Quote:Mr Set.. If it is Spade's nightmare is it his fault? The world is made up of alot.. I already agreed his lashing out is based on trying to fit in and i KNOW you get that, it's also about being hurt, ever been hurt?
You do not even have to bother, trying to defend me, against Setanta...
Your words already carry weight...!~

And it is not worth your time...
I appreciate the words, hun...But I am completely happy, in my own skin...
I understand, and see things, that 99.99999% of the people will never see...That is what takes a tole, on me...And the fact, that people are not consciously aware, of these things...Nor, are they perceptive, of their awareness...And call me "crazy", about it...Seems to upset me...Since they do not understand, the words they speak...And, I have not found an acceptable way, of expressing it, yet...And am still finding that process...
It is not about me, trying to "fit in", or getting people to like me, if they do not...
It is about getting the people, who do like me...To appreciate me as a friend, and in return...My appreciation of them...
If someone, like Set, has no interest in being mine...I have no interest in being his...Other than, a heartfelt gesture, every now and then, like last night...
As any intellectually honest being, should do, and admit...
When they feel compelled, to do it...
Quote:I get how you see things but never try to put down how I see things, seems to have worked thus far ... People.... live.... that's a better way of feeling than your thoughts there of let them swim, sink, drown and die.
I am not, nor will ever, swim, sink, drown, and die...
Even if, I am lost, at times, (Just like everyone else), I am still found...If you know what I mean...
I do fail miserably, at many, many things...Just like everyone else, does...But So too, Am I very perceptive, of survival, and things that pertain to the Spirit world, that many, many claim does not even exist....
And it has enhanced, my instinctive abilities...On how to Survive, with almost nothing...Like Jesus Did...
I, no matter how much I fail, am not gonna drown or die...From people, of this world...Even if they think I will, or am...What they do not realize, Is they give me the inspiration, I need...By tearing me down...To even endure, what I have to do...To build me up, as a stronger person...All while they sit back, and claim...I am insane, or something ridiculous, because they do not even have the slightest notion of comprehending...The awareness of their surrounding reality...
If they want to continue, to call me, a mentally weak person...Because of things they will never understand...
I am fine with them, thinking that is a flaw...And not A supernatural thing...(Or in their words...A fit for survival, tool....)
Since they are not aware of this...
I have no problem, with them, If they think I am insane, in it...I can not blame them, for saying something, if they do not even understand me, or what I am saying...
Or if they are not currently aware, of something that I am...
Rather than label them as stupid or something, like some of them have to me...I already understand, if they do not know something, they can not simply understand the nature of what I am actually speaking...In depth...
Something, these Smart ones, do not seem to understand...