't exist, who did I hurt? we all rot in the ground, and my whole life I preached love and Tollerance, and giving...if your WRONG than you particually lead possible millions astray....looking from the outside in....I see with clarity, that your choice of lifestyle is WAY more detremental than mine or believers would ever be....thats wisdom to see this, and I can even see this by logic and reasoning as well...

Why would you not reject such obvious and horrible flaws? There are always going to be flaws in things, the point is to find those flaws, and get rid of them out so that they aren't there anymore, that's how we become better. You also start to get into morality here which is a big no-no. Not having an innate purpose givin to you by seom "higher power" doesn't mean that you can do whatever you want whenever you want. This is the same sort of logic that makes people think that Atheists eat babies, rape people, and drink the blood of cute kittens just because we feel like it. I could go into a whole long thing about morality, but I think this is probably too long as it is...maybe later though.

fine, then I will explain it differently...why do Atheists feel that submission is a form of weakness? and reject that it has good purpose behind it....if you feel differently please explain if your willing to how you view submission? and in what ways you have in fact done so?

How do you know it's not false comfort if you don't really question it? Why do you say that being gullible is better than being smart? I know that I don't have all the answers nor would I ever actually claim that. The only people that ever do really claim that, are insane people, and religious people.

I have posted here MANY TIMES, I MAY BE WRONG!...I would say I have questioned it, by sinning, and every time in the end, I find out, I should not have, and that God was real and right to begin with....strengthening my faith in God....so simply put, when I do Good, I see God's reaction and it is exceadingly pleasant and I KNOW there is a God and basis for doing Good ALL the time....when I fall, I learn and get back up, and realize in the end, that God forgave me, but I learn to put more "faith" in him...so therefor, the evil acts when conquered have there merit as well, because no one does everything perfect ALL of the TIME...that is my exact point, almost EVERY atheist will deny that sin exist...and if you corner them, and say do You do what you think you should ALL of the time in EVERY instance, I have yet to get an answer from them....so using reasoning and logic, why do you NOT do what you want ALL of the time whenever you want? if you don't believe in submission?

You guide yourself towards being better by believe in something powerful that actually doesn't exist. Your god is like a placebo, works wonders for people who believe that actually works and doesn't nothing for those that do not. This leads to 1 of 2 conclusions, that your god is not real and doesn't help people, or your god is a vain douchebag who withholds his aid no matter the circumstances unless you believe in him. I was a Christian for over 7 years, I never felt god nor heard or saw him in my prayers or anything...because he wasn't there, never was, never will be.

I am sorry you feel this way, but buttom line is if were both for helping humanity, and I chose to use Jesus Christ to do so, then whether he exists or not, it Evident that in Billions of people who except a false mythological being ARE STRIVING to DO GOOD ALL the TIME, AND PREACH LOVE, without his existance EVER being real....than 1 of 2 conclusions are happening (whether you like them or not) 1, he IS REAL or 2 all of the people on the face of the earth who practice love and patience, and tollerance, and humility etc in his name, have MADE him REAL....and there seems to be facts by looking around that there is plausibility to his existance and what he preached....
Reply Fri 4 Nov, 2011 03:48 pm
why must EVERYTHING be disected? and scruntinized? It was worded that way because it was what I thought a nice way of saying open to ANYONE'S Spiritual beliefs...and then thinking upon the topic post...I KNOW that some atheist out there would have attacked me for putting spiritual belief in there because their belief is in lack of belief....So it was a nice was of saying open to any viewpoints on whether theism or Atheism...
0 Replies
Reply Fri 4 Nov, 2011 04:08 pm

Sorry, I wanted to add more...

I am sorry you feel this way, but buttom line is if were both for helping
humanity, and I chose to use Jesus Christ to do so, then whether he exists or not, it Evident that in Billions of people who except a false mythological being ARE STRIVING to DO GOOD ALL the TIME, AND PREACH LOVE, without his existance EVER being real....than 1 of 2 conclusions are happening (whether you like them or not) 1, he IS REAL or 2 all of the people on the face of the earth who practice love and patience, and tollerance, and humility etc in his name, have MADE him REAL....and there seems to be facts by looking around that there is plausibility to his existance and what he preached....

And if your in fact are for helping humanity, then it shouldn't be your duty to rid these people from the face of the earth, but rather except them for who they are, and TOGETHER help humanity...much like in my case I have said to Atheists, (in as much A buddhist) if he's a reflection of light then he IS DOING GOD'S WORK....and is in the RIGHT direction....therefor, backing up my "faith" with "evidence" which is what Atheists "harp" so much about....I challenge you to "show" me with "evidence" your capable of doing this....
Reply Fri 4 Nov, 2011 04:24 pm
Putting aside the spiritual aspects of this question for a moment, what if people started to use ones name for agenda's both benevolent or malevolent? I wonder how one would feel after 2000 years of it?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 4 Nov, 2011 05:17 pm
Can I point out now that the original topic

Question to those who do or do not doubt Christianity

Is tautological? I can't think of anyone who might not be in either the 'doubt' or 'don't doubt' christianity camps.

Can I ask a few questions to you hinge? Did you make that post to sound clever with that big comprehensive word in there? or did you make that post so that a lot of your fellow Atheist friends in here would give you a high voted post? if that is in fact what you wanted, if you answer the question truthfully, I WILL be the first to vote your post up....not because I believe the post was worth the vote up, but for telling the truth behind it....
0 Replies
Reply Fri 4 Nov, 2011 08:52 pm
XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:
did I ever make the claim I believe that these examples of what religious do is exactly correct? I would not tell a young child that they must bow or go to hell like you stated....nor do I believe that God NEEDS our money to fund his mission....I have given money before and will continue through I am poor, but I do it because I want to do it...most of the time, I give my ears, and talk about scripture with others, rather than believing that by going to a building once a week for an hr and throwing a 20 bill in a basket is the answer....
You're claims are irrelevant to what I stated, I was simply mentioning what mainly happens and my examples were just scratching the surface.

XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:
]easy answer but not enough time for this one, but simply put I DO NOT believe that Mohammed Nor his scriptures are of the same divinely inspired texts as the Christian Bible, sorry...to many reasons why I believe Islam is wrong, personally....and again, do you see believers of Christ stoning gays today, or blasphemers or adulterers? So it can't be both ways...either Jesus came to clarify things as stated, and people are doing well, not perfect but well...or there is no God, but people still kill gays, blasphemers, and adulterers, INCLUDING, (which you left out) that Atheist or non believers of God, kill believers as well for believing in a God....read on almost ANY saint...or particularly about ANY Mayrtr.....so if you see these things then tell me why they exist? (from an Atheist viewpoint)
You stated a possibility before that perhaps all other gods are the "one living god" portrayed on different ways, how to you not know that the Islamic god isn't the real depiction of god? As far as Christians stoning gay people, no, they don't do that...some are more sadistic now...check out the story of Matthew Shepard: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matthew_Shepard. If your god is as perfect and all knowing as is stated in the bible, then why would Jesus need to correct him and his mistakes at all? As far as why non-believers kill believers, there's far too much speculation in order to go over that now, but generally I would call these people anti-theists rather than theists (assuming that they murder the believers based on their religious preferences alone).

XXSpadeMasaterXX wrote:
I would say that the evil and terror, is because there IS A counterpart to God in Satan that exists....and those who suffer and die have already made it in Heaven, and Are great ones....I have read THAT from the Bible as well....and in what ways are you making the world better? if there is a God, and you promote to others to deny him, would you say in the long haul your wrong?, your work was foolish? example: if I promote love to Jesus and he doesn't exist, who did I hurt? we all rot in the ground, and my whole life I preached love and Tollerance, and giving...if your WRONG than you particually lead possible millions astray....looking from the outside in....I see with clarity, that your choice of lifestyle is WAY more detremental than mine or believers would ever be....thats wisdom to see this, and I can even see this by logic and reasoning as well...
So many problems here. As stated in the bible, Satan is merely a fallen angel in which has no power over god so his continued existence is because god allows it...yet another example as to how your god's a douche. All the people who suffer and die because your god allows is are not all believing christians so you're god is directly sending them all to hell knowingly...douchebag move. I don't tell people to deny any god, I state my reasoning on the matter, If you still wish to believe all of this, then that is your choice and not mine. If all logic is denied and the christian god actually does exist, then I will be absolutely flabbergasted. I would also still not call my work foolish, I would call your gods work foolish because, based on all of his substantial errors, my errors (hypothetically) would be allowed to take place and still seem logical. As far as you basically claiming that your ideology is "safer" is actually "Pascal's Wager" and has been proven to be illogical.

XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:
fine, then I will explain it differently...why do Atheists feel that submission is a form of weakness? and reject that it has good purpose behind it....if you feel differently please explain if your willing to how you view submission? and in what ways you have in fact done so?
Submission itself is not a form of weakness, it helps to prevent anarchy and chaos unless it's to a severly flawed system such as religion. Flaws are that which bring weakness and religion has a highly irrational death grip on pretty much all of them.

XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:
almost EVERY atheist will deny that sin exist...and if you corner them, and say do You do what you think you should ALL of the time in EVERY instance, I have yet to get an answer from them....so using reasoning and logic, why do you NOT do what you want ALL of the time whenever you want? if you don't believe in submission?
Sin only exists to brainwash people into believing in irrational things. Immorality does exist however, they are similar, but morality is far more logical due to the fact that we remove all of the irrational "sins". To answer your question about not just doing whatever I want I will direct you to a very informative video to help sate this discussion of morality:

XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:
I am sorry you feel this way, but buttom line is if were both for helping humanity, and I chose to use Jesus Christ to do so, then whether he exists or not, it Evident that in Billions of people who except a false mythological being ARE STRIVING to DO GOOD ALL the TIME, AND PREACH LOVE, without his existance EVER being real....than 1 of 2 conclusions are happening (whether you like them or not) 1, he IS REAL or 2 all of the people on the face of the earth who practice love and patience, and tollerance, and humility etc in his name, have MADE him REAL....and there seems to be facts by looking around that there is plausibility to his existance and what he preached....
Imagine how much better the world would be if every minute that people spend in a place of worship, praying, religious studies, etc were spent directly helping people? If people spent all that time in soup kitchens, aiding in habitat for humanity or any other type of charitable organization, we would have an absolutely fantastic world. That would be billions and billions of hours each week spent to aiding humanity rather than just sitting around and thinking that you're magical friend will do it for everyone.
Reply Fri 4 Nov, 2011 08:53 pm
XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:
And if your in fact are for helping humanity, then it shouldn't be your duty to rid these people from the face of the earth, but rather except them for who they are, and TOGETHER help humanity...much like in my case I have said to Atheists, (in as much A buddhist) if he's a reflection of light then he IS DOING GOD'S WORK....and is in the RIGHT direction....therefor, backing up my "faith" with "evidence" which is what Atheists "harp" so much about....I challenge you to "show" me with "evidence" your capable of doing this....
I'm not trying to rid theist's from the earth, far from it, I'm trying to eliminate the flaws in which people so desperately hold on to. You don't need religion in order to do these good things so it really only gets in the way and consumes your time from other beneficial actions so it hinders you that way and there are many people who use religion for their own selfish benefits far more often than you would think. Believe it or not, working to eliminating religion would benefit the world far more than just working to directly aid humanity in the same type of ways that you might. I honestly don't really understand the last part that you wrote though concerning the challenge. If your challenge is about working together with Christians to help humanity then I actually already do that. I assist my fiance with her church fundraisers and assist with soup kitchen services they offer and I also volunteer with Habitat for Humanity which is actually a Christian non-profit organization.
Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2011 02:23 am
Who is right, if everybody is wrong? Politics? Religion? Philosophy? Until the truth is revealed it cannot be known. God is the singularity of truth. Truth is at the heart of the matter.
Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2011 05:40 am
Until the truth is revealed it cannot be known. God is the singularity of truth. Truth is at the heart of the matter.

When there is solid proof of one supernatural event from the big bang on then we will talk about supernatural beings such a angels , demons and gods.

Until then all the above is at the same level as children fairly tales and adults should be ashame of themselves for being believers in such silliness.
Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2011 06:34 am
Well, we should all believe everything you say Bill, it's not like you're ever wrong.
Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2011 07:33 am
Well, we should all believe everything you say Bill, it's not like you're ever wrong.

You can never be wrong in laughing at supernatural fairy tales or at least no one had shown any proof that any such laugher had ever been uncalled for.

Gods, angels, demons, tooth fairy, the great pumpkin................

Bringing rotting corpses back to life and on and on and on we go.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2011 07:54 am
voiceindarkness wrote:
Who is right, if everybody is wrong? Politics? Religion? Philosophy? Until the truth is revealed it cannot be known. God is the singularity of truth. Truth is at the heart of the matter.
If you can provide any credible proof to overcome any doubts that explain how your god is actually "the singularity of truth" then we can talk. As of right now, your god has no credible evidence to stand on.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2011 07:58 am
I personally don't think that you or anyone should actually "believe" anything, simply take the statements into consideration and evaluate the evidence that goes along with those statements to determine their validity. The problem is that theists just gobble up every morsel of "knowledge" that agree's with their belief's while automatically rejecting any that do not agree with them. That is irrational behavior for you cannot know if what you believe is right if you do not properly evaluate the evidence that is against it...which is substantial for all main stream religions.
Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2011 08:18 am
Chights47 wrote:

IThe problem is that theists just gobble up every morsel of "knowledge" that agree's with their belief's while automatically rejecting any that do not agree with them. That is irrational behavior for you cannot know if what you believe is right if you do not properly evaluate the evidence that is against it...which is substantial for all main stream religions.

That behaviour is not limited to theists, atheists like Bill are every bit as zealous and do exactly the same.
Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2011 08:48 am
While I do agree with you that atheists can be just as guilty as theists, theists are guilty of this far more often than atheists are.
Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2011 10:16 am
Depends where you're standing, most religious people are fairly muted this side of the Atlantic, you can't say the same about atheists. There is a brilliant illusionist called Derren Brown, I used to watch his stuff all the time, but I've stopped because he cannot stop preaching atheism, and it gets in the way of the show. Similarly Richard Dawkins does another good science show where they disect large animals, he can't keep saying how this is all proof of evolution, and that means he is correct to be an atheist. It really pisses me off, I don't watch religious programmes, and I should be able to watch a magic show, or a science documentary without being preached at.
Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2011 12:17 pm
That behaviour is not limited to theists, atheists like Bill are every bit as zealous and do exactly the same.

OK come up with one solid proof of a supernatural event and we can talk until then it is on it face all nonsense of the worst kind.

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